Power Amplifiers
model FET-1500M
model FET-1500C
Five-Year Worry-
Free Warranty
Output Devices
Class-A Full
Front End
shly, the first professional
audio manufacturer to release
a MOS-FET power amplifier,
is proud to introduce the next
generation, the FET-1500
Series. During its first
decade, our original FET
excellence and extreme reliability. We
now improve upon that reputation by
offering more models with better specifi
cations than ever before.
The FET-1500 series is offered in two
The FET-1500M features LED meters
and balanced XLR or 1/4" inputs. This
design is intended for demanding sound
reinforcement, broadcast facilities, re
cording studios, or any application where
visual monitoring and interfacing with bal
anced equipment is essential.
The FET-1500C is designed to meet the
needs of professional industrial installa
tions such as theater, public address and
stadium use. In these situations meters
and XLR inputs are not typically required,
so the FET-1500C is supplied without
meters and utilizes barrier strip and 1/4"
inputs. This amplifier provides all of the
same performance benefits as the
FET-1500M at a lower cost.
The FET-1500 series represents Ashly’s
ongoing dedication to extending the
Series became a standard for
applications requiring the utmost in sonic
boundaries of technology. Simple, stable
circuitry produces better sound. Ashly
MOS-FET amplifiers use a complemen
tary, all-discrete design. The driver is pure
class-A and, because it has only two
stages, requires little compensation allow
ing both speed and linearity with no
crossover-notch distortion.
The output stage consists of paralleled
power MOS-FETs for current gain. The
MOS-FETs have smooth transconduc
tance curves and run at a relatively high
idle current, again preventing crossover
notch distortion. They require no dissipa
tion-limiting protective circuitry and pro
vide virtually infinite power gain, keeping
load reflections from the driver stage.
This promotes stability and low distortion
when driving reactive loads like loud
Special attention is paid to overload
performance; when an Ashly amp is over
driven, it will clip cleanly with a slightly
rounded edge totally free from spikes and
glitches. Total immunity to power supply
variations insures that transient distor
tions are never generated on program
material with wide dynamic range.
The result: powerful and quick ampli
fiers that deliver unrestrained, uncolored
sound quality with remarkable accuracy.
Each Ashly power amplifier, like all Ashly
products, is now fully covered by our
exclusive five-year worry-free warranty.
Modular Construction
XLR and 1/4" inputs
on "M" Models
Barrier Strip and 1/4"
Inputs on "C" Models
Stereo, Mono &
Bridging Modes
LED meters on
"M" models
Air Cooling
Perfect Overload
and Square Wave
Stable Into Any Load
Self-Protecting Under
Virtually All Conditions
(±1dB <1% THD 20Hz-20kHz)
STEREO (Rated Per Channei)
4 ohms:
8 ohms:
8 ohms: 600 Watts RMS
(min power <.01% SMPTE IMD)
STEREO (Rated Per Channel)
4 ohms:
8 ohms: 175 Watts RMS
8 ohms: 550 Watts RMS
Total Harmonic Distortion: .004% 1kHz,8D
IM Distortion (SMPTE):
Damping Factor: >100 20Hz-20kHz
Slew Rate:
Frequency Response:
Rise Time: 2|tS 10%-90%
Full Power Input Sensitivity:
Hum and Noise:
Power Requirements: 110-125VAC, 50-60HZ
Shipping Weight:
300 Watts RMS
200 Watts RMS
275 Watts RMS
.01% 20Hz,8ii
.05% 20Hz-20kHz,8l2
.004% 8£2
± .5dB 10Hz-50kHz
>110dB below full output
Size: 19"Lx3.5"H X 16"D
47 lbs
Architect’s Specification
Ashly Model 1500M
The power ampllller, being of iwo ehanncls. shall deliver a
minimum power of 175 watts per channel into 8 ohm
loads or 275 watts per channel Into 4 ohm loads with both
channels operating. When switched into bridged mono
mode, it shall deliver at least 550 watts into an 8 ohm
load. The amplifier shall be Immune to damage from
shorted, open, or mismatched loads. The ampliner shall
have a gain of 29dB ± ,5dB |jcr rhannel and an input sen
sitivity of 1.3 Volts ± 2% for full rated output. Frequency
response shall be lOHz to 20kHz ± ,5dB, It shall be stable
Inlo any load including pure capacitors and inductors.
Hum and noise shall be at least 1 lOdB below full output
and SMPTE intermodulation distortion shall be less than
.01% at full output. The amplifier shall have rear panel
switching for mono and bridging modes and rear mounted
level controls. The Inputs shall be balanced bridging type
tvlth male and female XLR type connectors as well as 1/4"
phone Jacks. A three-color LED type indicator shall be
employed to show the power level of each channel and self
contained forced air cooling shall be used. The power out
put devices sliall be of the Lateral MOS-FET type. The
amplifier shall weigh 371b. net and mount in a standard
19 inch rack using two spaces (3.5' high). The power
requirement shall be 110-125VAC. 50-6011Z.
Tlie power amplifier shall be an Ashly FET-1500M.
Ashly Model 1500C
The power amplifier, being of two channels, shall deliver a
minimum power of 175 walls per channel into 8 ohm
loads or 275 walls per channel Inlo 4 ohm loads with both
channels operating. When switched into bridged mono
mode, it shall deliver at least 550 walls Into an 8 ohm
load. The amplifier shall be immune to damage from
shorted, open, or mismatched loads. The amplifier shall
have a gain of 29dB ± .5dB per channel and an input sensilhily of 1.3 Volts ± 2% for full rated output. Frequency
response shall be lOHz to 20kHz ± ,5dB. It shall be stable
into any load including pure capacitors and inductors.
Hum and noise shall be at least 1 lOdB below full oiilpul
and SMPTE intermodulation distortion shall be less than
.01% at full output. The ampllllcr shall have rear panel
switching for mono and bridging modes and rear mounted
level controls. The inputs shall utilize 1/4" phone Jacks as
well as tcrminal/barrier input strips. Self contained forced
air cooling sliall be used. The power otitpnl dcvlce.s shall
be of the Lateral MOS-FET type. The amplifier shall weigh
371b. net and mount in a standard 19 Inch rack using two
spaces (3.5" high). The poiver requirement shall be 110-
125VAC, 50-60HZ.
Tlie powei amplifier shall be an Ashly FET- 1500C.
Ashly Audio Inc.
To provide maximum fiexibility,
Ashiy offers two variations in our
FET Power Ampiifiers:
The FET-1500M (top) features XLR
and 1/4" inputs.
The FET-1500C (bottom) utiiizes
Barrier Strips and 1/4" inputs.
Since 1972
© 1989 Ashly Audio