Atec Agilent-85133F User Manual

Agilent 85225F
Performance Modeling System
Installation and User’s Guide
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2005 No part of this manual may be reproduced
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Manual Part Number
First edition, April 2005 Printed in USA Agilent Technologies, Inc.
1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403 USA
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Safety and Regulatory Information

Warnings, Cautions, and Not es
This installation and user’s guide utilizes the following safety notations. Familiarize yourself with each notation and its meaning before operating the Agilent 85225F performance modeling system.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proce ed beyond a WARNING notic e unt il the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A NOTE calls the user’s attention to an important point or special information within the text. It provides additional information or instructions.
Installation and User’s Guide 3
Safety Symbols and Instrument Markings
Symbols and markings in documentation and on instruments alert you to potential risks, provide information about conditions, and comply with international regulations. Table A defines the safety symbols and Table B on page 5 defines the instrument markings you may find in the documentation or on an instrument.
Table A Safety Symbols
Symbols Definition
Warning: risk of electric shock.
Warning: hot surface.
Caution: refer to instrument documen tat i on.
Laser radiation symbol: marked on pr oducts that have a laser output.
Alternating current. Both direct and alternating current.
Three-phase alternating current. Earth (ground) terminal.
Protective earth (ground) terminal.
Frame or chassis terminal.
Terminal is at earth potential. Used for measurement and control circuits designed to be operated with one terminal at earth potential.
Terminal for neutral conductor on permanently installed equipment.
Terminal for line conductor on permanently installed equipment.
4 Installation and User’s Guide
Table A Safety Symbols (continued)
Symbols Definition
Standby (supply). Units with this s ymb ol are not completely disconnected from AC mains w hen this s witch is in th e stand by position. To completely disconnect the unit from AC mains, either disconnect the power cord, or have a qu alified/licensed electrician install an external switch.
ON (supply). A switch with this symbol closes the instrument’s power supply circuit, connecting it to the mains supply .
OFF (supply). A switc h with th is symbo l open s the instr umen t’s power supply circuit, disconnecting it from the mains supply.
Table B Instrument Markings
Marking Definition
The instruction documentation symbol appears when it is necessary for the user to refer to the instruction in the documentation.
The CE mark is a registered trademark of the European Community.
This product compli es with the WEEE Directiv e (2002/96/EC) marking requirements. The affixed la bel indicates th at you must not discard this electrical/el ectronic product in domestic household waste. To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent Technologies office, or see for more information.
The CSA mark is a registered trademark of the CSA-International.
ISM1-A This text indicates t hat the instrume nt is an In dustrial S cienti fic
ICES/NMB-001 This text indicates product compliance wi th the Canadian
The C-tick mark is a registered trademark of the Spectrum Management Agency of Australia. This signifies compliance with the Australian EMC Framework regulations under the terms of the Radio Communications Act of 1992.
and Medical Group 1 Class A product (CISPER 11, Clause 4).
Interference-Causing Equipment Standard (ICES-001).
Operator Safety Requirements
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation of this system. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates
Installation and User’s Guide 5
safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the product. Agilent Technologies, Inc. assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
For additional safety precautions, including precautions for making device measurements in a floating ground configuration, see “To ensure your
safety while using the system" on page 76.
This is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing ground incorporated in the mains supply cord). The mains plug shall be inserted only in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or outside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. Intentional interruption is prohibited.
If this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by the equipment could be impaired. This product must be used only in a normal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only.
DO NOT OPERATE IN AN EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE. Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or flames.
DO NOT REMOVE THE INSTRUMENT COVER. Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal adjustments must be m a de only by qualified service personnel. Instruments that appear damaged or defective should be made inoperative and se cured against unintended operation until they can be repaired by qualified service personnel.
6 Installation and User’s Guide
Installing additional instrument s may dest abi l ize the rack cabinet.
Installing additional instruments into the ca bine t electrical system could produce excessive leakage current. If the protective earth conductor is interrupted or faulted, the user risks serious inj u ry or death.
Prior to adding any additional instruments, review all wiring and cooling capabilities to verify adeq uate design margins for nor mal and under single fault conditions.
Mains power
Ground the system
Before applying power
The mains cable shall be permanently connected to the premise circuit breaker or connected using an agency approved twist-lock connector.
To minimize shock hazard, the rack cabinet must be connected to an electrical protective earth ground. The power distribution unit (PDU) must be connected to the AC power mains through a grounded power cable, with the ground wire firmly connected to an electrical ground (safety ground) at the power outlet.
Any interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor or disconnection of the protective earth terminal will cause a potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.
Verify that the product is set to match the available line voltage, the correct fuse is installed, and all safety precautions are taken. Before applying power, note the product’s external markings described in
Table A, “Safety Symbols,” on page4 and Table B, “Instrument
Markings,” on page5.
Installation and User’s Guide 7
It is recommended that the premise wiring contain an adequate circuit breaker for system protection.
To remove power from the cabinet, remove the mains supply from the premise electrical supply.
Before switching on this system, make sure that the supply voltage is in the specified range.
Fuses and breakers
The front panel LINE switch disconnects the mains circuit from the mains supply. Ho wev e r, the mains supply to the po wer d is tr ib ut io n u n it remains energized.
Before cleaning the system
Overcurrent protection
For continued protection against fire hazard, use only fuses with the required rated current, voltage, and specified type (normal blow , time delay). Do not use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuse holders. Replace only with an identical fuse.
There are two resettable thermal bre a ke rs located on the power strips. These are in the “hot” and “neutral” lines.
To prevent electrical shock, disconnect the system from mains before cleaning. Use a dry (or slightly water-dampened) cloth to clean external case parts. Do not atte mpt to clean internally.
If the power outlet strip breaker trips once, reset the breaker. If the breaker trips twice, call a qualified/licensed electrician to service the test system.
Statement of Compliance and Declaration of Conformity
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with accepted industry standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition. The documentation contains information and warnings that must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition.
The Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity is available upon request.
Statement of CAN/CSA Compliance
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with CAN/CSA- C22.2 No. 61010- 1 IEC.
8 Installation and User’s Guide
Compliance with German Noise Requirements
This is to declare that this instrument is in conformance with the German Regulation on Noise Declaration for Machines (Laermangabe nach der Maschinenlaermrerordnung - 3.GSGV Deutschland).
Acoustic Noise Emission/Geraeuschemission
LpA <70 dB LpA <70 dB Operator position am Arbeitsplatz Normal position normaler Betrieb per ISO 7779 nach DIN 45635 t.19
Compliance with Canadian EMC Requirements
This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES- 001. Cet appareil ISM est conformé à la norme NMB du Canada.
IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Electrost atic Discharge Immunity Test
This system passes using criterion C where operator intervention may be necessary to restart the measurement software operations.
IEC/EN 61326 Electrostat ic Di sc harg e and Surge Im muni t y Test
This system complies with the Electrostatic Discharge and Surge Immunity requirements in the IEC/EN 61326 standard using Performance Criterion C.
For Technical Assistance
To receive technical assistance, visit the online assistance web site, or call the telephone number listed in Table 19 on page 107 appropriate to the location of modeling system.
Installation and User’s Guide 9

In This Guide...

1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System
2 Installing the System
3 Verifying System Functionality
This guide provides instruction on installing, verifying, and servicing the system, as well as an introductory system overview and reference material. This information is presented for use by the customer or an Agilent Technologies field engineer.
This chapter provides a description of the system, its components, integration, and characteristics.
Here you will find instruction on preparing the installation site, receiving and inspecting the system (including a receiving checklist), installing the worksurface, ensuring operator safety, connecting the bias networks, and powering- on the system.
Turn here for instruction on choosing a level of system verification and performing a post-installation functional verification test using a system controller running IC- CAP software.
4 Servicing the System
This chapter includes instruction on troubleshooting the system, removing and replacing system components, ordering replacement parts, and acquiring additional assistance in solving measurement problems.
A Enhancing Measurement Accuracy
See this appendix for instruction on cleaning the system connections, performing a system measurement calibration, and suggested intervals for periodic component calibration.
B DC Subsystem Functional Verificat ion Tests
Turn here to find Agilent 4156C precision semiconductor parameter analyzer and Agilent E5260A/70B high speed/precision parameteric measurement mainframe functional verification tests that do not require the IC- CAP software.
C RF Subsystem Functional Verification Tests
This appendix includes an Agilent E8364B PNA Series vector network analyzer functional verification test that does not require the IC- CAP software.
10 Installation and User’s Guide
D CV Subsystem Functional Verification Tests
This appendix includes an Agilent 4284A precision LCR meter functional verification test that does not require the IC- CAP software.
E Noise Subsystem Functional Verifi cation Tests
This appendix includes an Agilent 35670A dynamic signal analyzer functional verification test that does not require the IC- CAP software.
F Understanding the Bias Networks
Here you will find features, characteristics, a schematic diagram, and operational information on the bias networks.
G Network Analyzer Performance Specification Summary
See this appendix for a summary of the network analyzer’s performance specifications.
For Additional
Information on...
Additional information regarding instruments and accessories within the system is provided in the individual instrument or accessory’s documentation.
IC- CAP software operating instructions and tutorials are provided in the Agilent 85190D IC- CAP user’s guide.
Installation and User’s Guide 11
This guide uses the following typeface conventions to describe various aspects of a particular hardware or software user interface.
Interface Examples in Body Text Examples in Procedural Text
and Tables
Front panel hardke ys
Front panel display softkeys
Front or rear panel connectors, instrument markings
Data field entries
Keyboard keys
Press Preset Press Cal
Press [MORE] Press [Return]
RF/DC OUT connector STIMULUS key group
Enter Calset Enter 18
Press Ctrl+8 Press Enter
Press Preset Press Cal
Press [MORE] Press [Return]
RF/DC OUT connector STIMULUS key group
Enter Calset Enter 18
Press Ctrl+8 Press Enter
Interface Examples in Body Te xt Examples in Procedural Text
and Tables
Screen buttons and selections
Menu selections
Click Enter Select Continuous
Choose Format > Small Choose Cal > Full
Click Enter Select Continuous
Choose Format > Small Choose Cal > Full
Command and menu names
Icon and window titles
The Save commands are in the File menu.
The Model icons are in the IC- CAP/Main window.
Program messages Data field entries
Is the device conn ected?
Enter Calset Enter 18
12 Installation and User’s Guide
The Save commands are in the File menu.
The Model icons are in the IC-CAP/Main window.
Is the device connected?
Enter Calset Enter 18


1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System
Performance Modeling System Configuration Overview 18 RF and DC Measurement System Configuration 19
Figure 1. System Block Diagram 19 The RF Subsystem 20 The DC Subsystem 20 The Bias Networks 21 Component Integration 22 Figure 2. System Components 23 Table 3.Front Panel System Connections, with Agilent 4156C 24 Figure 3.Front Panel Connections with Agilent 4156C 25 Table 4.Front Panel System Connections, with Agilent E5260A or E5270B 26 Figure 4.Front Panel Wiring Diagram with Agilent E5260A or E5270B 27 Table 5.Rear Panel System Connections with Agilent 4156C 28 Figure 5.Rear Panel Wiring Diagram with Agilent 4156C 29 Table 6. Rear Panel System Connections with Agilent E5260A or E5270B 30 Figure 6.Rear Panel Wiring with Agilent E5260A or E5270B 31 Figure 7.DC/RF Cabling Diagram - DC and RF Configuration 32
CV, RF, and DC Measurement System Configuration 33
Figure 8. System Block Diagram 33 The CV Subsystem 34 Component Integration 34 Figure 9. System Components 35 Table 7.Front Panel System Connections 36 Figure 10. Front Panel Wiring Diagram 37 Table 8.Rear Panel System Connections 38 Figure 11.Rear Panel Wiring Diagram 39 Figure 12. DC/RF Cabling Diagram - DC and RF Configuration 40 Figure 13.DC/RF Cabling Diagram - Parametric Configuration 41 The Low Leakage Switch Mainframe 42 Table 9.Rear Panel Connections, including Low Leakage Switch Mainframe 42 Figure 14. Rear Panel Wiring Diagram including Low Leakage Switch Mainframe 43 Figure 15.DC/RF Cabling Diagram - Parametric Configuration with Low Leakage Switch
Mainframe 44
Installation and User’s Guide 13
1/f Noise, CV, RF, and DC Measurement System Configuration 45
Figure 16.System Block Diagram 46 Figure 17. 1/f Noise Measurement Block Diagram 47 Component Integration 48 Figure 18. System Components 49 Table 10.Front Panel System Connections 50 Figure 19. Front Panel Wiring Diagram 51 Tab le 11. Rear Panel System Connections 52 Figure 20.Rear Panel Wiring Diagram 53 Figure 21. DC/RF Cabling Diagram - DC and RF Configuration 54 Figure 22.DC/RF Cabling Diagram - Parametric Configuration 55
Instrument Control Interface 56
Tab le 12. GPIB Addresses 56
The LAN/GPIB Gateway 57
Figure 23.Rear Panel Wiring Diagram for LAN/GPIB Gateway 58 The System Controller 59 Table 13. Personal Computer Requirements 59 Table 14. UNIX Workstation Requirements 59 The Rack Cabinet 60
Performance Characteristics and Specifications 61
Table 15.Supplemental System Characteristics 61 Interference Standards 61 Performance Modeling System Performance Specifications 61 RF Subsystem Performance Specifications 62 DC Subsystem Specifications 62 Bias Network Characteristics 62
2 Installing the System
To prepare the installation site 64
Ta b le 16 . Environmen t al Requ ir em e nts 64 Table 17. Electrical Requirements 64
To receive the system 65
To unpack the shipment crate containing the rack cabinet 66 To verify the shipment 68
Tab le 18. Replaceable Parts 69 To install the work surface 74 To ensure your safety while using the system 76
Precautions for Performing Floating-Ground Measurements 78
To perform floating-ground measurements 78
14 Installation and User’s Guide
Precautions for Avoiding Electrostatic Discharge 79 To connect the bias networks 80
Agilent 4156C Systems 80
Agilent 4156C Systems with Agilent 41501B Expander Box 82
Agilent E5260A/70B Systems 84 To switch on power to the system 87 To configure the LAN/GPIB gateway for functional verification 89
3 Verifying System Functionality
To choose a verification process 92 Understanding the System Functional Verification Test 94
Required Tools 94 Performing the System Functional Verification Test 95
If you encounter a problem 101
4 Servicing the System
To troubleshoot the system 104 To remove or replace a system component 105
To order replacement parts 106 To receive additional assistance 107
Ta b le 19. Contacting Agil ent Technologies 107 To package the system for transport 108
A Enhancing Measurement Accuracy
To enhance measurement accuracy 112 Understanding System Measurement Cal ibrati on 114
Required Tools 114 Performing a Coaxial System Measurement Calibration 115
If you encounter a problem 116 Periodic System Component Calibration 117
B DC Subsystem Functional Verification Test
Understanding the DC Subsystem Functional Verification Test 120
Required Tools 120 Performing the DC Subsystem Functional Verification Test 121
If you encounter a problem 121
Installation and User’s Guide 15
If you encounter a problem 122
C RF Subsystem Functional Verification Test
Understanding the RF Subsystem Functional Verification Test 124
Required Tools 124 Performing the RF Subsystem Functional Verification Test 125
If you encounter a problem 127
D CV Subsystem Functional Verification Test
Understanding the CV Subsystem Functional Verification Test 130
Required Tools 130 Performing the CV Subsystem Functional Verification Test 131
If you encounter a problem 132
E 1/f Noise Subsystem Functional Verific ation Test
Understanding the 1/f Noise Subsystem Functional Verification Test 134
Required Tools 134 Performing the 1/f Noise Subsystem Functional Verification Test 135
If you encounter a problem 136
F Understanding the Bias Networks
Features 138 Characteristics 139
Table 20. 11612V Option K11/K21 Bias Network Characteristics 139 Operation 140
Figure 24. Bias Network Schematic 140
G Network Analyzer Performance Specification Summary
Network Analyzer System Performance 142
Maximum Output Power 142
Dynamic Range 142
Measurement Port Charact eristics 143
Measurement Uncertainty 143
16 Installation and User’s Guide
Agilent 85225F Perfor mance Model ing System Installation and User’s Guide
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System
Performance Modeling System Configuration Overview 18 RF and DC Measurement System Configuration 19 CV, RF, and DC Measurement System Configuration 33 1/f Noise, CV, RF, and DC Measurement System Configuration 45 The System Controller 59 Performance Characteristics and Specifications 61
Related Topics “Installing the System" on page 63
“Network Analyzer Performance Specification Summary"on page 141 “Understanding the Bias Networks"on page137
Use this chapter to familiarize yourself with the measurement configurations of the performance modeling system. This chapter introduces the system by describing its operational theory, integration, and performance.
Agilent Technologies
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System

Performance Modeling System Configuration Overview

The standard Agilent 85225F performance modeling system measures the DC and RF performance of active and passive devices. You may configure the Agilent 85225F performance modeling system to measure CV and 1/f noise with the addition of optional instrumentation and IC-CAP 1/f noise measurement modules.
For RF and DC performance measurement system configurations, see “RF
and DC Measurement System Configuration" on page 19.
For CV, RF, and DC performance measurement system configurations, see
“CV, RF, and DC Measurement System Configuration" on page 29.
For 1/f noise, CV, RF, and DC performance measurement system configurations, see “1/f Noise, CV, RF, and DC Measurement System
Configuration" on page 45.
18 Installation and User’s Guide
Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System 1

RF and DC Measurement System Configuration

In conjunction with a compatible controller running 85190-Series IC- CAP software, the Agilent 85225F performance modeling system measures the DC and RF performance of active and passive devices. The IC- CAP software then extracts the device parameters and displays the results.
The Agilent 85225F performance modeling system is the integration of rack- mounted RF and DC subsystems, bias networks, and a system controller

Figure 1 System Block Diagram

, as shown in Figure 1†.
* The system controller is not included and must be provided. † This block diagram shows a system with an Agile nt 4156C as the DC subsystem. Other instrumentation may
be used. See “The DC Subsystem"on page 20.
Installation and User’s Guide 19
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System

The RF Subsystem

S- parameter device characterization is provided by the RF subsystem.
The RF subsystem contains the Agilent E8364B PNA Series vector network analyzer.
Its integrated synthesizer supplies a swept or CW RF source signal from 10 MHz
The integrated test set separates the RF source signal into reference and test signals, and provides RF connection via cables and adapters to the external bias networks.
to 50 GHz.

The DC Subsystem

Precision DC characterization and bias for the S-parameter measurements are provided by one of the following three DC subsystems.
The DC subsystem may contain one of the following three instruments.
Agilent 4156C Precision Semi conducto r Par a meter Analyzer
The Agilent 4156C precision semiconductor parameter analyzer provides DC force (supply) and sense (measure) capability from its HRSMUs (high resolution source/monitor units).
Optionally, the Agilent 4156C may be configured with a 41501B SMU PGU expander is connected to and controlled by the 4156C via the expander box interface. The 41501B provides a GNDU (active ground unit) and, depending on option configuration, an HPSMU (high- power source/monitor unit), two MPSMUs (medium- power source monitor units), and/or two PGUs (pulse generator units).
The DC signals are routed through feedthrough panels via triaxial cables to the bias networks.
Agilent E5260A 8-Slot High Speed Parametric Measurement Mainframe
The Agilent E5260A provides DC force (supply) and sense (measure) capability from its plug- in source/monitor units.
The Agilent E5290A plug- in high speed high power source/monitor unit provides up to 200 volts of potential and 1 amp of current to the device under test.
The Agilent E5291A plug- in high speed medium power source/monitor unit provides up to 100 volts of potential and 200 milliamps of current to the device under test.
* Due to the minimum operating frequency of the bias networks, the performance modeling system low end
frequency range is 45 MHz.
20 Installation and User’s Guide
Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System 1
Agilent E5270B 8-Slot Precision Parametric Measurement Mainframe
The Agilent E5270B provides DC force (supply) and sense (measure) capability from its plug- in source/monitor units.
The Agilent E5280A plug- in high power source/monitor unit provides up to 200 volts of potential and 1 amp of current to the device under test.
The Agilent E5281A plug- in medium power source/monitor unit provides up to 100 volts of potential and 200 milliamps of current to the device under test.

The Bias Networks

Exposing the bias networks to currents greater than 500 milliamps or voltages greater than 40 volts will result in severe damage. Do not exceed these values while using the bias networks. Remove the bias networks from the circuit if greater voltages or currents are required.
The Agilent 11612V Option K11 and K21 bias networks combine the DC and RF signals and apply them simultaneously to the device under test (DUT). The bias networks are configured with 2.4 mm DC/RF output connectors for connection to a DUT, a test fixture, or probe station, as shown in Figure 21 on page 54.
Installation and User’s Guide 21
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System

Component Integration

System component integration is performed at the Agilent Technologies factory. The individual components are placed into the rack, and the required cabling is connected between the instruments.
After factory integration, the system is tested to verify functional performance.
The Agilent 85225F performance modeling system includes the following components, as shown in Figure 2 on page 23:
Agilent E8364B PNA Series vector network analyzer
Agilent 4156C precision semiconductor parameter analyzer (or
optionally Agilent E5260A or E5270B)
Agilent 11612V Option K11 bias network (port 1)
Agilent 11612V Option K21 bias network (port 2)
Agilent 85133F flexible test port cable set
Agilent E3661B 1.6 meter rack cabinet
filler panels, feedthrough panels, work surface, cables, and adapters
For systems with Agilent 4156C, front panel connections are listed in
Table 3 on page 24 and illustrated in Figure 3 on page 25.
For systems with Agilent 4156C, rear panel connections are listed in
Table 5 on page 28 and illustrated in Figure 5 on page 29.
For systems with Agilent E5260A or E5270B, front panel connections are listed in Table 4 on page 26 and illustrated in Figure 4 on page 27.
For systems with Agilent E5260A or E5270B, rear panel connections are listed in Table 6 on page 30 and illustrated in Figure 6 on page 31.
22 Installation and User’s Guide
Figure 2 System Components
Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System 1
Installation and User’s Guide 23
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System
Table 3 Front Panel System Connections, with Agilent 4156C
Component Information Connection Information Designator Model
1 16494A
Option 002
2 16494A
Option 002
3 16494A
Option 002
4 16494A
Option 002
5 16494A
Option 002
6 85133F Flexible test
7 85133F Flexible test
Description Connector
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
port cable
port cable
2.4 mm E8364B PORT 1 RF IN 11612V K11
2.4 mm E8364B PORT 2 RF IN 11612V K21
Connector Labeled
T o Connector Labeled
On Instrument
24 Installation and User’s Guide
Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System 1
Figure 3 Front Panel Connections with Agilent 4156C
Installation and User’s Guide 25
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System
Table 4 Front Panel System Connections, with Agilent E5260A or E5270B
Component Information Connection Information Designator Model
1 16494A
Option 002
2 16494A
Option 002
3 16494A
Option 002
4 16494A
Option 002
5 16493L
Option 002
6 85133F Flexibl e test
7 85133F Flexibl e test
Description Connector
Triaxial cable Triax BNC E5260A/70B
Triaxial cable Triax BNC E5260A/70B
Triaxial cable Triax BNC E5260A/70B
Triaxial cable Triax BNC E5260A/70B
Triaxial GNDU cable
port cable
port cable
Triax BNC E5260A/70B
2.4 mm E8364B PORT 1 RF IN 11612V K11
2.4 mm E8364B PORT 2 RF IN 11612V K21
Connector Labeled
GNDU GNDU 11612V K21
To Connector Labeled
On Instrument
26 Installation and User’s Guide
Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System 1
Figure 4 Front Panel Wiring Diagram with Agilent E5260A or E5270B
Installation and User’s Guide 27
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System
Table 5 Rear Panel System Connections with Agilent 4156C
Component Information Connection Information Designator Model
1 16494A
Option 002
2 16494A
Option 002
3 16494A
Option 002
4 16494A
Option 002
5 16494A
Option 002 6 10833D GPIB cabl e GPIB 4156C GPIB GPIB E8364B 7 10833C GPIB cable GPIB E8364B GPIB GPIB Controller
Description Connector
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
Triaxial cable Triax BNC 4156C
If the system does not include an Agilent 41501B SMU/PGU expander, use the Agile nt 4156C HRSMU3 FORCE as the GND ( ground unit).
From Instrument
Connector Labeled
To Con nector Labeled
On Instrument
28 Installation and User’s Guide
Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System 1
Figure 5 Rear Panel Wiring Diagram with Agilent 4156C
Installation and User’s Guide 29
1 Introducing the Agilent 85225F Performance Modeling System
CV, RF, and DC Mea surement System Configuration
Table 6 Rear Panel System Connections with Agilent E5260A or E5270B
Component Information Connection Information Designator Model
1 10833A GPIB cable GPIB 4156C GPIB GPIB E8364B 2 10833C GPIB cable GPIB E8364B GPIB GPIB Controller
Description Connector
From Instrument
Connector Labeled
To Connector Labeled
On Instrument
30 Installation and User’s Guide
+ 112 hidden pages