Ask Proxima C170 User Manual

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User’s Guide
WARNING: The power cord and cables associated
with this product contain lead, a chemical
known to the state of California to cause bir th
defects or other reproductive harm. Wash
hands after handling.
WARNING: This product has a lamp which
contains a very small amount of mercury.
Dispose of it as required by local, state, or
federal ordinances and regulations. For more
information, see
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附带的 CD 上有 Adobe Acrobat pdf 格式的整本 《使用者指南》,包括下列各种语言版本:荷兰文、英文、法文、德文、意大利文、挪威文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文、俄文、日文、 韩文、繁体中文、简体中文。请在使用投影仪之前先阅读这些说明。
所附的光碟片上,有 Adobe Acrobat (PDF) 格式的這本 《使用者手冊》;所提供的不同語言版本包括:荷蘭文、英文、法文、德文、意大利文、挪威文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文、 俄文、日文、韓文、繁體中文,以及簡體中文。開始使用本投影機之前,請先詳細閱讀這些說明。
Declaration of Conformity
Manufacturer: InFocus Corporation, 27700B SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Oregon 97070 USA European Office: Strawinskylaan 585, 1077 XX Amsterdam, The Netherlands We declare under our sole responsibility that this projector conforms to the following directives and norms:
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, Amended by 93/68/EEC EMC: EN 55022 EN 55024
EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3 Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, Amended by 93/68/EEC Safety: EN 60950: 2000
May, 2004
Apple, and Macintosh are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft, PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks or regis­tered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. InFocus, ASK Proxima, LiteShow, LitePort, and LP are trademarks or registered trademarks of InFocus Corporation.
FCC Warning
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro­vide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is oper­ated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc­tion manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Agency Approvals
UL, CUL, TUV, GOST Other specific Country Approvals may apply, please see product certification label.
This user’s guide applies to models C170 and GEN205.
InFocus reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications at any time.
EN 55022 Warning
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment it may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. The typical use is in a conference room, meeting room or auditorium.
Table of Contents
Introduction 5 Connecting a computer 7
Required computer connections 7
Displaying a computer image 9
First-time projector use with Windows 98 10
Adjusting the image 12 Connecting a video device 13 Displaying a video image 14
Shutting down the projector 16
Troubleshooting your setup 16
Using the keypad buttons 25 Using the remote control 26 Using the LitePort player 27 Using the audio 28
Optimizing computer images 29 Presentation features 29 Optimizing video images 29 Customizing the projector 29
If you are experienced in setting up presentation systems, use the included Quick Set Up card. For complete details on connecting and operating the projector, refer to this User’s Guide. Electronic versions of this User’s Guide in multiple languages are available on the included CD and on our website. The most current versions can be found on our website.
The website also has technical specifications (an interactive image size cal­culator, laptop activation commands, connector pin outs, a glossary, the product data sheet), a web store to buy accessories, and a page for online registration. See the inside of the back cover for a list of all relevant web addresses.
Using the menus 30
Picture menu 31
Settings menu 34
Maintenance 39
Cleaning the lens 39
Using the security lock 39
Replacing the projection lamp 40
Cleaning the lamp filter screens 42
Appendix 43
Accessories 43
Red LED behavior and projector errors 44
Projected image size 44
Important Operating Considerations for Safety
Place the projector in a horizontal position no greater than 15 degrees
off axis.
Locate the projector in a well-ventilated area without any obstructions
to intake or exhaust vents. Do not place the projector on a tablecloth or other soft covering that may block the vents.
Locate the projector at least 4' (1.2 m) away from any heating or cooling
Use only approved ceiling mounts.
Use only the power cord provided. A surge-protected power strip is
Refer to this manual for proper startup and shutdown procedures.
In the unlikely event of the lamp rupturing, discard any edible items
placed in the surrounding area and thoroughly clean the area along all sides of the projector. Wash hands after cleaning the area and handling the ruptured lamp. This product has a lamp which contains a very small amount of mercury. Dispose of it as required by local, state or fed­eral ordinances and regulations. For more information see
Follow these instructions to help ensure image quality and lamp life over the life of the projector. Failure to follow these instructions may affect the warranty. For complete details of the warranty, see the Warranty section at the end of this user's guide.
Do not place objects or people in the 2 foot (.6m) area along the side of the projector. For ceiling mount applications, this area should be 5 feet (1.5m).
2 ft (.6m)
5 ft (1.5m)


Your new digital projector provides computer and video inputs and has XGA 1024x768 resolution. The projector is easy to connect, easy to use, and easy to maintain. An Interactive Display on the top of the projector gives you constant feedback on the status of the projector.
Online Registration
Register your projector on our website to receive product updates, announcements, and registration incentives. See the inside of the back cover for the web address.
Included items
carry case
Projector components and features
remote control receiver (IR)
elevator foot release
lens cap
lens cap tether*
computer cable
*The lens cap tether ships in the Documentation Pack. Attach it to the lens cap and the projector if desired.
video cable
audio cable adapter
audio cable
power cable
Interactive display
leveling foot
IR receiver
heat vent
IR receiver
Connector Panel
The projector provides computer and video connectors:
one M1-D/A (HD, DVI, and computer)
one VESA (HD, HD component, and computer)
one S-video
one composite RCA video
one audio in/one audio out
It also has an RS-232 serial connector for serial control. The Command Line Interface (CLI) specifications and commands are on our website.
The projector also has a LitePort JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group, .jpg, .jpe, or .jpeg) images. This allows you to display any JPEG image automatically, without a computer connected. Use your own JPEGs from your digital camera, or convert your
files, such as Microsoft
PowerPointTM, WordTM, or ExcelTM files, into JPEGs using LitePort Utility (included on the CD), which allows you to eas­ily generate the highest quality JPEG images possible. Then transfer the JPEG images from your computer to the projector using a USB mass storage device and your images are ready to be displayed. (Please refer to the Ser­vice and Support section of our website for advanced specifications on the USB device and JPEG files.) You can use the remote control to select which JPEGs to view (page 27) or you can set up the LitePort player using the Lite­Port onscreen menu to select display preferences and automatically display and advance your JPEGs (page 36).
USB connector (Type A) and player for
Connector panel
M1-D/A computer
VESA in/ monitor out
composite video
RS-232 serial control
power connector
external speaker (audio out)
Wireless Projection
You can use the projector’s M1 connector along with the InFocus
LiteShow Contact an authorized InFocus dealer or visit the website listed on the back inside cover of this User’s Guide for more information.
wireless adapter and software for cable-free digital projection.

Connecting a computer

Required computer connections

Connect the black end of the computer cable to the Computer 1 connector on the projector. Connect the blue end to the video port on your computer. If you are using a desktop computer, you first need to disconnect the monitor cable from the computer’s video port. Some Macintosh computers do not have a standard VESA-out video port. If the supplied computer cable will not connect to your computer, purchase the appropriate adapter from your Apple reseller.
Connect the black power cable to the connector on the back of the projector and to your electrical outlet.
The Power LED on the projector’s keypad turns solid green.
NOTE: Always use the power cable that shipped with the projector.
connect computer cable
connect power cable
Optional computer connections
To advance slides in a PowerPoint™ presentation using the remote, plug the USB connector on the computer cable into the USB mouse connector on your computer. USB drivers must be installed to use the USB feature. For more information, see page 11.
To have sound with your presentation, connect the audio cable to your com­puter and to the Audio In connector on the projector.
connect computer cable
connect audio cable
If you are using a desktop computer and want to see the image on your computer screen as well as on the projection screen, plug the monitor cable to the black Computer 2 connector on the projector. This connector can be used as monitor out or VESA in. The default is VESA in, so you must change this option in the menu to use monitor out. See page 34 to switch between the two functions.
If you prefer connecting your projector to your computer with an optional VESA cable, connect one end of the cable to the VESA port on your com­puter, and connect the other end of the cable to the blue Computer 2 con­nector on the projector.
This connector can be used as monitor out or VESA in. The default is VESA in.
You can control the projector from an LCD control panel or computer by connecting an RS-232 cable to the projector’s Serial Control connector. Spe- cific RS-232 commands can be found in the Service and Support section of our website.
connect monitor cable
connect VESA cable
connect RS-232 cable
You can play JPEGs using the LitePort USB connector and LitePort player. You need a USB mass storage device to use this connector. See page 27 for details.
connect USB mass storage device

Displaying a computer image

Remove the lens cap.
remove lens cap
Press the Power button on the top of the projector or the remote.
The LED flashes green and the fans start to run. When the lamp comes on, the startup screen is displayed and the LED is steady green. It can take a minute for the image to achieve full brightness. The Interactive Display on the projector indicates the startup status.
? No startup screen? Get help on page 17.
Turn on your computer.
The computer’s image should appear on the projection screen. If it doesn’t, press the Source button on the projector’s keypad.
Make sure your laptop’s external video port is active.
Many laptops do not automatically turn on their external video port when a projector is connected. Usually a key combination like FN + F8 or CRT/LCD key turns the external display on and off. Locate a function key labeled CRT/LCD or a function key with a monitor symbol. Press FN and the labeled function key simultaneously. Refer to your laptop’s documenta-
tion to learn your laptop’s key combination.
? No computer image? Try pressing the Auto Image
button on the keypad. Get help on page 17.
press Power button
turn on computer
activate laptop’s external port
First-time projector use with Windows 98
If you are running Windows 2000, Windows ME, or Window XP, skip these steps and go to “Adjusting the image” on page 12.
The first time you connect a computer running Windows 98 to the projector, the computer recognizes the projector as “new hardware” and the Add New Hardware Wizard appears. Follow these instructions to use the Wiz­ard to load the correct driver (which was installed with your Windows operating system).
a Click Next to begin searching for the driver.
b Make sure “Search for the best driver” is selected, then click Next.
c Uncheck any checked boxes, then click Next. Windows automatically
locates the driver. If this driver has been removed, reload the driver using your Windows operating system CD.
d When Windows finds the driver, you are ready to install it. Click Next.
Skip this page if you did not connect the USB portion of the M1 com­puter cable
For Windows 98:
If you connected the USB cable, the Add New Hardware Wizard
appears again. Drivers must be installed to use the USB functionality.
The Wizard launches two times.
The first time it detects a USB Human Interface Device (for the key­board).
The second time it detects a USB Human Interface Device (for the mouse).
For Windows 2000, Windows ME, and Windows XP:
The USB drivers are automatically installed.

Adjusting the image

Adjust the height of the projector, if necessary, by pressing the release but­ton to extend the elevator foot.
Rotate the leveling foot (located at the bottom back right corner), if neces­sary.
Position the projector the desired distance from the screen at a 90 degree angle to the screen.
See page 44 for a table listing screen sizes and distances.
adjust height
elevator foot
adjust distance
ease button
rotate leveling foot
Adjust the zoom or focus rings by rotating them until the desired image size and focus are produced.
The projector has an Auto Keystone option that is turned on by default. But if the image is not square, adjust the vertical digital keystone by using the buttons on the keypad. Press the upper Keyston e button to reduce the upper part of the image, and press the lower Keystone button to reduce the lower part. You can also adjust the keystone via the menus, or turn off Auto Keystone. See page 31.
Adjust the Contrast or Brightness in the Picture menu.
See page 30 for help with the menus.
adjust zoom and focus
adjust keystone
adjust Contrast or Brightness

Connecting a video device

Standard video connections
Plug the video cable into the video-out connector on the video device. Plug the other yellow connector into the yellow Video 2 connector on the projec­tor.
Plug the white connector of the audio adapter into the left audio out con­nector on the video device and plug the red connector into the right audio out connector on the video device.
Plug the audio cable into the other end of the audio cable adapter and into the audio in connector on the projector.
connect video and audio cables
Connect the black power cable to the connector on the back of the projector and to your electrical outlet.
NOTE: Always use the power cable that shipped with the projector.
Optional video connections
If the video device uses a round, four-prong S-video connector, plug an S-video cable (sold separately) into the S-video connector on the video device and into the S-Video 1 connector on the projector. Use the audio con­nectors as described directly above.
To connect a progressive scan EDTV or HD source, use the Component to M1 adapter (sold separately).
connect power cable
connect S-video and audio cables

Displaying a video image

Remove the lens cap.
remove lens cap
Press the Powe r button on the top of the projector or the remote. The LED flashes green and the fans start to run. When the lamp comes on, the startup screen is displayed and the LED is steady green. It can take a minute for the image to achieve full brightness. The Interactive Display on the projector indicates the startup status.
? No startup screen? Get help on page 16.
Plug in and turn on the video device.
The video device’s image should appear on the projection screen. If it doesn’t, press the Source button on the keypad.
Adjust the height of the projector by pressing the release button to extend the elevator foot. Rotate the leveling foot, if necessary.
Position the projector the desired distance from the screen at a 90 degree angle to the screen. See page 44 for a table listing screen sizes and distances to the screen.
press Power button
turn on video device
adjust height
elevator foot
adjust distance
release button
rotate leveling foot
+ 36 hidden pages