Atec Agilent-J2300E User Manual

Agilent Technologies
Agilent Advisor - ATM/WAN
Technical Specification
ATM/WAN Tes ting Made Easy......................... page 2
Key ATM Features and Functionality............ page 2
Key WAN Features and Functionality.......... page 3
Key General Features and Functionality.... page 3
LAN over WAN, and LAN (over WAN).......... page 4
over ATM
Aquisition Systems................................................... page 5
Dual Simultaneous Analysis............................... page 6
ATM Testing.................................................................. page 7
WAN Testing................................................................ page 22
Packet over SONET/SDH.................................. page 23
Frame Relay ............................................................. page 24 45
X.25................................................................................. page 51
PPP (Point to Point Protocol)........................... page 51
SMDS (Optional)..................................................... page 52
ATM DXI....................................................................... page 52
V5.1/V5.2 52
Async/BiSync Protocol
Physical Layer.......................................................... page 56
BERT (Bit Error Ratio Testing) 57
ATM and WAN Interface Specifications.... page 61
Remote Operation.................................................... page 87
General Specifications.......................................... page 87
Significant New Enhancements
All BERT applications in one common GUI for the following interfaces:
V-Series, J5457A-High Speed V-Series, J2294D, J2296D, J2298D, J4646A, J4647A, J4648A and J4649A
E1/T1 Interfaces: J3759A/B (E3/T3), J3762B (HSSI) Includes a new
4000-byte user defined pattern
Protocol Distribution Application: Network, transport, and application
layer protocol statistics over Frame Relay, HDLC and PPP.
SLIP: The SLIP application allows Serial Link IP analysis within the
Advisor WAN application architecture. Capture filter, display filter, searching, decodes and stats are supported. All file operations are supported. Supported interfaces are “legacy” Advisor V series interfaces ONLY when a new T1/E1 D series module is installed. It will not work with J5457A High Speed V-Series module.
AAL5 CRC Statistics: The ATM application counts AAL5 CRC errors.
Errors are counted on a per VP/VC basis
ATM/WAN Testing Made Easy
To install or troubleshoot an ATM or WAN link, it is necessary to test for many things: physical errors, equipment interoperability, ATM cell congestion, and even LAN traffic problems. The Agilent Advisor offers integrated ATM, WAN, and LAN protocol analysis capabilities, along with bit error ratio testing (BERT), stimulus/response measurements, and statistical analysis capability ­everything required to get a good look at the physical layer, ATM/MAC layer, and all of the upper protocol layers.
In addition, the Agilent Advisor can test ATM quality of service (QoS) with contract conformant traffic and can check live traffic for conformance to a traffic contract (policing). For Frame Relay, the Agilent Advisor can verify that Service Level Agreements are met.
No matter what the traffic level, the Agilent Advisor will capture every cell or frame on full-duplex network connections. It monitors non-intrusively and decodes ATM or WAN data at full line rate. Further, it can simulate traffic from either direction within a connection. In addition, it can process previously captured data from its capture buffers or from a file for retransmission. The analyzer not only captures traffic when the network is working - it provides information when the network is broken - when it is needed the most.
Key ATM Features and Functionality
The Agilent Advisor provides the following powerful ATM features and functions:
 Handles ATM testing rates from 1.5 Mb/s to 622 Mb/s; ATM Interfaces including
T1/E1, J2, E3/T3, STM-1/OC-3, STM-1e/EC-3, STM-4/OC-12, ATM25 (25.6 Mb/s UTP-3/5) and UTP155 are available as plug-in modules or undercradles
 Auto-discovers up to 1024 Virtual Channels on all ATM interfaces except J2
(up to 4096 on the STM-4/OC-12 interface) and gathers statistics on each
 Analyses protocols including full rate capture with capture and display filtering
and searching (e.g. set the capture filter to capture only ATM streams carrying IP traffic with specific IP addresses)
 Monitors, captures data, and decodes upper and lower layer protocols in real
 Decodes and logs statistics for LAN encapsulated protocols over ATM,
including Voice over IP decodes: H.323 series, IETF series (SIP, MGCP, SGCP,
MEGACO), ITU-T T.38  Finds Errors in capture file or buffer  Decodes AAL-1, AAL-2, AAL-3/4, AAL-5  AAL-1 5 CRC statistics  Decodes Frame Relay over ATM  Decodes ATM UNI, NNI (B-ISUP, B-ICI) and PNNI signaling  Decodes IMA Control Protocol (ICP) cells  Real-time and post-processing User Assisted LAN over ATM  Emulates ATM UNI signaling  check call set-up procedures  Emulates ELAN Join (LANE)  Generates user-defined cell traffic from a cell table  Retransmits captured traffic which has been copied and pasted to the cell table,
modified (e.g. VPI-VCI and/or embedded IP addresses changed); the HEC and
AAL-5 CRC-32 are automatically recalculated  Generates ATM ICMP Echo (PING)  Generates and analyses OAM cells  Tests ATM QoS performance to the ITU-T O.191 standard  measures cell loss,
cell delay, cell delay variation, cell misinsertion and cell errors  Generates ATM traffic shaped to traffic contracts  Polices ATM traffic to traffic contracts  Tests simultaneously on two different or similar ATM interfaces  Tests simultaneously with other technologies (e.g. Frame Relay, Ethernet)  Tests physical frame layer and cell layer bit error ratios (BER)  Measures optical power  Pulse amplitude measurement on T1, E1, E3, T3 and STM-1e/EC-3 ATM interfaces
Key WAN Features and Functionality
The Agilent Advisor provides the following powerful wide area network (WAN) features and functions:
 WAN testing speeds from 50 b/s to 155 Mb/s  Packet over SONET/SDH (PoS) analysis (IETF and Cisco)  Built-in all major WAN interfaces into the instrument mainframe, including
V.10/V.11, V.24/V.28/RS-232C, V.35, V.36/RS-449/422/423/530, X.21  V-Series interface support up to 8.192 Mb/s  Interfaces, including ISDN Basic Rate Interfaces (BRI) S/T/U and Primary Rate
Interfaces (PRI), E1/T1 and E3/T3 Cells and Frames, Packet over SONET/SDH
HSSI, DDS 4-wire, and High Speed V-Series (V.35, RS-449 and X.21 to 8.192 Mb/s)
are available as slide-in modules  Full-featured testing capability for all common WAN technologies, including
Frame Relay, PPP (Sync, Async), ISDN, X.25, HDLC, SMDS, SNA, Async,
Bisync, ATM DXI, and more  Monitoring, data capturing, and decoding for upper and lower layer protocols
in real time  Decodes LAN encapsulated protocols over WAN, including Voice over IP
decodes: H.323 series, IETF series (SIP, MGCP, SGCP, MEGACO), ITU-T T.38  Real-time and post-processing User Assisted LAN over Frame Relay and HDLC,
PPP, ATM, DXI capture/display filtering and searching  Find Error in capture file or buffer  Comprehensive bit error ratio testing (BERT)  Asynchronous and Bisynchronous monitor and traffic generation  Frame Relay analysis Voice and Fax over Frame Relay (FRF.11) decodes  Auto LMI detection and decoding for ANSI, ITU-T or original LMI Auto LAN encapsulation over Frame Relay detection for RFC 1490/2427,
Ethertype, FRF3.1, and RFC 2684/1483  Service Level Agreement measurements according to FRF.13  LMI Expert analysis  CIR Measurements in all Frame Relay DLCIs  Tests simultaneously on two WAN interfaces  Tests simultaneously with other technologies (e.g. ATM, Ethernet)  Signal Level measurement on T1, E1, E3, and T3  SLIP Measurement
Key General Features and Functionality
The Agilent Advisor provides the following additional features and functions:
Other technologies covered include 10/100 Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Token
Ring, FDDI, RTP QoS, VoIP and more
LAN/WAN/ATM/VoIP under one handle Real-time counters and triggers, with logging and CSV export capabilities of
statistics to disk
Line-status monitoring Commentators Absolute, Delta and Relative Time User bytes (skip bytes between layers) Enhanced decode view with HEX to detail correlation True multi-tasking capability with user friendly full 32 bit Microsoft Windows
user interface, so that monitoring, decoding, statistical analysis, and stimulus/
response tests can be executed simultaneously
Context-sensitive on-line Help with measurement and troubleshooting guides,
acronym list, index and glossary
Agilent Software Upgrade Subscription Service to keep users up-to-date on
the latest software enhancements
Highly portable economical package featuring a rugged based PC with full
keyboard, large active color display and pointing device
LAN over WAN, and LAN (over WAN) over ATM
Encapsulated LAN data is automatically extracted and decoded by the Agilent Advisor including complex encapsulated protocols. For unique encapsulation schemes, the user may specify the offset as well. Nearly 300 decodes exist for layer 3 and above; these are common to all underlying technologies (LAN, WAN and ATM).
The Agilent Advisor provides an off-line LAN Expert Analysis tool. The off-line LAN Expert Analysis allows the user to examine Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, ATM or WAN (HDLC or Frame Relay) encapsulated LAN frames on an Agilent Advisor or personal PC without Agilent Advisor hardware.
The comprehensive set of protocol decodes include all of todays popular Protocol Stacks:
 TCP/IP  SUN  AppleTalk  XNS  Banyan  Cisco  DECnet  3Com  IBM/SNA  H.323 series, T.38  Novell  SIP, MGCP,SGCP, MEGACO  ISO  W-CDMA
Powerful Commentators follow state-based protocols and can provide warnings and alerts when unusual message sequences are detected.
Real-time Filtering
The Agilent Advisor now offers real-time IP and WAN filtering at rates up to 155Mb/s. This allows the user to isolate and analyze LAN and Frame Relay traffic taking place on an ATM circuit or LAN traffic taking place on a Frame Relay circuit.
The real time filtering function gives users application-level, LAN-centric troubleshooting on their ATM or Frame Relay network, thus allowing them to observe specific traffic types for potential problems on the network. The user can even filter by IP source and/or destination address. IP traffic encapsulated in Frame Relay that is additionally encapsulated over ATM can also be analyzed. This feature maximizes valuable buffer space for optimal data collection of targeted LAN traffic since the filtering takes place before data capture.
In addition to capture filtering performed in hardware, the Agilent Advisor is able to gather counts of events such as cells or frames within the defined criteria of the filters. Powerful display (post-capture) filtering and search functionality allows the user to drill down further for troubleshooting purposes.
For more details concerning these features, refer to the corresponding technical sections within this document.
Enhanced decode view
The decode view is user configurable by right clicking in the summary view. The decode view has a very user-friendly, one-line and multi-line read out in the summary view. Also, the decode view offers hex to detail mapping by highlighting an element in the detailed view, the corresponding hex element is highlighted in color in the Hex section of the decodes. The reverse is also true.
The Agilent Advisor also has powerful, user-configurable 100ns resolution time­stamp options as follows:
Delta  shows the time interval between adjacent cells or displayed filtered
Relative  shows the time difference between critical events and other cells in
the traffic flow; for example, if a ping is considered time-zero, cells which arrived before or after will be time-stamped with their relative corresponding arrival time.
Absolute  displays events with date and time with a resolution of 100
Color mapping of the protocol layers in the decode view distinguishes each of the layers in the data flow for easy identification, thus simplifying protocol analysis.
Acquisition Systems
There are two acquisition systems for ATM and WAN: the J2300E Agilent Advisor mainframe and the J2900A High Speed undercradle.
J2300E Agilent Advisor Mainframe
The J2300E mainframe comprises the acquisition system for all ATM and WAN plug-in modules plus the V series interfaces, connectors for which are present on the body of the mainframe. For LAN measurements such as Ethernet 10/100/ 1000, Token Ring and FDDI, LAN undercradles can be attached to the J2300E.
In addition, the mainframe includes a full PC running the Microsoft Windows98® operating system on a 400 MHz processor, 256 MB of RAM, a built in keyboard with pointing device, a Super VGA active color display, dual PCMCIA card slots, stereo speakers and the usual printer and serial ports. The PC is used to control the mainframe acquisition system and the acquisition system in any attached undercradle, and to collect and post process results.
With the new 400MHz PC processor and larger momory, post capture filtering and searches are significantly faster than before, saving valuable troubleshooting time.
Note that the PC is not used for real-time processing of measurements  this is all done in the acquisition system and plug-in modules. This allows the PC to handle multiple tasks such as the Dual Simultaneous Analysis feature which involves the simultaneous control of the mainframe acquisition system and attached undercradles, as discussed later.
J2900A High Speed Undercradle
The J2900A undercradle is similar in function to the J2300E mainframe except that it has no built in PC but relies upon the PC contained in the J2300E ATM/ WAN or J3446E LAN mainframes to control it and to collect and post process results. It accepts all ATM and WAN plug-in modules.
Dual Simultaneous Analysis
The Agilent Advisor has the ability to test at two different interfaces and technologies simultaneously, e.g. E1 Frame Relay and E3 ATM, DS3 Frame Relay and 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet, ATM25 and OC-3 ATM, etc. This functionality allows the user to test interworking in mixed technology environments (see the Application Note 1346 for details on this kind of testing).
In order to perform dual simultaneous analysis, combinations of an Agilent Advisor mainframe (J2300E or J3446E) and an undercradle (J3444A or J2900A) is required, the mainframe and undercradle being each supported by an application (LAN, WAN or ATM) running on the PC embedded in the mainframe. Note that the applications do not have to be different so, for example, a J2300E Agilent Advisor mainframe fitted with a J2900A High Speed undercradle could each be fitted with the same type of ATM or WAN interface and run simultaneously  e.g. two J3766A ATM25 interface modules.
The following table shows the combination of supported mainframes, undercradles, interfaces and technologies.
Table 1 Hardware Sup port
Note: The supported operating temperature range for Dual Simultaneous Analysis is 5° C to 30° C (41° F to 86° F).
ATM Testing
The Agilent Advisor supports the following interface types for ATM Testing:
E1* E3* STM-1* STM-1e* STM-4
* These interfaces also support WAN testing (see the WAN Testing section)
The following sub-sections deal with all layers of testing, starting at the upper layers and working down to the physical layer.
T1* T3* OC-3* EC-3* OC-12
ATM25 155UTP J2
Service Layer ATM Testing
In addition to the nearly 300 encapsulated LAN decodes common to LAN, WAN
and ATM in the Agilent Advisor, ATM specific protocols decoded include:  LAN over Frame Relay (RFC 2427/1490) over ATM (FRF.5)  LAN over ATM (RFC 2684/1483)  Classical IP and ARP over ATM (RFC 2225/1577)  Ethernet and Token Ring LAN Emulation (ATM Forum LANE 1.0 & 2.0)  MPEG-2  UNI Signaling (ATM Forum UNI 3.0, 3.1, 4.0)  NNI Signaling (B-ISUP (ITU-T Q.2761  Q.2764) and B-ICI)  ILMI (Integrated Local Management Interface)  ATM Forum PNNI 1.0 signaling and routing  IP Switching (Ipsilon):
-IFMP (RFC 1953)
-IFMP-C (RFC 1987)
-GSMP (RFC 1954)  Fore Switch Signaling: SPANS  ATM Forum MPOA  Newbridge VIVID (MPOA)
The Agilent Advisor is able to simulate upper layer traffic either by the use of pre-defined messages, e.g. ATM encapsulated ICMP-echo (PING), through the development of user defined cell sequences. Or, more conveniently, by copying and pasting previously captured traffic to the cell table and editing it, as appropriate (see ATM Cell Generation in a later section).
ATM Testing (continued )
ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL)
The Agilent Advisor provides decodes for AAL-1 through AAL-5. Decodes are also included for AAL-2 Common Part Sublayer (AAL-2 CPS to ITU-T I.363.2) and AAL-2 Service Specific Segmentation and Reassembly sublayer (AAL-2 SSSAR to ITU-T I.366.1). Note: AAL-1 & AAL-2 decodes are not currently supported at 622 Mb/s. The Decode screen in figure 1 depicts an AAL-2 sublayer.
AAL  1
Fields decoded:
CSI Sequence number CRC Parity Payload
AAL  2
Errors detected and displayed:
ATM SDU not 48 bytes long Invalid sequence number Invalid parity Invalid CRC-3
Figure 1: CPS (Common Part Sublayer).
CPS (Common Part Sublayer)
Fields decoded:
CPS-PDU start field (STF)
- OSF (Offset field)
- SN (Sequence number)
- P (Parity) CPS-Packet (one or more) CPS- Packet Header (CPS-PH)
- CID Channel identifier
- LI Length Indicator
- UUI (User to user indication)
- HEC CPS-Packet Payload (CPS-PP) CPS-INFO Padding
Errors detected and displayed:
STF Parity error STF Sequence number error Number of octets expected in the CPS packet does not match with the STF field Error in the OSF value (>=48) Error in HEC Length of received packet is incorrect. Errors in reassembly. Invalid value in UUI
ATM Testing (continued)
SSTED (Service Specific Transmission Error Detection) Sublayer
Fields decoded:
- SSTED-UU (User-User indication)
- Reserved
- CI (Congestion Indication)
- LP (Loss Priority)
- Length
Note: The AAL-2 Service Specific Segmentation and Reassembly (SSSAR) sublayer has, of course, been implemented below the SSTED sublayer but its decode is not shown explicitly (the SSTED layer decode is sufficient)
Errors detected and displayed:
SSTED-PDU of length 8 or less has been received Incorrect length value of the SSTED­PDU Error in CRC
AAL  3-4
Fields decoded:
Reassembly of segments for upper layer decoding Decode of CPCS layer (CS-PDU) Check for segmentation errors in the
decode, such as Missing BOM or EOM Btag/Etag mismatch Check and flag of CRC-10 errors:
- Btag
- Etag
Errors detected and displayed:
ATM SDU not 48 bytes long Invalid SAR sequence number Invalid SAR length indicator Invalid SAR CRCR protocol simulation CPCS common part indicator = 0 CPCS buffer allocation size is less than the actual data size CPCS begin tag = end tag CPCS length is larger than the buffer allocation size SAR payload length is less than the CPCS header length SAR Payload length is less than CPCS trailer length
AAL  5
Fields decoded:
Re-assembly of segments for upper
Decode of CPCS layer (CS-PDU)
Check and flag of CRC-32 errors
Display filtering on SDU type
Errors detected and displayed:
ATM SDU not 48 bytes long Invalid SAR segment type CPCS CPI=0 AAL-5 CRC-32 AAL-5 CRC statistics Not an AAL-5 PDU
ATM Layer
Up to 1024 virtual channels are auto-detected on all ATM interfaces up to 155
Mb/s, except J2. For each auto-discovered virtual channel, the following
statistics are collected:
Maximum and instantaneous utilization (%)  Total cells and octets (count)  Maximum, instantateous and average throughput (kb/s)  Header (HEC) errors (count)  CLP status (0 or 1)
At the 622 Mb/s ATM interface, up to 4096 VCs are auto-discovered.
Data within the ATM layer is captured in a cell-based buffer. Capture of ATM
cells occurs at full line speed up to 622 Mb/s into a data buffer. Each cell is
stamped with a 100 ns resolution time stamp and at rates up to 155Mb/s. The
display is user customizable - absolute, relative to a specific event, or delta,
representing the time change from one cell to the next, and a field indicating
whether the HEC was erroneous.
Display filtering of cells can be based on any of the header fields and also on
many common types of embedded protocols. OAM cells can be monitored
exclusively or with other data traffic for detailed analysis. Selective capture
can be done using pre-written quick test scripts or user-defined capture filters.
ATM Testing (continued)
ATM Capturing, Filtering and Searching
Capture Filters and Counters
Hardware counters and filters allow the user to select cells or AAL5 PDUs to
bring into the capture buffer. Even on a lightly loaded network, at ATM speeds
it does not take long to fill a data capture buffer. With data filtering, the user
can zero in on exactly the data the user needs to see. The filters examine every
cell in real time as it appears on the network. Since the filtering is done in the
hardware, nothing is missed, and the performance of the measurements and
user interface are not compromised.
Up to twelve hardware filters and counters can be enabled simultaneously and,
additionally, any two of the filters can be enabled to capture all the cells that
contain AAL5 PDUs. Flexible and user assisted menus can be used to define
specific filters, counters, and triggers based on protocol headers (see figure 2).
Examples include ATM, LAN over ATM (to RFC 2684/1483), Frame Relay
(FRF.5), LAN over Frame Relay over ATM (to RFC 2427/1490 and FRF.5
simultaneously), and Classical IP and ARP over ATM (RFC 2225/1577). Filter and
counter criteria can be used to start/stop the data capture and to center the
data in the buffer, the user can see what led up to an event and what followed
it. Filter criteria may also be used to ignore or store the data.
Figure 2: ATM Filter/Counter Properties.
Filters are also used as counters to specify statistical measurements based upon any part of the ATM header or payload on the line (network) side, the equipment (user) side of the link, or both. The counter and filter results provide the following:
 Number of cells that met the filter criteria  Percentage of cells out of the total busy (assigned) cells on the line  Percentage of bandwidth these cells occupied  Throughput in kb/s of these cells  Throughput in cells per second of these cells
Whatever filters or connectors the user selects or creates, the results are automatically grouped in real time.
ATM Testing (continued)
The following filters are provided, but others are easily created to incorporate several variations. Specific interface configurations and traffic generation cell tables can be saved along with filter configurations:
 IP address filtering  ILMI filtering  OAM filtering  Protocol distribution filtering  VP.VC filtering
Display Filters and Searching
Display filtering and searching lets the user search through collected data to find specific IP addresses, values for protocol fields, or conversations on specific bi-directional virtual connections (by VPI-VCI). The display filters provide the flexibility to select protocol attributes or specific protocols from a checklist, and the power to filter on any bit, byte or characteristic, such as protocol. For example, filtering can be preformed on OAM traffic without having to know any of the protocol specifics.
Post-processing lets the user quickly zoom in on selected criteria, from the traffic passing between specific devices to individual conversations. Post-processing allows the user to:
 Search through the data by record or by time stamp  Search for events or strings  Filter on protocols  Verify event-to-event timing  View protocol errors  Print a range of cells or the entire buffer  Export data in CSV (comma separated variables) format  Analyze statistics based on the buffered data
ATM Cell Generation
An ATM cell editor can build a cell table of up to 255 user defined or previously captured cells that can then be transmitted onto the network. Editing functions include the following:
Add  Edit  Delete  Copy  Insert
Windows keyboard commands are also supported  Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v, Ctrl-x, etc. Sequences of captured cells (e.g. an AAL-5 PDU) can be copied and pasted to the cell table; the resulting cell table contents can be edited/modified (e.g. to change the VPI-VCI or to change embedded IP addresses) and the HEC and AAL-5 CRC recalculated, as appropriate, prior to transmission.
ATM Testing (continued)
During the time that the cell table is not being sent, the Agilent Advisor will send idle or unassigned cells. Send Control allows the contents of cell table to be sent once or repetitively, or for AIS or idle cells to be sent. The peak cell rate (PCR) of the cell table based traffic can be set from zero to the following maximum values, all of which are 100% utilization for that interface. Also, for ease of entry, a percent of utilization can be entered, such as 50% in place of the cells per second value.
 353,207 cells per second for STM-1/OC-3, STM-1e/EC-3 and UTP155  104,268 for DS3 HEC  96,000 cells per second for DS3 PLCP  80,000 for E3 HEC  72,000 for E3 PLCP  59,111 for ATM25 with X8 8kHz timing reference  59,259 for ATM25 without X8 8kHz timing reference  14,491 cells for J2  3,623 cells for DS1  4,528 cells for E1
To generate OAM cells, the user can use quick tests that include F4 and F5 segment or end-to-end cells with user-defined VPI[-VCI] values, they are transmitted from the traffic generator. To generate cell errors, modify the quick tests to add corrupted cells to the cell table.
The fields of the generated ATM cell header can be specified as follows:
 VPI values from 0 to 255 (UNI), or 0 to 4095 (NNI)  VCI values from 0 to 65,535  GFC values from 0 to 15 (UNI only, not applicable in NNI)  PTI values from 0 to 7  CLP values of 0 or 1  HEC can be set to good (automatically calculated), bad, or user defined.
The generated ATM cell payload can be defined in hex, decimal, ASCII, or dont care. Errors can be inserted on any bit within any byte of the payload.
ATM Quality of Service (QoS) and Policing Tests
The Agilent Advisor has the ability to do various real-time tests and measurements to check the performance of ATM networks. These fall into two main categories  policing and traffic contract shaped test cell generation, really mirror images of each other. In the case of policing, the Agilent Advisor monitors live traffic and measures conformance to the traffic contract. Test cell generation allows test traffic shaped to a traffic contract to measure the networks ability to deliver the promised QoS, i.e. is the network meeting its SLA (service level agreement) obligations?
Policing, traffic shaping and traffic contract measurements
One of the most important premises of the deployment of ATM networks is the ability to maintain a given level of QoS within the public ATM network. ATM networks protect themselves by policing incoming traffic to check its conformance with pre-determined traffic contract parameters. Some cells may have to be discarded or tagged (marked to low priority) in order to protect the traffic of other users of the ATM network.
ATM Testing (continued)
When customer traffic exceeds or violates its contracted peak cell rate (PCR), taking into account its cell delay variation tolerance (CDVT), cells may be discarded or tagged; when it exceeds the sustainable cell rate (SCR) parameters, taking into account its maximum burst size (MBS) allowances, cells may be discarded or tagged (cell loss priority (CLP) bit changed to 1), depending on the type of traffic contract. When congestion occurs in the core network, low priority cells (CLP = 1) are discarded first by core ATM switches before the cells of normal priority (CPL = 0). Policing enables networks to assure a consistent quality of service within the core network, preventing the overall network performance to be degraded by an individual user.
The Agilent Advisors policing measurement feature is a real time measurement that checks a virtual connections conformance to the traffic contract at the ingress to the public network; this could be a virtual channel connection or virtual path connection. The user specifies the traffic contract type (e.g. VBR.3/SBR3) and parameters (PCR, CDVT, SCR and MBS) for the virtual connection and the Agilent Advisor counts the non-conforming test cells and delivers a non-conformance count and non-conformance ratio for active traffic on the network. This measurement would be used typically to check a users traffic either side of the boundary to the public network when quality of service is suspect (the user experiences unexpected levels of cell loss). If the user traffic entering the network does not conform, the network cannot be blamed for the resulting poor QoS.
Traffic Contracts Supported
As shown in figure 3, the user may specify one of the following types of traffic contract to determine how many cells in the virtual connection are conforming or non-conforming:
no tagging
), GCRA(1/SCR0, BT0),
, BT
no tagging
tagging supported
, BT
(note that in this notation, subscripts 0 and 1 means high and low priority cells respectively, so 0+1 means all cells; note also that BT (burst tolerance) is derived from the MBS, PCR and SCR values)
ATM Testing (continued)
Figure 3: Traffic Configuration.
Shaping of test cell traffic and background traffic
There are two sides to any contract and ATM traffic contracts are no exception.
If the user traffic keeps to its contract obligations then the network should
deliver the quality of service it guarantees in the traffic contract. This is usually
specified in terms of cell loss and added cell delay variation, etc.
The Agilent Advisor is able to measure ATM layer QoS by generating test traffic
shaped to meet the traffic contract in terms of PCR, CDVT, SCR and MBS; it
also allows users to choose the standardized Generic List values for the
parameters. The test traffic comprises test cells which conform to ITU-T
Recommendation O.191 which specifies the test cell and the methodology for
measuring ATM layer QoS parameters specified in ITU-T Recommendations
I.356 and I.357, and the ATM Forums Traffic Management Specification version
4.1. Measurements made by the Agilent Advisor are as follows:
Cell Loss Ratio
Cell Misinsertion Rate
Cell Error Ratio
Cell Delay Variation
Mean Cell Transfer Delay
Minimum Cell Transfer Delay
Maximum Cell Transfer Delay Severely Errored Cell Block Ratio Availability Ratio Transmitted Cells Non-Conforming Cells Tagged Cells
Test traffic can be sent and received by the same Advisor for local testing or it
can be sent by one Advisor and received on the other side of the network by
another. Each Agilent Advisor on either end of a connection, can source test
traffic in the opposite direction on the same bi-directional virtual connection
and, at the same time, analyze traffic from the other; each Advisor is configured
to source traffic conforming to the traffic contract for that direction of the
virtual connection; such connections are often asymmetrical. As conforming
test traffic is entering the network, any cell loss or cell delay variation detected
on the far side of the network must be caused by the network itself; this can be
compared with the SLA requirement to check that the network is complying
with its side of the agreement. The Advisor is also capable of generating same
link background traffic (on other virtual connections).
ATM Testing (continued)
For more details about policing and shaping, see the ATM QoS White Paper.
Test Cells
The ITU-T Recommendation O.191 specifies a test cell and a methodology for
using it to determine ATM QoS measurements, as defined in ITU-T
Recommendation I.356 and I.357. The ATM Forum references I.356 in its Traffic
Management 4.1 specification.
The O.191 test cell has a standard header for any user channel (any VCI above
31 is allowed). The payload has a number of special fields which allow the QoS
measurements to be made: there is a 32 bit sequence number field for
measurements of cell loss (ratio) and cell misinsertion (rate); there is a 32 bit
time stamp (with 10ns granularity in the least significant bit) for cell delay and
cell delay variation measurements, and the entire payload is error checked by a
CRC-16 for measurements of cell error. In addition, the entire payload is
scrambled to ensure that all bits of the payload are exercised so that memory-
based switch fabrics can be tested for stuck bits.
Because the O.191 test cell and the methodology for its use are standardized,
O.191 conformant test equipment from different vendors can inter-operate.
Results should be consistent between equipment from different vendors.
However, proprietary extensions are permitted, and Advisors working together
(one at each end of a virtual circuit) can detect when the network has tagged
(market to low priority, i.e. CLP = 1) a cell, which was sent at normal priority
(CLP = 0); these events are counted.
ATM Signaling and Call Placement
While permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) have dominated the ATM world thus
far, switched virtual circuits (SVCs) are increasing in utilization. Due to this
growth, it is necessary to have confidence in SVCs set up and troubleshooting
when the unexpected happens.
The Advisor includes UNI signaling emulation, ILMI address registration and
LANE emulation to provide connectivity testing. The signaling and call
placement feature supports ATM Forum UNI 3.0, 3.1 and 4.0. The Advisor can
emulate the user or network side of the UNI. In addition, the user can specify
and edit the information elements (IEs) placed on Call Connect messages that
specify what type of SVC to bring up. Figure 4 shows the configuration for call
signaling while figure 5 displays the results.
ATM Testing (continued)
Figure 4: Signaling Configuration.
Figure 5: Signaling Results.
Physical Layer
Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA)
The Advisor can now decode IMA Control Protocol cells. These ICP cells are sent regularly on each E1 or T1 in an IMA Link Group in order to manage the IMA process. The ability to decode and display these physical layer cells helps troubleshooters identify IMA configuration problems.
ATM Testing (continued)
Bit Error Ratio Testing (BERT)
Often problems on the network can be attributed to the transmission medium.
The Advisor has a powerful, built-in bit error ratio test capability that performs
not only frame-based BERT (SDH/SONET-level), but also cell-based BERT, in
which the bit patterns are carried in the payload of the ATM cell.
 Testing Patterns: 1111, 1010, 1100  PRBS: 2
-1, 220-1, 223-1
 User defined - one octet (8 bits)
Optical Power Measurements
In addition to full ATM analysis, the STM-1/OC-3 ATM interface has a built-in
optical power meter that allows the user to check power levels with an
accuracy of +/- 0.5 dBm. This measurement capability has the ability to be
performed using the same interface on an optical fiber carrying STM-4c/OC-12c,
even though the interface does not otherwise operate at 622Mb/s.
Signal Strength Pulse Amplitude Meter
In addition to full ATM analysis, the Agilent Advisor E1/T1 and E3/T3 cells and
frames interfaces and STM-1e/EC-3 ATM interfaces have a built-in pulse
amplitude signal strength power meter that allows users to check pulse
amplitude levels with a resolution of +/- 1 dBm. The dynamic range is between
+6 dBmV and 40 dBmV.
Line Status
The operation of the physical interface is often critical in determining the cause
of network problems. Therefore, the Advisor also tracks errors at the physical
layer. Counts of error and alarm events are recorded on the display for both
the line (network) and equipment (user) side. The time of the last occurrence
of a particular event is recorded as well. Events are saved in the buffer and can
be logged to disk.
Figure 6: Line Status.
Line status is displayed in real time and is shown in figure 6. All of the events listed below are saved in the buffer and counted in the line status display. These events may be logged to disk. The current status of critical parameters (marked with an asterisk (*)) is also displayed in large green or red boxes in the line status display, for easy, at-a-glance viewing.
ATM Testing (continued)
Loss of signal (LOS) (*) Loss of frame (LOF) (*) Loss of PLCP sync (LOPS) (*) AIS (*) RAI/Yellow (X-bits) (*) Bi-polar violations ESF CRC errors
Loss of Signal (LOS) (*)
Loss of Frame (LOF) (*)
Line code violations (HDB3)
RAI (FERF) (*)
AIS (*)
Loss of Signal (LOS) (*) Loss of Frame (LOF) (*) Line code violations (HDB3) RAI (FERF) (*)
Loss of Signal (*)
Loss of Synchronization (*)
Timing sync frequency
Invalid Symbol
Short Cell
Line code violation (B8ZS) Frame slips Frame bits Ones density Excess zeros Loss of Cell Delineation (*) Pulse Amplitude
CRC-4 errors (if CRC-4 is selected) Frame alignment error Loss of Cell Delineation (*) Pulse Amplitude
Payload AIS (*) CRC-4 errors (if CRC-4 is selected) Loss of Cell Delineation (*) High Bit Error Ratio
Loss of signal (LOS) (*)
Loss of frame (LOF) (*)
Line code violations (HDB3)
Payload type mismatch
Loss of Signal (LOS) (*)
Loss of Frame (LOF) (*)
RDI (Yellow) (X-bits) (*)
AIS (*)
Line code violations (B8ZS)
Idle (*)
P1/P2 parity errors
C-bit parity errors
PLCP sync loss (*)
PLCP Yellow (*)
Loss of Signal (LOS) (*)
Loss of Frame (LOF) (*)
Loss of Pointer (LOP)
B1, B2, B3 BIP errors
Summary BIP error (*)
Label mismatch
REI (FEBE) RDI (FERF) AIS (*) Loss of cell sync (LOCS) (*) Pulse Amplitude
FEAC (*) FEAC DS3 line FEAC loss of signal/HBER FEAC loss of frame FEAC AIS FEAC idle FEAC service failure FEAC no service failure FEAC common equipment failure FEAC line loopback activate FEAC line loopback de-activate Pulse Amplitude
MS-AIS/AIS-L (*) RDI/RDI-P (Yellow) AIS/AIS-P Summary Far End (RDI/RDI-P or REI/REI-P) (*) Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) (*) Remote Optical power (STM-1/OC-3) Pulse Amplitude (STM-1e/EC-3)
ATM Testing (continued)
Loss of signal (LOS)(*)
Loss of frame (LOF)(*)
Loss of pointer (LOP)
B1, B2, B3 BIP errors
Summary BIP error (*)
Label mismatch
Loss of Signal (LOS)
Loss of Frame (LOF)
Loss of Pointer (LOP)
Out of Frame (OOF)
RDI/ RDI-P (Yellow)
ATM Network Vitals
Vitals provides real-time statistics of network conditions that provide a
statistical picture of what is happening on the ATM links. Working
simultaneously with decodes, filters, and other measurements, the Vitals
feature interprets data traffic as it occurs. This feature can be used to identify
network problems or to assist the user in optimizing the configuration of
network components and software.
MS-RDI/RDI-L (Line FERF) (*) MS-AIS/AIS-L (*) RDI/RDI-P (Yellow) AIS/AIS-P Summary Far End (*) Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) (*) Remote
MS-REI/REI-L (Line FEBE) and counts REI/REI-P (Path FEBE) and counts Label mismatch Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD) B1, B2, B3 BIP error counts BIP error indication Optical power (Using STM-1/OC-3 module)
Values in the Vitals display are presented in tabular form and are cumulative
from the start of a test. An exception is instantaneous utilization, which is also
displayed in graphical format for a quick look at overall usage of the network.
Vitals data are provided for both the network and the subscriber sides of the
Average utilization in %
Instantaneous utilization in %
Maximum utilization %
Total cells received
Idle cells received
Busy cells received
HEC errors received
Average utilization in %
Instantaneous utilization in %
Maximum utilization %
Total cells received
Idle cells received
Busy cells received
Average utilization in %
Instantaneous utilization in %
Maximum utilization %
Total cells received
Idle cells received
Busy cells received
Bi-polar violations ESF CRC errors Frame slips Frame bits Ones density Excess zeros
HEC errors Code violations CRC-4 errors Frame alignment errors
HEC errors Line code violations CRC-45 errors
ATM Testing (continued)
Average utilization in % Instantaneous utilization in % Maximum utilization % Total cells received Idle/unassigned cells received Busy (assigned) cells received Header (HEC) errors
Average utilization in %
Instantaneous utilization in %
Maximum utilization %
Total cells received
Idle/unassigned cells received
Busy (assigned) cells received
Header (HEC) errors received
Average utilization in %
Instantaneous utilization in %
Maximum utilization %
Total cells received
Idle cells received
Busy cells received
HEC errors received
Code violations REI (FEBE) RDI (FERF) BIP-8 Label mismatches
Line code violations DS3 FEBE P1/P2 parity C-bit parity PLCP BIP8 PLCP FEBE
Average utilization in %
Instantaneous utilization in %
Maximum utilization %
Total cells received
Idle/unassigned cells received
Busy (assigned) cells received
Header (HEC) errors received
Average utilization in %
Instantaneous utilization in %
Maximum utilization %
Total cells
Idle/unassigned cells
Busy (assigned) cells
Header (HEC) errors
Auto-discovery of up to 4,095 VCs
Instantaneous utilization in % per VC
Peak % of total bandwidth per VC
Total cells received per VC
Header (HEC) errors received
Line code violations MS-REI/REI-L (Line FEBE) REI/REI-P (Path FEBE) MS-AIS/AIS-L AIS/AIS-P Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD)
Line code violations MS-REI/REI-L (Line FEBE) REI/REI-P (Path FEBE) MS-AIS/AIS-L AIS/AIS-P Loss of Cell Delineation (LCD)
WAN Testing
All major WAN interfaces, including V.10/V.11, V.24/V.28/RS-232C, V.35 and
V.36/ RS-449/422/423 are already built into the instrument mainframe; X.21
(with J2277A external cable  V.36/RS-449 to DB15) and RS-530 (with external
cable J2278A  V.36/RS-449 to DB25) are also available. A separate High Speed
V-Series module with V.35, RS-449 and X.21 interfaces are available to supports
speeds up to 8.192 Mb/s. Other WAN interfaces, including ISDN basic rate
interfaces (BRI) S/T/U and primary rate interfaces (PRI), E3/DS3, E1/T1, OC-3/
STM-1, STM-1e/EC-3, HSSI, DDS 4-wire, are available as slide-in modules or as
 Monitoring of LAN data over WAN and ATM is a standard feature. Real-time
monitoring of network conditions is a powerful testing capability to dig deeply
into the data if necessary.  The Agilent Advisor is a multitasking instrument; therefore users can perform
any of the active stimulus/response tests while the analyzer simultaneously
monitors their effect on the network.  Another powerful tool of the Advisor is traffic generation; it allows the
transmission of virtually any type of message or frame onto the network. To provide statistical information about the data on the network, the Agilent
Advisor analyzes every frame and count user definable events. A number of
counters have been pre-defined.  The Advisor is equipped with standard Bit Error Ratio Testing (BERT) and is
capable of generating BERT patterns onto V-series, T1, E1, E3, or DS3 WAN
It does not matter if testing needs are for Frame Relay at E3/DS3 or HSSI
speeds or for low speed links, such as Async and Bisync, the Advisor provides
all of this functionality under one single handle solution.
Unmatched WAN Solutions
WAN testing solutions are provided from the easy-to-use main Windows® user
interface:  Network Line Vitals  Packet over SONET/SDH Statistics  Frame Relay DLCI Statistics  Frame Relay SLA Measurement  Frame Relay CIR Policing  Frame Relay LMI Expert  LAN over Frame Relay, HDLC and PPP Protocol Distribution  Top Talker Statistics  Ping Generation  X.25 LCN Statistics  Decode View  Filters/Counters Statistics  Full bandwidth traffic generation  Line Status  Simulation for retransmission of captured data and user defined simulation  ISDN B-channel call tracking Expert  SLIP Measurement
WAN Analysis Capabilities
The Advisor provides real-time and post-processing Layer 2 and Layer 3 analysis
capabilities for:
 Packet over Sonet/SDH  Frame Relay  PPP (Sync, Async)  ISDN  X.25  HDLC
 ATM DXI  SMDS (optional)  SNA  V5.1/V5.2  Async and Bisync
Packet over SONET/SDH
As well as being a core network technology, Packet over SONET/SDH (PoS), also sometimes known as HDLC over SONET/SDH, is becoming an access technology at 155 Mb/s, used as an alternative to ATM.
The Agilent Advisor supports analysis of the two main variants of PoS:
· IETF PPP in HDLC-like frames over SONET/SDH (both the current and obsolete versions with version auto-detect and manual over-ride)
· Cisco HDLC over SONET/SDH
These are supported in the standard Agilent Advisor PPP and HDLC applications which also support other interfaces. Full rate capture of frames down to 7 bytes in length is provided, and full higher-layer decodes are available, including those for 3G and Mobile-IP. These and other decodes are also available over ATM and Ethernet, providing the Advisor with the most extensive 3G analysis capability under one handle
Additionally, the Advisor allows the user to measure:
· Physical Layer Statistics (see figure 7)
-optical power / electrical pulse amplitude
-SONET/SDH alarms
· Link Layer
- Avg Util (%)
- Inst Util (%)
- Max Util (%)
- Min Util (%)
- Total Frames (count)
- Total Octets (count)
- Avg Thru (kbps)
- Inst Thru (kbps)
- Max Thru (kbps)
- Min Thru (kbps)
- Abort frames (count)
- Short Frames (count)
- FCS Errors (count)
Figure 7: Line Status Measurement.
Frame Relay
No matter how complex the testing needs are, the Agilent Advisor with interfaces such as the T1, E1, E3/T3, or the HSSI lets the user test and troubleshoot complex WAN environments to solve WAN access and internetworking problems quickly.
The Agilent Advisor provides extensive real-time and post-processing test capabilities for the Frame Relay protocol according to the following recommendations:
 ITU-T Q.933 Annex A  ANSI T1.617 Annex D  Original Frame Relay consortium
The Advisor with its extensive Frame Relay testing capabilities allows the user to test:
 Physical Interface  Physical Layer  Link Layer  LMI Signaling  LMI/PING Responses  DLCI Assignments  CIR  Data Transfer  Protocol Distribution SLA
These basic verification techniques are general approaches to WAN analysis and troubleshooting that are accepted in the industry because of their systematic appeal and proven effectiveness.
Committed Information Rate (CIR) Measurement
CIR is one of the most important features for Frame Relay Management. CIR is a contract between the Service Provider and a User. This contract allows both parties to exchange information under controlled traffic conditions. CIR is the rate expressed in bits per second (bit/s) where the network agrees to transfer information under normal conditions. This rate is measured over the measurement interval Tc. The default value of Tc is 1 second. Figure 8 depicts a typical CIR measurement.
Figure 8: CIR Measurement.
Frame Relay (continued)
 The Agilent Advisor performs CIR monitoring for Frame Relay activity in real
time. The analyzer provides useful customer information such as:
 Statistical traffic activity per DLCI in graphical and tabular form
comparison of real traffic activity per DLCI against a fixed CIR value CIR
 Statistics in bits, frames and percentage per DLCI for:
-Non discardable traffic DE=0
-Below the Bc (Committed Burst).
-Discard Eligible traffic DE=1
-EIR (Excess Information Rate) Statistics in bits per second, frames per second, and percentage per DLCI for:
-Traffic below Bc (CIR)
-Traffic above the Bc, but below the sum of Bc+Be.
-Traffic above the sum of Bc+Be.
 Ability to modify the Bc and Be parameters in post processing mode to play
different CIR scenarios.
Store statistics for further analysis in the Agilent Reporter.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Measurement
Another aspect of the Frame Relay service that often needs to be tested is provisioning as defined by the CIR (Committed Information Rate). Figure 9 depicts a typical SLA measurement.
Note: This measurement is sometimes called Service Level Agreement (SLA) testing or Service Level Definitions (see the Frame Relay Forum FRF.13 implementation agreement).
Figure 9: SLA Measurement.
Frame Relay (continued)
The Advisor transmits controlled packets into the network according to an established traffic contract between the user and the network, defined by the Frame Relay Forum FRF.13. This application characterizes the reliability of the Frame Relay Network by simulating user traffic and optional background traffic.
There are three possible configurations:
Transmission of traffic between two advisors connected from end to end Physical network loopback utilizing only one Agilent Advisor Generation of IP-ICMP requests from the Agilent Advisor to a network device
This test runs with LMI emulation off or on for the following options:  UNI-User (CPE) Emulation UNI-Network (Switch) Emulation  NNI Emulation (bi-directional polling)
The following FRF.13 statistics are provided:
 All Frames delivered  Bc Frames delivered  Be Frames delivered  All Data delivered  Bc Data delivered  Be Data delivered Min, Mean, and Max Transfer Delay  Availability
The following T1.606 statistics are provided:
 Total Frames  Total Data  Total Lost Frames  Misdelivered Frames  DE=1 CIR Frames. Frames marked for possible discard by switch  DE=0 EIR Frames. Frames that should have been marked for discard but
Frame Relay (continued)
Frame Relay LMI Expert
Frame Relay LMI Expert is an application that automatically detects Frame
Relay conditions in the network. A typical display for the LMI Frame Relay LMI
Expert is depicted in figure 10. The application automatically identifies which
standard (ANSI, ITU-T or Original LMI) the network is running.
 The following LMI statistics are provided to perform a practical Frame Relay
troubleshooting, based on ANSI T1.617, ANSI T1.618, ITU-T Q922 and Q933:  Monitor Frame Relay Sequence Numbers and report missed sequences Monitor FULL Status (N391) Polling Cycles Monitor Status Enquiry messages (T391) counters  Monitor PVC Full Status messages and maintain Full Status summary
Tables for:
- Active / Inactive PVCs
- Present / New PVCs
- Deleted / Not deleted PVCs
- Monitor error conditions according to Q.933 Annex A, paragraph A.5
- T392 timers and thresholds
- N392 and N393 counters and thresholds
Figu re 10: LMI Exper t Sta tistics.
Frame Relay (continued)
DLCI Statistics
The Agilent Advisor captures all the Frame Relay frames on the link and
performs an automatic study of all the possible DLCIs (1024). This application
tracks the most relevant information of each of the virtual channels in the
network. A complete network condition analysis is performed on all the PVCs
present on the link.
The DLCI Measurement displays both the CPE and the Network statistics:
 Throughput in kb/s  Frame Distribution  Byte Distribution
The following values are provided for both the Line (Network) side and the
Equipment (User) side:
 Max. and inst. utilization (%)  Max., inst. and avg. throughput in kb/s Total octets (bytes)  Total frames/packets  Short frames/packets  DE  FECN BECN
Figure 11: DLCI Statistics Table.
DLCI Statistics allows graphing the throughput of a particular PVC in the
network to visually determine traffic patterns as seen in figure 11, 12a and 12b.
With this application, the user can isolate the traffic of a specific PVC from the
rest of the link traffic.
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