Atec Agilent-E4980A, Agilent-E4980AL User Manual

E4980A Precision LCR Meter
20 Hz to 2 MHz
E4980AL Precision LCR Meter
20 Hz to 300 kHz/500 kHz/1 MHz
Data Sheet
Fully compliant to LXI Class C specification
Specifications (spec.): Warranted performance. Specifications include guardbands to account for the expected statistical performance distribution, measurement uncertainties, and changes in performance due to environmental conditions.
Supplemental information is provided as information that is useful in operating the instrument, but is not covered by the product warranty. This information is classified as either typical or nominal.
Typical (typ.): Expected performance of an average unit without taking guardbands into account.
Nominal (nom.): A general descriptive term that does not imply a level of performance.
How to Use Tables
When measurement conditions fall under multiple categories in a table, apply the best value.
For example, basic accuracy Ab is 0.10% under the following conditions; Measurement time mode SHORT
Test frequency 125 Hz Test signal voltage 0.3 Vrms
The E4980A is the model number of the 20 Hz to 2 MHz frequency range LCR meter. The E4980AL is the model number of the low frequency options (20 Hz to 300 kHz/ 500 kHz/1 MHz) of the E4980A. This is a distributor preferred product and the model number E4980AL is used only for ordering and shipment purpose. The actual unit of the E4980AL is labeled as the E4980A (not E4980AL). See the E4980A/E4980AL Configuration Guide (5989-8321EN) for more details.
Frequency range Model number and
option for ordering
20 Hz to 2 MHz E4980A E4980A 20 Hz to 1 MHz E4980AL-100 E4980A-100 20 Hz to 500 kHz E4980AL-050 E4980A-050 20 Hz to 300 kHz E4980AL-030 E4980A-030
Model number and option of products
Basic Specifications
Measurement functions
Measurement parameters
• Cp-D, Cp-Q, Cp-G, Cp-Rp
• Cs-D, Cs-Q, Cs-Rs
• Lp-D, Lp-Q, Lp-G, Lp-Rp, Lp-Rdc
• Ls-D, Ls-Q, Ls-Rs, Ls-Rdc
• R-X
• Z-θd, Z-θr
• G-B
• Y-θd, Y-θr
• Vdc-Idc
Cp Capacitance value measured with parallel-equivalent circuit model Cs Capacitance value measured with series-equivalent circuit model Lp Inductance value measured with parallel-equivalent circuit model Ls Inductance value measured with series-equivalent circuit model D Dissipation factor Q Quality factor (inverse of D) G Equivalent parallel conductance measured with parallel-equivalent circuit model Rp Equivalent parallel resistance measured with parallel-equivalent circuit model Rs Equivalent series resistance measured with series-equivalent circuit model Rdc Direct-current resistance R Resistance X Reactance Z Impedance Y Admittance
θd Phase angle of impedance/admittance (degree) θr Phase angle of impedance/admittance (radian)
B Susceptance Vdc Direct-current voltage Idc Direct-current electricity
1. Option 001, 030, 050, 100 or 200 is required.
2. Option 001 is required.
Deviation measurement function: Deviation from reference value and percentage of deviation from reference value can be output as the result.
Equivalent circuits for measurement: Parallel, Series Impedance range selection: Auto (auto range mode), manual (hold range mode) Trigger mode: Internal trigger (INT), manual trigger (MAN), external trigger (EXT), GPIB
trigger (BUS)
Table 1. Trigger delay time
Range 0 s - 999 s Resolution 100 µs (0 s - 100 s)
1 ms (100 s - 999 s)
Table 2. Step delay time
Range 0 s - 999 s Resolution 100 µs (0 s - 100 s)
1 ms (100 s - 999 s)
Measurement terminal: Four-terminal pair Test cable length: 0 m, 1 m, 2 m, 4 m Measurement time modes: Short mode, medium mode, long mode.
Table 3. Averaging
Range 1 - 256 measurements Resolution 1
Test signal
Table 4. Test frequencies
Test frequencies 20 Hz - 2 MHz
20 Hz - 1 MHz (Option 100) 20 Hz - 500 kHz (Option 050) 20 Hz - 300 kHz (Option 030)
Resolution 0.01 Hz (20 Hz - 99.99 Hz)
0.1 Hz (100 Hz - 999.9 Hz) 1 Hz (1 kHz - 9.999 kHz) 10 Hz (10 kHz - 99.99 kHz) 100 Hz (100 kHz - 999.9 kHz) 1 kHz (1 MHz - 2 MHz)
Measurement accuracy ± 0.01%
Table 5. Test signal modes
Normal Program selected voltage or current at the measurement
terminals when they are opened or short-circuited, respectively. Constant Maintains selected voltage or current at the device under test
(DUT) independently of changes in impedance of DUT.
Signal level
Table 6. Test signal voltage
Range 0 Vrms - 2.0 Vrms Resolution 100 µVrms (0 Vrms - 0.2 Vrms)
200 µVrms (0.2 Vrms - 0.5 Vrms) 500 µVrms (0.5 Vrms - 1 Vrms) 1 mVrms (1 Vrms - 2 Vrms) Accuracy Normal ±(10% + 1 mVrms) Test frequency ≤ 1 MHz: spec. Test frequency > 1 MHz: typ. Constant Test frequency > 1 MHz: typ.
±(6% + 1 mVrms) Test frequency ≤ 1 MHz: spec.
Table 7. Test signal current
Range 0 Arms - 20 mArms Resolution 1 µArms (0 Arms - 2 mArms)
2 µArms (2 mArms - 5 mArms) 5 µArms (5 mArms - 10 mArms) 10 µArms (10 mArms - 20 mArms) Accuracy Normal ±(10% + 10 µArms) Test frequency ≤ 1 MHz: spec. Test frequency > 1 MHz: typ. Constant1 ±(6% + 10 µArms) Test frequency < = 1 MHz: spec. Test frequency > 1 MHz: typ.
Output impedance: 100 Ω (nominal)
Test signal level monitor function
• Test signal voltage and test signal current can be monitored.
• Level monitor accuracy:
Table 8. Test signal voltage monitor accuracy (Vac)
Test signal voltage2 Test frequency Specification 5 mVrms - 2 Vrms ≤ 1 MHz ± (3% of reading value + 0.5 mVrms)
> 1 MHz ± (6% of reading value + 1 mVrms)
Table 9. Test signal current monitor accuracy (lac)
Test signal current2 Test frequency Specification 50 µArms - 20 mArms ≤ 1 MHz ± (3% of reading value + 5 µArms)
> 1 MHz ± (6% of reading value + 10 µArms)
1. When auto level control function is on.
2. This is not an output value but rather a displayed test signal level.
Measurement display ranges
Table 10 shows the range of measured value that can be displayed on the screen. For the effective measurement ranges, refer to Figure 1. impedance measurement accuracy example .
Table 10. Allowable display ranges for measured values
Parameter Measurement display range
Cs, Cp ± 1.000000 aF to 999.9999 EF
Ls, Lp ± 1.000000 aH to 999.9999 EH
D ± 0.000001 to 9.999999
Q ± 0.01 to 99999.99
R, Rs, Rp, ± 1.000000 aΩ to 999.9999 EΩ X, Z, Rdc
G, B, Y ± 1.000000 aS to 999.9999 ES
Vdc ± 1.000000 aV to 999.9999 EV
Idc ± 1.000000 aA to 999.9999 EA
θr ± 1.000000 arad to 3.141593 rad
θd ± 0.0001 deg to 180.0000 deg
∆% ± 0.0001 % to 999.9999 %
a: 1 x 10
, E: 1 x 10
Absolute measurement accuracy
The following equations are used to calculate absolute accuracy.
Absolute accuracy Aa of |Z|, |Y|, L, C, R, X, G, B (L, C, X, and B accuracies apply when Dx ≤ 0.1, R and G accuracies apply when Qx ≤ 0.1 )
Equation 1. Aa = Ae + Acal
Aa Absolute accuracy (% of reading value) Ae Relative accuracy (% of reading value) Acal Calibration accuracy (%)
where G accuracy is applied only to G-B measurements.
D accuracy (when Dx ≤ 0.1)
Equation 2. De + θcal
Dx Measured D value De Relative accuracy of D
θcal Calibration accuracy of θ (radian)
Q accuracy (When Qx × Da < 1)
Equation 3. ± (1 Qx × Da)
Qx Measured Q value Da Absolute accuracy of D
θ accuracy
Equation 4. θe + θcal
θe Relative accuracy of θ (degree) θcal Calibration accuracy of θ (degree)
× Da)
G accuracy (when Dx ≤ 0.1)
Equation 5. Bx + Da (S) Bx = 2πfCx =
Dx Measured D value Bx Measured B value (S) Da Absolute accuracy of D f Test frequency (Hz) Cx Measured C value (F) Lx Measured L value (H)
where the accuracy of G is applied to Cp-G measurements.
Absolute accuracy of Rp (when Dx ≤ 0.1)
Equation 6. Dx Da
Rpx Measured Rp value (Ω) Dx Measured D value Da Absolute accuracy of D
Absolute accuracy of Rs (when Dx ≤ 0.1)
Equation 7. Xx × Da (Ω)
Xx = 1 = 2πfLx
Rpx × Da
Dx Measured D value Xx Measured X value (Ω) Da Absolute accuracy of D f Test frequency (Hz) Cx Measured C value (F) Lx Measured L value (H)
Relative accuracy
Relative accuracy includes stability, temperature coefficient, linearity, repeatability, and calibration interpolation error. Relative accuracy is specified when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
• Warm-up time: 30 minutes
• Test cable length: 0 m, 1 m, 2 m, or 4 m (Agilent 16047A/B/D/E)
• A “Signal Source Overload” warning does not appear. When the test signal current exceeds a value in table 11 below, a “Signal Source Overload” warning appears.
Table 11.
Test signal voltage Test frequency Condition
≤ 2 Vrms – > 2 Vrms ≤ 1 MHz the smaller value of either 110 mA or
130 mA - 0.0015 × Vac × (Fm / 1 MHz) × (L_cable + 0.5) > 1 MHz 70 mA - 0.0015 × Vac × (Fm / 1 MHz) × (L_cable + 0.5)
Vac [V] Test signal voltage Fm [Hz] Test frequency L_cable [m] Cable length
• OPEN and SHORT corrections have been performed.
• Bias current isolation: Off
• The DC bias current does not exceed a set value within each range of the DC bias current
• The optimum impedance range is selected by matching the impedance of DUT to the effective measuring range.
• Under an AC magnetic field, the following equation is applied to the measurement accuracy. A x ( 1 + B x ( 2 + 0.5 / Vs)) Where A: Absolute accuracy B: Magnetic flux density [Gauss] Vs: Test signal voltage level [Volts]
1. When the calculation result is a negative value, 0 A is applied.
|Z|, |Y|, L, C, R, X, G, and B accuracy (L, C, X, and B accuracies apply when Dx ≤ 0.1, R and G accuracies apply Qx ≤ 0.1)
Relative accuracy Ae is given as: Equation 8. Ae = [Ab + Zs /|Zm| × 100 + Yo × |Zm| × 100 ] × Kt
Zm Impedance of DUT Ab Basic accuracy Zs Short offset Yo Open offset Kt Temperature coefficient
D accuracy
D accuracy De is given as
• when Dx ≤ 0.1
Equation 9. De = ±Ae/100
Dx Measured D value Ae Relative accuracies of |Z|, |Y|, L, C, R, X, G, and B
• when Dx > 0.1, multiply De by (1 + Dx)
Q accuracy (when Q x De < 1)
Q accuracy Qe is given as:
× De)
Equation 10. Qe = ± (1 Qx × De)
Qx Measured Q value De Relative D accuracy
θ accuracy θ accuracy θe is given as:
Equation 11. θe = π × 100
180 × Ae
Ae Relative accuracies of |Z|, |Y|, L, C, R, X, G, and B
G accuracy (when Dx ≤ 0.1)
G accuracy Ge is given as:
Equation 12. Ge = Bx × De (S)
Bx = 2πfCx = 2πfLx
Ge Relative G accuracy Dx Measured D value Bx Measured B value De Relative D accuracy f Test frequency Cx Measured C value (F) Lx Measured L value (H)
Rp accuracy (when Dx ≤ 0.1)
Rp accuracy Rpe is given as:
Rpx × De Equation 13. Rpe = ± Dx De
Rpe Relative Rp accuracy Rpx Measured Rp value (Ω) Dx Measured D value De Relative D accuracy
Rs accuracy (when Dx ≤ 0.1)
Rs accuracy Rse is given as:
Equation 14. Rse = Xx × De (Ω)
Xx = 1 = 2πfLx 2πfCx
Rse Relative Rs accuracy Dx Measured D value Xx Measured X value (Ω) De Relative D accuracy f Test frequency (Hz) Cx Measured C value (F) Lx Measured L value (H)
Example of C-D accuracy calculation
Measurement conditions
Test Frequency: 1 kHz Measured C value: 100 nF Test signal voltage: 1 Vrms Measurement time mode: Medium Measurement temperature: 23 °C
Ab = 0.05% |Zm| = 1 / (2π × 1 × 10
× 100 × 10-9) = 1590 Ω Zs = 0.6 mΩ × (1 + 0.400/1) × (1 + √(1000/1000) = 1.68 mΩ Yo = 0.5 nS × (1 + 0.100/1) × (1 + √(100/1000) = 0.72 nS C accuracy: Ae = [0.05 + 1.68 m/1590 × 100 + 0.72 n × 1590 × 100] × 1 = 0.05% D accuracy: De = 0.05/100 = 0.0005
Basic accuracy
Basic accuracy Ab is given below.
Table 12. Measurement time mode = SHORT
Test signal voltage
Test 5 mVrms - 50 mVrms - 0.3 Vrms - 1 Vrms - 10 Vrms ­frequency [Hz] 50 mVrms 0.3 Vrms 1 Vrms 10 Vrms 20 Vrms
20 - 125 (0.6%) × 0.60% 0.30% 0.30% 0.30% (50 mVrms/Vs)
125 - 1 M (0.2%) × 0.20% 0.10% 0.15% 0.15% (50 mVrms/Vs)
1 M - 2 M (0.4%) × 0.40% 0.20% 0.30% 0.30%
(50 mVrms/Vs)
Table 13. Measurement time mode = MED, LONG
Test signal voltage
Test 5 mVrms - 50 mVrms - 0.3 Vrms - 1 Vrms - 10 Vrms ­frequency [Hz] 50 mVrms 0.3 Vrms 1 Vrms 10 Vrms 20 Vrms
20 - 100 (0.25%) × 0.25% 0.10% 0.15% 0.15% (30 mVrms/Vs) 100 - 1 M (0.1%) × 0.10% 0.05% 0.10% 0.15% (30 mVrms/Vs) 1 M - 2 M (0.2%) × 0.20% 0.10% 0.20% 0.30% (30 mVrms/Vs)
Vs [Vrms] Test signal voltage
Effect by impedance of DUT
Table 14. For impedance of DUT below 30 Ω, the following value is added.
Test Impedance of DUT frequency [Hz] 1.08 Ω ≤ |Zx| < 30 Ω |Zx| < 1.08 Ω
20 - 1 M 0.05% 0.10% 1 M - 2 M 0.10% 0.20%
Table 15. For impedance of DUT over 9.2 k Ω, the following value is added.
Test Impedance of DUT frequency [Hz] 9.2 kΩ < |Zx| ≤ 92 kΩ 92 kΩ < |Zx|
10 k - 100 k 0% 0.05% 100 k - 1 M 0.05% 0.05% 1 M - 2 M 0.10% 0.10%
Effect of cable extension
When the cable is extended, the following element is added per one meter.
0.015 % × (Fm/1 MHz)
× (L_cable)
Fm [Hz] Test Frequency L_cable [m] Cable length
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