Asus W1V User Manual

Instant Fun
There are two methods to enter Instant Fun:
• While the Notebook PC is turned OFF, press the Instant ON key.
• While the Notebook PC is booting, press the [F3] key.
Instant Fun application will launch without entering Windows. Instant Fun allows you to view DVDs, VCDs, videos, photos, or television programs; or listen to music CDs or files.
Note: When the Notebook PC is ON and running Windows, pressing the Instant ON button will launch the Mobile Theater application provided with this Notebook PC.
E2314 / Oct 2005
Keyboard control definitions
Item Mode Usage Keyboard
Power Key (All) Turn OFF InstantON [NB power switch] InstantOn Key (All) Turn ON InstantON [NB instant key] Main Menu (All) Back to Main Menu [Home] DVD (All) Switch to DVD mode [Ctrl d] Music (All) Switch to Music mode [Ctrl m] Photo View (All) Switch to Photo View [Ctrl p] TV (All) Switch to TV mode [Ctrl t] Video (All) Switch to Video mode [Ctrl v] Radio (All) Switch to Radio mode [Ctrl r] Setup (All) Show setup menu [o] Help (All) Show help [F1] Play DVD, Music, Video Play selection [Space bar] Stop DVD, Music, Video Stop selection [End] Pause DVD, Music, Video Pause selection [Space bar] Eject (All, except Main menu) Eject optical drive tray [e] Root menu DVD Back to Root menu [t] Title menu DVD Back to Title menu [Shift t] Fast forward DVD, Music, Video Fast forward selection [f] Fast reverse DVD, Music, Video Fast reverse selection [r] Next DVD, Music, Video Next selection [Page Down] Previous DVD, Music, Video Previous selection [Page Up] Channel + TV Channel up selection [Page Up] Channel – TV Channel down selection [Page Down] Channel Scan TV Smart Scan for TV [Shift a] Back TV (to previous ch. for TV) [l] Volume + (All) Volume up selection [Shift ] Volume – (All) Volume down selection [Shift ] Mute audio (All) Turn volume audio down [m] Ok/Select (All) Select a menu item [Enter] Arrows (All) Change selection on menus [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Sub-title DVD Switch DVD sub-title [s] Audio DVD Switch DVD/TV audio [a] Angle DVD Switch DVD angle [g] Page up Music, Photo, Video Jump to previous Playlist/thumbnail [b] Page down Music, Photo, Video Jump to next Playlist/thumbnail [n] Numeric keys DVD, TV, Radio Enter number selection [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] Repeat all Music, Photo Repeat all songs/photos [Shift r] Shuffle Music Shuffle all songs [Shift s]
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