Atec TDS5000B User Manual

Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS5000B Series
The World’s Easiest to Use Midrange Oscilloscope
MyScope Custom Control Windows
The TDS5000B Series offers the industry’s
first easily customizable oscilloscope user
interface. MyScope control windows is a
revolutionary new feature that allows you
to build your own control windows with
only the controls, features, and capabilities
that you care about and are important in your
job. For the first time, you can pull all the
functionality you need from all the various
parts of the oscilloscope into one control
window, effectively creating your own per-
sonalized “toolbox” of oscilloscope features.
No longer do you need to search through
menus for features or re-learn how to drive
the oscilloscope after a break from the lab.
MyScope control windows enable you to
spend your valuable time focused on the
task at hand rather than navigating menus
on your oscilloscope. And creating these
custom control windows isn’t a long drawn-
out or complex process. They are easily
created in a matter of minutes using a
simple, visual, drag and drop process. Once
created, these custom control windows
are easily accessed through a dedicated
MyScope button and menu selection on the
oscilloscope button/menu bar, just like any
other control window. You can make an
unlimited number of custom control windows,
enabling each person who uses the oscillo-
scope, in a shared environment, to have
their own unique control window. Since the
Features & Benefits
1 GHz, 500, 350 MHz Bandwidth Models
2 and 4 Channel Models
5 GS/s Sample Rate
Up to 16 MS Record Length
100,000 wfms/s Maximum Waveform Capture Rate
Right Mouse Click Menus for Exceptional Efficiency
OpenChoice™Platform with Windows 2000 Delivers Built-in Networking and Analysis
Small Footprint/Light Weight
10.4 in. Bright Display
Suite of Advanced Triggers
Communication Mask Testing
Pass/Fail Limit Testing
Remote Viewing and Control
E-mail on Event
CD-RW Drive
Built-in Printer (Optional)
Interoperability with Tektronix Logic Analyzers
Digital Design and Debug
Mask Testing for Telecomm/ Datacomm/Video Standards
Investigation of Transient Phenomena
Power Measurements
Video Design and Debug
DVD, Jitter and Timing, Spectral Analysis
Automotive Electronics
Manufacturing Test
Industrial Control
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS5000B Series
control windows are stored as files on the
hard drive, they can easily be transferred
to other TDS5000B Series oscilloscopes, or
they can even be e-mailed to a co-worker
around the world when the need arises.
MyScope control windows will benefit all
oscilloscope users, from eliminating the
ramp-up time that many face when returning
to the lab after not using an oscilloscope for
a while, to the power user who can now
operate far more efficiently. Everything you
need is found in one control window rather
than having to constantly navigate through
menu after menu to repeat similar tasks.
Right Clicks
The TDS5000B also introduces a compre-
hensive suite of right mouse click menus that
make simple things as they should be –
simple. Right click menus are context sensi-
tive, meaning the choices presented in the
menu depend on where you right clicked
the mouse. This makes right click menus
extremely intuitive. Want to change the cursor
type? Right click on a cursor or the cursor
readouts. Want to change the reference levels
of an automatic measurement? Right click
on the measurement. Want to change trigger
parameters? Right click on the trigger read-
outs. Want to change a waveform’s color?
Right click on the waveform handle. Virtually
all objects on the oscilloscope display have
MyScope. MyScope control windows are created using a simple, visual drag and drop process.
right click menus associated with them that
include all the appropriate actions or features
relative to those objects. There are also
right click menus for regions of the display
in addition to just objects. For example, right
clicking in the main graticule brings up a
menu with choices such as Clear Data,
Default Setup, Autoset, Screen Captures,
Save All Waveforms, and Add Screen Text,
providing single click access to many of
your most commonly performed tasks.
The customization and efficiency provided
by MyScope control windows and right click
menus make the TDS5000B Series the world’s
easiest to use midrange oscilloscope, enabling
you to achieve levels of productivity you
wouldn’t have thought possible with your
current oscilloscope.
MyScope. Once created, they are just like other control windows in the instrument and are easily accessed from either the menu or button bars.
The Performance and Feature Set You Expect
The TDS5000B Series digital phosphor
oscilloscopes (DPO) deliver up to 1 GHz
bandwidth, 5 GS/s real-time sample rate,
16 M record length, and a suite of advanced
triggers, enabling you to capture and char-
acterize even your most demanding signals.
DPOs provide unmatched insight into signal
behavior by displaying, storing and analyzing
complex signals in real-time using three
dimensions of signal information: amplitude,
time and distribution of amplitude over time.
The TDS5000B Series DPO, enabled by
Tektronix proprietary DPX
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS5000B Series
Elusive Glitch. Fast waveform capture rate, enabled by Tektronix proprietary DPX acquisition technology, maximizes the probability of capturing elusive glitches and other infrequent events.
technology, delivers greater than 100,000
waveforms per second capture rates.
Some oscilloscope vendors claim high
waveform capture rates for short bursts
of time, but only DPOs, enabled by DPX
technology, can deliver these fast waveform
capture rates on a sustained basis – saving
minutes, hours or even days by quickly
revealing the nature of faults so sophisticated
trigger modes can be applied to isolate them.
Advanced Waveform Analysis
The TDS5000B Series includes a complete
parametric measurement system for signal
characterization. Select from 53 automatic
measurements using a graphical palette
that logically organizes measurements into
Amplitude, Time, Combination, Histogram,
and Communications categories. Gather
further insight into your measurement
results with statistical data such as mean,
min, max, standard deviation, and population.
Waveform cursors make it easy to measure
trace-to-trace timing characteristics, while
cursors that link between YT and XY display
modes make it easy to investigate phase
relationships and Safe Operating Area viola-
tions. Define and apply math expressions
to waveform data for on-screen results in
terms that you can use. Access common
waveform math functions with the touch
of a button. Or, for advanced applications,
create algebraic expressions consisting of
waveforms sources, math functions, meas-
urement values, scalars, and user adjustable
variables with an easy-to-use calculator-
style editor.
Applied measurement extensions can be
installed to enhance TDS5000B capability.
These software applications build on the
precision acquisition performance of the
TDS5000B Series to address the need for
application specific measurements to quick-
ly quantify device and system performance.
Optional applications include power meas-
urement and analysis, jitter and timing
analysis, disk drive measurements, USB
compliance testing, optical storage analysis,
ANSI/ITU telecom pulse compliance, and
Ethernet compliance testing.
OpenChoice Architecture
The TDS5000B Series includes open access
to the MS Windows 2000 operating envi-
ronment. While the instrument remains a
dedicated oscilloscope, the ability to access
the MS Windows desktop creates a powerful
tool. Built-in applications such as WordPad,
Paint and a Web browser allow you to con-
currently maintain lab notes while working
with the instrument. This saves time and
eliminates error-prone steps associated with
transporting images for later report develop-
ment. Other applications such as Microsoft
Word or Excel, MATLAB and LabVIEW can be
installed on the instrument to accomplish
local documentation or signal analysis.
Installation of the oscilloscope on the LAN
enables Web-based information browsing,
e-mail exchange, printing and file sharing.
Using the embedded PCI bus, waveform
data can be moved directly from acquisition
to analysis applications on the Windows
desktop at much faster speeds than
conventional GPIB transfers.
In addition, the OpenChoice architecture
provides a comprehensive software infra-
structure for faster, more versatile operations.
Data transfer programs, such as the Excel
Toolbar, Word Toolbar, and Report Generator
are used to simplify analysis and documen-
tation on the Windows desktop or on external
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS5000B Series
OpenChoice Platform. Capturing data into Microsoft Excel using the unique Excel Toolbar and then creating a custom report using the Tektronix Report Generator.
PCs. Tektronix’ implementation of industry-
standard protocols, such as TekVISA
interface and ActiveX Control, are included
for using and enhancing Windows applica-
tions for data analysis and documentation.
Or, use the Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) to
help create custom software to automate
multi-step processes in waveform collection
and analysis with Visual BASIC, C, C++,
MATLAB, LabVIEW, La bWindows/CVI and
other common Application Development
Environments (ADE). Integration of the oscil-
loscope with external PCs and non-Windows
hosts is also supported by the TDS5000B
Series software solutions. Plug-and-play
and IVI instrument drivers are included to
enable easy communication with the oscil-
loscope using GPIB, Serial, and LAN
connections from programs running on the
instrument or an external PC. UNIX applica-
tions, and other LAN resources, can connect
directly over Ethernet using the VXI 11.2
server included on the TDS5000B Series.
Digital Design and Debug. Tektronix Integrated View (iView) fully integrates the performance and measurement accuracy of a Tektronix oscilloscope with the multi-channel and powerful triggering capabilities of a Tektronix logic analyzer in one display, allowing designers to quickly verify and debug their designs.
The unparalleled ease-of-use, coupled
with the TDS5000B’s high performance,
OpenChoice platform, and comprehensive
feature set all in a compact benchtop pack-
age, provides exceptional value.
The TDS5000B Series’ high performance
features make it ideal for a multitude of
applications, such as digital design and debug,
power measurements, communications
mask testing, and video design.
Digital Design and Debug
The interoperability of the TDS5000B Series
oscilloscope with the Tektronix TLA5000
Series logic analyzer made possible by
Tektronix Integrated View (iView
) enables
digital designers to solve signal integrity
challenges and effectively debug and verify
their systems more quickly and easily. The
iView feature fully integrates the industry-
leading performance and measurement
accuracy of a Tektronix oscilloscope with
the multi-channel and powerful triggering
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
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