Guide to Intel
Small Business Advantage
Installation and Applications
1. Introduction of Small Business Advantage ........................2
2. Installing Small Business Advantage .................................3
3. Small Business Advantage Applications ............................5
3.1 Energy Saver............................................................5
3.2 PC Health Center .....................................................6
3.3 Software Monitor ......................................................7
3.4 USB Blocker .............................................................8
3.5 Data Backup & Restore ............................................9

1. Introduction of Small Business
Intel® Small Business Advantage is a customizable platform inte-
grated with IT tools, which helps maximize employee productivity,
PC performance, and data security. There are applications inclu-
ding Software Monitor, PC Health Center, Data Backup & Restore,
Energy Saver and USB Blocker.

2. Installing Small Business Advantage
1. When you install the all-in-one driver into your system
from the ASRock support CD, Small Business Advantage
will automatically be installed as well. However, if you
want to install it manually, please locate and double-click
the icon to execute the installer.
2. Click “Install” to continue with the installation.
3. Click “Next“ to continue.