Web address .........................................42
QUIET mode ..........................................43
No line alert ..........................................44
Cell alert ................................................44
Telephone operation
Telephone operation...............................45
Make, answer or end a home
call .............................................................45
Call waiting on the home line .....47
Make, answer or end a cell call ... 47
Call waiting on the cell line ..........48
Answer an incoming cell call while
on a home call .....................................49
Cell phone voicemail ........................50
Answer an incoming home call
while on a cell call ............................50
Conference home and cell calls ... 51
Handset speakerphone ....................52
Last number redial .............................52
Silencing the ringer ...........................56
Handset locator ...................................57
Join a call in progress ......................57
Options while on calls ...........................58
Volume control ....................................58
Mute ..........................................................58
Temporary tone dialing ...................59
Hold ...........................................................60
Equalizer ..................................................60
Chain dialing .........................................61
Multiple handset
Intercom ........................................................63
Answer an incoming call
during an intercom call ...................66
Call transfer using intercom ...............67
Push-to-talk (PTT) ....................................70
Turn PTT incoming signal on
or off .........................................................70
PTT to a single handset...................71
PTT to multiple devices ...................73
Answer a PTT call ...............................75
Change a one-to-one PTT call
to an intercom call ............................76
Answer an incoming call
during PTT ..............................................76
Make an outgoing call during
PTT .............................................................77
End or leave a PTT call ....................77
About the directory .................................78
Create and review entries ....................79
Create a new entry in the
home directory ....................................79
To add a predialed telephone
number to the directory ..................82
Review the directory .........................84
Search by name...................................85
Dial a directory entry ........................85
Edit a directory entry ........................86
Edit the type of a directory
entry ..........................................................88
Delete a directory entry ..................88
Remove a downloaded directory ...88
Caller ID
About caller ID ..........................................89
Information about caller ID
with call waiting ..................................89
Caller ID operation ..................................90
How the caller ID history
(caller ID log) works ..........................90
Missed (new) call indicator ............90
Memory match .....................................90
Review the caller ID log ..................91
View dialing options ..........................92
Dial a caller ID log entry ................92
Save a caller ID log entry to
the directory .........................................93
To delete a single entry ..................95
To delete all entries ..........................95