Atec Agilent-4395A User Manual

HP 4395A Network/Spectrum/Impedance Analyzer
Technical Specifications
Specifications describe the instrument's warranted performance over the temperature range of 0°C to 40°C (except as noted). Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide information that is useful in applying the instrument by giving non-warranted performance parameters. These are denoted as SPC (supplemental performance characteristics), typical, or nominal. Warm up time must be greater than or equal to 30 minutes after power on for all specifications.
Network Measurement
Source Characteristics
Range Resolution Frequency reference
Aging Initial achievable accuracy Temperature stability
Precision frequency reference (option 1D5)
Aging Initial achievable accuracy Temperature stability
................................................................... 10 Hz to 500 MHz
........................................................................ 1 mHz
at 23 ± 5°C, referenced to 23°C ................................................ <±5.5 ppm
.............................................................. <±2.5 ppm/year (SPC)
............................................... <±1.0 ppm (SPC)
at 23 ± 5°C, referenced to 23°C .............................................. <±2ppm (SPC)
at 0°C to 40°C, referenced to 23°C ............................................. <±0.13 ppm
.............................................................. <±0.1 ppm/year (SPC)
.............................................. <±0.02 ppm (SPC)
at 0°C to 40°C, referenced to 23°C ........................................ <±0.01 ppm (SPC)
Output Characteristics
Power range Level accuracy
at 0 dBm output, 50 MHz, 23 ± 5°C, .................................................. ±1.0 dB
Level linearity
........................................................... –50 dBm to +15 dBm
Output Power Linearity
–40 dBm < –40 dBm
1 at relative to 0 dBm output, 50 MHz, 23 ± 5°C
±1.0 dB ±1.5 dB
at 0 dBm output, relative to 50 MHz, 23 ± 5°C ........................................... ±2 dB
........................................................................ 0.1 dB
Spectral Purity Characteristics
at +10 dBm output ........................................................... <–30 dBc
Non-harmonics spurious
at +10 dBm output ........................................................... <–30 dBc
Noise sidebands
at ≥10 kHz offset from carrier ................................................. <–95 dBc/Hz
Power sweep range
........................................................... 20 dB max.
Power sweep linearity
deviation from linear power referenced to the stop power level ......................... ±0.5 dB
................................................................ 50 Ω nominal
Return loss
frequency 200 MHz ....................................................... >15 dB (SPC)
frequency > 200 MHz .......................................................... >7 dB (SPC)
............................................................... Type N female
Receiver Characteristics
Input Characteristics
Frequency range Input attenuator
.......................................................... 10 Hz to 500 MHz
..................................................... 0 to 50 dB, 10 dB step
Full scale input level (R,A,B)
Attenuator setting (dB) Full scale input level
0 –10 dBm 10 0 dBm 20 +10 dBm 30 +20 dBm 40 +30 dBm 50 +30 dBm
IF bandwidth (IFBW)
................................... 2, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1 k, 3 k, 10 k, 30 kHz
Note: The IFBW should be set to less than 1/5 of the lowest frequency in the sweep range.
Noise level (referenced to full scale input level, 23 ± 5°C)
at 10 Hz frequency < 100 Hz, IFBW=2 Hz ...................................... –85 dB (SPC)
at 100 Hz frequency < 100 kHz, IFBW=10 Hz .......................................... –85 dB
at 100 kHz frequency, IFBW=10 Hz ................................................ –115 dB
Input crosstalk
for input R ... +10 dBm input, input attenuator: 20 dB for input A, B ... input attenuator: 0 dB
at <100 kHz
R through A, B ............................................................... <–100 dB
others ................................................................. <–100 dB (SPC)
at 100 kHz
R through A, B ............................................................... <–120 dB
others ................................................................. <–120 dB (SPC)
Source Crosstalk (for input A, B)(typical for input R)
at +10 dBm output, <100 kHz , input attenuator: 0 dB ................................. <–100 dB
at +10 dBm output, 100 kHz , Input attenuator: 0 dB ................................. <–120 dB
Multiplexer switching impedance change
at Input attenuator 0 dB ....................................................... <0.5% (SPC)
at Input attenuator 10 dB and above ............................................. <0.1% (SPC)
Connector Impedance
................................................................. Type N female
.................................................................. 50 Ω nominal
Return loss
Input attenuator
0 dB 10 dB 20 dB to 50 dB
10 Hz frequency < 100 kHz 100 kHz frequency 100 MHz 100 MHz < frequency 15 dB
25 dB 25 dB
25 dB1 25 dB
25 dB 25 dB
15 dB 15 dB
Maximum input level
............................. +30 dBm (at input attenuator: 40 dB or 50 dB)
Maximum safe input level
.......................................... +30 dBm or ±7 Vdc (SPC)
Magnitude Characteristics
Absolute amplitude accuracy (R, A, B)
at –10 dBm input, input attenuator: 10 dB, frequency 100 Hz, IFBW 3 kHz, 23 ± 5°C, ...... <±1.5 dB
Ratio accuracy (A/R, B/R) (typical for A/B)
at –10 dBm input, input attenuator: 10 dB, IFBW 3 kHz, 23 ± 5°C, ....................... <±2 dB
Dynamic accuracy (A/R, B/R) (typical for A/B)
Input Level
(relative to full scale input level –10 dB)
0 dB input level > –10 dB
–10 dB input Level –60 dB
–60 dB > input level –80 dB
–80 dB > input level –100 dB
1. R input level (B input level for A/B) = full scale input level –10 dB, IFBW = 10 Hz, 23 ± 5°C
Dynamic Accuracy
frequency 100 Hz
±0.4 dB
±0.05 dB
±0.3 dB
±3 dB
Figure 1-1. Magnitude Dynamic Accuracy
Residual responses
.................................................. <–80 dB full scale (SPC)
Trace noise (A/R, B/R, A/B)
at 50 MHz, both inputs: full scale input level –10 dB, IFBW = 300 Hz ............ <0.005 dB rms (SPC)
Stability (A/R, B/R, A/B)
................................................ < ±0.01 dB/°C (SPC)
Phase Characteristics
Measurements format
................................. Standard format, Expanded phase format
Frequency response (deviation from linear phase) (A/R, B/R) (SPC for A/B)
at –10 dBm input, input attenuator: 10 dB, IFBW 3 kHz, 23 ± 5°C ......................... < ±12°
Dynamic accuracy (A/R, B/R) (SPC for A/B)
(relative to full scale input level –10 dB)
Input Level
0 dB input level > –10 dB
–10 dB input level –60 dB
–60 dB > input level –80 dB
–80 dB > input level –100 dB
1. R input level (B input level for A/B) = full scale input level –10 dB, IFBW = 10 Hz, 23 ± 5°C
Dynamic Accuracy
frequency 100 Hz
±3° ±0.3° ±1.8°
Figure 1-2. Phase Dynamic Accuracy
Trace noise (A/R, B/R, A/B)
at 50 MHz, both inputs: full scale input level –10 dB, IFBW=300 Hz ................ <0.04° rms (SPC)
Stability (A/R, B/R, A/B)
.................................................. < ±0.1 °/°C (SPC)
Group Delay Characteristics
Aperture [Hz]
......................................................... 0.25% to 20% of span
In general, the following formula can be used to determine the accuracy, in seconds, of a specific group
delay measurement:
PhaseAccuracy(deg ree
Sweep Characteristics
Sweep type Sweep direction Trigger type Trigger source Event trigger
............................... Linear frequency, Log frequency, Power, List frequency
....................................................... Upper direction only
....................................... Hold, Single, Number of groups, Continuous
................................. Internal (free run), External, Manual, HP-IB (bus)
.......................................................... On point, On sweep
Spectrum Measurement
Frequency Characteristics
Frequency range Frequency readout accuracy
............................ ±((freq readout[Hz])×(freq ref accuracy[1])+RBW[Hz]+
.......................................................... 10 Hz to 500 MHz
where NOP means number of display points
Frequency reference
at 23 ± 5°C, referenced to 23°C ................................................. <±5.5 ppm
Aging Initial achievable accuracy
.............................................................. <±2.5 ppm/year (SPC)
............................................... <±1.0 ppm (SPC)
Temperature stability
at 23 ± 5°C, referenced to 23°C ............................................. <±2 ppm (SPC)
Precision frequency reference (option 1D5)
at 0°C to 40°C, referenced to 23°C ............................................. <±0.13 ppm
Aging Initial achievable accuracy
.............................................................. <±0.1 ppm/year (SPC)
.............................................. <±0.02 ppm (SPC)
Temperature stability
at 0°C to 40°C, referenced to 23°C ........................................ <±0.01 ppm (SPC)
Resolution bandwidth (RBW)
3 dB RBW at span > 0 ................................................ 1 Hz to 1 MHz, 1-3 step
3 dB RBW at span = 0 ............... 3k, 5k, 10k, 20k, 40k, 100k, 200k, 400k, 800k, 1.5M, 3M, 5MHz
(60 dB BW / 3 dB BW)
at span > 0 ........................................................................ <3
....................................................................Auto or Manual
at span > 0 ..................................................................... <±10%
at span = 0 ..................................................................... <±30%
Video bandwidth (VBW)
at span > 0 .................................. 3 mHz to 3 MHz, 1-3 step, 0.003 VBW/RBW 1
Noise sidebands
Offset from Carrier Noise Sidebands
1 kHz
100 kHz
< –95 dBc/Hz
< –108 dBc/Hz
Figure 1-3. Noise Sidebands
Amplitude Characteristics
Amplitude range Reference value setting range
...................................... displayed average noise level to +30 dBm
.......................................... –100 dBm to +30 dBm
Level accuracy
at –20 dBm input, 50 MHz, input attenuator: 10 dB, 23 ± 5°C ............................ <±1.0 dB
Frequency response
at –20 dBm input, input attenuator: 10 dB, referenced to level at 50 MHz, 23 ± 5°C
frequency 100 Hz .............................................................. <±1.5 dB
frequency < 100 Hz .............................................................. <±3.0 dB
Amplitude fidelity
Log scale
(dB to reference input level) [dB]
0 to –30 ±0.05 –30 to –40 ±0.1 –40 to –50 ±0.2 –50 to –60 ±0.5 –60 to –70 ±1.0 –70 to –80 ±3.0
Amplitude Fidelity
Linear scale
Fidelity shows an extent of nonlinearity referenced to the reference input level.
RBW = 10 Hz, –20 dBm ≤ reference value ≤ +30 dBm, reference input level=full scale input level –10 dB, 23 ± 5°C
..................................................................... <±3%
Note: Refer to Input attenuator part for the definition of full scale input level.
Displayed average noise level
at reference value ≤–40 dBm, input attenuator: auto or 0 dB
at frequency 1 kHz .......................................................... –120 dBm/Hz
at 100 kHz ................................................................ –133 dBm/Hz
at 10 MHz ............................................ (–145 + frequency/100 MHz) dBm/Hz
at start frequency 10 MHz
Figure 1-4. Typical Displayed Average Noise Level
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