ASUS Exclusive Innovations
AAuuttoo--eeXXttrreemmee tteecchhnnoollooggyy ffoorr bbeetttteerr PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee && LLoonnggeevviittyy!!
GT1030’s single-slot design doesn’t block
neighboring PCIe slots, maximizing expansion
flexibility, and the small size offers great
compatibility with smaller chassis
ASUS GPU Tweak II Utility
Tweak Till your Heart’s Content
With an intuitive new UI, GPU Tweak II makes
overclocking easier than ever, and features gaming
booster to maximize graphics performance.
An industry-only, 100% automated
production process that incorporates
Super Alloy Power II components for
premium quality and best reliability.

Gigantic 2GB GDDR5
On-board memory for the
best gaming experience & the
best resolution
NVIDIA® Adaptive V-Sync:
NVIDIA Adaptive Vertical Sync
adjusts VSync to current frame
rates for maximum playability
NVIDIA® PhysX® ready:
Dynamic visual effects like blazing
explosions, reactive debris,
realistic water, and lifelike
DirectX® 12
DirectX® 12 GPU-accelerated
tessellation allows more detailed
geometry to be packed into a
scene, allowing characters to be
rendered with cinema-quality
Microsoft® Windows 10
Gives you access to advanced
computing experiences with the
latest operating system so you get
more done with your PC
Low Profile Design:
Perfect for mini-ITX PCs
ASUS gets graphics card
design done right for HTPC
and multimedia PC use.
Products are powered to
easily run current game titles
at 1920*1200 resolution and
play smooth Blu-ray 3D
ASUS Exclusive Innovations