Marine Magnetometer
best friend
The most reliable magnetometer
you’ll ever meet. Unfailing data,
durable hardware, and an easygoing disposition make SeaSPY
a mag you can count on.
Light to Use
Apart from our Explorer Mini Marine Magnetometer, SeaSPY is
the lightest mag available. All of its accessories, 50m (164ft) of tow cable,
weigh 18kg (40 lbs), making it truly a one man operation.
Sleek Design
SeaSPY’s new sleek design, resists snags and minimizes
impact. The new polyurethane coated tail with molded
fins acts as a bumber, while creating a stable towing
3W Power Requirement
1 car battery = 150 hours of continuous use.
2 lantern batteries (26Ah) = 104 hours of continuous use.
Integrate With Side Scans, AUVs and ROVs
A single 10m tow cable is terminated with everything you
need. Modifications to your mag or grad are not required.
See our Side Scan Integration brochure for more details.

Save Hours of Frustration
Protecting Your Assests
Overhauser Effect
A quick glance self diagnostic
LED sytem, on our isolation
transceiver, has saved our cus-
tomers hours of frustration.
A green light = all connections are hooked
up properly
A yellow light = a problem with one of
the connections
ReliabilityBetter Data
A red light = a short. Within micro seconds,
the transceiver will safely shut down the
output power
A blue LED flashes with every mag reading
A warning sounds when even a drop of water gets inside the mag, giving the operator
plenty of time retrieve it, and investigate the
cause, before the mag is damaged. For another level of security, should water get into
the mag, the electronics are enclosed in an
o’ring sealed polycarbonate housing.
SeaSPY is a pulsed Overhauser magnetometer that measures the ambient magnetic
field using a specialized branch of nuclear
Magnetic Resonance technology, applied
specifically to hydrogen nuclei.
See our Technical Application Guide for more
information about your technology.
World Wide Operation
with No Restrictions
SeaSPY will collect accurate
data no matter where you are or
in which direction you are sur-
veying. This is not the case with
optically pumped magnetometers which
have dead zones and must be oriented at a
specific angle relative to the earth’s magnetic
field. This issue can be particularly problematic in equatorial regions where you cannot
collect data in every direction.
Eliminate Shifts In Your Data
‘Heading error’ is a noticeable offset in the
magnetometer output caused by changing
the heading of the magnetometer within the
Earth’s magnetic field. Since SeaSPY’s Overhauser technology does not display heading
error, no matter how the sensor is oriented in
the Earth’s magnetic field, successive survey
lines taken in opposite directions will match
up perfectly.
The benefits to the user are:
1. Targets will not be missed because they
fall between mismatched survey lines.
2. A magnetic map of an area will look
the same, regardless of the direction in
which the survey lines were conducted.
Works Instantly On Power-Up
SeaSPY works equally well in
cold, deep waters as tropical waters, starting instantly
on power-up without requir-
ing warm up. Data collected at –40°C will
be identical to data recorded at +60°C.
Maintenance Free Sensors
SeaSPY sensors don’t degrade with time, so you’ll get
the same quality data after
10 years of use as you did the first time you
used it.
In addition SeaSPY sensors contain no consumable parts, so you won’t have to replace
anything, like the expensive lamps that wear
out in optically pumped mags.
Proven Sensitivity Specs
Don’t just take our word for
it. We put our sensors under
scrutiny, through rigorous in-
dependent testing by a world
authority belonging to INTERMAGNET. Intermagnet is the global network of observatories, monitoring the Earth’s magnetic field.
Tests confirm our specifications.
Highest Absolute Accuracy
If you want good data you
have to start with the most
than any other magnetometer: 0.1nT ensuring that you are always getting the best possible data.
accurate sensor.
SeaSPY sensors are orders
of magnitude more accurate