N1911A/N1912A P-Series Power
Meters and N1921A/N1922A
Wideband Power Sensors
Data Sheet

LXI Class-C-Compliant Power Meter
A P-Series power meter is a LXI
Class-C-compliant instrument,
developed using LXI Technology. LXI,
an acronym for LAN eXtension for
Instrumentation, is an instrument
standard for devices that use the
Ethernet (LAN) as their primary communication interface.
Hence, it is an easy-to-use instrument especially with the usage of an
integrated Web browser that provides
a convenient way to configure the
instrument’s functionality.
Specification definitions
There are two types of product
• Warranted specifications are
specifications which are covered
by the product warranty and apply
over a range of 0 to 55 ºC unless
otherwise noted. Warranted specifications include measurement
uncertainty calculated with a 95 %
Characteristic information is
representative of the product. In
many cases, it may also be supplemental to a warranted specification.
Characteristic specifications are not
verified on all units. There are several
types of characteristic specifications.
They can be divided into two groups:
One group of characteristic types
describes ‘attributes’ common to all
products of a given model or option.
Examples of characteristics that
describe ‘attributes’ are the product
weight and ‘50-ohm input Type-N
connector’. In these examples,
product weight is an ‘approximate’
value and a 50-ohm input is ‘nominal’.
8.5 inch
These two terms are most widely
used when describing a product’s
The power meter and sensor will
meet its specifications when:
• stored for a minimum of two hours
at a stable temperature within the
operating temperature range, and
turned on for at least 30 minutes
• the power meter and sensor are
within their recommended calibration period, and
• used in accordance to the information provided in the User’s Guide.
13.7 inch
3.5 inch
• Characteristic specifications
are specifications that are not
warranted. They describe product
performance that is useful in the
application of the product. These
characteristic specifications are
Physical dimensions
(does not include bumper)
shown in italics.
General features
Number of channels N1911A P-Series power meter, single channel
N1912A P-Series power meter, dual channel
Frequency range N1921A P-Series wideband power sensor, 50 MHz to 18 GHz
N1922A P-Series wideband power sensor, 50 MHz to 40 GHz
Measurements Average, peak and peak-to-average ratio power measurements are provided with free-run or time-gated
Time parameter measurements of pulse rise time, fall time, pulse width, time-to-positive occurrence and
time-to-negative occurrence are also provided.
Sensor compatibility P-Series power meters are compatible with all Agilent P-Series wideband power sensors, E-Series sensors,
8480 Series sensors and N8480 Series sensors
be available free-of-charge in firmware release Ax.03.01 and above. Compatibility with N8480 Series power
sensors will be available free-of-charge in firmware release A.05.00 and above.
1. Information contained in this document refers to operations using P-Series sensors. For specifications relating to the use of 8480 and E-Series
sensors (except E9320A range), refer to publication number 5965-6382EN. For specification relating to the use of E932XA sensors, refer to publication number 5980-1469EN. For specifications relating to the use of N8480 Series sensors, refer to publication number 5989-9333EN. The E-Series,
8480 Series and N8480 Series power sensors require N1917A/ B/ C cables when connected to the P-Series power meters.
. Compatibility with the 8480 and E-Series power sensors will

P-Series Power Meter and Sensor
Key system specifications and characteristics
Maximum sampling rate
Video bandwidth
Single-shot bandwidth
Rise time and fall time ≤ 13 ns (for frequencies ≥ 500 MHz)
Minimum pulse width
Average power measurement accuracy N1921A: ≤ ± 0.2 dB or ± 4.5 %
100 Msamples/sec, continuous sampling
≥ 30 MHz
≥ 30 MHz
50 ns
≤ 5 %
, see Figure 1
N1922A: ≤ ± 0.3 dB or ± 6.7 %
Dynamic range
–35 dBm to +20 dBm (> 500 MHz)
–30 dBm to +20 dBm (50 MHz to 500 MHz)
Maximum capture length
Maximum pulse repetition rate
1 second
10 MHz (based on 10 samples per period)
1. See Appendix A on page 9 for measurement uncertainty calculations.
2. Specification applies only when the Off video bandwidth is selected.
3. The Minimum Pulse Width is the recommended minimum pulse width viewable on the power meter, where power measurements are meaningful and
accurate, but not warranted.
4. Specification is valid over a range of –15 to +20 dBm, and a frequency range of 0.5 to 10 GHz, DUT Max. SWR < 1.27 for the N1921A, and a
frequency range of 0.5 to 40 GHz, DUT Max. SWR < 1.2 for the N1922A. Averaging set to 32, in Free Run mode.
Percent error
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Signal under test rise time (nS)
Figure 1. Measured rise time percentage error versus signal under test rise time
Although the rise time specification is ≤ 13 ns, this does not mean that the P-Series meter and sensor combination can
accurately measure a signal with a known rise time of 13 ns. The measured rise time is the root sum of the squares (RSS)
of the signal under test rise time and the system rise time (13 ns):
Measured rise time = √((signal under test rise time)3 + (system rise time)3)
and the % error is:
% Error = ((measured rise time – signal under test rise time)/signal under test rise time) x 100

P-Series Power Meter Specifications
Meter uncertainty
Instrumentation linearity ± 0.8 %
Timebase range
Accuracy ±10 ppm
Internal trigger
Level accuracy
External TTL trigger input
Minimum trigger pulse width
Minimum trigger repetition period
Maximum trigger voltage input
External TTL trigger output Low to high transition on trigger event
Trigger delay
Delay range
Delay resolution
Trigger hold-off
Trigger level threshold hysteresis
1. Internal trigger latency is defined as the delay between the applied RF crossing the trigger level and the meter switching into the triggered state.
2. External trigger latency is defined as the delay between the applied trigger crossing the trigger level and the meter switching into the triggered state.
3. External trigger output latency is defined as the delay between the meter entering the triggered state and the output signal switching.
2 ns to 100 msec/div
≤ 1 ns
–20 to +20 dBm
0.1 dB
± 0.5 dB
160 ns ± 10 ns
≤ 5 ns rms
> 2.4 V
< 0.7 V
90 ns ± 10 ns
15 ns
50 ns
15 V emf from 50 Ω dc (current < 100 mA), or
60 V emf from 50 Ω (pulse width < 1 s, current < 100 mA)
50 Ω
≤ 5 ns rms
> 2.4 V
< 0.7 V
30 ns ± 10 ns
50 Ω
≤ 5 ns rms
± 1.0 s, maximum
1 % of delay setting, 10 ns maximum
1 μs to 400 ms
1 % of selected value (to a minimum of 10 ns)
± 3 dB
0.05 dB