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AC Power-Electrical Meters, Power Quality Analyzers >
AC Power Quality Analyzers > Loggers & Recorders
Fluke 1735
Three-Phase Power Logger
How-To Video
Technical Data
Electrical load studies, energy
consumption testing, and
general power quality logging
The Fluke 1735 Three-Phase Power Logger
is the ideal electrician or technician’s tool for
conducting energy studies and basic power
quality logging. Set up the 1735 in seconds,
with the included flexible current probes and
color display. The 1735 logs most electrical
power parameters, harmonics and captures
voltage events.
Record power and associated param-
eters for up to 45 days
Monitor maximum power demand over
user-defined averaging periods
Prove the benefit of efficiency improve-
ments with energy consumption tests
Measure harmonic distortion caused by
electronic loads
Improve reliability by capturing voltage
dips and swells from load switching
Easily confirm instrument setup with
color display of waveforms and trends
Measure all three phases and neutral
with included 4 flexible current probes
View graphs and generate reports with
included Power Log software
Compact, rugged design with IP65 case,
600 V CAT III and two-year warranty

Load studies – verify electrical
system capacity before adding
Energy assessments – quantify
energy consumption before, and
after improvements, to justify
energy saving devices
Harmonics measurements –
uncover harmonic issues that
can damage or disrupt critical
Voltage event capture – monitor for dips and swells that cause
spurious resets or nuisance
circuit breaker tripping
Conduct load studies for up
to 45 days and view saved
data on-screen or on a
Quantify energy consumption quickly on-screen or
log to memory for extended
Generate reports and view
graphs with Fluke Power
Log Software
Designed to quickly view recorded
data, the included Power Log software
displays all recorded parameters on
interactive trends. Generate a professional report with the ‘Report Writer’
function, or copy and paste images into
report document manually.
Log the most common
Designed to measure the most
critical three-phase power
parameters, the 1735 can log rms
voltage, rms current, phase angle,
voltage events, voltage and current THD, voltage and current
harmonics up to the 50th, active
power, reactive power, power
factor, active energy, reactive
energy, and more. With memory
for up to 45 days of data, the
1735 can uncover intermittent or
hard-to-find issues.
Easy to use
The four current probes are
connected with one plug, the
instrument automatically detects,
scales and powers the probes.
These variable range current
probes are easily set to 15 A,
150 A, or 3000 A for high accuracy in nearly any application.
The voltage connections are
single leads, enabling easy and
quick setups. The color screen
provides instant confirmation that
connections are correct, and then
logging begins when you press
the RECORD button.
Assess voltage and current
harmonics up to the 50th.
Capture voltage events using
user-defined thresholds.
View recorded data in simple graphs and tables.
View waveforms onscreen to uncover
waveform distortion and
to verify correct voltage
and current connections.
Easily customize the report.
2 Fluke Corporation 1735 Three-Phase Power Logger
Create professional reports.