Internal Modem Driver Update
If your operating system’s date is set to February 21, 2001 or later and your modem disconnects as
soon as you dial (this may repeat over and over), then you must upgrade your modem driver.
Example of Problem: Modem Driver Upgrade Steps:
Double click WinME-FIX for Windows ME
OS, or W2K-FIX for Windows 2000 OS.
Identify your Operating System
To identify your Operating System, click the Start
button and read the banner on the menu.
Identify the proper upgrade file for your OS and
download it to your hard drive.
You can find all upgrade files for Windows OpÂerating Systems on the Web or FTP sites. ME &
2000 files are also included in the floppy diskette.
WinME-FIX.exe ==> For Windows ME
W2K-FIX.exe ==> For Windows 2000
W98SE-FIX.exe ==> For Windows 98/SE
NT4-FIX.exe ==> For Windows NT4.0
Web Sites:
FTP Sites:
Change the Unzip folder path to C:\TEMP.
Browse to C:\TEMP and double click ESSPatch.
After you restart
your computer, your
modem should
function properly.
L8 Series Special Notice Addendum