Atec Agilent-53200A User Manual

Agilent 53200A Series RF/Universal Frequency Counter/Timers
Data Sheet
53210A 350 MHz RF Frequency Counter, 10 digits/sec 53220A 350 MHz Universal Frequency Counter/Timer, 12 digits/sec, 100 ps 53230A 350 MHz Universal Frequency Counter/Timer, 12 digits/sec, 20 ps
Imagine Your Counter Doing More!
Frequency counters are depended on in R&D and in manufacturing for the fastest, most accurate frequency and time interval measurements. The 53200 Series of RF and universal frequency counter/timers expands on this expectation to provide you with the most information, connectivity and new measurement capabilities, while building on the speed and accuracy you’ve depended on with Agilent’s decades of time and frequency measurement expertise.
Three available models offer resolution capabilities up to 12 digits/sec frequency resolution on a one second gate. Single­shot time interval measurements can be resolved down to 20 psec. All models offer new built-in analysis and graphing capabilities to maximize the insight and information you receive.
Measurement by model
More Bandwidth
• 350 MHz baseband frequency
• 6 or 15 GHz optional microwave channels
More Resolution & Speed
• 12 digits/sec
• 20 ps single-shot time resolution
• Up to 75,000 and 90,000 readings/ sec (frequency and time interval)
More Insight
• Datalog trend plot
• Cumulative histogram
• Built-in math analysis and statistics
• 1M reading memory and USB Flash storage
More Connectivity
• LXI-C/Ethernet LAN, USB, GPIB
• Optional battery for unstable AC power or timebase accuracy
More Measurement Capability (53230A only)
• Continuous gap-free measurements
• Basic measurement and timestamps for modulation domain analysis (MDA)
• Optional pulse/burst microwave measurement
Measurements Model Standard
350 MHz Input
Frequency 53210A,
Frequency ratio 53210A,
Period 53210A,
Minimum/maximum/ peak-to-peak input voltage
53210A, 53220A,
RF signal strength 53210A,
Single period 53220A,
Time interval A to B, B to A, A, B
Positive/negative pulse width
Rise/fall time 53220A,
Positive/negative duty 53220A,
Phase A to B, B to A
Totalize (continuous or timed)
53230A Continuous/gap-free 53230A Timestamp 53230A Pulse/burst measure-
ment software
(Option 150)
Opt MW Inputs
(53210A: Ch 2,
53220A/30A: Ch 3)
1. Burst carrier frequency, pulse repetition frequency (PRF), pulse repetition interval (PRI), burst positive width (“on” time), burst negative width (“off” time).
Input Channel Characteristics
53210A 53220A 53230A
Input characteristics (nom)
Standard (DC - 350 MHz) Ch 1 Ch 1 & Ch 2 Optional (6 or 15 GHz) Ch 2 Ch 3
Standard inputs (nom)
Frequency range
DC coupled DC (1 mHz) to 350 MHz (2.8 ns to 1000 sec) AC coupled, 50 Ω1 or 1 MΩ 10 Hz - 350 MHz
Connector Front panel BNC(f). Option 201 adds parallel rear panel BNC(f) inputs Input impedance (typ) Selectable 1 MΩ ± 1.5% or 50 Ω ± 1.5% || <25 pF Input coupling Selectable DC or AC Input filter Selectable 100 kHz cut-off frequency low pass
10 Hz (AC coupling) cut-off frequency high pass filter
Amplitude range
Input range ±5 V (±50 V) full scale ranges Sensitivity
Input event thresholds
Threshold levels ±5 V (±50 V) in 2.5 mV (25 mV) steps Noise reject Slope Selectable Positive or Negative Auto-scale Acquires signal for current measurement channel,
Auto-level Selectable On or Off
Minimum signal frequency for auto level
Minimum signal for auto level
Maximum input
50 Ω damage level 1 W 50 Ω protection threshold Will not activate below 7.5 Vpk
1 M Ω damage level DC - 5 kHz: 350 Vpk (AC + DC)
(typ) DC - 100 MHz: 20 mVpk
> 100 MHz: 40 mVpk
500 µVrms (max), 350 µVrms (typ)
Selectable On/ Off
selects range (5 V or 50 V), sets auto-level 50%
On: Sets auto-level (% of Vpp) operation Occurs once for each INIT or after a timeout. Measures signal Vpp and sets Trigger level to 50% Off: Selectable user set level (Volts)
User selectable (Slow (50 Hz), Fast (10 kHz))
300 mVpp
50 Ω internal termination auto-protects
by switching to 1 M Ω
5 kHz - 100 kHz: Derate linearly to 10 Vpk (AC + DC)
>100 kHz: 10 Vpk (AC + DC)
Input Channel Characteristics continued
53210A 53220A 53230A
Optional microwave inputs (nom)
Frequency range
Option 106 100 MHz - 6 GHz Option 115 300 MHz - 15 GHz
Connector Front panel precision Type-N(f)
Option 203 moves the input connector to a rear panel SMA(f) Input impedance (typ) 50 Ω ± 1.5% (SWR < 2.5) Input coupling AC
Continuous wave amplitude range
Option 106 Autoranged to +19 dBm max. (2 Vrms) Option 115 Autoranged to +13 dBm max. (1.0 Vrms) Sensitivity (typ)
Input event thresholds
Level range Auto-ranged for optimum sensitivity and bandwidth AM tolerance
Maximum input
Damage level 6 GHz (Opt 106): > +27 dBm (5 Vrms)
6 GHz (Opt 106): -27 dBm (10 mVrms)
15 GHz (Opt 115): < 3 GHz: -23 dBm
3 – 11 GHz: -27 dBm
> 11 GHz: -21 dBm
50% modulation depth
15 GHz (Opt 115): > +19 dBm (2 Vrms)
1. AC coupling occurs after 50 Ω termination.
2. When ordered with optional rear terminals, the standard/baseband channel inputs are active on both the front and rear of the universal counter though the specifications provided only apply to the rear terminals. Performance for the front terminals with rear terminals installed is not specified.
3. Multiply value(s) by 10 for the 50 V range.
4. Stated specification assumes Noise Reject OFF. Noise Reject ON doubles the sensitivity minimum voltage levels.
5. Assumes sine wave.
6. CW only. Assumes AM Rate > 10/gate. For Option 106, spec applies for input powers > -20 dBm; use a tolerance of 15% modulation depth for frequencies less than 900 MHz. For Option 115, spec applies for input powers > -10 dBm.
Measurement Characteristics
53210A 53220A 53230A
Measurement range (nom)
Frequency, period (average) measurements
Channels Ch 1 or optional Ch 2 Ch 1, Ch 2 or optional Ch 3 Digits/s 10 digits/s 12 digits/s 12 digits/s Maximum display
Measurement technique Reciprocal Reciprocal and resolution
Signal type Continuous Wave (CW) CW and pulse/burst
Level & slope Automatically preset or user selectable Gate Internal or external Gate time
Advanced gating
FM tolerance ± 50%
Frequency, period
Range9 DC (1 mHz) to 350 MHz (2.8 ns to 1000 s) Microwave input (optional) Option 106 - 100 MHz to 6 GHz (166 ps to 10 ns)
Frequency ratio
Range 1015 Displayable range
Timestamp/modulation domain
Sample rate
#Edges/timestamp N/A N/A Auto-acquired per
Acquisition length N/A N/A up to 1 MSa or
Time interval (single-shot) measurements
Channels N/A Ch 1 or 2 Single-shot time resolution N/A 100 ps 20 ps Gating N/A Internal or external gate
Slope N/A Independent start, stop slopes Level N/A Independent start, stop slopes Channel-to-channel time
skew (typ)
12 digits 15 digits 15 digits
1 ms to 1000 s in 10 µs
100 µs to 1000 s in 10 µs
1 µs to 1000 s in 1 µs steps
N/A Start delay (time or events) and stop hold-off
(time or events)
Option 115 - 300 MHz to 15 GHz ( 66 ps to 3.3 ns)
N/A N/A 1 MSa/s, 800 kSa/s,
Start delay (time or events) and stop hold-off
(time or events)
N/A 100 ps 50 ps
Reciprocal, resolution-
enhanced or continuous
(Option 150)
100 kSa/s, 10 kSa/s
100,000 s (max)
Measurement Characteristics continued
53210A 53220A 53230A
Time interval A to B, B to A
Time interval A or B
Range N/A 2 ns to 100,000 s (min) Minimum width N/A 2 ns Minimum edge repetition
rate Level & slope N/A Auto-level or user selectable
Single-period, pulse-width, rise time, fall time
Range N/A 0 s to 1000 s Minimum width N/A 2 ns Minimum edge repetition
Rate Level & slope N/A Auto-level or user selectable
Range N/A .000001 to .999999 or 0.0001% to 99.9999% Minumim width N/A 2 ns Level & slope N/A Auto-level or user selectable
Phase A to B, B to A
Totalize measurements
Channels N/A Ch 1 or Ch 2
Range Rate N/A 0 - 350 MHz Gating N/A Continuous, timed, or external gate input
Level measurements
Voltage level - standard input channels
Microwave power level (microwave channel option)
N/A -1 ns to 100,000 s (nom)
-0.5 ns to 100,000 s (min)
N/A 6 ns
N/A 6 ns
N/A -180.000º to 360.000º
N/A 0 to 1015 events
Gate accuracy is 20 ns
±5.1 Vpk with 2.5 mV resolution or ±51 Vpk with 25 mV resolution
0 to 4 relative signal power
Measurement Characteristics continued
53210A 53220A 53230A
6 GHz (Option 106) 15 GHz (Option 115)
Pulse/burst frequency and pulse envelope detector (Option 150)
Pulse/burst measurements N/A N/A Carrier frequency, carrier period, pulse repetition interval (PRI),
pulse repetition frequency (PRF), positive and negative width
Pulse/burst width for carrier frequency measurements
Minimum pulse/burst
N/A N/A >200 ns
Narrow: <17 µs
N/A N/A >50 ns > 100 ns width for envelope measurements
Acquisition N/A N/A Auto, Manual7 PRF, PRI range N/A N/A 1 Hz – 10 MHz 1 Hz - 5 MHz Pulse detector response
time (typ)
N/A N/A 15 ns rise/fall 40 ns rise/fall
Pulse width accuracy N/A N/A 20 ns + (2*carrier period) 75 ns Power ratio (typ) N/A N/A >15 dB Power range and
sensitivity (sinusoidal) typ)
N/A N/A +13 dBm (1 Vrms) to
-13 dBm (50 mVrms)
Wide: >13 µs
> 400 ns
Narrow: <17 μs
Wide: >13 μs
< 3 GHz: +7 dBm (500 mVrms) to
-6 dBm (115 mVrms)
3 - 11 GHz: +9 dBm (630 mVrms) to
-8 dBm (90 mVrms)
> 11 GHz: +7 dBm (500 mVrms) to
-6 dBm (115 mVrms)
1. Maximum display resolution for frequency and period. Totalize display resolution is 15 digits, time interval based measurements are 12 digits.
2. Continuous, gap-free measurements limits the gate time setting to 10 µs to 1000 s in 10 µs steps.
3. Refer to the gate characteristics section for more details on advanced gate capabilities.
4. Measurements on each input channel are performed simultaneously using one gate interval. The actual measurement gate interval on each channel will be synchrounous with edges of each input signal.
5. Maximum sample rate. Actual sample rate will be limited by the input signal edge rate for signals slower than the selected sample rate. Maximum timestamp rate offers minimal FM tolerance. If high FM tolerance is required, use lower timestamp rates.
6. Assumes two frequencies are identical, only shifted in phase.
7. Manual control of gate width and gate delay are allowed only for wide pulsed mode.
8. For pulsed signals > -7 dBm (100 mVrms) while gated on.
9. For totalize, time interval and frequency measurements, you may get measurement readings beyond the range stated, but the accuracy of those readings is not specified.
10. Applies when burst width * Carrier Freq >80.
11. Specifications apply if measurement channels are in 5 V range, DC coupled, 50 Ω terminated and at fixed level for: time interval single and dual channel, pulse width, duty, phase, single period and rise/fall time measurements.
12. Option 150 microwave pulse/burst measurement descriptions:
-12 dB Detector Level
(Option 106 only)
+ width burst (on)
Burst carrier frequency
- 12 dB
- width burst (off)
- 6 dB p-p
-6 dB Detector Level
Burst carrier frequency
+ width burst (on)
- width burst (off)
Gate, Trigger and Timebase Characteristics
53210A 53220A 53230A
Gate characteristics (nom)
Source Time, external Time, external or advanced Gate time (step size)
Advanced: gate start
Source N/A Internal or external, Ch 1/Ch 2
Slope N/A Positive or negative Delay time
Delay events (edges) N/A 0 to 108 for signals up to 100 MHz
Advanced: gate stop hold-off
Source N/A Internal or external, Ch 1/Ch 2
Slope N/A Positive or negative Hold-off time
Hold-off events (edges) N/A 0 to 108 (minimum width (positive or negative) >60 ns)
External gate input characteristics (typ)
Connector Rear panel BNC(f)
Impedance 1 kΩ when selected as external gate input Level TTL compatible Slope Selectable positive or negative Gate to gate timing 3 µs gate end to next gate start Damage level <-5 V, >+10 V
Gate output characteristics (typ)
Connector Rear panel BNC(f)
Impedance 50 Ω when selected for gate output Level TTL compatible Slope Selectable positive or negative Damage level <-5 V, >+10 V
1 ms - 1000 s (10 µs) 100 µs - 1000 s (10 µs) 1 µs - 1000 s (1 µs)
(unused standard channel input)
N/A 0 s to 10 s in 10 ns steps
(unused standard channel input)
N/A Hold-off Time settable from 60 ns to 1000 s
Selectable as external gate input or gate output signal
Selectable as external gate input or gate output signal
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