Atec SMF100A User Manual

¸SMF100A Microwave Signal Generator
Signal generation redefined
Max. frequency range from 100 kHz to 43.5 GHz Excellent SSB phase noise of typ. –120 dBc (at 10 GHz; 10 kHz carrier offset) Very high output power of typ. +25 dBm
Ideal in all areas
R & D – Production – Service as well as maintenance – and repair
Remote control via GPIB, Ethernet or USB Innovative block diagram operation
2 ¸SMF100A Microwave Signal Generator
At a glance
Signal quality, speed, and flexibility – these are decisive properties for a signal generator in the microwave range.
To meet even the highest of require­ments, the ¸SMF100A microwave signal generator was completely rede­signed and newly developed. The result is a first-rate, state-of-the-art microwave signal generator that sets new standards. It thus covers the numerous fields of ap­plication encountered in R & D, produc­tion, service, maintenance, and repair.
The ¸SMF100A operates in the wide frequency range from 100 kHz to
43.5 GHz with specific configurations. In addition to CW signals, all common types of analog modulation (AM, FM, jM, pulse modulation) or combinations thereof can be generated.
For just one example among many, take the following application: What can you do when cable loss at high frequen­cies starts becoming a larger and larger problem? Subsequent amplifiers repre­sent one solution – or you can simply use the ¸SMF100A equipped with the ¸SMF-B32 or ¸SMF-B34 option that supplies a high output power of typ. +25 dBm at 20 GHz.
The ¸SMF100A signal generator offers a modern graphical user inter­face for fast and intuitive operation. The settings – which, for the first time in
a microwave signal generator, can be controlled via a block diagram – and the signal flow can be seen at a glance.
Special features
Excellent signal quality
Exceptionally low single sideband phase noise:
typ. –120 dBc
(at 10 GHz; 10 kHz carrier offset; 1 Hz measurement bandwidth) Very low wideband noise:
typ. <–148 dBc at 10 GHz
(>10 MHz carrier offset; 1 Hz mea­surement bandwidth; at +10 dBm) Very low harmonics:
typ. <–55 dBc at 10 GHz
(at +10 dBm) High suppression of nonharmonics:
typ. <–62 dBc at 10 GHz
(>3 kHz carrier offset; at +10 dBm)
Ideal for use in production
Very short level and frequency setting times across entire level and frequency range:
<4 ms (frequency), <3 ms (level), <700 µs (List mode; frequency and level)
Very high output power of up to typ. +25 dBm Outstanding absolute level accuracy and level repeatability Selection of interfaces for remote control Low space requirement in rack: only three height units
Aerospace & defense applications
Optional pulse modulator with excellent data:
>80 dB on/off ratio <10 ns rise/fall time <20 ns pulse width
Optional pulse generator Optional pulse train Optional removable compact flash disk to meet high security requirements
All-purpose applications
Frequency range 100 kHz to 43.5 GHz Frequency, level, and LF sweeps AM, broadband FM, jM, pulse modulation Two multifunction generators up to 10 MHz Usable for scalar network analysis with ¸-NRP-Zx power sensor connected
Intuitive operating concept
Intuitive operating interface with graphical representation of the signal flow (block diagram) Operation with rotary knob on instrument or with USB mouse VGA color display with 640 pixels × 480 pixels
Selection of interfaces
Remote control via GPIB, Ethernet or USB USB ports for keyboard, mouse, and memory stick Connector for ¸NRP-Zx power sen- sors for precise power measurement Control via remote operation tool (e.g. VNC)
0 18 000 36 000 54 000 72 000
000 126 000 144 000
Level repeatability in dB
Switching cycles
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Measurement time in hours
Everything in one instrument
The ¸SMF100A base unit with frequency option included already offers the essential functions and interfaces. This basic configuration can be adapted to meet the requirements of further applications by adding specific options.
The ¸SMF100A has outstanding specifications. Additional options for improving performance are not needed. This gives you a decisive advantage as the user. You no longer need to carry out tedious option configurations in order to increase performance.
The base unit with frequency options included consists of the following:
Precise output level
Precise and stable output levels are essential in a microwave signal generator. Furthermore, high resolution is required when calibrating levels in measuring receivers. Therefore, the ¸SMF100A offers high-precision, frequency-response-corrected level control across the entire level range.
Of course, the ¸SMF100A includes outstanding absolute level accuracy. But even more important is its level repeatability, since absolute errors can be compensated for by means of the appropriate corrections. Particu­larly in the case of repeatability, the ¸SMF100A sets new standards as shown in the figure below.
Digital frequency and level sweep
The digital frequency sweep makes it possible to perform frequency response measurements of microwave applications. Start and stop frequencies as well as step times are user-selectable. A trigger input enables synchronized op­eration with external equipment.
The level sweep across any level range makes it possible, for example, to measure the compression characteristic of amplifiers or mixers.
¸SMF100A base unit plus ¸SMF-B122 frequency option (1 GHz to 22 GHz) ¸SMF100A base unit plus ¸SMF-B144 frequency option (1 GHz to 43.5 GHz)
High frequency resolution
To meet the high requirements of many applications in research and science, the frequency options offer a frequency resolution of one-thousandth of a hertz
(0.001 Hz) as standard. With the optional ¸SMF-B2 fre- quency extension plus one of the fre­quency options, the frequency range starts at 100 kHz
This package contains the following as standard:
Excellent spectral purity
Absolutely no compromises have been made here. Everything technically fea­sible has been implemented. Both the SSB phase noise and the outstanding suppression of harmonics and nonhar­monics earn top grades. This is a must for anyone working in the area of scalar network analysis, for example.
¸SMF100A Microwave Signal Generator 3
Level repeatability over time (with random frequency and level changes between measurements)
4 ¸SMF100A Microwave Signal Generator
Additional options
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Level in dBm
Frequency in GHz
With ¸SMF-B34 high output power option Without ¸SMF-B34 high output power option Output power of the ¸SMF-B2 frequency extension
0 5 10 15 20
Level in dBm
Frequency in GHz
With ¸SMF-B32 high output power option
Without ¸SMF-B32 high output power option
The ¸SMF100A can be expanded with the following options in order to further adapt it to a wide variety of applications:
Expanded level range
For sensitivity measurements on receivers, very low levels are needed. With the op­tional ¸SMF-B26 or ¸SMF-B27 step attenuator, the lower level limit is shifted from –20 dBm without attenuator down to –130 dBm with attenuator.
Log AM
possible with no restrictions
possible with restrictions
not feasible
Modulation matrix
High output level
In many microwave test setups, various equipment such as long cables, power splitters, directional couplers, or RF relays cause high loss. One possible solution here is an expensive exter-
Maximum output power with and without the R&S®SMF-B34 high output power option in the frequency range 100 kHz to 43.5 GHz (¸SMF-B144 and ¸SMF-B2; with the R&S®SMF-B27 step attenuator option); the lower curve in the frequency range 100 kHz to 1 GHz is with activated pulse modulator of the R&S®SMF-B2 frequency extension
nal microwave amplifier. But you can
avoid this budget-consuming compo-
nent by using the ¸SMF-B32 or
¸SMF-B34 high output power option
with up to typ. +25 dBm at 20 GHz.
AM, FM, jM, and Log AM including LF generators and noise generator
The ¸SMF-B20 AM/FM/jM/LOG AM option complements the ¸SMF100A microwave signal generator. This expan­sion also includes two LF generators and a noise generator, making any combina­tion of modulation modes possible. The table above provides an overview.
Analog ramp sweep mode
The analog ramp sweep mode (provided by the ¸SMF-K4 option) corresponds to the analog sweep of classic sweep generators except that the sweep is fully synchronized over the complete range. In this way, the excellent frequency ac­curacy of digital step sweeps is achieved on the whole, and this at much higher sweep rates of min. 700 MHz/ms at fre­quencies 3 GHz.
Maximum output power with and without the R&S®SMF-B32 high output power option in the frequency range 1 GHz to 22 GHz (¸SMF-B122; in both cases with the R&S®SMF-B26 step attenuator option)
High-end pulse modulation
The ¸SMF100A can additionally be equipped with the ¸SMF-K3 pulse modulation option. Even high require­ments are exceeded by an ON/OFF ratio of >80 dB, a rise/fall time of <10 ns, and a minimum pulse width of <20 ns.
High-quality pulse generator
In the case of pulsed signals, the combination of the ¸SMF-K3 pulse modulator option and the internal ¸SMF-K23 pulse generator option offers the ideal solution – particularly
1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
22 GHz
1 GHz
3 GHz
10 GHz
40 GHz
Offset frequency in Hz
SSB phase noise in dBc (1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
¸SMF100A Microwave Signal Generator 5
if you do not have a high-quality pulse
RF signal
generator for testing. However, the internal pulse generator can also be used by itself in external applications via designated outputs.
One new optional feature of the built­in pulse generator is the alternative to generate "pulse trains" (¸SMF-K27 option), which are commonly used for ra­dar applications. An example of a pulse train is shown in the figure on the right. In contrast to single or double pulses, "pulse trains" are a combination of dif­ferent pulses, which can be a periodical or non-periodical set of pulses.
Highly stable output frequency
The integrated reference oscillator included as standard keeps the output frequency precise and low in drift. To meet the highest of requirements in precision and aging, you can add the ¸SMF-B1 OCXO reference oscillator option to the ¸SMF100A.
Pulse train: combination of pulses with different pulse widths and pauses
Excellent signal quality
Due to an innovative synthesizer con-
cept, the ¸SMF100A offers excellent
values in terms of SSB phase noise,
wideband noise, and non harmonics sup-
pression. It is the ideal solution for all
measurement applications in which the
very high spectral purity of typ. –120 dBc
(10 GHz; 10 kHz carrier offset; 1 Hz mea-
surement bandwidth) is needed. For ex-
ample, it can be used in communications
systems as an IF or LO substitute for
adjacent channel or phase noise mea-
surements or in low-noise radar as an ultra-pure signal source.
The ¸SMF100A offers this out­standing signal quality because it includes an integrated reference oscillator as standard. You can improve this quality even further very near the carrier by adding the ¸SMF-B22 enhanced phase noise option.
Single sideband phase noise for various frequencies with the R&S®SMF-B22 enhanced phase noise performance option
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