Agilent Technologies
InfiniiVision 7000B Series Oscilloscopes
Data Sheet
Engineered for the best signal visibility
If you haven’t purchased an Agilent scope lately,
why should you consider one now?
Oscilloscopes are visual tools and larger, high-resolution displays have become
increasingly important as general purpose scopes need more space to display
digital and serial signals in addition to traditional scope channels.
Wonder why? Agilent engineers developed the InfiniiVision 7000B Series with advanced
technology that will allow you to see more subtle signal detail and more infrequent events
than any other scope on the market. See the InfiniiVision 7000B Series oscilloscope.
There is no better way to experience
the superiority of the InfiniiVision 7000B
Series scopes than to see it.
Contact Agilent today to request an
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The InfiniiVision 7000B Series offers bandwidths up to 1 GHz. Each model, equipped with a large 12.1” XGA LCD display, comes
in a whisper-quiet package that is just 6.5” deep and weighs only 13 pounds.
Choose from fourteen InfiniiVision 7000B Series models. Agilent provides an easy 5-minute DSO-to-MSO upgrade kit for previously
purchased 7000 Series DSOs.
What gives the InfiniiVision 7000B Series the best signal visibility?
1. Biggest display
Oscilloscopes are visual tools and larger, high-resolution screens make the
product better.
purpose scopes need more space to display digital waveforms and serial decode
traces in addition to traditional analog waveforms.
The 12.1-inch display size helps you easily view up to 20 channels simultaneously
with serial protocol.
2. Fastest architecture
See a display more representative of the actual signals under test. The InfiniiVision
7000B Series shows jitter, infrequent events, and subtle signal detail that other scopes
miss. Turn knobs and the instrument responds instantly and effortlessly. Need to also
view digital channels? The instrument stays responsive. Decoding serial packets? Offering the industry’s only hardware-accelerated serial bus decode, Agilent’s InfiniiVision
series delivers serial debug without compromising analog measurements.
Bigger displays have become increasingly important as general
InfiniiVision scopes incorporate acquisition memory, waveform processing, and display memory in an advanced 0.13 µ
ASIC. This patented 3rd generation technology, known as MegaZoom III, delivers up to 100,000 waveforms (acquisitions)
per second with responsive deep memory always available.
3. Insightful applications
Customize your general purpose scope. A wide range of application packages provide meaningful insight into your application-specific
problems. (See pages 8-9 and 13-14 for more detail.)
Your design has analog, digital and serial signals ... shouldn’t your scope?
Analog: Up to 1 GHz bandwidth and up to
4 GSa/s sample rate
Digital: 16 digital timing channels with
mixed signal triggering
Serial: Hardware-accelerated decode and
trigger for 12C, I2S, SPI, RS-232, CAN, LIN,
FlexRay, and Mil-STD 1553
The InfiniiVision 7000B Series scope channels provide faster identification of your most
elusive problems –
Revolutionary high-resolution display.
Engineered with an XGA display and 256 levels of intensity grading, see a precise representation
of the analog characteristics of the signals you’re testing. Equipped with the industry’s fastest
uncompromised update rate at 100,000 waveforms/sec update rate, you’ll capture critical signal
detail and see infrequent events that traditional scopes miss.
MegaZoom III technology.
MegaZoom III responsive deep memory captures long, non-repeating signals and maintains high
sample rates, allowing you to quickly zoom in on areas of interest. Sample rate and memory
depth go hand-in-hand. Deep memory in oscilloscopes sustains a high sample rate over longer
time spans.
Capture a mix of analog or digital signals. Compare multiple cycles of digital signals with
slower analog signals –
16 high-speed timing channels with up to 2 GSa/s deep memory.
Use the timing channels to evaluate control signal relationship. Or capture and view data
buses up to 16 bits wide. Trigger on and display individual signals or bus waveforms in hex
or binary.
Mixed signal trigger.
Trigger across any combination of analog and digital signals simultaneously. See precise analog measurements timed with exact digital content, all in one instrument.
Applications for digital channels. Designing with Altera or Xilinx FPGAs? Use the FPGA dynamic probe for rapid internal FPGA measurements. Using I2C, SPI, or RS-232? Use the analog
or digital signals from a 4-channel model to acquire and decode these serial buses.
Capture long streams of serial data and gain fast insight into your problems. Agilent
7000B Series oscilloscopes provide the best serial protocol capabilities in their class –
Serial bus triggering and decoding. Display responsive, on-screen decode of serial bus traffic.
Isolate specific events with pinpoint accuracy. Show decode to validate serial bus activity in
real time.
Quickly find infrequent errors.
Hardware-accelerated decoding increases the scope’s probability of capturing communication
errors. Agilent oscilloscopes can help you catch that intermittent problem before it becomes
an intermittent customer complaint or quality concern.
Easily capture enough serial data to see all of the details.
Use deep memory to capture serial data stream over a long period of time.
Listing Display Window
Shows two views of the serial decoded data, a serial decode trace that is time-correlated to
the waveform and “list” view of each field and packet.
Serial Search and Navigate
Search through deep memory acquisitions of serial data faster than was ever possible
Save Debug with automatic Search and Navigate capability. Navigate through the serial data
holding direct time-alignment to captured waveforms by simply turning the selection knob to
easily correlate the decoded packet to the waveform.
Other useful features
Dedicated Front Panel Key
Simply press the dedicated front panel Search
Key and enter a variety of specific search criteria
Navigate Through the Captured Waveform
Automatically marks each frame in the selected search criteria. Use the dedicated front
panel navigation keys to automatically jump to the next or previous marked frame or play
through the entire waveform with control to stop, rewind or adjust the speed of waveform
High resolution mode. Offers up to 12 bits of
vertical resolution. This is accomplished by
serially filtering sequential data points and
mapping the filtered results to the display
when operating at time base settings greater
than 10-μs/div.
Help is at your fingertips. An embedded help
system – available in 11 languages – gives
you quick answers if you don’t understand
a feature. Simply press and hold the corresponding front-panel key, and a screen pops
up to explain its function.
Waveform math with FFT. Analysis functions
include subtract, multiply, integrate, square
root, and differentiate, as well as fast Fourier
transforms (FFT).
Peak detect. 250 ps on 500-MHz and 1-GHz
models, 500 ps on 350-MHz models. Helps
you find narrow glitches.
AutoProbe interface. Automatically sets
probe attenuation factors and provides power
for selected active probes, including the
award-winning 1130A 1.5-GHz InfiniiMax
differential active probe and 1156A 1.5-GHz
single-ended active probe systems.
Trig Out and Reference Clock In/Out. Provides an easy way to synchronize your scope
to other instruments. Use the Trig Out port to
connect your scope to a frequency counter
for more accurate frequency measurements
or to cross trigger other instruments.
Autoscale. Displays all analog and digital
active signals, and automatically sets the
vertical, horizontal and trigger controls.
23 automatic measurements with statistics.
Get up to 4 simultaneous measurements with
5 additional statistics beyond the current
value. Fast update rate provides statistical data for enabled measurements such
as mean, min, max, standard deviation and
count. Pressing [QuickMeas] brings up the
last four automated measurements selected.
Cursors automatically track the most recently
selected measurement.
Analog HDTV/EDTV trigger. The 7000B
Series comes standard with analog HDTV/
EDTV triggering for standards like 1080i,
1080p, 720p and 480p as well as standard
video triggering on any line within a field,
all lines, all fields and odd or even fields for
NTSC, SECAM, PAL and PAL-M video signals.
Press and hold a key for instant help.
Measurement statistics allow you to
have confidence in your measurements.
Statistics can show that a measurement is not only correct at one moment,
but that it has stabilized and has a low
variance over time, giving it a higher
statistical validity.
5-digit hardware counter. Measures fre-
quency up to the bandwidth of the scope and
provides accurate and repeatable results. Can
be increased to 8 digits with an external 10
MHz reference.
Bus mode display (on MSO models). Quick
and easy read-out of hexadecimal or binary
representation of logic signals.
Easy software upgrades. System software
is stored in flash ROM that can be upgraded
from the scope’s built-in USB port or LAN.
You can find the latest system and IntuiLink
software at:
Digital signals can be displayed
individually or as overlayed bus values.
Why does a fast update rate matter?
While bandwidth, sample rate and memory depth are key criteria for
deciding which scope to purchase, an equally important characteristic
is update rate.
What is update rate?
Update rate is how many waveforms acquisitions per seconds your
scope can acquire, process, and display. Oscilloscope “dead-time” is
the time it takes for a scope to process and then display an acquired
waveform before re-arming it’s triggering for the next acquisition. For
traditional scopes, this time is often orders of magnitude greater than
acquisition time on fast time-per-division settings.
If a glitch occurs during the scope’s dead-time, it won’t be captured.
The key to improving the probability of capturing a signal anomaly
during the scope acquisition time is to minimize dead-time.
Oscilloscope vendors usually specify what their scope’s “best-case”
waveform update rates are. Some scope architectures suffer from
factors that can seriously degrade the “best-case” update rates spec.
Agilent’s 7000B Series architecture delivers the fastest update rate
when using:
Analog channels
Deep memory
Analog and digital
Serial decode
Improves instrument responsiveness
Why is update rate important?
1. Certainty. Fast waveform update rates improve the scope’s probability of capturing random and infrequent events.
2. Responsiveness. If you rotate the timebase control, you expect
the oscilloscope to respond immediately – not seconds later after
the scope finishes processing data.
3. Signal detail. Fast waveform update rates improve the display
quality of the waveform that you see on screen.
Update rates directly affect a scope probability of capturing and displaying infrequent and random events. Slow update rates will cause a
scope to miss subtle or infrequent signal details.
Improves scope display quality
Improves probability of capturing
infrequent events
How update rate affects signal visibility
Capturing random and infrequent events on an oscilloscope is all about statistical probabilities. The key to improving the probability of
capturing a signal anomaly is to minimize dead-time and take more pictures of the signal in a given timeframe. Here is an example with Tek
and Agilent scopes both connected to a target with a glitch that occurs 25 times per second.
signal activity
Tek MSO4104
Product data sheet: 50,000 waveforms per second,
Update rate = 18 waveforms per second with 10 Mpts and
digital channels turned on. Resulting measurement shown.
Probability of capturing the infrequent glitch = 0.09% after
running for 10 seconds.
Average time to capture just one glitch = 128 minutes.
signal jitter
Agilent MSO7104B
Product data sheet: 100,000 waveforms per second.
Update rate = 95,000 waveforms per second with auto
memory and digital channels turned on. Resulting
measurement shown.
Probability of capturing the infrequent glitch = 99% after
running for 10 seconds.
Average time to capture just one glitch = 1.5 seconds.
Initial setup
Change timebase
Add digital channels
Increase memory setting
Turn on serial decode
* Agilent and LeCroy memory depth selection was automatically selected. Memory depth = display window times sample rate with up to 8 Mpts for Agilent.
** Tek measurements taken with version 2.13 firmware.
10 Kpts
10 Kpts
10 Kpts
10 Mpts
10 Mpts
Timebase setting
20 ns/div
10 ns/div
20 ns/div
20 ns/div
20 ns/div
Scope settings
Digital Channels
Serial Decode
TEK MSO4104A**
Measured update rates
LeCroy WR 104Xi
Agilent MSO7104B
Seeing subtle signal detail and infrequent events requires a scope with fast waveform update rates. Don’t take a scope vendor’s banner waveform
update rate specification at face value. Test it yourself. It’s actually pretty easy to characterize a scope’s update rate. Run a moderately fast signal (e.g.
50 Mhz) into a scope channel. Measure the scope’s average trigger output signal frequency. This is your scope’s update rate for the specified timebase setting. Test the update rate of the scope under various setup conditions. Setup conditions that Agilent suggests varying include timebase range,
memory depth, and number of channels, including analog, digital, as well as channels assigned for serial decoding.
Software applications
Mask testing (N5455A or Option LMT)
Agilent’s mask test option (Option LMT or N5455A) for InfiniiVision Series oscilloscopes provides a fast and easy way to test your signals to specified standards, and uncover unexpected
signal anomalies, such as glitches. Mask testing on other oscilloscopes is based on software-
intensive processing technology, which tends to be slow.
Agilent’s InfiniiVision scopes can perform up to 100,000 real-time waveform pass/fail tests per
second. This provides testing throughput significantly faster than other mask test solutions,
making valid pass/fail statistics available almost instantly.
Mask testing uncovers an infrequent
signal anomaly.
Use segmented memory to optimize
available memory.
For more information:
Segmented memory (N5454A or Option SGM on new scope purchases)
Segmented memory optimizes available memory for data streams that have long dead times between activity. The application excels at analyzing signal activity associated with laser pulses,
serial buses, and bursty signals such as radar.
View an overlay of all signal segments, including MSO channels and serial decode, while highlighting the current segment. Quickly move between segments to view signal detail associated
with a specific segment.
For more information:
I2C/SPI serial trigger and decode (N5423A or Option LSS on new scope purchases)
This application displays real-time time-aligned decode of I2C and SPI serial buses. Hardwareaccelerated decode means the scope stays responsive and fast.
This application requires a 4-channel DSO or 4-channel MSO and can use any combination of
the scope or logic acquisition channels.
For more information:
View on-screen serial decode of an I2C packet.
Trigger on and decode RS-232/UART
RS-232/UART serial decode and trigger (N5457A or Option 232 on new scope purchases)
Does your design include RS-232 or another type of UART? This application eliminates the need
to manually decode bus traffic. Using data captured on the scope or logic channels, the application lets you easily view the information sent over a RS-232 or other UART serial bus.
Display real-time time-aligned decode of transmit and receive lines. The application also enables triggering on RS-232/UART conditions.
This application requires a 4-channel DSO or 4-channel MSO and can use any combination of
the scope or logic acquisition channels.
For more information:
Software applications
Trigger on and decode CAN serial packets.
CAN/LIN triggering and decode (N5424A or Option AMS on new scope purchases)
Trigger on and decode serially transmitted data based on CAN and LIN protocols. This application not only provides triggering on complex serial signals, but it also provides unique
hardware-accelerated capabilities. Hardware-accelerated triggering and decode means the
scope stays responsive and fast.
This application requires a 4-channel DSO or 4-channel MSO and can use any combination of
scope or logic acquisition channels.
For more information:
FlexRay Measurements (N5432C or Option FLX on new scope purchases)
Trigger on and time-correlate FlexRay communication with physical layer signals. With
Agilent’s unique hardware-accelerated decoding, it provides the fastest decode update
rates in the industry while the scope remains responsive and fast. Also included with this
option is FlexRay eye-diagram mask testing and physical layer conformance test solution.
This application requires a 4-channel DSO or 4-channel MSO and can use any combina-
tion of scope or logic acquisition channels.
Time-correlated display of the FlexRay
physical layer signal with protocol
On-screen serial decode of an SPI packet
Time-correlated display of the MIL-STD 1553
physical layer signal with protocol decoding.
For more information: www.agilent/find/flexray
I2S triggering and decode (Option SND or N5468A)
Find and debug intermittent errors and signal integrity problems faster on I2S audio protocol
devices. This application offers powerful triggering and our unique hardware-accelerated
decode and lister window so you can more easily find errors you could miss using other
serial bus decode tools.
This application requires a 4-channel DSO or 4-channel MSO and can use any
combination of scope or logic acquisition channels.
For more information:
MIL-STD 1553 Serial Trigger and Decode (N5469A or Option 553 on new scope purchase)
This application provides integrated MIL-STD 1553 serial bus triggering, hardware-based
decoding, and eye-diagram mask testing to help you debug and characterize the
electrical/physical layer of MIL-STD 1553 serial buses faster than with traditional
“bit-counting” methods.
This application requires a 4-channel DSO or 4-channel MSO and can use any combina-
tion of scope of logic acquisition channels
For more information:
Debug and validate your FPGA designs
faster and more effectively
FPGA dynamic probe application (N5406A for Xilinx, N5434A for Altera)
Give your MSO internal FPGA visibility. Agilent’s MSO FPGA dynamic probe provides internal
FPGA visibility and quick instrument setup using an innovative core-assisted debug approach.
Measurement tasks that previously took hours can be done in a few mouse clicks. In a few
seconds, easily measure a different set of internal signals without changing your FPGA design.