Atec SDA-5000, SDA-5500, SDA-5510 User Manual

The Stealth Digital Analyzer (SDA) product family offers a true "One Box" solution for HFC network testing and deployment of digi­tal video, data, and traditional analog services. While preserving the rugged design and industry standard RF sweep technique of its Stealth Sweep System predecessor, the SDA series now adds test features to qualify the network for today’s high growth subscriber services. "Find and Fix" tools are included that reduce technician time for the most labor intensive maintenance and troubleshooting assignments, like tracking down reverse ingress, optical node alignment, proof-of-per­formance testing, and return path alignment. For these demands, the SDA provides advanced QAM analysis (optional), a power­ful 5 to 1,000 MHz spectrum display with cable modem analysis (Zero Span), PathTrak™ Field View, and full forward and reverse sweep capability. And with the versa­tile combination of standard and optional features, the SDA can be customized for both the cable operator’s network technology level and budget.
Why Sweep is the Right Solution
The majority of all transmission errors (including digital) are found
by measuring the frequency response of the network. Every physical error in the network that influences the transmitted signals will be revealed in the sweep trace. This means the sweep results are independent of transmission methods and formats.
The goal is to transmit all signals with the best noise specifications and the lowest intermodula­tion distortion. Sweep is the most effective and efficient tool to show the best compromise between the two. In other words, sweep helps technicians setup the right gain versus frequency.
Normalized Sweep
To ensure that network specifications are maintained, starting from the headend to the subscriber, each section of the network has its own set of specifications. A normalized sweep divides the network into easily managed sec­tions. Each of these network sections, with its own set of specifications and quality require­ments, can be designated to an individual team or contractor.
Stealth Digital Analyzer
• Digital ready, non-interfering, continuously referenced sweep
• Forward and reverse sweep in one hand-held instrument
• Optional QAM view provides com­plete analysis of digital TV and forward cable modem signals > Pre/Post FEC BER > MER > Constellation > Exclusive "Ingress Under the
• Fast, sensitive spectrum analyzer
• Cable modem analysis using Zero Span mode provides accurate, in-service, power, and C/N measurements
• PathTrak Field View option quickly pinpoints Return Path Noise / Ingress
• Automated, 24-hour Proof-of­Performance according to FCC and CENELEC standards
• International language
• Rugged, weather-resistant, and lightweight
FFoorrwwaarrdd sswweeeepp ddiissppllaa yy rree vveeaa lliinn gg ssee vveerree pp rr oo bb llee mmss aatt tthh ee lloo ww ffrree qquu eenn ccyy ee nndd..
The SDA series uses a variation of the original Stealth Sweep technology. Existing video carriers (analog, digital, or scram­bled) are referenced when possible, eliminating any possibility of interference to the subscriber services. Where carriers are absent, the SDA-5500 Transceiver at the headend transmits a sweep to fill vacant spectrum areas. To remove effects of headend level drift, the SDA-5500 Transceiver monitors the levels and transmits new reference information with every sweep. This means that if the signal levels are changing in the headend, they won't effect the sweep response measurement. The SDA-5500 Transceiver has all of the measurement capa­bility of the SDA-5000 Receiver, therefore the Headend Technician can keep an eye on headend levels.
The SDA series also offers significantly faster forward sweep speed, especially in systems that include many digital sig­nals. The SDA is capable of referencing 64/256 QAM signal types, so there is no need to worry about subscriber inter­ference or injecting sweep carriers in the guard bands.
Stealth Sweep and SDA Series Sweep Compatibility
The SDA series is completely sweep compatible with Stealth 3SR, 3ST, 3HRV, and StealthTrak SSA-1000 series meters. The only requirement is that firmware version 9.3 is installed in Stealth meters, and firmware version 2.0 installed in StealthTrak SSA-1000 meters. To take full advantage of the faster forward sweep capability, all head­end and field instruments must be SDA series.
Preparing the Network for Interactive Services
Reverse Sweep
The SDA-5000 (with OPT 1 installed) allows simple and practical testing of the reverse path frequency response, regardless of the frequency (5 to 1000 MHz). And the SDA has a built-in reverse sweep transmitter, which means exter­nally generated carriers are not required. Furthermore, the SDA-5500 transmitter and field receivers have frequency agile telemetry. They can be configured to communicate on both the forward and reverse paths.
Forward (downstream) and reverse (upstream) path align­ment can be performed simultaneously by one person. The operator simply indicates which screen should be dis­played—the response from the headend to the test point, or the response from the test point to the headend. A reverse sweep can uncover mismatch problems, which reveal them­selves as standing waves, or duplex filter roll-offs that can severely hamper the quality of services in the reverse band.
Multiple User Reverse Testing
For intense reverse testing requirements, the rack mounted Model SDA-5510 Headend Reverse Sweep Manager handles the reverse sweep job for up to ten different technicians on the same cluster of nodes. Using the SDA-5510 in conjunc­tion with the model SDA-5500 Transceiver provides a full forward and reverse sweep alignment solution. The SDA­5510 can also stand alone in remote hub sites for dedicated reverse alignment applications.
SSDDAA iinn ssttrruummeennttss pprroovviiddee aa ccoommpprreehheennssiivvee ss eett oo ff mmeeaa-- ssuu rree mmeenntt ttoooollss tthhaatt wwiillll ff ooll-- ll ooww tt hh ee eexxppaannssii oo nn ooff yy oouurr ccaabbll ee nneettwwoorr kk..
Portable Reverse Sweep Manager
The portable version of the SDA-5510 allows technicians to install a multiple user Reverse Sweep Manager in locations where it is not practical to install a rack mount unit. The SDA-5000 with OPT 6 provides all the functionality of the SDA-5510, but in the rugged SDA-5000 field unit package. Applications include installation in systems where reverse traffic is received by an ATM/SONET/SDH network rather than returning to the headend, or any condition that pre­vents rack mount installation or access to a headend/hub site (Note: Forward sweep capability not included with SDA-5000 with OPT 6).
Seeing Headend/Hub Site Accumulated Ingress in the Field
The reverse noise feature of the SDA-5000 enables easy reverse path noise testing. The operator simply presses the "Noise" soft key while reverse sweeping, and the display changes to a noise/ingress response indicating the noise level over the entire reverse path spectrum measured at the headend or hub site. All SDA Transmitters provide feedback to the field regarding the current condition of noise and ingress in the headend, even when noise or ingress is "swamping" the telemetry (broadcast mode). A "picture" of the headend noise/ingress is sent out to the SDA Receiver via a special forward telemetry carrier.
RReevv eerrssee iinnggrr eess ss ssppeeccttrruumm ddii ssppllaa yy..
QAM View Ensures Quality Forward Path Digital Services
For measurement and analysis of digital TV and forward modem signals, the new digital QAM View option provides a full complement of digital quality measurements. Included is a 64/256 QAM constellation display with zoom, average digital power level, Bit Error Rate (BER), 21 to 35 dB Modulation Error Ratio (MER), and a noise margin "cliff effect" parameter. An equalizer display shows equalizer stress and distance to fault.
CCoonnss tt eellllaattiioonn ddiiss-- ppllaayy wwii tt hh MMEERR aanndd pprr ee//ppoosstt FFEE CC BBEERR..
In addition, an exclusive noise mode allows technicians to see ingress/noise under an active digital carrier. This tool is invaluable for detecting forward path ingress otherwise hid­den by conventional spectrum views!
IInn-- ssee rrvviicc ee iinnggrree ssss ssppeeccttrruumm sshhoowwii nngg CCSSTTBB// CC SS OO-- ii nn tt eerrmmoodduullaa tt iioonn pprr oo bb lleemmss dduuee ttoo aann aalloo gg -- TTVV cchhaa nn nnee llss..
In-Service Cable Modem Analyzer
For "bursty" digital signals such as TDMA technologies used on cable modems for reverse services, the SDA-5000 offers two measurement choices. The first, a one-button cable modem analyzer test, quickly shows carrier-to-noise measurements. The second, an advanced Zero Span feature, utilizes a time domain display to allow power measure­ments while the modem is in service. Both methods are compatible with global cable modem standards.
OOnnee bb uu tt tt oo nn ,, ii nn --sseerrvviiccee CC //NN mm eeaassuurreemmee nnttss oonn TTDDMMAA rreett uurrnn ppaatthh ccaa bb llee mmoodd eemm ssii gg nn aallss ((DD OOCC SSIISS,, EEuurrooDDOO CC SS IISS ,, EEuurrooMMoodd eemm))..
ZZ eerroo SSppaann//TT iimmee DD oo mmaaiinn EE xxppee rr tt mm oo dd ee,, sshhoowwii nngg tthhee TT DDMMAA bbuurr ssttyy rreettuurrnn ppaatthh ccaa bb llee mm oo dd eemm ppoowwee rr rraammpp oo ff 33..55 mmss ..
RReevv eerrssee AAlliiggnn mmee nn tt mm oo dd ee pp rree pp aarr eess nneettwwoorrkk ff oorr ccaa bb llee mmooddeemm ddeeppllooyymmee nn tt ..
Detecting Ingress in the Field
The operator looks at the ingress present at the field test point using the spectrum display on any of the receivers, then switches to reverse ingress/noise to see the ingress at the head­end for comparison. This time-saving procedure helps in locating sources of ingress. An adjustable dwell time ensures that even intermittent ingress is detected. The preamp and low-pass filter also assures that even low-level ingress is seen. The preamp and low-pass filter on the SDA-5000 assures that ingress can be measured on devices with bi-directional test­points or testpoint values of 30 dB or more.
TTiimmee dd oo mmaaiinn vvii eeww ooff iinn gg rreess ss iinn tthhee ZZ eerroo SSppaann mmooddee ccaa pp ttuurree ss ee lluussii vvee ii nnggrree ssss..
PathTrak Field View
When a system is equipped with the PathTrak Performance Monitoring System, system technicians can benefit from the ultimate ingress fighting tool—the PathTrak Field View option for the SDA-5000. With Field View, the SDA-5000 receives a return path headend spectrum broadcast from the PathTrak unit and compares it with a return path spectrum at any field testpoint. The side-by-side spectrum compari-
son instantly reveals to the technician whether the ingress source is originating at the current testpoint or at a different location. The comparative spectrum technique slashes noise/ingress troubleshooting time, since the technician can immediately verify whether corrective action performed in the field (local trace) results in improvement in the headend spectrum (remote trace).
PPaatthhTTrraa kk FFiieell dd VViieeww oopp tt iioo nn ccoomm-- ppaarree ss hheeaa dd eenn dd nnoodd ee ssppeecctt rruumm wwiitthh ffiieelldd ttee sstt-- ppoo iinntt ss pp eeccttrruumm..
Powerful Graphic Displays and Common User Interface Allow Technicians to Learn Fast
The results of all measurements are presented to the user in clear, highly informative,
summary displays. The graphics present the information the way the technician wants to see the results—no further interpretation required. For exam­ple, testpoint compensation values are entered at the start of testing. Displays then calculate actual levels automatically, minimizing field errors.
GGrraapphhiiccaall rreevveerrssee tteessttppooiinntt ccoommppeenn-- ssaattiioonn..
With SDA series products, all levels of instruments are familiar to the technician, regardless of which is learned first, because the same user interface conventions are used across all product families (several examples of the icons are included in this literature). The learning curve for a progressing technician is considerably shorter than with alternative test equipment. This means urgent upgrade pro­jects make the most efficient use of limited resources when SDA series products are used.
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