Portable Spectrum
Frequency range
up to 18 GHz
At first glance, you will notice that the R&S®FSL18’s graphical user interface is very similar to that of the R&S®FSU and
Its compact size and low weight, plus its battery pack,
make the R&S®FSL18 ideal for mobile use.
The R&S®FSL18 has unique plug & play upgrade capabilities.
All options can be added without opening the instrument.
Key features
Frequency range up to 18 GHz
Largest I/Q demodulation bandwidth (28 MHz) in its class ❙
High measurement accuracy ❙
High resolution lter accuracy owing to all-digital ❙
Robust and compact
Carrying handle and low weight (<8 kg/18 lb) ❙
Optional battery operation ❙
Wide range of functions, simple operation ❙
Easy to upgrade with options on-site ❙
The most extensive set of functions in its class
The R&S®FSL18 offers a comprehensive set of measurement
functions and features that are more typical of high-end analyzers, thus ensuring an excellent price/performance ratio:
Buying a spectrum analyzer no longer means having to
make compromises. With the R&S®FSL18, you can now
enjoy high-end features without stretching your budget.
The R&S®FSL18 expands the R&S®FSL spectrum analyzer
family by extending the frequency range to 18 GHz (20 GHz
overrange). It is an extremely lightweight and compact
spectrum analyzer, which makes it ideal for a large number
of applications in development, service and production at
microwave frequencies. Examples include the installation
and maintenance of radar systems and microwave links, as
well as the production of microwave components or satellite surveillance.
Despite its compact size and extended frequency range,
the R&S®FSL18 is the only instrument in its class that has
a bandwidth of 28 MHz. Featuring an I/Q demodulation
bandwidth of 28 MHz, the spectrum analyzer is ideal for
measuring both spectral and modulation parameters of
broadband applications such as WLAN and WiMAX, including harmonic signals up to 18 GHz. In the time domain, its
fast digitizer allows the detection of pulsed signals and the
measurement of pulse widths.
Measurement routines for
Third order intercept
Occupied bandwidth ❙
Fast power measurements in the time domain ❙
Signal statistics (CCDF, ADP) ❙
Carrier-to-noise ratio ❙
(A)CP and more ❙
Application firmware for general-purpose signal
Power measurement with ¸NRP-power sensors
Spectrogram display ❙
Noise gure and gain measurement ❙
AM/FM/ ❙ jM modulation measurement
Application firmware for various wireless/cellular
digital standards
Bluetooth® ❙
Test & Measurement
Product Flyer | 01.00

Designation Type Order No.Designation Type Order No.
Spectrum Analyzer, 9 kHz to 18 GHz (overrange to 20 GHz) R&S®FSL18 1300.2502.18
Recommended extras
19’’ Rackmount Adapter R&S®ZZA-S334 110 9. 44 87.0 0
Soft Carrying Bag R&S®FSL-Z3 1300.5401.00
Protective Hard Cover R&S®EVS-Z6 5201.7760.00
Additional Charger Unit R&S®FSL-Z4 1300.5430.02
For a complete list of options, please refer to the R&S®FSL data sheet (PD 0758.2790.22).
Typical applications include
measurements in the microwave range, for example
measuring the pulse width
with the n-dB down marker
For detailed information on R&S®FSL applications, please refer to the R&S®FSL product brochure (PD 0758.2790.12).
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any
use of such marks by Rohde & Schwarz is under license.
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co.KG
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R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Trade names are trademarks of the owners
R&S®FSL18 | PD 5214.0124.12 | Version 01.00 | February 2008
Data without tolerance limits is not binding | Subject to change
Printed in Germany (as)
*0.14 €/min within the German xed-line phone network;
prices in different mobile phone networks and in different countries vary