Agilent 35670A
Dynamic Signal Analyzer
Versatile two- or four-channel high-per for mance
FFT-based spectrum/network an a lyz er
122 µHz to 102.4 kHz 16-bit ADC
Data Sheet
Key Specifi cations
Frequency range 102.4 kHz 1 channel
51.2 kHz 2 channel
25.6 kHz 4 channel
Dynamic range 90 dB typical
Accuracy ±0.15 dB
Channel match ±0.04 dB and ±0.5 degrees
Real-time bandwidth 25.6 kHz/1 channel
Resolution 100, 200, 400, 800 & 1600 lines
Time capture > 6 Msamples
Source types Random, burst random, periodic chirp, burst chirp,
pink noise, sine, swept-sine ( Option1D2), arbitrary
( Option 1D4)

Summary of Features on Standard Instrument
The following features are standard with the
Agilent 35670A:
Instrument modes
FFT analysis Histogram/time
Correlation analysis Time capture
Frequency domain
Frequency response Power spectrum
Linear spectrum Coherence
Cross spectrum Power spectral density
Time domain (oscilloscope mode)
Time waveform Autocorrelation
Cross-correlation Orbit diagram
Amplitude domain
Histogram, PDF, CDF
Trace coordinates
Linear magnitude Unwrapped phase
Log magnitude Real part
dB magnitude Imaginary part
Group delay Nyquist diagram
Phase Polar
Trace units
Y-axis amplitude: combinations of units, unit value,
calculated value, and unit format describe y-axis amplitude
Units: volts, g, meters/sec2, inches/sec2, meters/sec,
inches/sec, meters, mils, inches, pascals, Kg, N, dyn, lb,
user-defined EUs
Unit value: rms, peak, peak-to-peak
Calculated value: V, V2, V2/Hz, √Hz, V2s/Hz (ESD)
Unit format: linear, dB’s with user selectable dB reference,
dBm with user selectable impedance.
Y-axis phase: degrees, radians
X-axis: Hz, cpm, order, seconds, user-defined
Display formats
Dual upper/lower traces
Small upper and largelower
Front/back overlay traces
Measurement state
Bode diagram
Waterfall display with skew, -45 to 45 degrees
Trace grids on/off
Display blanking
Screen saver
Display scaling
Autoscale Selectable reference
Manual Scale Linear or log X-axis
Input range tracking Y-axis log
X & Y scale markers with expand and scroll
Marker functions
Individual trace markers
Coupled multi-trace markers
Absolute or relative marker
Peak search
Harmonic markers
Band marker
Sideband power markers
Waterfall markers
Time parameter markers
Frequency response markers
Signal averaging (FFT mode)
Average types (1 to 9,999,999 averages)
RMS Time exponential
RMS exponential Peak hold
Averaging controls
Overload reject
Fast averaging on/off
Update rate select
Select overlap process percentage
Preview time record
Measurement control
Start measurement
Pause/continue measurement
Continuous (Freerun)
External (analog or TTL level)
Internal trigger from any channel
Source synchronized trigger
GPIB trigger
Armed triggers
RPM step
Time step
Pre- and post-trigger measurement Delay
Tachometer input:
±4 V or ±20 V range
40 mv or 200 mV resolution
Up to 2048 pulses/rev
Tach hold-off control

Source outputs
Random Burst random
Periodic chirp Burst chirp
Pink noise Fixed sine
Note: Some source types are not available for use in
optional modes. See option description for details.
Input channels
Manual range Anti-alias filters On/Off
Up-only auto range AC or DC coupling
Up/down auto range LED half range and overload
Floating or grounded A-weight filters On/Off
Transducer power supplies (4 ma constant current)
Data storage functions
Built-in 3.5 in., 1.44-Mbyte flexible disk also supports
720-KByte disks, and 2 Mbyte NVRAM disk. Both
MS-DOS® and HP-LIF formats are available. Data can be
formatted as either ASCII or binary (SDF). The 35670A
provides storage and recall from the internal disk, internal
RAM disk, internal NVRAM disk, or external GPIB disk for
any of the following information:
Instrument setup states Trace data
User-math Limit data
Time capture buffers Agilent Instrument BASIC
Waterfall display data Programs
Data tables Curve fit/synthesis tables
20 spans from 195 mHz to 102.4 kHz (1 channel mode)
20 spans from 98 mHz to 51.2 kHz (2 channel mode)
Digital zoom with 244 µHz resolution throughout the
102.4 kHz frequency bands.
100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 lines
Hann Uniform
Flat top Force/exponential
+,-,*, / Conjugate
Magnitude Real and imaginary
Square Root FFT, FFT
*jω or /jω PSD
Differentiation A, B, and C weighting
Integration Constants K1 thru K5
Functions F1 thru F5
Limit test with pass/fail
Data table with tabular readout
Data editing
GPIB capabilities
Conforms to IEEE 488.1 /488.2
Conforms to SCPI 1992
Controller with Agilent Instrument Basic Option
Calibration & memory
Single or automatic calibration
Built-in diagnostics & service tests
Nonvolatile clock with time/date
Time/date stamp on plots and saved data files
Online help
Access to topics via keyboard or index
Time capture functions
Capture transient events for repeated analysis in FFT,
octave, order, histogram, or correlation modes (except
swept-sine). Time-captured data may be saved to internal
or external disk, or transferred over GPIB. Zoom on
captured data for detailed nar row band analysis.