Atec FSH-Z1 User Manual

R&S®FSH4/R&S®FSH8 Spectrum Analyzer
Data Sheet | 08.00
Test & Measurement
Version 08.00, June 2011
Specifications.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Frequency ...............................................................................................................................................................................................3
Sweep time .............................................................................................................................................................................................3
Bandwidths .............................................................................................................................................................................................4
Level .......................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Trigger functions .....................................................................................................................................................................................6
Inputs and outputs ..................................................................................................................................................................................7
Vector network analysis/vector voltmeter ...............................................................................................................................................8
Model .24/.28 with R&S®FSH-K42/R&S®FSH-K45 option...................................................................................................................8
Scalar network analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................10
Model .24/.28 without R&S®FSH-K42 option ....................................................................................................................................10
Distance-to-fault analysis......................................................................................................................................................................11
Model .24/.28 with R&S®FSH-K41 option..........................................................................................................................................11
R&S®FSH-K44 3GPP WCDMA BTS/NodeB pilot channel and pilot EVM measurement application
FSH-K44E 3GPP WCDMA BTS/NodeB code domain power and EVM measurement application
with HSDPA/HSPA+ analyzer~.............................................................................................................................................................11
R&S®FSH-K46 CDMA2000® BTS pilot channel and EVM measurement application
FSH-K46E CDMA2000® BTS code domain power measurement application.............................................................................13
R&S®FSH-K47 1xEV-DO® BTS pilot channel and EVM measurement application ..............................................................................14
R&S®FSH-K50/R&S®FSH-K51 LTE FDD/TDD downlink pilot channel and EVM measurement application
FSH-K50E/R&S®FSH-K51E LTE FDD/TDD downlink extended channel and modulation measurement application ................15
General data .........................................................................................................................................................................................16
R&S®FSH-Z1 and R&S®FSH-Z18 power sensors.............................................................................................................................18
R&S®FSH-Z14 directional power sensor...........................................................................................................................................18
R&S®FSH-Z44 directional power sensor...........................................................................................................................................20
R&S®HA-Z240 GPS receiver.............................................................................................................................................................21
Ordering information .................................................................................................................................................... 22
R&S®NRP-Zxx power sensors supported by the R&S®FSH4/R&S®FSH8 ..........................................................................................24
Service options .....................................................................................................................................................................................24
2 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
FSH4/FSH8 Spectrum Analyzer
Version 08.00, June 2011
Specifications apply under the following conditions: 15 minutes warm-up time at ambient temperature, specified environmental conditions met, calibration cycle adhered to. Data without tolerances: typical values only. Data designated as “nominal” applies to design parameters and is not tested. Data without tolerance limits is not binding.
Frequency range
Frequency resolution 1 Hz
Reference frequency, internal
Aging per year 1 × 10–6
Achievable initial calibration accuracy 5 × 10–7 Total reference uncertainty (time since last adjustment × aging rate) +
Reference frequency, with R&S®HA-Z240 GPS receiver option
R&S®FSH4 model .04/.14 9 kHz to 3.6 GHz R&S®FSH8 model .08/.18 9 kHz to 8 GHz R&S®FSH4 model .24 100 kHz to 3.6 GHz
FSH8 model .28 100 kHz to 8 GHz
0 °C to +30 °C 1 × 10–6 Temperature drift +30 °C to +50 °C 3 × 10
GPS ON, 1 minute after satellite lock ±2.5 × 10–8 Frequency uncertainty up to 30 minutes after losing satellite lock ±5 × 10
temperature drift + calibration accuracy
Frequency readout
Marker resolution 0.1 Hz
Uncertainty ±(marker frequency × reference
Number of sweep (trace) points 631 Marker tuning frequency step size span/630
Frequency counter resolution 0.1 Hz
Count uncertainty SNR > 25 dB ±(frequency × reference uncertainty +
Frequency span 0 Hz, 10 Hz to 3.6/8 GHz
Span uncertainty nominal 1 %
Spectral purity SSB phase noise f = 500 MHz Carrier offset
30 kHz < –95 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –105 dBc (1 Hz) 100 kHz < –100 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –110 dBc (1 Hz) 1 MHz < –120 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –127 dBc (1 Hz)
uncertainty + 10 % × resolution bandwidth + ½ (span / (sweep points – 1) + 1 Hz)
½ (last digit))
Sweep time
Sweep time
span = 0 Hz 200 µs to 100 s 10 Hz span 600 MHz 20 ms to 1000 s span > 600 MHz 20 ms × span/600 MHz to 1000 s span = 0 Hz nominal 1 % Uncertainty span 10 Hz nominal 3 %
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Version 08.00, June 2011
Resolution bandwidths
Range –3 dB bandwidth 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1/3 sequence
1 Hz RBW 300 kHz nominal < 5 % Bandwidth accuracy
RBW > 300 kHz nominal < 10 % Selectivity 60 dB:3 dB nominal < 5 (Gaussian type filters) Video filters Range –3 dB bandwidth 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1/3 sequence
Display range displayed noise floor to +30 dBm
Maximum rated input level with RF attenuation 10 dB
model .04/.08/.14/.18 80 V DC voltage
model .24/.28 50 V CW RF power 30 dBm (= 1 W) Peak RF power duration < 3 s 33 dBm (= 2 W) Max. pulse voltage 150 V Max. pulse energy pulse width 10 µs 10 mWs
Maximum rated input level with RF attenuation < 10 dB
DC voltage 50 V CW RF power 20 dBm (= 100 mW) Peak RF power duration < 3 s 23 dBm (= 200 mW) Max. pulse voltage 50 V Max. pulse energy pulse width 10 µs 1 mWs
Third-order intercept (TOI), nominal values
Second harmonic intercept (SHI), nominal values
Displayed average noise level
intermodulation-free dynamic range, signal level 2 × –20 dBm, RF attenuation = 0 dB,
RF preamplifier = OFF
fin < 300 MHz > 54 dBc (TOI > +7 dBm, typ. +11 dBm) 300 MHz ≤ fin < 3.6 GHz > 60 dBc (TOI > +10 dBm, typ. +15 dBm)
3.6 GHz ≤ fin 8 GHz > 46 dBc (TOI > +3 dBm, typ. +10 dBm) intermodulation-free dynamic range, signal level 2 × –40 dBm, RF attenuation = 0 dB, RF preamplifier = ON
fin < 300 MHz > 50 dBc (TOI > –15 dBm) 300 MHz ≤ f
RF attenuation = 0 dB, RF preamplifier = OFF
fin = 20 MHz to 1.5 GHz +40 dBm fin = 1.5 GHz to 3 GHz +30 dBm fin = 3 GHz to 4 GHz +20 dBm
RF attenuation 0 dB, RF preamplifier = ON
= 100 MHz to 4 GHz 0 dBm
0 dB RF attenuation, termination 50 , RBW = 100 Hz, VBW = 10 Hz, sample detector, log scaling, tracking generator OFF, normalized to 1 Hz frequency preamplifier = OFF
9 kHz to 100 kHz (models .04/.14/.08/.18 only) 100 kHz to 1 MHz < –115 dBm, typ. –125 dBm 1 MHz to 10 MHz < –136 dBm, typ. –144 dBm 10 MHz to 2 GHz < –141 dBm, typ. –146 dBm 2 GHz to 3.6 GHz < –138 dBm, typ. –143 dBm
3.6 GHz to 5 GHz < –142 dBm, typ. –146 dBm
5 GHz to 6.5 GHz < –140 dBm, typ. –144 dBm
6.5 GHz to 8 GHz < –136 dBm, typ. –141 dBm frequency preamplifier = ON
100 kHz to 1 MHz < –133 dBm, typ. –143 dBm 1 MHz to 10 MHz < –157 dBm, typ. –161 dBm 10 MHz to 1 GHz < –161 dBm, typ. –165 dBm 1 GHz to 2 GHz < –159 dBm, typ. –163 dBm 2 GHz to 5 GHz < –155 dBm, typ. –159 dBm 5 GHz to 6.5 GHz < –151 dBm, typ. –155 dBm
6.5 GHz to 8 GHz < –147 dBm, typ. –150 dBm
8 GHz > 56 dBc (TOI > –12 dBm)
< –108 dBm, typ. –118 dBm
4 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
FSH4/FSH8 Spectrum Analyzer
Version 08.00, June 2011
Adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACLR)
Dynamic range
frequency < 3.6 GHz, total power > –20 dBm 3GPP WCDMA
adjacent channel nominal > 55 dB alternate channel nominal > 58 dB
adjacent channel nominal > 58 dB alternate channel nominal > 61 dB
Immunity to interference, nominal values
Image frequencies
serial number < 105000
fin – 2 × 21.4 MHz < –70 dBc, typ. –80 dBc fin – 2 × 831.4 MHz < –70 dBc, typ. –90 dBc fin – 2 × 4881 MHz –60 dBc
serial number 105000
fin – 2 × 54.4 MHz < –70 dBc, typ. –80 dBc fin – 2 × 860.8 MHz < –70 dBc, typ. –90 dBc
– 2 × 4892.8 MHz –60 dBc
Intermediate frequencies
serial number < 105000
21.4 MHz, 831.4 MHz, 4881.4 MHz < –60 dBc, typ. –80 dBc
8931.4 MHz –50 dBc serial number 105000
54.4 MHz, 860.8 MHz, 4892.8 MHz < –60 dBc, typ. –80 dBc
8924.8 MHz –50 dBc
Other interfering signals, signal level – RF attenuation < –20 dBm
serial number < 105000
f 3.6 GHz, spurious at f
– 2440.7 MHz
3.6 GHz < f 8 GHz, spurious at f
– 4465.7 MHz
< –60 dBc
< –60 dBc
serial number 105000
Other interfering signals, related to local oscillators
f 3.6 GHz, spurious at f
– 2446.4 MHz
3.6 GHz < f 8 GHz, spurious at f
– 4462.4 MHz
f 3.6 GHz
f < 300 kHz –60 dBc
< –60 dBc
< –60 dBc
f 300 kHz < –60 dBc
f > 3.6 GHz
f < 300 kHz –54 dBc f 300 kHz < –54 dBc
f = receive frequency
Residual spurious response input matched with 50 Ω,
< –90 dBm without input signal, RBW 30 kHz, f 3 MHz, RF attenuation = 0 dB, tracking generator OFF
Level display
Logarithmic level axis 1/2/5/10/20/50/100 dB, 10 divisions Linear level axis 0 % to 100 %, 10 divisions Number of traces 2 Trace detectors max peak, min peak, auto peak, sample,
Trace functions clear/write, max hold, min hold, average,
Setting range of reference level –80 dBm to +30 dBm Units of level axis dBm, dBmV, dBµV, V, W
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Version 08.00, June 2011
Level measurement uncertainty
Absolute level uncertainty at 100 MHz +20 °C to +30 °C < 0.3 dB Frequency response (+20 °C to +30 °C)
Attenuator uncertainty < 0.3 dB Uncertainty of reference level setting nominal < 0.1 dB Display nonlinearity SNR > 16 dB, 0 dB to –50 dB,
Bandwidth switching uncertainty reference: RBW = 10 kHz nominal < 0.1 dB Total measurement uncertainty
9 kHz f < 100 kHz (models .04/.14/.08/.18 only) 100 kHz f < 10 MHz nominal < 1.5 dB 10 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz < 1 dB
3.6 GHz < f 8 GHz < 1.5 dB
logarithmic level display
95 % confidence level, +20 °C to +30 °C, SNR > 16 dB, 0 dB to –50 dB below reference level, RF attenuation auto
10 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz < 1 dB, typ. 0.5 dB
3.6 GHz < f 8 GHz < 1.5 dB, typ. 1 dB
nominal < 1.5 dB
< 0.2 dB
Trigger functions
Trigger source free run, video, external
low high transition 2.4 V External trigger level threshold high low transition 0.7 V
Gated trigger
Gate source external Gate delay 10 µs to 100 s, min. resolution 10 µs
Gate length 10 µs to 100 s, min. resolution 10 µs
(or 1 % of delay)
(or 1 % of gate length)
6 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
FSH4/FSH8 Spectrum Analyzer
Version 08.00, June 2011
Inputs and outputs
RF input
Impedance 50 Connector N female VSWR
Input attenuator RF input only 0 dB to 40 dB in 5 dB steps
AF output
AF demodulation types AM and FM Connector 3.5 mm mini jack Output impedance nominal 32 Voltage (open circuit) V
Power sensor
Connector 7-contact female (type Binder 712) Power sensors supported see accessories
Tracking generator (models .14/.18/.24/.28 only)
Connector N female, 50 VSWR
Output level tracking generator attenuation = 0 dB nominal 0 dBm Tracking generator attenuator 0 dB to 40 dB in 1 dB steps Dynamic range for isolation measurements
Reverse power
DC voltage 50 V CW RF power +20 dBm (= 0.1 W) Max. pulse voltage 50 V Max. pulse energy (10 µs) 1 mWs
External reference, external trigger, DC bias port 2 (BNC 1)
Connector BNC, 50 Mode selectable ext. reference, ext. trigger, DC bias port 2
IF out, DC bias port 1 (BNC 2)
Connector BNC, 50 Mode selectable IF out, DC bias port 1
Connector 7-contact female (type Binder 712)
100 kHz ≤ f ≤ 1 GHz nominal < 1.5 1 GHz < f 6 GHz nominal < 2 6 GHz < f 8 GHz nominal < 3
adjustable from 0 V to > 100 mV
models .14 and .24 100 kHz to 3.6 GHz Frequency range models .18 and .28 100 kHz to 8 GHz
100 kHz ≤ f ≤ 1 GHz nominal < 1.5 1 GHz < f 6 GHz nominal < 2 6 GHz < f 8 GHz, models .18 and .28 nominal < 3
RF attenuation = 0 dB, tracking generator attenuation = 10 dB, RBW = 1 kHz
100 kHz f < 300 kHz > 60 dB, typ. 80 dB 300 kHz f < 6 GHz > 70 dB, typ. 90 dB 6 GHz f < 8 GHz, models .18 and .28 typ. > 50 dB
required level 0 dBm External reference frequency 10 MHz low high transition 2.4 V External trigger threshold high low transition 0.7 V max. rated input voltage 50 V DC bias port 2 max. rated input current 600 mA
serial number < 105000 21.4 MHz IF out frequency serial number 105000 54.4 MHz max. rated input voltage 50 V DC bias port 1 max. rated input current 600 mA
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Version 08.00, June 2011
Vector network analysis/vector voltmeter
Model .24/.28 with R&S®FSH-K42/R&S®FSH-K45 option
R&S®FSH4 model .24 300 kHz to 3.6 GHz Frequency range
FSH8 model .28 300 kHz to 8 GHz
Frequency resolution 1 Hz Data points 631 Port power controlled via tracking generator
Reflection measurement
Result formats
measurement mode = vector magnitude, phase, magnitude + phase,
measurement mode = vector voltmeter magnitude + phase, Smith chart
Return loss
Range selectable 1/2/5/10/20/50/100 dB, linear 100 % Resolution 0.01 dB Measurement uncertainty see figure ”Uncertainty of reflection
One-port phase
Range selectable 90/180/360/1000° to 10000° in 1/2/5 steps Resolution 0.01° Measurement uncertainty
specifications are based on a matched DUT, RBW = 100 Hz, RF attenuation = 10 dB, nominal source power = 0 dBm, +20 °C to +30 °C 300 kHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz
0 dB return loss < 15 dB nominal < 3° 15 dB return loss < 25 dB nominal < 6° 25 dB return loss < 35 dB nominal < 20°
3.6 GHz < f 8 GHz (R&S®FSH8 only)
0 dB return loss < 15 dB nominal < 3° 15 dB return loss < 25 dB nominal < 6° 25 dB return loss < 35 dB nominal < 20°
Range selectable 1 to 1.1, 1.5, 2, 6, 11, 21 or 71
Smith chart
Range 1, zoom × 2, × 4, × 8
Reflection coefficient
mRho range 1 to 1000 in 1, 2, 5 steps
Corrected directivity
300 kHz ≤ f ≤ 3 GHz nominal > 43 dB 3 GHz < f 6 GHz nominal > 37 dB 6 GHz < f 8 GHz nominal > 31 dB
Corrected test port match
300 kHz ≤ f ≤ 3 GHz nominal > 40 dB 3 GHz < f 6 GHz nominal > 37 dB 6 GHz < f 8 GHz nominal > 30 dB
Uncertainty of reflection measurement with R&S®FSH-K42/-K45 option
nominal 0 dBm to –40 dBm in 1 dB steps
VSWR, reflection coefficient, Smith chart,
cable loss, group delay, electrical length
measurement with the R&S
FSH-K45 option”
Uncertainty of reflection measurement with the R&S
8 Rohde & Schwarz R&S
Measurement uncertainty / dB
-3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
FSH4/FSH8 Spectrum Analyzer
Return Loss / dB
FSH-K42/ R&S®FSH-K45 option.
300 kHz ≤ f ≤ 3 GHz
3 GHz < f 6 GHz
6 GHz < f 8 GHz
Version 08.00, June 2011
Transmission measurement
Result formats
measurement mode = vector magnitude, phase, magnitude + phase,
group delay, electrical length
measurement mode = vector voltmeter magnitude + phase
Measurement range –120 dB to +80 dB Display range selectable 1/2/5/10/20/50/100 dB, linear 100 % Resolution 0.01 dB Measurement uncertainty calibration method = Full Two Port High
see figure ”Transmission magnitude uncertainty”
Range selectable 90/180/360/1000° to 10000°
in 1/2/5 steps Resolution 0.01° Measurement uncertainty
specifications are based on a matched DUT, RBW = 100 Hz, RF attenuation = 10 dB, nominal source power = 0 dBm, +20 °C to +30 °C 300 kHz ≤ f ≤ 50 MHz
0 dB insertion loss < 40 dB nominal < 2°
50 MHz < f 3.6 GHz
0 dB insertion loss < 50 dB nominal < 2° 50 dB insertion loss < 70 dB nominal < 3°
3.6 GHz < f < 6 GHz (R&S®FSH8 only) 0 dB insertion loss < 50 dB nominal < 2° 50 dB insertion loss < 70 dB nominal < 3°
6 GHz f < 8 GHz (R&S®FSH8 only)
0 dB insertion loss < 50 dB nominal < 3° 50 dB insertion loss < 70 dB nominal < 5°
Dynamic range from port 1 to port 2
RF attenuation = 0 dB, tracking generator attenuation = 10 dB, RBW = 1 kHz
100 kHz f < 300 kHz typ. 70 dB 300 kHz f < 6 GHz > 70 dB, typ. 90 dB 6 GHz f < 8 GHz typ. > 50 dB
Dynamic range from port 2 to port 1
RF attenuation = 0 dB, tracking generator attenuation = 10 dB, RBW = 1 kHz
100 kHz f < 300 kHz typ. 80 dB 300 kHz f < 6 GHz > 80 dB, typ. 100 dB 6 GHz f < 8 GHz typ. > 60 dB
Test port match as specified for tracking generator
output/RF input
Transmission magnitude uncertainty
with calibration method "Full Two Port High Accuracy", f=1GHz, IF bandwidth=100Hz
Uncertainty in dB
-80 -60 -40 -20 0
DUT transmission magnitude, |S21| or |S12|, in dB
Transmission magnitude uncertainty.
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