FST-2310 TestPad
SONET Services Module
Key Features
The JDSU FST-2310 TestPad is an all-in-one testing solution that performs
SONET, SDH, T-carrier, data, and circuit-switched testing to meet the varied
testing requirements of mobile technicians. Its modular architecture protects
long-term investment by providing the flexibility, scalability, and upgradeability
to support evolving test needs.
Most tests performed using the FST-2310 can be done in only a few button
pushes, without the need to sift through hidden setup menus. Additionally,
because technicians need only minimal training to use the FST-2310, testing
objectives are addressed quickly and the cost of ownership is significantly
• SONET/T-carrier transmission testing from DS1 to
OC-48 rates
• SDH transmission testing at STM-16, STM-4 and STM-1 rates
• Circuit-switched testing capabilities including GR-303, ISDN,
signaling, voice frequency (VF), and digital data service (DDS)
• ATM testing capabilities including CBR/VBR traffic
generation, QoS measurements, O.191 test cell generation,
and support for OAM alarm and loopback cells
• Engineered for mobile technicians with rugged construction,
lightweight design, and battery-powered operation
• Process oriented testing features such as test scripting and
remote control operation
WEBSITE: www.jdsu.com

Key features of the FST-2310 include:
Application-driven icons
Test application buttons are labeled with icons that clearly depict the way the test
is performed on the circuit; for example, select the “MON/THRU” icon when
performing circuit-monitoring tests – select the “TERM” icon when performing
circuit-terminating tests. The icons and quick setup buttons enable technicians to
use the module effectively with very little training (figure 1).
Simultaneous results analysis for different signal rates
Identify the source of problems quickly by using the FST-2310’s dual results
window to analyze results from different signal rates simultaneously.
Simultaneous results analysis can also be performed on different signal results (for
example, level and bit errors) allowing for easy results correlation and quick
problem identification.
Application-driven icons
Support for autoconfiguration is provided for all key applications.
Autoconfiguration is capable of setting different test parameters, such as framing
and pattern, as well as detecting the signal’s multiplexed composition. This
enables users to reduce the time required for test setup.Additionally, the FST-2310
has the ability to save and store up to 10 test set configurations that can be recalled
for future use.
Remote control
Remotely configure tests and analyze results in detail using the remote control
GUI option. This allows technicians to conveniently operate the module from a
remote location using the FST-2310’s graphical user interface (GUI) on a remote
PC. The remote control GUI feature enables technicians to connect to the FST2310 through the PCMCIA serial or modem card to perform tests and collect test
Dual simultaneous results window
figure 1 Application-driven icons and simultaneous results

Scripting and automation
Reduce setup time and increase efficiency of tests by running preprogrammed
scripts from a PCMCIA card. The DS1/DS3/SONET script libraries supported on
the FST-2310 enable technicians to perform tests quickly and verify test results
against specific criteria for a simple pass/fail result. Scripts can also be customized
to meet the methods and procedures of any service provider (figure 2).
VT100 emulation
Perform VT100 terminal emulation to connect to network elements to configure
NE parameters and monitor available statistics (figure 3).
Timed prints and error logs
Print results every few hours, at the end of a test, or at the occurrence of an error
using the FST-2310’s print features.
Through mode for all rates
Gain access to test circuits (DS1 through OC-48) even when no test access point
is provided. The FST-2310’s through-mode capability monitors test circuits by
unobtrusively channeling network traffic through the test instrument.
Physical, active port, and laser active LEDs
A bright array of physical LEDs on the front panel summarizes results and clearly
identifies errors detected during a test. Active port LEDs on the top panel indicate
the interface(s) to use for specific tests – thus eliminating user error when
connecting the FST-2310 to the network. Laser-active LEDs indicate when the
transmit laser is active and when laser pulses are received.Applications
figure 2 Use automation scripts to verify network performance
with the touch of a single button
figure 3 Perform VT100 emulation to configure network
elements and monitor statistics