Atec Fluke-792A User Manual

792A AC/DC
Transfer Standard
Support for your most demanding ac measure­ment requirements
10 ppm total uncertainty
standards Voltage range 2 mV to 1000V
Frequency range: 10 Hz to
1 MHz Fast and easy to use
The Fluke 792A is an ultra­high accuracy AC/DC Thermal Transfer Standard, designed to meet the most demanding ac measurement requirements. Using the patented Fluke RMS sensor and thin film range resis­tors, the 792A offers an extraor­dinary transfer accuracy, with total uncertainties of as low as ± 10 ppm (± 5 ppm from the National Institute of Standards and Technology — NIST). The 792A also provides a wide volt­age range of 2 mV to 1000V, and a wide frequency range of 10 Hz to 1 MHz.
The Fluke solid-state RMS sensor also provides the 792A with remarkable temperature stability and fast settling time. Now you can be ready to make measurements in 30 seconds instead of 30 minutes. To sim­plify the transfer process, the 792A’s 2V output permits you to use a high resolution digital multimeter rather than a null meter.
The Fluke 792A is designed to support the calibration of the most accurate ac instruments in your standards lab workload, including calibrators like the Fluke 5700A, voltmeters like the Fluke 8506A and ac measure­ment standards like the Fluke 5790A.
Accurate, fast and easy to use
At the heart of the Fluke 792A is the patented Solid-State Ther­mal RMS sensor, which has been proven in a variety of Fluke products since 1979. Its output voltage is 2V, compared to the 7 to 10 mV output of tra­ditional thermocouples. That means the 792A exhibits excel­lent signal-to-noise characteris­tics and minimal reversal errors as low as 10 ppm relative to
Technical Data
input voltage. The 2V output also permits you to make mea­surements with high resolution, so you can use a digital voltme­ter rather than a null meter to make transfers. Not only are measurements easier to make, they are more precise as well. And, because it is small, the RMS Sensor has very low ther­mal mass, so the 792A stabilizes in as little as 30 seconds and can be used over a wide tem­perature range of 11°C to 35°C.
The RMS Sensor is designed to be rugged and reliable. Each is built to exacting standards by the Fluke Microelectronics Op­eration to maintain quality and consistency, part after part.
Fully traceable performance
Each 792A is shipped from Fluke with documented trace­ability to the US National Insti­tute of Standards and Technol­ogy (NIST). Included is a table of correction factors and uncer­tainties for measured ac/dc differences.
To support the traceability requirements for an instrument as accurate as the 792A, the Fluke Metrology Department developed a unique system to transfer NIST values to the 792A production environment. This system is based on proven tech­niques developed to maintain a 732A direct voltage standard to within a few parts in 100 million.
Statistical treatment of data resulting from successive intercomparisons of virtually identical 792As is used to mini­mize transfer uncertainties. To achieve even higher perfor­mance, you can have the trans­fer uncertainties of your 792A assigned directly by NIST, or other national standards organi­zations. For more information, request the application note titled Establishing Traceability
for a High Performance AC/DC Transfer Standard.
Periodic calibration and recertification is available from Fluke. This service repeats the original calibration procedure. A new table of correction factors and undertainties for measured ac/dc differences is returned with your instrument. Order 792A-000.
The 792A consists of four main components: The Transfer Unit, Power Pack, 1000V Range Resistor and Transfer Switch.
Each 792A includes a table of correction factors and uncertainties for measured ac/dc differences.
The 792A consists of four units. The Transfer Unit is the main analog component of the 792A for the 20 mV to 220V ranges. Stainless Steel Type-N connec­tors assure low signal loss and high measurement repeatability. The separate Power Pack unit permits the Transfer Unit and 1000V Range Resistor to be shipped independently for
calibration. The 1000V Range Resistor isolates the heat gener­ated at high voltages outside the main Transfer Unit. The Range Resistor has a low tem­perature coefficient, stabilizes quickly and exhibits small ac/dc differences. The Transfer Switch provides for switching between the ac and dc inputs.
Each 792A is shipped from the factory traceable to NIST standards. Each 792A also includes a table of correction factors and uncertainties for measured ac/dc differences.
2 Fluke Corporation 792A AC/DC Transfer Standard
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