Atec S412E User Manual

LMR Master™ S412E Specifications
Spectrum Analyzer
Smart Measurements Field Strength (uses antenna calibration tables to measure dBm/m2 or dBmV/m)
Occupied Bandwidth (measures 99% to 1% power channel of a signal)
Channel Power (measures the total power in a specied bandwidth)
AM/FM/SSB Audio Demodulation (wide/narrow FM, AM, upper/lower SSB)
C/I (carrier-to-interference ratio)
Emission Mask
Coverage Mapping (requires option 0431)
Setup Parameters
Frequency Center/Start/Stop, Span, Frequency Step, Signal Standard, Channel #, Channel Increment
Amplitude Reference Level (RL), Scale, Attenuation Auto/Level, RL Offset, Pre-Amp On/Off, Detection
Span Span, Span Up/Down (1-2-5), Full Span, Zero Span, Last Span
Bandwidth RBW, Auto RBW, VBW, Auto VBW, RBW/VBW, Span/RBW
File Save, Recall, Delete, Directory Management
Save/Recall Setups, Measurements, Limit Lines, Screen Shots Jpeg (save only), Save-on-Event
Save-on-Event Crossing Limit Line, Sweep Complete, Save-then-Stop, Clear All
Delete Selected File, All Measurements, All Mode Files, All Content
Directory Management Sort Method (Name/Type/Date), Ascend/Descend, Internal/USB, Copy, Format USB
Application Options Bias-Tee (On/Off), Impedance (50 Ω, 75 Ω, Other)
Sweep Functions
Trace Functions
Trace A Operations
Trace B Operations
Trace C Operations
Marker Functions
Markers Markers 1-6 each with a Delta Marker, or Marker 1 Reference with Six Delta Markers,
Marker Types Style (Fixed/Tracking), Noise Marker, Frequency Counter Marker
Marker Table 1-6 markers frequency and amplitude plus delta markers frequency offset and amplitude
Limit Line Functions
Limit Lines Upper/Lower, On/Off, Edit, Move, Envelope, Advanced, Limit Alarm, Default Limit
Limit Line Edit Frequency, Amplitude, Add Point, Add Vertical, Delete Point, Next Point Left/Right
Limit Line Move To Current Center Frequency, By dB or Hz, To Marker 1, Offset from Marker 1
Limit Line Envelope Create Envelope, Update Amplitude, Points (41 max), Offset, Shape Square/Slope
Limit Line Advanced Type (Absolute/Relative), Mirror, Save/Recall
Single/Continuous, Manual Trigger, Reset, Detection, Minimum Sweep Time, Trigger Type
Peak, RMS, Negative, Sample, Quasi-peak
Free Run, External, Video, Change Position, Manual
Up to three Traces (A, B, C), View/Blank, Write/Hold, Trace A/B/C Operations
Normal, Max Hold, Min Hold, Average, # of Averages, (always the live trace)
AB, BC, Max Hold, Min Hold
AC, BC, Max Hold, Min Hold, A – BC, B – AC, Relative Reference (dB), Scale
Marker Table (On/Off ), All Markers Off
Marker Auto-Position Peak Search, Next Peak (Right/Left), Peak Threshold %, Set Marker to Channel, Marker Frequency to Center, Delta Marker to Span, Marker to Reference Level
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LMR Master™ S412E Specifications
Spectrum Analyzer (continued)
Frequency Range 100 kHz to 1.6 GHz, (6 GHz with Option 6)
Tuning Resolution 1 Hz
Frequency Reference Aging ± 1.0 ppm/year
Accuracy ± 1.5 ppm (25 °C ± 25 °C) + aging (< ± 50 ppb + aging with GPS on)
Frequency Span 10 Hz to 1.6 GHz including zero span (10 Hz to 6 GHz with Option 6)
Sweep Time 100 ms, 10 μs to 600 seconds in zero span
Sweep Time Accuracy ± 2% in zero span
Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) 10 Hz to 3 MHz in 1–3 sequence ± 10% (1 MHz max in zero-span) (–3 dB bandwidth)
Video Bandwidth (VBW) 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1–3 sequence (–3 dB bandwidth) (auto or manually selectable)
RBW with Quasi-Peak Detection 200 Hz, 9 KHz, 120 kHz (–6 dB bandwidth)
VBW with Quasi-Peak Detection VBW with Quasi-Peak Detection
Spectral Purity
SSB Phase Noise @ 1 GHz –100 dBc/Hz, –110 dBc/Hz typical @ 10 kHz offset
Amplitude Ranges
Dynamic Range > 95 dB (2.4 GHz), 2/3 (TOI-DANL) in 10 Hz RBW
Measurement Range DANL to +26 dBm
Maximum Continuous Input +33 dBm
Display Range 1 to 15 dB/div in 1 dB steps, ten divisions displayed
Reference Level Range –120 dBm to +30 dBm
Attenuator Resolution 0 to 55 dB, 5.0 dB steps
Amplitude Units Log Scale Modes: dBm, dBV, dBmv, dBµV
Amplitude Accuracy (single sine wave input < Ref level, and > DANL, auto attenuation)
–10 °C to 50 °C after 30 minute warm-up Typical: ± 0.5 dB, 100 kHz to 6 GHz
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
(RBW Normalized to 1 Hz, 0 dB attenuation)
10 MHz to 2.4 GHz
> 2.4 GHz to 4 GHz
> 4 GHz to 5 GHz
> 5 GHz to 6 GHz
(RBW = 10 Hz, 0 dB attenuation)
10 MHz to 2.4 GHz
> 2.4 GHz to 4 GHz
> 4 GHz to 5 GHz
> 5 GHz to 6 GHz
Residual Spurious < –90 dBm (RF input terminated, 0 dB input attenuation, > 10 MHz)
Input-Related Spurious < –75 dBc (0 dB attenuation, –30 dBm input, span < 1.7 GHz, carrier offset > 4.5 MHz)
Exceptions, typical <–70 dBc @ <2.5 GHz, with 2072.5 MHz Input
Third-Order Intercept (TOI) Preamp Off (–20 dBm tones 100 kHz apart, 10 dB attenuation)
800 MHz +16 dBm
2400 MHz +20 dBm
200-2200 MHz +25 dBm, typical
> 2.2 GHz to 5.0 GHz +28 dBm, typical
> 5.0 GHz to 6.0 GHz +33 dBm, typical
Second Harmonic Distortion Preamp Off, 0 dB input attenuation, –30 dBm input
50 MHz –56 dBc
> 50 MHz to 200 MHz –60 dBc, typical
> 200 MHz to 3000 MHz –70 dBc, typical
–105 dBc/Hz, –112 dBc/Hz typical @ 100 kHz offset –115 dBc/Hz, –121 dBc/Hz typical @ 1 MHz offset
Linear Scale Modes: nV, µV, mV, V, kV, nW, µW, mW, W, kW
Maximum: ± 1.3 dB, 100 kHz to 6 GHz
Preamp Off
(Reference level –20 dBm)
Maximum Typical Maximum Typical
–141 dBm –146 dBm –157 dBm –162 dBm
–137 dBm –141 dBm –154 dBm –159 dBm
–134 dBm –138 dBm –150 dBm –155 dBm
–126 dBm –131 dBm –143 dBm –150 dBm
–131 dBm –136 dBm –147 dBm –152 dBm
–127 dBm –131 dBm –144 dBm –149 dBm
–124 dBm –128 dBm –140 dBm –145 dBm
–116 dBm –121 dBm –133 dBm –140 dBm
<–68 dBc @ F1-280 MHz with F1 Input
<–70 dBc @ F1 + 190.5 MHz with F1 Input <–52 dBc @ 7349-2F2 MHz, with F2 Input, where F2 < 2424.5 MHz
<–55 dBc @ 190.5 ± F1/2 MHz, F1 <1 GHz
2:1, typical
(Reference level –50 dBm)
Preamp On
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Port 1
Port 2Port 1
LMR Master™ S412E Specifications
Vector Network Analyzer
• All specifications and characteristics apply under the following conditions, unless otherwise stated:
• After 15 minutes of warm-up time, where the instrument is left in the ON state.
• Temperature range is 23 °C ± 5 °C.
• All specifications apply when using internal reference.
• All specifications subject to change without notice. Please visit for most current datasheet.
• Typical performance is the measured performance of an average unit.
• Recommended calibration cycle is 12 months.
Frequency Range: 500 kHz to 1.6 GHz (500 kHz to 6.0 GHz with Option 16)
Frequency Accuracy: 2.5 ppm
Frequency Resolution: 1 Hz
Typical Test Port Power
LMR Master supports selection of either High (default) or Low test port power. Changing power after calibration can degrade the calibrated performance. Typical power by bands is shown in the following table.
Frequency Range High Port Power Low Port Power
500 kHz to ≤ 3 GHz +3 dB –25 dBm
3 GHz to ≤ 6 GHz 0 dB –25 dBm
Transmission Dynamic Range
The transmission dynamic range (the difference between test port power and noise floor) using 10 Hz IF Bandwidth and High Port Power is shown in the following table.
Frequency Range Dynamic Range
2 MHz to ≤ 4 GHz 100 dB
4 GHz to ≤ 6 GHz 90 dB
Typical Sweep Speed
The typical sweep speed for IF Bandwidth of 100 Hz, 1001 data points, and single display is shown in the following table. The two receiver architecture will simultaneously collect S21 and S11 (or S12 and S22) in a single sweep.
Frequency Range Typical Sweep Speed
500 kHz to 6 GHz 850 μs / point
Block Diagram
As shown in the following block diagram, the LMR Master has a 2-port, 1-path architecture that automatically measures 2 S-parameters with error-correction precision inherent to VNA operation.
The above illustration is a simplified block diagram of LMR Master’s 2-port, 1-path architecture. The magnitude and phase information gained from vector network data enables the LMR Master to make significant error corrections and provide improved field measurements.
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LMR Master™ S412E Specifications
S21 Magnitude
S11 Magnitude
Vector Network Analyzer
High Port Power
OSLxx50 Calibration Components (N-Connector) Corrected System Performance and Uncertainties:
S412E with 1-path, 2-port calibration including isolation using either OSLN50-1 & OSLNF50-1 Calibration Kits
Precision calibration standards come in a convenient configuration for field work.
Frequency Range Directivity
≤ 6 GHz > 42 dB
Frequency Range Typical High Port
≤ 3 GHz +3 dBm
≤ 6 GHz 0 dBm
Measurement Uncertainties
The following graphs provide measurement uncertainty at 23 ºC ± 5 ºC for the above indicated connector type and calibration. Errors are worse-case contributions of residual directivity, source match, frequency response, network analyzer dynamic range, and connector repeatability. For two-port measurements, transmission tracking, crosstalk, and physical load match termination were added. Isolation calibration and an IF Bandwidth of 10 Hz is used.
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
-40-35 -30-25 -20-15 -10-50
S11 Phase
-40-35 -30-25 -20-15 -10-50
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
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-80-70 -60-50 -40-30 -20-10 0
-80-70 -60-50 -40-30 -20-10 0
S21 Phase
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
S21 Magnitude
LMR Master™ S412E Specifications
Vector Network Analyzer
Low Port Power
OSLxx50 Calibration Components (N-Connectors) Corrected System Performance and Uncertainties:
S412E Model with 1-path, 2-port calibration including isolation using either OSLN50-1 or OSLNF50-1 Calibration Kits.
Precision calibration standards come in a convenient configuration for field work.
Frequency Range Directivity
≤ 6 GHz > 42 dB dB
Measurement Uncertainties
The following graphs provide measurement uncertainty at 23 ºC ± 5 ºC for the above indicated connector type and calibration. Errors are worse-case contributions of residual directivity, source match, frequency response, network analyzer dynamic range, and connector repeatability. For two-port measurements, transmission tracking, crosstalk, and physical load match termination were added. Isolation calibration and an IF Bandwidth of 10 Hz are used.
Frequency Range Typical Low Port Power
≤ 3 GHz -25 dBm
≤ 6 GHz -25 dBm
-40-35 -30-25 -20-15 -10-50
S11 Magnitude
S11 Phase
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
-80-70 -60-50 -40-30 -20-10 0
S21 Phase
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
Uncertainty 2 MHz to 20 MHz
Uncertainty 20 MHz to 3 GHz
Uncertainty 3 GHz to 6 GHz
-40-35 -30-25 -20-15 -10-50
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-80-70 -60-50 -40-30 -20-10 0
LMR Master™ S412E Specifications
VNA Performance Capabilities
Bias Tee (Option 0010)
For tower mounted amplifier tests, the S412E with optional internal bias tees can supply both DC and RF signals on the center conductor of the cable during measurements. For frequency sweeps in excess of 2 MHz, the LMR Master can supply internal voltage control from +12 to +32 V in 0.1 V steps up to 450 mA. Bias is available on VNA Port 2 and the SPA Input (RF In).
Frequency Range 2 MHz to 4/6 GHz at VNA Port 2
Internal Voltage/Current +12 V to +32 V at 450 mA.
Steady state
Internal Resolution 0.1 V
Bias Tee Selections Internal, Off
Port 1
The Compact LMR Master offers optional integrated bias tee for supplying DC plus RF to the DUT as shown in this simplified block diagram.
Port 2Port 1
Bias Tee
Internal Bias +12 to +32 V 450 mA Max
SPA Input
Bias Tee
Vector Voltmeter (Option 0015)
A phased array system relies on phase matched cables for nominal performance. For this class of application, the LMR Master offers this special software mode to simplify phase matching cables at a single frequency. The similarity between the popular vector voltmeter and this software mode ensures minimal training is required to phase match cables. Operation is as simple as configuring the display for absolute or relative measurements. The easy-to-read large fonts show either reflection or transmission measurements using impedance, magnitude, or VSWR readouts. For instrument landing system (ILS) or VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR) applications, a table view improves operator efficiency when phase matching up to twelve cables.
The S412E solution is superior because the signal source is included internally, precluding the need for an external signal generator.
CW Frequency Range 2 MHz to 6 GHz
Measurement Display CW, Table (Twelve Entries,
Plus Reference)
Measurement Types Return Loss, Insertion
Measurement Format dB/VSWR/Impedance
Distance Domain (Option 0501)
Distance-to-Fault Analysis is a powerful field test tool to analyze cables for faults, including minor discontinuities that may occur due to a loose connection, corrosion, or other aging effects. By using Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR), the Compact VNA Master exploits a user-specified band of full power operational frequencies (instead of DC pulses from TDR approaches) to more precisely identify discontinuities. The Compact VNA Master converts S-parameters from frequency domain into distance domain on the horizontal display axis, using a mathematical computation called Inverse Fourier Transform. Connect a reflection at the opposite end of the cable and the discontinuities appear versus distance to reveal any potential maintenance issues. When access to both ends of the cable is convenient, a similar distance domain analysis is available on transmission measurements.
Option 0501 Distance Domain will improve your productivity with displays of the cable in terms of discontinuities versus distance. This readout can then be compared against previous measurements (from stored data) to determine whether any degradations have occurred since installation
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(or the last maintenance activity). More importantly, you will know precisely where to go to fix the problem and minimize or prevent downtime of the system.
Option 0501 Distance Domain also supports field measurements for optical fiber diagnostics. Anritsu Model ODTF-1 test module works directly with RF techniques and converts optical DTF signals to display on the VNA Master.
Maximum Distance (4001 data points, 1.6 GHz span)
Maximum Distance (4001 data points, 6.0 GHz span)
Minimum Distance Resolution (1.6 GHz span)
Minimum Distance Resolution (6.0 GHz span)
Measurement Display Return Loss, VSWR
Measurement Format dB, VSWR
374.9 m (1,229.9 ft)
99.9 m (327.75 ft)
18.7 cm (7.36 in)
4.99 cm (1.97 in)
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