Rough In Kit Information for
Ceiling Speaker
Installation Instructions
Rough-In Wall And Ceiling Bracket
to facilitate the installation of these speakers in new construction
projects. The bracket not only gives you a solid metal mounting frame
for extra support of the speaker, but also assures that the cut outs for
the speakers are of the proper size and location. The bracket is designed so that the mounting arms will span studs or joists on either
16" or 24" centers. The ange may be oriented either in a horizontal
or vertical fashion.
Ceiling Speaker Back Box
that there is sufcient room for the speaker back box and rough in
bracket and that lead wires and electrical conduit can be brought to
the planned location. 1/2" conduit electrical knock-outs are provided
on all four sides of the back box for wiring convenience.
The following kits will be availble:
IC-NC-6 New Construction Kit
ing rails and a steel plate for locating the speaker in the wallboard.
IC-NC-6 New Construction Kit
ing rails and a steel plate for locating the speaker in the wallboard
IC-BOX-6/8 Back Box
box mounts to the rails included with the New Construction Kit. The
appropriate kit must be ordered to install the back box.
Back Box Speaker
The bracket is designed
The installer must be certain
for the 6 CMS. Includes two mount-
for the 8 CMS. Includes two mount-
for either a 6 or 8 CMS speaker. The back
Assembly and Installation
Back BoxDimensions with Bracket:
15"W x 15-1/8"L x 6-1/2"D
If you are using a Ceiling Speaker Back Box, start with Step 1.
Otherwise, skip to Step 3 for Rough In Bracket assembly and installation.
Attach the rough in bracket ange, tabs facing out, to the
enclosure with the (2), #8 sheet metal screws provided.
Punch out one of the 4 knock-outs on the side of the enclosure
to bring in the speaker wire and attach a 1/2" conduit nipple
if necessary.
Slide one side of the ange of the bracket (or bracket/box as-
sembly) into one of the mounting arms, making certain that
it seats all the way under the rolled-over edge of the arm.
Slide the other arm onto the opposite side of the ange. Make
certain the arms are located evenly on the ange.
Measure the mounting location of the bracket (or bracket/
box) assembly against the stud work and attach it to the
studs with nails or screws. Make sure the ange is facing
side to side on the arms after the bracket is mounted for nal
position adjustment. Do not mount the assembly closer than
1-1/2” to a stud or joists to allow the clamping feet to swing
freely for clamping the speaker assembly in the wall or ceiling.
The bracket (or bracket/box) assembly may be slid from
Rough In Bracket
Side Rails (2 pcs)
#8 Philips Sheet
Metal Screw (2 pcs)
Route the speaker wire through the knock-out hole in the
back box and attach conduit if necessary to the installed
After the sheet rock or ceiling tiles are installed, the mounting
hole for the ceiling speaker may be cut out and the speaker
installed as normal with the clamping feet securing the assembly together.
343 Vanderbilt Avenue Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 762-6300 www.atlantictechnology.com