Atec TLA700 User Manual

MagniVu™Acquisition Technology Provides 500 ps Timing Resolution on All Channels All the Time Through a Single Probe
Up to 200 MHz State Acquisition with 400 MHz Data Rate Supports Advanced Processors and Buses
Simultaneous State and High Speed Timing Analysis Through the Same Probes Pinpoints Elusive Integration Faults
64 Channel Pattern Generator with up to 268 MHz and up to 2 MB Memory Depth Provides Digital Stimulus for Functional Verification, Debugging and Stress Testing
Four Channel Digitizing Oscilloscope with up to 1 GHz, 5 GS/s Provides High­fidelity Signal Quality Measurements of Digital Signals
Expansion Mainframe Supports up to 16 Modules with up to 2,176 LA channels, 1,024 Pattern Generator Channels or 64 Digitizing Oscilloscope channels for Large, Multiple Processor and Bus Applications
Windows®-based PC Platform Provides Familiar User Interface With Network Connectivity
Hardware Debug and Verification Processor/Bus Debug and Verification Embedded Software Integration, Debug
and Verification Embedded Real-time Software
Optimization System Validation
Today’s digital design engineers face daily pressures to speed new products to the marketplace. The TLA 700 Series answers the need with breakthrough
solutions for the entire design team, providing the ability to quickly monitor, capture and analyze real­time system operation in order to debug, verify, optimize and validate digital systems.
Features and Benefits Applications
Logic Analyzers
TLA 700 Series
Logic Analyzer Modules
Number of Channels per Module (all chan­nels are acquired including clocks) –
TLA 7N1: 34 channels (2 are clock/qualifier channels). TLA 7N2, TLA 7P2: 68 channels (4 are clock/ qualifier channels). TLA 7N3: 102 channels (4 are clock/qualifier and 2 are qualifier channels). TLA 7N4, TLA 7P4: 136 channels (4 are clock/qualifier and 4 are qualifier channels). Channel Grouping – No limit to number of groups or number of channels per group (all channels can be reused in multiple groups).
Module “Merging” – Three 102 channel or 136 channel modules can be “merged” to make up to a 408 channel module. Merged modules exhibit the same depth as the lesser of the three individ­ual modules. Word/range/setup-and­hold/glitch/transition recognizers span all three modules. Only one set of clock connections is required.
Time Stamp – 50 Bits at 500 ps resolution (6.5 day range).
Clocking/Acquisition Modes- State, timing, simultaneous.
Number of Mainframe Slots Required – 2.
Capacitive Loading –
1.4 pF typical data; 2pF typical clock (P6418). 2 pF typical (P6417 & P6434).
Threshold Selection Range – From +5.0 V to –2.0 V in 50 mV increments.
Threshold Selection Channel Granularity –
Separate selection for clock (1) and data (16) for each 17 channel probe connector.
Threshold Accuracy (including probe) –
±100 mV.
Input Voltage Range –
Operating: 6.5 V
centered around the pro­grammed threshold. Non-destructive: ±15 V.
Input Signal Swing (probe overdrive) –
±250 mV or ±25% of signal swing, whichever is greater (P6417 & P6418). ±300 mV or ± 25% of signal swing (P6434).
Input Signal Minimum Slew Rate –
200 mV/ns typical.
Maximum Synchronous Clock Rate –
100M Hz standard, 200 M Hz optional.
Maximum Data Rate (Half Channels) –
400 MHz, typical. Requires 200 MHz state option. State Memory Depth – 64 K, 256 K, 1 M, 4 M
or 16M bits per channel. Setup Time Selection Range – From 8.5 ns
before, to 7.0 ns after clock edge.
Setup-and-hold Window – 2.0 ns typical. Minimum Clock Pulse Width – 2 ns. Active Clock Edge Separation – 5 ns. Demux Channel Selection – 32 channels can
be demultiplexed to other channels through user interface; for all channels contact local Tektronix account manager.
Main Timing Resolution – 4 ns to 50 ms. Main Timing Resolution with Glitch Storage Enabled – 10 ns to 50 ms. Main Timing Memory Depth (with or with­out transitional storage enabled) – 64 K,
256 K, 1 M, 4 M or 16M bits per channel.
Main Timing Memory Depth with Glitch Storage Enabled – Half of default main
memory depth.
MagniVu – 500 ps. MagniVu Timing Memory Depth – 2 Kbits
(2048) per channel.
Channel-to-channel Skew – 1 ns typical. Minimum Recognizable Pulse Width (single channel) – 2 ns. Minimum Recognizable Glitch Width (single channel) – 2 ns. Minimum Recognizable Multi-channel Trigger Event – Sample period + 2 ns.
Independent Trigger States – 16. Maximum Independent If/then Clauses per State – 16. Maximum Number of Events per If/then Clause – 8. Maximum Number of Actions per If/then Clause – 8. Maximum Number of Trigger Events – 18
(2 counter/timers plus any 16 other resources).
Number of Word Recognizers– 16. Number of Range Recognizers – 4. Number of Counter/Timers – 2. Trigger Event Types – Word, group, channel,
transition, range, anything, counter value, timer value, signal, glitch, setup-and-hold violation. Trigger Action Types – Trigger module, trigger all, store, don’t store, start store, stop store, incre­ment counter, reset counter, start timer, stop timer, reset timer, goto state, set/clear signal, do nothing.
Trigger Sequence Rate – DC to 250 MHz (4 ns). Counter/Timer Range – 51 bits each (>100 days @ 4 ns).
Counter Rate – DC to 250 MHz (4 ns). Timer Clock Rate – 250 MHz (4 ns). Counter/Timer Latency – None (can be tested
or reset immediately after starting). Range Recognizers – Double bounded (can be as wide as any group, must be grouped accord­ing to specified order of significance).
Setup-and-hold Violation Recognizer Setup Time Range – From 8 ns before to 7 ns after
clock edge in 0.5 ns increments.
Setup-and-hold Violation Recognizer Hold Time Range – From 7 ns before to 8 ns after
clock edge in 0.5 ns increments.
Trigger Position – Any data sample. MagniVu Trigger Position – MagniVu data is
centered around the module trigger. Storage Control (data qualification) – Global (conditional), by state (start/stop), by trigger action, or transitional. Storage Window Granularity – Single sample or block-of-31 samples before and after.
Logic Analyzer Module Physical Characteristics
Dimensions mm in.
Height 262 10.3 Width 61 2.4 Depth 381 15
Weight kg lb.
Net 3.1 6.7 Shipping 6.3 13.7
P6417 Probe Cable Length – 1.8 m (6 ft.). P6418 Probe Cable Length – 1.9 m (6.25 ft.). P6434 Probe Cable Length – 1.5 m (5 ft.).
All three probes have the same electrical length.
Pattern Generator Module
Data Width –
64 Channel full channel mode. 32 Channel half channel mode.
Module “Merging” – Five modules can be “merged” to make up to a 320 channel module. Merged modules exhibit the same depth as the lesser of the 5 individual modules.
Number of Mainframe Slots Required – 2. Data Rate –
Internal Clock:
0.5 Hz to 134M Hz full channel mode.
1.0Hz to 268 M Hz half channel mode.
External Clock:
DC to 134M Hz full channel mode. DC to 268 MHz half channel mode.
External Clock Input –
Polarity: positive or negative. Threshold: –2.56 V to +2.54 V, nominal; program­mable in 20 mV increments. Sensitivity: 500 mV
Impedance: 1 kterminated to ground.
Data Depth –
256 K full channel/512K half channel. 1 M full channel/2 M half channel (optional).
Blocks – Separate sections of pattern program that are output in a user definable order by the Sequencer. Block pattern depth can be from 40 sequences (full channel mode) or 80 sequences (half channel mode) up to the entire depth of the TLA 7PG2. A maximum of 4,000 Blocks may be defined. Sequencer – A 4000 line memory that allows the user to pick the output order of individual Blocks. Each line in the sequencer allows the defi­nition of a Block to be output, a Repeat Count for that Block, A Wait For event condition for the Block, the Signal state for that Block (asserted or unasserted), and a Jump If event condition, with a sequence line to jump to if the condition is satisfied. Sub-Sequences – Up to 50 contiguous lines of the Sequencer memory may be defined as a Sub­Sequence. A Sub-Sequence can then be treated like a block. (Example: 15 Sequences of Blocks are defined as Sub-Sequence A1. Now any line in the Sequencer can output A1. Five calls to Sub­Sequence A1 will be flattened out to 75 sequences at run time.) Jump If – Jumps to the specified sequence if a user defined event is true. The user defined event is a boolean combination of the eight external event input lines and the one-of-four intermodule signals. The user defined Event is selectable between level and edge (event going from false to true). One Jump If may be defined for every Block. The Jump If command works at all clock rates, including the maximum half channel mode rate of 268 MHz. Wait For – Pattern output is paused until the user defined Event is true. One Wait For may be defined for every Block. Assert Signal – One of the four inter-module signals is selected to be controlled from the pat­tern generator program. Signals may be asserted and unasserted allowing true interaction with the logic analyzer modules and with other pattern generator modules. Signal action (assert or unassert) may be defined for every Block. Repeat Count – The sequence is repeated from 1 to 65,536 times. Infinite may also be selected. One Repeat Count may be defined for every Block. Note that a Repeat value of 10,000 takes one sequence line in memory, not 10,000. Step – While in Step mode, the TLA 7PG2, the user can manually satisfy (i.e., click an icon) Wait For and Jump conditional events. This allows the user to debug the logic flow of the program’s sequencing. Initialization Block – The unconditional Jump command allows the user to implement an equiv­alent function.
Number of Data Outputs –
16 in Full Channel Mode. 8 in Half Channel Mode.
Number of Clock Outputs – 1. (Only one of Clock Output and Strobe Output can be enabled.)
Number of Strobe Outputs – 1. (Only one of Clock Output and Strobe Output can be enabled.)
Number of External Event Input – 2. Clock Output Polarity – Positive. Strobe Type – RZ only. Strobe Delay – Zero or Trailing Edge.
Output Type –
HD74LVC541A for Data Output. HD74LVC244A for Clock/Strobe Output.
Rise/Fall Time (20% to 80%) –
Timing values Timing values
measured using measured using
75 termination 75 termination
(internal to probe), (internal to probe),
1M Ω + <1 pF 510 + 51 pF
load and V
load and V
set to 5.0 V set to 5.0 V
Clock/Strobe Output:
Rise: 640 ps typical 6.5 ns typical Fall: 1.1 ns typical 6.3ns typical
Data Output:
Rise: 680 ps typical 5.2 ns typical Fall: 2.9ns typical 4.5 ns typical
Output Voltage (nominal, load: 1 MΩ)–
: 2.0 V to 5.5 V, tri-stateable, programmable in 25 mV increments. V
: 0 V.
Data Output Skew –
< 510 ps typical between all data output pins of all modules in the mainframe after inter-module skew is adjusted manually. < 480 ps typical between all data output pins of single probe.
Data Output to Strobe Output Delay –
1.7 ns typical when strobe delay set to zero.
Data Output to Clock Output Delay –
2.4 ns typical.
External Clock Input to Clock Output Delay –
Full Channel mode: 61.5 ns typical. Half Channel mode: 61.5 ns typical.
Number of External Inhibit Input – 1. External Inhibit Input to Output Enable
Delay – 34 ns typical for Data Output. External Inhibit Input to Output Disable
Delay – 86 ns typical for Data Output. Probe D Data Output to Output Enable
Delay – (for Internal Inhibit) 7 ns typical for Data
Probe D Data Output to Output Disable Delay – (for Internal Inhibit) 8 ns typical for Data
External Event Input to Clock Output Setup (for inhibit) (event-filter: off) –
Full Channel mode: 1.5 clocks + 150ns typical. Half Channel mode: 2 clocks + 150ns t ypical.
External Event Input and Inhibit Input –
Input Type: 74LVC14A. Minimum Pulse Width: 100ns.
Output Type –
100E151 for data output. 100EL16 for strobe output. 100EL04 for clock output. All outputs are unterminated.
Rise/Fall Time (20% to 80%) –
Timing values measured
using 51s to –2.0 V
Clock Output:
Rise: 320 ps typical Fall: 330 ps typical
Data Output:
Rise: 1200 ps typical Fall: 710 ps typical
Strobe Output:
Rise: 290 ps typical Fall: 270 ps typical
Data Output Skew –
<170 ps typical between all data output pins of all modules in the mainframe after inter-module skew is adjusted manually. <140 ps typical between all data output pins of single probe.
Data Output to Strobe Output Delay –
2.94 ns typical when strobe delay set to zero.
Data Output to Clock Output Delay –
780 ps typical.
External Clock Input to Clock Output Delay – 51 ns typical.
External Event Input –
Input Level: ECL. Input Type: 10H116. Minimum Pulse Width: 50 ns.
Pattern Generator Module Physical Characteristics
Dimensions mm in.
Height 262 10.3 Width 61 2.4 Depth 381 15
Weight kg lb.
Net 3.0 6.5 Shipping 6.2 13.5
P6470 Probe Cable Length– 1.6 m (5 ft.) P6471 Probe Cable Length – 1.6 m (5 ft.)
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