Atec Agilent-8920B User Manual

Test Features
Call processing and on-call
parametric test interface.
• High-level GPIB commands simplify call processing programmability.
• DCCH (TIA/EIA-136) phone test with 83206A TDMA Cellular Adapter for 800 and 1900 MHz bands.
• Accurate digital power measure­ments, with true-average TDMA power measurements.
• VEE support with 8920B drivers.
• PCS (1710 to 1990 MHz) phone test upgrade path with the 83236B PCS interface.
Improve throughput and quality
The 8920B is a full-function RF test set with accuracy, speed, and flexibility for testing land mobile radios, cel­lular telephones, and other communications systems while improving throughput and quality in manufacturing.
Agilent 8920B
RF Communications Test Set
Technical Specifications
8920B with 83206A TDMA Cellular Adapter
83236B PCS Interface
83206A* (800 to 900 MHz)
* Supercedes the 83201B TDMA cellular adapter for DAMPS (IS-54) test, adding DCCH (TIA/EIA-136) measurement capability.
8920B (30 MHz to 1GHz)
83236B (1710 to 1990 MHz)
TDMA Cellular Adapter for DAMPS (IS-54) and DCCH (TIA/EIA-136) Test
p/4 DQPSK signal generator
p/4 DQPSK modulation analyzer
• Data source
• BER analyzer
RF Communications Test Set
• RF/AF signal generators
• AM/FM modulation analyzer
• RF/AF power meter
• Spectrum analyzer
• Tracking generator
• Adjacent channel power meter
• Oscilloscope
• IBASIC controller
• Signaling encoder/decoder
• Function generator
• AC/DC voltmeter
• SINAD/SNR meters
• DC current meter
• High stability reference
• IEEE 488.2/RS-232 interface
• Centronics port
PCS Interface
• Frequency translator for PCS-band measurements
• For more information on the 83236B, refer to literature
number 5964-9655E.
• Accuracy as good as stand alone instruments
• Test speed lowers your cost per test
• Flexibility meets more of your testing needs
• Front-panel upgrades and built­in test simplifies upgrades and maintenance
8920B Specifications
Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance and are valid over the entire operating/ environmental range unless otherwise noted.
Supplemental Characteristics are intended to provide additional information useful in applying the instru­ment by giving typical, but non-warranted, perform­ance parameters. These characteristics are shown in italics or labeled as “typical,” “usable to,” or “nominal.”
Note: The 8920B standard configuration and Options 006, 007, and 016 configurations can be ordered as a variable attenuator and a fixed attenuator. For fixed attenuators, see table below. For wider frequency and power ranges, Option 055 has a mechanical variable attenuator available.
Configuration Fixed Attenuator
Standard 14 dB Option 006 6 dB Option 007 0 dB Option 016 16 dB
Signal Generator Specifications
RF Frequency
Standard and Options 006, 007, and 016: 30 MHz to 1 GHz Option 055: (mechanical atten.) 250 kHz to 1 GHz Accuracy and Stability: Same as reference oscillator ±0.015 Hz
Reference Oscillator Specifications
TCXO (8920B Standard)
Temperature: ±1 ppm (0 to +55 °C)
Aging: <2 ppm/year
Warm-Up Time: <30s to be within ±2 ppm of final
frequency. For higher stability reference, see Opt. 001.
Supplemental Characteristics Switching Speed: <150 ms to be within 100 Hz of carrier frequency Rear Panel BNC connectors:
Input Frequency: 1, 2, 5, and 10 MHz Input Level: >0.15 Vrms Output Frequency: 10 MHz Output Level: >0.5 Vrms
Resolution: 1 Hz displayed
RF IN/OUT Connector:
Level Accuracy: ±1.2 dB (level –127 dBm)
If RF analyzer is also connected add ±0.1 dB
Typically ±1.0 dB for all levels.
Level Range: –137 to –20.5 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 60 watts continuous,
100 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
W/Option 006 (cellular power option):
Level Range: –137 to –12.5 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 5.0 watts continuous,
7.5 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
W/Option 007 (low power option):
Level Range: –137 to –6.5 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 1.2 watts continuous,
2.0 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
W/Option 016 (high power option):
Level Range: –137 to –22.5 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 100 watts continuous,
125 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
Option 055:
Level Range: –137 to –19 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 60 watts continuous,
100 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
W/Option 006 (cellular power option):
Level Range: –137 to –12.5 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 5.0 watts continuous,
7.5 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
W/Option 007 (low power option):
Level Range: –137 to –6.5 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 1.2 watts continuous,
2.0 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
W/Option 016 (high power option):
Level Range: –137 to –22.5 dBm into 50 W Reverse Power: 100 watts continuous,
125 watts for 10 seconds per minute.
DUPLEX OUT Connector:
Level Accuracy: ±1 dB Level Range:
Standard and Options 006, 007, 016: –127 to +3.5 dBm
into 50 W
Option 055: –127 to +7 dBm into 50 W
Reverse Power: 200 mW max.
RF IN/OUT: <1.5:1 DUPLEX OUT: <2.0:1 (level <–4 dBm)
Supplemental Characteristics Resolution: 0.1 dB
Spectral Purity
Spurious Signals:
Output port signal amplitude conditions
Fixed Attenuator to meet spurious specifications: output
Configuration signal must be to below value
Elect. Variable Duplex Port RF IN/OUT Port
Standard 1 dBm –27 dBm Option 006 –2.5 dBm –20.5 dBm Option 007 –2.5 dBm –14.5 dBm Option 016 1 dBm –29 dBm
Mech. Variable Duplex Port RF IN/OUT Port
Option 055 1 dBm –25 dBm
Option 055 w/016 1 dBm –27 dBm
Harmonics: <–30 dBc Non-Harmonic Spurious: <–60 dBc (at >5 kHz from carrier)
Residual FM (rms, CCITT):
250 kHz ≤ f
<249 MHz <7 Hz
249 MHz ≤ f
<501 MHz <4 Hz
501 MHz ≤ f
1000 MH <7 Hz
Supplemental Characteristics Residual AM: <0.1% in a 50 Hz to 15 kHz BW SSB Phase Noise (for >20 kHz offsets at 1 GHz): <–116 dB/Hz
FM Deviation Maximum (for rates >25 Hz):
Standard and all Options:
100 kHz: for 501 MHz ≤f
<1000 MHz
50 kHz: for 249 MHz ≤f
<501 MHz
Standard and Options 006, 007, 016:
100 kHz: for 30 MHz ≤f
<249 MHz
Option 055 (mechanical variable attenuator):
100 kHz: for 250 kMHz ≤f
<249 MHz
(FM not specified for [f
minus FM dev.] <250 kHz)
FM Rate (1 kHz reference):
Internal: DC to 25 kHz (1 dB BW) External:
AC Coupled: 20 Hz to 75 kHz DC Coupled: DC to 75 kHz
FM Accuracy (1 kHz rate):
10 kHz dev: ±3.5% of setting ±50 Hz
>10 kHz dev: ±3.5% of setting ±500 Hz
FM Distortion (THD + Noise, in a 0.3 to 3 kHz BW):
<0.5% at >4 kHz deviation and 1 kHz rate
Center Frequency Accuracy in DC FM Mode:
(External source impedance <1 kW): ±500 Hz (after DC FM zero),
typically ±50 Hz.
Supplemental Characteristics Ext. Mod. Input Impedance: 600 W nominal Resolution: 50 Hz for <10 kHz deviation
500 Hz for 10 kHz deviation
Frequency Range: 30 MHz to 1000 MHz AM Depth: 0 to 90% (usable to 99%) for DUPLEX OUT level
–2.5 dBm, for RF IN/OUT level depending on option.
Standard: –26.5 dBm Option 006: –18.5 dBm Option 007: –12.5 dBm Option 016: –28.5 dBm
0 to 70% (usable 90%) with 8920B Option 051 rear panel connectors for TDMA testing.
Options 055 (mechanical variable attenuator):
Frequency Range: 1.5 MHz to 1000 MHz AM Depth: 0 to 90% (usable to 99%)
for DUPLEX OUT level 1 dBm
for RF IN/OUT level depending on option:
Standard: –2.5 dBm Option 016: –27 dBm
AM Depth: 0 to 70% (usable to 90%) with 8920B Option 051 rear panel connectors for TDMA testing.
AM Rate: 20 Hz to 25 kHz (3 dB BW)
AM Accuracy (1 kHz rate):
10% AM: ±5% of setting, ±1.0% AM
>10% AM: ±5% of setting, ±1.5% AM
AM Distortion (THD+Noise 0.3 to 3 kHz BW):
<2% at 1 kHz rate, <30% AM
<3% at 1 kHz rate, 90% AM
Supplemental Characteristics Ext. Mod. Input Impedance: 600 W nominal Resolution: <0.1%
TDMA Signal Generator Specifications
8920B Opt. 001, 004, 051, 800 (8920B + 83206A)
Frequency Range: 824 MHz to 894 MHz
Output Level Range:
DUPLEX OUT: +0.5 dBm to –127 dBm RF IN/OUT range by option:
Standard: –23.5 dBm to –127 dBm Option 006: –15.5 dBm to –127 dBm Option 007: –9.5 dBm to –127 dBm Option 016: –25.5 dBm to –127 dBm
Option 055 (mechanical variable attenuator):
DUPLEX OUT: +4.0 dBm to –127 dBm RF IN/OUT range by option:
Standard: –22 dBm to –127 dBm Option 016: –24 dBm to –127 dBm
Residual Error Vector Magnitude: <3.0%
Residual Phase Error: <2.0%
Residual Magnitude Error: <2.6%
IQ Origin Offset: <–30 dBc within 15 °C drift of last calibration
Frequency Error: ±4 Hz plus reference error
Audio Source Specifications
(Applicable to both internal sources)
Range: dc to 25 kHz
Accuracy: 0.025% of setting
Supplemental Characteristics Resolution: 0.1 Hz
Output Level
Range: 0.1 mVrms to 4 Vrms
Maximum Output Current: 20 mA peak
Output Impedance: <1 Ω (≤1 kHz rate)
Accuracy: ±2% of setting plus resolution
Residual Distortion: 0.125%
(THD plus noise, for amplitudes >200 mVrms), for tones 20 Hz to 25 kHz measured in an 80 kHz BW.
Supplemental Characteristics
Resolution: Level 0.01 V: ±50 µV
Level 0.1 V: ±0.5 mV Level 1 V: ±5 mV
Level >1 V: ±50 mV
Offset in DC Coupled Mode: <50 mV
RF Analyzer Specifications
RF Frequency Measurements
Measurement Range:
Standard: 10 MHz to 1 GHz Option 055 (mechanical variable attenuator):
400 kHz to 1 GHz
Level Range (with or without Option 055 mechanical variable attenuator):
Standard: 0 to 48 dBm (1 mW to 60 W continuous)
50 dBm (100 W for 10 seconds per minute)
Option 006: –13 to 40 dBm (50 µW to 10 W continuous) 42 dBm (to 7.5 W for 10 seconds per minute)
Option 007: –14 to 34 dBm (40 µW to 2.4 W continuous) 36 dBm (2 W for 10 seconds per minute)
Option 016: 2 dBm to 50 dBm (1.6 mW to 100 W continuous) 51 dBm or (125 W for 10 seconds per minute)
Ant In: –36 dBm to +20 dBm in auto-tune mode
Accuracy: ±1 Hz plus timebase accuracy
Supplemental Characteristics Frequency Resolution: 1 Hz
RF Power Measurements
Frequency Range:
Standard: 10 MHz to 1 GHz Option 055 (mechanical variable attenuator): 400 kHz to 1 GHz
SWR: RF IN/OUT port <1.5:1
RF IN/OUT Measurement Range:
To achieve the specified accuracy when measuring power at the RF In/Out port, the internal signal generator level must be 60 dB below the measured power or less than –20 dBm at the Duplex outport.
Standard: 1 mW to 60 W continuous (0 to 48 dBm) or to 100 W for 10 seconds per minute (to 50 dBm)
Accuracy: ±5% of reading ±0.01 mW ±1 count for temperature range of 25 ±10 °C. Accuracy: ±10% of reading for operating temperature range.
Option 006: 50 µW to 10 W continuous (–13 to 40 dBm), 15 W for 10 seconds per minute (to 42 dBm)
Frequency Range: 30 MHz to 1 GHz Accuracy: ±5% of reading ±0.5 µW ±1 count for tempera-
ture range of 25 ±10 °C. Accuracy: ±10% of reading for operating temperature range.
Option 007 (low power option): 40 µW to 2.4 W continuous (–14 to 34 dBm) to 4 W for 10 seconds per minute (36 dBm)
Accuracy: ±5% of reading ±400 nW ±1 count for tempera­ture range of 25 ±10 °C. Accuracy: ±10% of reading for operating temperature range.
Option 016 (high power option): 1.6 mW to 100 W continuous (2 to 50 dBm), 125 W for 10 seconds per minute (to 51 dBm)
Accuracy: ±5% of reading ±0.01 mW ±1 count for tempera­ture range of 25 ±10 °C.
Typical accuracy: ±6% of reading for operating temperature range.
Supplemental Characteristics Resolution: P >10W: 10 mW, P <10W: 10 mW,
P <100 mW: 0.1 mW, P <10 mW: 0.01 mW, P <100 W: 100 mW, P >100 W: 1 W
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