ARISTON MBA 2200 S, MBA 2200 X, MBA 2200 User Manual [ru]

Fridge/freezer combined
Installation and use
Холодильник-морозильник комбинированный
Установка и использование
Изготовитель ЗАО “Завод холодильников СТИНОЛ”
РОССИЯ, 398040, г. Липецк, пл. Металлургов, 2 Служба сервиса, тел. (0742) 424100
195042339 00 MBA 2200
Read your m anua l carefully since it c onta ins instruc­tions, which will ensure safe installation, use and main­tena nce of your applianc e. Your Refrigerator is built to International sa fety stan­da rds (EN60) a nd has b een awarded the European ap prova l ma rk (IM Q) for conform ity with UK elec trical safety requirements. It also m eets the EC standards on the prevention and elim ination of readio interferenc e (EC direc tive 87/308 - 02.06.89).
This ap plianc e is designed to be used indoors and under no circ umstances should it be installed outside even if protec ted b y a roof. Lea ving the app liance exposed to the rain and whether is exceedingly dan­gerous.
The ap plianc e should be used only by adults a nd exclusively for storing foodstuffs in c om plianc e with the instructions provide d in this m anua l. Under no c irc um ­sta nces should c hildren b e allowed to op erate, or tam per with, this p rod uct.
Do not attemp t to operate or handle this applianc e
when barefoot, or with wet ha nds or feet.
It is highly rec om mended that you d o not operate this applianc e by connecting it to the power supply with extensions or m ultiple socket plugs. If the refrigera­tor has been installed b etween two c abinets, ma ke sure that the supply cord is not d ang erously crim ped or tra pp ed beneath a heavy objec t.
Never pull the cable or the applianc e to rem ove the plug from the soc ket; this is exceed ingly danger­ous.
Do not touc h the internal cooling elem ents, espec ially if
your hands are wet, sinc e you c ould burn or hurt yourself.
Before doing a ny clea ning, disconnec t the a pp liance from the elec tricity (by p ulling out the p lug or turning off the general switch in your hom e); it is not sufficient to p lac e the tem pera ture regulation knob “
” to c ut off the power.
Before disposing of your old applianc e, rem em ber to break or rem ove the loc k as a sa fety m ea sure to pro tec t children who might loc k them selves inside the app liance when p laying. In addition, if the applianc e is a new one with a lock, keep the key out of the reac h of sma ll children.
If your applianc e is not opera ting p rop erly, read the chapter entitled , “Troub le Shooting”, which might help you to resolve the problem, before calling an after-sa les service center. Do not attem pt to repa ir the applia nce by tam per­ing with the internal compone nts.
If the power supply cord must be replac ed, p lease co n­tac t one of our Custom er Service Centers. In som e cases, the connec tions are made using special terminals and in others a sp ec ial tool must be used to a ccess the c onnec­tions.
Do not use elec tric ap plianc es inside the c om pa rtment for food storag e, if these are not those rec om m ended by the m anufa c turer.
At the end of the func tional life of your applianc e – containing cyclop entane gas in the insulation foam and ga s R134a (tetraphtorethane) in the refrigeration circuit – the latter should made safe before being sent to the dump . For this op eration, please contact your dealer or the Local Or­ga nisation in c harge of waste disp osal.
Proper installation of the appliance is essential to ensure the best a nd most efficient performance of your a ppliance. Ventilation
The c om pressor and cond enser genera te heat and, therefore, need to be ventilated properly. Rooms with less than perfect ventilation are not very suited for in­sta llation of the applianc e. Therefore, it should be in­sta lled in a room with an opening (window or Frenc h window) that provides the app rop riate amount of air re-circulation. It is also imp ortant that the room should not be too hum id. During installation, m ake sure not to cover or obstruct the grates that allow p rop er ventilation of the ap pli­anc e. For proper ventilation of the applia nce, you must leave:
- a sp ac e of a t least 10 cm between the top pa rt and any c abinets ab ove it;
- a space of at lea st 5 c m between the sides of the ap plianc e and any adjac ent c abinets/walls.
Away from Heat
Avoid positioning the applianc e in a plac e where it is
directly exposed to sunlight or near an oven, c ook top or the
The floor should b e perfec tly levelled; if not, you can adjust the feet at the front of the applianc e.
Before making the elec trical connec tion, che ck that the voltag e shown on the data p late, that you will find on the bottom left hand side of the a pp liance next to the crisp er, corresponds to that of your m ains and tha t the socket is earthed in c onform ity with all c urrent elec trica l regulations. If the system is not ea rthed, the manufac turer dec lines all li­ab ility for consequent da mag es or losses. Do not use ad ap ters or m ultiple soc kets.
Check the power load
The elec trical soc ket m ust supp ort the m aximum power loa d of the applianc e shown on the data plate (on the bottom left hand side of the app lianc e next to the crisper).
Before plugging the appliance to the mains
Set the applianc e upright and wait at least 3 hours b efore plugging the applianc e into the mains to ensure proper p er­forma nce.
Safety - a good habit to get into.
Close-up view
MBA 2200 MBA 2200 X MBA 2200 S
Green indicator light
When this green indicator light is on, it indi­cates that the fridge is connected to the electricity network.
When this green indicator light is on, it indi­cates that the freezer is connected to the electricity network.
Temperature regulator knob
This knob allows you to adjust the fridge temperature to different positions: the fridge is switched off; 1 minimum refrigeration setting; 5 maximum refrigeration setting.
This knob allows you to adjust the freezer temperature to different positions: the freezer is switched off;
1 minimum refrigeration setting; 5 maximum refrigeration setting.
Container for frozen food storage
Container for quick freezing
Fruit and vegetable drawer
Glass tray
“ Fresh box ” compartment for meat and fish
Eggs tray
Removable height adjustable shelves
Hanging rack with transparent cover
Bottle shelf
Middle hanging rack
Drainage system for thawn water
Lower hanging rack with bottles holder
Ice container
Adjustable feet
Butter dish with cover
Rear stoppers (installation by owner)
Ice scraper
MBA 2200 MBA 2200 X MBA 2200 S
How to Start the Appliance
NOTICE After the appliance has been delivered,stand it in the upright position and wait approximately 3 hours before connecting it to the electrical outlet to guar­antee that it opera tes prorerly.
Before placing food stuffs in the refrigera tor or freezer, clean the interior well with warm water and baking soda.
After ha ving plugged the applianc e in, m ake sure that p ilot lam p “A” is light. Set knob ‘B’ onto a m edium position and c an p lac e fo od in the fridge after only a few hours. When the freezer ha s rea ched the op timum tem perature, you can plac e frozen food in the freezer.
The thermosta t automatically regulates the tem p erature inside the applianc e
= less cold
= colder It is recommended tha t a m edium setting be used. To increase the amount of sp ace, op timize arrang em ent and improve appea ranc e, this ap plianc e has a “cooling area” loc ated within the bac k panel of the refrigera tor compartm ent. When the ap plianc e is operating, this panel m ay be covered with frost or d roplets of water depending on
whether the comp ressor is operating or not at a set time.
Do not be c onc erned ab out this! The refrigerator is operating norm ally. If the thermostat knob is p ositioned on higher settings while the refrigera tor is heavily filled and the ambient tem­perature is high, the ap pliance ma y run c ontinuously, re­sulting in the formation of frost on the b ack c ooling area. This will lead to an increase in energ y consum ption.
To avoid this situation, just turn the thermostat knob to a lower setting so that the appliance defrosts auto­ma tica lly.
Storing food in the Refrigerator Compa rtment
Stora ge time
Loca tion in the Refrigerator
Fresh meat and clea ned fish (use p lastic wrap or pac k in plastic b ags)
2 or 3 da ys “Fresh box”
Fresh cheese 3 or 4 da ys “Fresh box” Eggs 1 month In special egg tray on any shelf Butter, margarine 1 week On any shelf Cooked or precooked food (placer in air-tight c ontain­ers and when cool store in refrigerator)
3 or 4 da ys On any shelf
Sausages, salam i, sa ndwich meats in general, fresh pa sta , custards, puddings, choc olates, c ream pastries, bread, d ry pastries, red tom atoes
3 or 4 da ys On any shelf
Bottled products, milk, drinks, yoghurt On special door shelves Fruit and vegetable - In vegetable c risp er
What Should Not be Stored in the Refrigerator
Garlic (transmits odour), onions a nd leeks. Bananas (they will turn black). Citrus fruits. Pota toes and root vegeta bles (store in dark, dry plac es).
- Within the refrigerator compartment, the air c irc ulates naturally, with the colder air falling down b ec ause it is hea vier. This is the reason why meat and cheeses should be placed a bove the vegeta ble container.
- Please follow our instructions c arefully on m aximum stor­ag e time: any food, even the freshest, will not rema in ed i­ble for any extended amount of time.
- Do not plac e liquids in c ontainers without c overing them because this will lead to a n increase in the level of mois­ture within the refrigerator, causing the formation of frost.
- Rememb er to cool hot food before storing otherwise the tem pera ture inside the applianc e will increase, causing the c om pressor to work harder and use more energy.
- Contrary to popular belief, cooked foods a re not stored any long er than raw food.
- The refrigerator c om partment is eq uipped with conven­ient, removab le shelves, which c an b e a djusted for height using the shelf guides. This allows you to plac e even large c ontainers and foodstuffs in the refrigera tor.
- Be c areful not to plac e containers (plastic or glass), food or other objects in d irect contact with the cooling area of the back wall of the refrigerator. This could harm the food, in-crease energy c onsumption and fa cilitate the fo rmation of c ond ensate (on food, containers, etc.).
“Fresh box” (Important! Inset till it touches rear wall)
with the temp erature range from -2C till + 3C is m ad e fo r the products which should b e kept under the temp erature which is bellow the tem pera ture in the refrigerator c ham­ber (e.g . ham , sausa ge).
This compartm ent was d esigned to allow for long er preservation times for fresh meat a nd fish (for as long as a two or three days).
Moreover, the “Fresh box” c om partment can also be used to co ol dishes that are normally eaten “cold”, suc h as melon and Parm a ham, figs a nd ham , mozzarella and tom atoes.
Besides this com pa rtment can b e m oved at the desir­ab le height in the low part of the refrigerator c hamb er.
How to use the refrigerator compartment ...
ce container
This new c onc ep t of ice c ontainer is an exc lusive Merloni patent. The fac t that they are situated on the inner door of the freezer com pa rtment ensures greater ergonomics a nd clea nliness: the ice no longer comes into c ontact with the food p lac ed inside the freezer compartm ent; furthermore, the d ripping of the water during filling is avoided (a lid to cover up the hole after filling with water is also provided).
How to use the freezer compartment ...
For the prepa ration of food to be frozen, plea se con­sult a specialized ma nual.
- Food that has be tha wed, even partially, m ust not be re-frozen: you m ust c ook it in order to consum e it (within 24 hours) or to freeze it once again.
- When freezing fresh foods, rem em ber tha t they should not touc h other previously frozen or d eep frozen foods. Plac e the food that you wish to freeze in the top com­pa rtment where the tem perature will fall below -18°C, which is ideal for freezing food properly. Rem em ber that proper conservation d epends on the spe ed of freezing.
- During the freezing process, avoid opening the door of the freezer.
- Freeze only the quantities (in kg) shown on the da ta plate situated inside the refrigerator comp artment.
- For the b est c onservation and defrosting, rem em ber to freeze sm all portions; this will ensure rap id a nd uniform freezing. Mark pa ckage with a description of the c on­tents and the date it was frozen.
- In the c ase of power failure or breakd own, do not open the freezer door. This will help maintain the tem­perature inside the freezer ensuring that foods are con­served for a t least 17 hours.
- Do no t store full bottles in the freezer since they c ould explode when they freeze. (Remember that liquids in­crease in volume when frozen).
-If the room temp erature rem ains below 14°C for an ex­tended period of time the freezer will not reac h the tem­peratures required for storage, a nd storage life will be shorter. In this ca se, frozen foodstuffs should be used within a relatively short period of time. In order to freeze and then thaw foods optim ally, it is rec­om mended that you divide fo od into sm all portions so tha t they freeze q uickly and uniformly. The packag es should be clearly m arked with the c ontent and the date they were frozen. If it is req uired to store a large q uantity of foodstuff, you m ay easily take out central dra wer, and plac e the food directly onto the evapora tor plate. Make sure tha t, after ha ving in­serte d the load, the d oor c loses correc tly.
Super Mode:
this mode assures continuous compressor op ­eration up to achievement of low tem pera tures, necessary for quick food freezing. After food freezing, the a pp liance should be switched over to a normal op eration m od e. In order to frost some quantity of fresh produce/food (no more than half of the maximum pointed out on the d oor­plate/ na me b oard inside your refrigerator), put the produce in the evapora tor/freezing section (* * * * ) a nd switch on mode of operation “
” for 24 hours. In ord er to frost maximum (for your refrigerator) qua ntity of fresh produc e you should switch on mode of op eration “
” 24 hours b efore produc e laying. Put the produc e in the evaporator/freezing sec tion (* *** ) and switch off mode of operation “
” in 24 hours.
To remove the container from they housing, push the container upward s and then pull it out. To p ut the con­tainer back in place, insert the top part into the sp ec ial housing a nd, once in a vertical position, just let it drop into place.
Instructions for use
Fill up the c ontainer with water via the spec ial hole up to the level indicated (MAX WATER LEVEL), taking care not to ex­ceed it: inserting more water than is nec essary will lead to the form ation of ice which could obstruct the exit of the ice cubes. If you ha ve used an excessive a mount of water, you will have to wait until the ic e has m elted , em pty out the con­tainer and re-fill it with water. Once you have filled the ice container up with water throug h the hole indicated, turn it by 90º . Thanks to the con­nec ted compartments, the water fills up with the spec ial cap and places the ice c onta iner in the inner door of the freezer c om partment. Once the ic e ha s formed, a ll you need to do is to knoc k the container a ga inst a hard surface so tha t the ice c ubes come away from their housing and come out of the sam e hole used to fill the container with water. To m ake it easier for the ice c ubes to come out, wet the outside of the c ontainer. WARNING: every time you fill up the ice c ontainer with wa­ter, ma ke sure that the same is completely em pty and that there are no tra ces of ic e left inside it. The minimum time req uired for ice to form well is approxi­mately 8 hours.
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