FRA 5310
Sweep Frequency Response Analyser for Power Transformer Diagnosis
The FRA 5310 Sweep Frequency Response Analyser
detects transformer winding movements and
mechanical failures due to mechanical shock,
transportation or short circuits.
Many dielectric and mechanical failures in large power
transformers are preceded by mechanical changes in the
winding structure. These changes, or displacements in the
winding, may be the result of:
Transportation damage occurring between the
manufacturer and the final location
Short circuit forces imposed on the windings
resulting from a low impedance fault occurring close to
the transformer
Natural effects of aging on the insulating
structures used to support the windings
Detection of these displacements ahead of a dielectric
failure can reduce unplanned maintenance costs, and
provide the possibility to improve system reliability by
preventing outages. Additionally, when damage is
discovered, repairs may be targeted to a specific phase
The corresponding HF circuit of a transformer winding is a
complex R-L-C-network. The measured frequency response
(transfer function) of this network is unique like a fingerprint.
Changes in the winding geometry will be reflected by
deviations between repeated measurements. Even small
winding movements or distortions will cause legible changes
in the measured transfer function, which is clearly detectable.
Deviations can be caused by short-circuited turns, open
windings, mechanical damage to windings or core, loose
turns, faulty clamps, etc.
The FRA 5310 software and the large touch-screen interface
guarantee a very easy-to-use instrument. Load
measurements, set configurations, obtain connecting
information, repeat previous measurements and do
comparisons just on a fingertip. Integrated analysis tools,
reporting capability and additional PC software complete this
advanced Sweep Frequency Response Analyser.
High measurement reliability and reproducibility
due to active probes design and a clear defined
connection and grounding technique
High signal-to-noise ratio due to output voltage up to
12 Vpeak-peak at 50 (24 Vpeak-peak at 1 M)
Automatic Interpretation according to Chinese
Standard DL / T 911 - 2004
Ease of use due to automated Windows test software
and large color touch screen interface and remote start
Rugged, lightweight and small all-in-one field design
Measuring modes (amplitude & phase):
Transfer Voltage Function U1/U2 (f)
Impedance Function U1/I2 (f)
a brand of
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right t o change design and specification without notice. LL_FRA5310_0711_RF – 1/3
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.
Previously stored curves are accessed using the History tab
sheet, where information can be edited and updated at a
later date.
Automatic Test Setting (Sequence)
Analysis page with limits set according to the standards
A complete transformer test measurement list (sequence) can
be predefined and executed automatically when required,
making it simple to repeat a previous fingerprint
measurement, even if the operator has no previous
knowledge of the setup.
The analysis system allows multiple stored measurements
to be loaded for detailed analysis, comparison,
verification, reporting, etc.
The measured transfer function curves can be displayed as
Magnitude [dB], Phase [°], Impedance [ ] ,
Admittance [S] and Ratio.
Additional comments can be stored with the single
analysis displays so expert interpretation and
assessments, further test instructions, etc can be included.
Various display tools are easily accessible from the touch
screen to allow simple analysis: Zoom-in and -out, auto
scaling, linear and logarithmic scaling, curve shifting,
measuring point labels, save as meta-file, printout, title
editing, setup information editing, frequency band display,
Cursors can easily be placed anywhere on the displayed
curves giving the user information down to the last
measuring point.
Differences of curves with a definable limiter function
can be calculated allowing parts of the curve to be
weighted and highlighted to help the engineer's decisionmaking.
Coherence between two or more curves can be
calculated to give the engineer a powerful tool for the
assessment and comparison of transformer transfer
curves yielding valuable additional information.
Transfer functions of 3 phases and their coherence.
Interpretation according to Chinese Standard DL / T 911 -
2004 is supported. This interpretation is based on the
comparison of two curve, identifies slight, obvious and severe
mechanical changes and differentiate between typical origins
of the damage.
Comparison of two transfer functions according to Chinese
Standard DL / T 911- 2004.
The measured frequency response curves (raw data) are
stored in a measuring data file together with all the related
transformer nameplate data and other additional information.
Two frequency response curves and their difference.
a brand of
Haefely has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right t o change design and specification without notice. LL_FRA5310_0711_RF – 2/3
Reports can be created from the measured data file (raw data
curves) or from any analysis data files previously created.
Haefely is a subsidiary
of Hubbell Incorporated.