Sorensen SL Series
75 W–14.4 kW
DC and AC/DC Electronic Loads
• Flexible Product Line
- Low power DC modules
- Low power AC modules
- High power DC,
• Remote: GPIB, RS-232, Analog
• DC Modes: CC, CR, CV, CP
• AC Modes: CR, CC with crest factor control
• Dynamic mode with slew rate control
• Flexible Data Feedback
• Current monitor output (SLM DC only)
The Sorensen SL series electronic loads offer the
best value with the most exible platform. A wide
range of loads are available from 75-1800W with
both DC and AC input in benchtop, modular and
standalone form factors.
SLM Mainframe
The SLM mainframe choices include a convenient
single-bay conguration for benchtop/desktop
applications or a four bay conguration for
multichannel and ATE requirements. Either chassis
is compatible with SLM- and SLD- loads. Each
chassis contains non-volatile memory capable of
storing up to 150 module setups and nine 16-step
sequences for automated, standalone testing.
Or for more complex test sequences, the chassis
come with GPIB (optional on SLM-1) and RS-232
as standard interfaces.
SLM Family
The SLM family includes nine models of fully
programmable, single input AC or DC modular
electronic loads. DC models are offered to
test power supplies, battery chargers, battery
discharge, power supply transient response and
integration into ATE systems. AC models are ideal
to test low power inverters.
The DC models support operation in Constant
Current (CC), Constant Voltage (CV), Constant
Resistance (CR) or Constant Power (CP) mode
as well as a short simulation. Engineers have
60–500 V
1–720 A
100 115 230
ultimate control of current waveforms by using
either the analog input or CC dynamic mode.
An analog input (single input DC models) allows
arbitrary current waveforms up to 20kHz with an
external 0-10V signal. In dynamic mode, the pulse
generator allows fast state switching between
two programmed current levels with programmed
slew rate and dwell times.
SLD Family
The SLD family offers six models of fully
programmable, dual input modular electronic
loads. These DC modules are specically designed
for low power, high channel count testing and
provide the highest channel density available.
SLH Family
Fully programmable, high power AC or DC
electronic loads. The 500V models are for PFC
testing, power transformers and various other AC
or DC power sources. The 300V models are used
for testing of UPSs, automatic voltage regulators
(AVR), and batteries.
• High current, 60V DC models for general
purpose power supply testing
• High voltage,AC/DCmodels are intended
for inverter test,
• Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuit testing
(500V) and UPS testing (300V)

Figure 1 - Power Curve
SL Series
Electronic Load Selection
Often the selection of programmable power
supplies is based upon volts and amps capability.
However when selecting an electronic load,
it is important to account for volts, amps and
power. The power limit is displayed on a constant
power curve. A load must be selected so that
the operating points are within the Power Curve
(see Figure 1). For many applications in which
different power sources are tested, there may be
high voltage, low current requirements as well
as low voltage, high current requirements. A
single load may be able to handle both with good
programming resolution. In cases where a single
load may not work, the broad range of current,
power and voltage available in the SL series
allows optimum selection depending upon the
voltage, current, power required.
Low Voltage Operation
All SL series loads operate well below 1V.
However in many applications, such as fuel cell
research and microprocessor voltage regulator
modules (VRM), the voltage at the load inputs
can be 0.1 to 0.2V. This low voltage does not
allow the load transistors to fully turn-on (bottom
right corner of the power contour). To utilize the
full rated current of an electronic load, a boost
supply can be placed in series to increase the
voltage. While a xed voltage DC-DC converter
can be used as the boost supply, a programmable
power supply is preferred to keep the load
voltage at the minimum to draw full current as
the device under test ramps up in voltage.
Device Under Test
(Low Voltage DC
Power Supply)
SLM-4: Chassis
SLM-1 Chassis
SLH: DC Electronic Load
SLD: Dual
Input DC
SLH: AC Electronic Load
SLD: Dual
Input DC

SL Series : Specications
75 W–14.4 kW
SLH - Standalone AC Loads
Input Ratings
Power: 120 0VA 180 0VA 1200 VA 1800 VA 180 0VA
Current: 4Arms 6Arms 12A rms 12A rms 18 Arms
Voltage: 300Vrms / 500Vdc 300Vrms / 500Vdc 300Vrms 300Vrms 300Vrms
Frequency: DC, 40 - 70Hz (CC Mode) ; DC - 70Hz (CR Mode)
CC Mode
Range: 0-2 / 2-4A 0-3 / 3-6A 0-6 / 6-12A 0-6 / 6-12A 0-9 / 9-18A
Resolution: 0.5 / 1mA 0.75 / 1.5mA 1.5 / 3mA 1.5 / 3mA 2.25 / 4.5mA
Accuracy: ±0.5% of (setting + range)
Low Current: 0 - 0.2A 0 - 0.3A 0 - 0.6A 0 - 0.6A 0 - 0.9A
Accuracy: ±(0.5% of reading + 0.2% of range)
Maximum Peak Current: 8A 12A 24A 24A 18A
SLH-500-4-1200 SLH-500-6-1800 SLH-300-12-1200 SLH-300-12-1800 SLH-300-18-1800
CR Mode
Range 1: (I>0.5% of rating) 50 - 200,000Ω 33.33 - 133,000Ω 20 - 80,000Ω 20 - 80,000Ω 13.3 - 53,333Ω
Range 2: (I>50% of rating) 12.5 - 50Ω 8.33 - 33.33Ω 5 - 20Ω 5 - 20Ω 3.33 - 13.33Ω
4 1/2 DVM
Range: 0-500V 0-500V 300V 300V 300V
Resolution: 0.1V 0.1V 0.1V 0.1V 0.1V
Accuracy: ±(0.5% of reading + 0.2% of range)
4 1/2 DAM
Range: 0-4A 0-6A 0-12A 0-12 A 0-18 A
Resolution: 1mA 1mA 1mA 1mA 1mA
Accuracy: ±(0.5% of reading + 2% of range) ; ±0.5% of (reading + range) @ 50/60Hz
4 1/2 Watt Meter
Range: 0 -1200 W 0-18 00W 0-120 0W 0 -1800W 0-18 00W
Resolution: 0.1W
Accuracy: ± (0.5% of reading)±3W
VA / Power Meter: Vrms × Arms
Weight 18.5kgs/40.7lbs 21.5kgs/47.3lbs 18.5kgs/40.7lbs 21.5kgs/47.3lbs 21.5kgs/47.3lbs
SLM - AC Modules
Input Ratings
Power: 300VA 300VA 300VA 300VA
Current: 20Arms 8Arms 4Arms 1Arms
Voltage: 60Vrms 150Vr ms 300Vrms 300Vrms / 500Vdc
Frequency: DC, 40 - 70Hz (CC Mode) ; DC - 70Hz (CR Mode)
CC Mode
Range: 0-10 / 10-20A 0-4 / 4-8A 0-2 / 2-4A 0-0.5 / 0.5-1A
Resolution: 2.5 / 5mA 1 / 2mA 0.5 / 1mA 0.125 / 0.25mA
Accuracy: ±0.5% of (setting + range)
Low Current: 0 - 1A 0 - 0.4A 0 - 0.2A 0 - 0.05A
Accuracy: ±2% of (setting + range)
Maxium Peak Current: 40A 16A 8A 2A
SLM-60-20-300 SLM-150-8-300 SLM-300-4-300 SLM-500-1-300
CR Mode (1)
Range 1: (I>0.5% of rating) 1.2-4,800Ω 7.5-30,000Ω 30 - 120,000Ω 200 - 800000Ω
Range 2: (I>50% of rating) 0.3 - 1.2Ω 1.875 - 7.5Ω 7.5 - 30Ω 50 - 200Ω
4 1/2 DVM
Range: 60V 150V 300V 500V
Resolution: 0.01V 0.01V 0.1V 0.1V
Accuracy: ±(0.5% of reading + 0.2% of range)
4 1/2 DAM
Range: 20A 8A 4A 1A
Resolution: 0.01A 0.0 01A 0.0 01A 0.001A
Accuracy: ±(0.5% of reading + 2% of range); ±0.5% of (reading + range) @ 50/60Hz
4 1/2 Watt Meter
VA / Power Meter:
±(0.5% of reading)±3W
Vrms × Arms
3. 5kg s/ 7.7l bs