Atec TR-Mark-III User Manual

Three Phase Turns Ratiometer
Sp e ci f i c at i o n S :
Mo d e l : tR-Ma R k iii
Si z e : L: 470mm (18.5”) W: 371mm (14.6”) H: 190mm (7.5”) We i g h t : 9.5 kg (21 lbs.) in p u t li n e po W e R : 100 to 250 VAC 47-63 Hz, auto ranging, Fuse: 2A te S t Vo lta g e : User selectable 100, 40, 10, and 1Vac, 1A pa n e l di S p l a y : Color LCD with back lighting and touch screen fR o n t pa n e l : Sealed anodized in t e R f a c e : 9 pin RS232 serial / 2 USB 1.1 (1 host, 1 device) Me M o R y St o R a g e : Stores over 10,000 complete test results Ra t i o Ra n g e : 0.8…16,000 op e R a t i n g te M p e R a t u R e -10° C to 60° C St o R a g e te M p e R a t u R e -20° C to 70° C
TR - MaRk iii
Range Accuracy at 100 V or 40 V Accuracy 10 V Resolution
0.8 ... 2000 ±0.06% Rdg ±1 LSD ±0.15 % Rdg ±2 LSD 5 Digits 2001 ... 4000 ±0.1% Rdg ±1 LSD ±0.22% Rdg ±2 LSD 5 Digits 4001 ... 13000 ±0.3% Rdg ±1 LSD ±0.5% Rdg ±2 LSD 5 Digits 13000 ... 16000 ±0.4% Rdg ±1 LSD not specified 5 Digits
Current Accuracy Resolution
0 ... 1A ±0.001 A 0.1mA
Phase Angle Accuracy Resolution
±90 Degree ±0.05 Degree 0.01 Degree
fe a t u R e S :
• Automatic measurements of voltage, turns ratio, current, and phase displacement
• Easy one time hook up to the transformer
• Automatic test voltage range
• Displays deviation from a nominal ratio
• Simple touch screen operation
• Graphical tap changer display
• Tap changer interface
• Load on test object <0.05 VA
• Measures power transformers PTs and CTs
• Displays % error vs. name plate value
• Automatic phase vector detection
• Enhanced heavy-duty protection circuitry
• Emergency stop push button immediately turns off output
• Internal printer
• Data storage of over 10,000 measurements
• Data exchange with USB-key
• Mounted in rugged case for field-testing
• 5 Year standard warranty*
ca b l e Se t / ac c e S S o R i e S :
• H and X lead-set – 5m each
• H and X extensions – 10m each
• Safety ground, power cord
• External USB-key, USB and RS-232 Cable
• Instruction manual, printer paper (5 rolls)
• Cable bag
op t i o n a l it e M S :
External trigger for tap changer testing Three phase supply for phase shifting and Zig-Zag transformers TR-Mark IIIR – 19” 4U Rackmount version available
Specifications are subject to improvement at any time.
Raytech USA 90C Randall Avenue, Woodlyn, PA 19094 | Ph: +610 833 3016 | Toll Free: 888 484 3779 | Fx: +610 833 3018 |