ARCAM muso Handbook

safety guidelines
This product is designed and manufactured to meet strict quality and safety standards. However, you should be aware of the following installation and operation precautions.
1. Take heed of warnings and instructions
You should read all the safety and operating instructions before using this speaker. Retain this handbook for future reference and adhere to all warnings in the handbook or on the speaker.
2. Climate
The speaker has been designed for use in moderate climates.
3. Siting the speaker
The speaker is designed for placing on a stand or wall bracket. It should be sited where speaker leads do not cause a trip hazard.
4. Cleaning
The cabinet should normally only require a wipe with a soft, damp, lint-free cloth. Do not use paint thinners or other chemical solvents for cleaning. We do not advise the use of furniture cleaning sprays or polishes.
5. Servicing
You should not attempt to service or repair the speaker. All servicing or repair should be referred to qualified service personnel.
safety guidelines .......................................................E-2
thank you… ..............................................................E-3
installation .................................................................E-4
Interconnect cables .........................................................E-4
Connecting to a sound source ................................E-4
Rubber mat ..........................................................................E-4
Detachable speaker cover ..........................................E-4
Care of your speakers ...................................................E-4
speaker positioning: stereo ...................................E-5
speaker positioning: 5.1 .......................................... E-6
specification ..............................................................E-7
Worldwide Guarantee .................................................E-8
Claims under guarantee ...............................................E-8
Problems? ..............................................................................E-8
On-line registration .........................................................E-8
... and congratulations for buying the Arcam Muso loudspeakers.
The Muso speaker is a compact, two-way design that uses very high quality materials throughout. This speaker has been designed to produce a stunningly accurate, powerful and musical performance in a compact and elegantly understated cabinet.
Please take a moment to read this handbook, as the advice that it contains will enable you to get the maximum benefit from your purchase.
The Muso Development Team
thank you…
What’s in the box?
< Arcam Muso satellite speaker < rubber speaker mat
< this Handbook!
Interconnect cables
We recommend the use of high-quality audio interconnect cables to ensure the best performance of your system. All cables should be kept as short as practically possible.
It is good practice to make sure that any mains power­supply cabling is kept as far away as possible from your audio cables, to eliminate unwanted noise in the audio signals.
Connecting to a sound source
Check that your amplifier/sound processor/receiver is switched off before connecting Muso. Failure to do this may result in both speaker and amplifier damage.
Refer to your amplifier/receiver/sound processor handbook to identify the speaker terminals and their polarity. For each speaker, connect the positive terminal of the amplifier (normally coloured red or labelled with ‘+’) to the red (positive) terminals on Muso. Similarly, connect the negative terminal of the amplifier (normally coloured black or labelled with ‘–’) to the black (negative) terminals on Muso.
After connecting
Turn the sound source amplifier volume down to minimum before switching on. Switch the amplifier(s) on, select a source signal, then gradually increase the volume to the required listening level.
Rubber mat
We recommend you sit the Muso speaker on the rubber mat supplied. The mat fits inside the recessed area of the speaker base and provides a stable, non-slip surface that helps to acoustically decouple the speaker from its support.
Detachable speaker cover
Although the metal front grille is effectively acoustically transparent, some users prefer speakers with an ‘open’ appearance. The cover is secured by four magnets and can be easily detached and replaced.
In removing the cover (and during storage), be careful not to bend or twist the grille as it is a precise fit with the speaker. The tweeter unit has a metal guard to protect it, but take care not to damage either drive unit, or place any object in the port opening.
Care of your speakers
In the same way as a new car requires a ‘running-in’ period, so do all loudspeakers. Your Muso speaker may sound good when you first connect it, but with time it will improve dramatically. Expect about 50 hours use before the full potential of your Muso is realised.
Power handling
Arcam speakers are designed to reproduce recorded music under normal domestic conditions. We do not recommend nor warrant them for commercial applications, such as discothèques, public address, etc.
Bearing this in mind, these speakers will perform well and safely with hi-fi amplifiers rated between 20 and 100 watts per channel. Care must be taken, however, to avoid amplifier overload or ‘clipping’. Apart from possible damage to the amplifier, this can (and does) damage loudspeakers. In this respect, an overdriven low-powered amplifier is more likely to cause damage than a properly used high-powered one.
Speaker stands/wall brackets
The more firmly a speaker is held, the better it will sound.
This is best achieved by using sturdy, metal, speaker stands or wall brackets. In the case of stands, properly damped types that do not ‘ring’ when tapped with a pencil are recommended. It is helpful to have stands with adjustable spikes or spacers to eliminate rocking movements in the speakers. Suitable speaker stands or wall brackets are available from your Arcam dealer.
If the Muso speakers are to be shelf-mounted, remember to sit the speaker on the rubber speaker mat supplied
To clean your speakers use a soft, slightly dampened cloth to wipe off any dust or dirt. Do not use solvent­based or chemical cleaning products as these may damage the finish of the speaker cabinet.
speaker positioning: stereo
10 – 30cm
40 – 60cm
2 – 3m
For optimum results these speakers should be placed on rigid stands or wall brackets close to a rear wall and at least 60cm from any side wall. As an alternative, these speakers may be placed on a shelf or bookshelf, but the shelf must be of solid construction. Muso speakers should never be placed on the floor, or in corners.
The Muso speakers will give best results with the tweeters (the smaller of the two speaker cones) at, or just below, ear height when the listener is seated.
The final sound will, of course, depend on the acoustics of the listening room, and experimentation with speaker positioning and furnishings is definitely worthwhile. As a star ting point, we suggest that the speakers should be placed 2–3 metres apart with their back 10–30cm from the rear wall. The bass output may then be increased or decreased by moving the speakers closer to or further away from the wall. Turning-in the speakers, so that their axes cross just in front of the listener, may also improve the treble balance and stereo imagery in some situations.
The metal protective grille attached to the Muso speaker is acoustically transparent, so the speaker may be used with the grille on or off, as desired. If the speaker grille is removed, please remember that the drive units are exposed and can be easily damaged by inquisitive young fingers.
speaker positioning: 5.1
The advice given here is a general guideline for setting up speakers. For useful information on listening­room layouts see:
entertainment/ roomlayout.html
Room acoustics
Your room’s shape and how it is furnished will affect the sound you hear. For instance, too many bare surfaces can cause reflections that may add harshness to the sound. Carpets, wall-hangings and curtains can all help.
If you have a choice of listening rooms, avoid one that is perfectly square or has one dimension exactly twice another. Such a room can aggravate resonances that colour the sound.
The closer you place a speaker to corners and the intersection of wall and floor or wall and ceiling, the stronger the bass output, which may over-emphasise the bass. Moving a speaker just a few inches can sometimes make a big difference.
Speaker setup
Proper speaker placement is the key to the best home theatre sound (see diagram).
As a rough guide, speakers should be placed on rigid stands at about 10–30cm from the rear wall and at least 60cm from any side wall. Speakers should
never be placed on the floor (unless they are floor­standing speakers), or in corners. The speaker drivers should be at, or a little above, ear level when seated. If possible, centre your seating area between the surround speakers.
The final sound will depend on the acoustics of the listening room and experimenting with speaker positioning is very worthwhile.
The location of the subwoofer (Low Frequency Effects speaker) will affect the overall sound quality. Placing the subwoofer next to a wall or in a corner will often boost efficiency and give a cleaner low bass sound. However, all rooms react differently and we recommend that you experiment with subwoofer positioning.
System design Two-way ported speaker, with 2.2 litres internal volume. The cabinet is
solidly constructed from cast and extruded aluminium.
Drive unit 85mm cone bass/mid-range unit. The drive unit is designed to provide
exceptional clarity, transparency, dynamics and power-handling. 25mm neodymium aluminium-domed tweeter, semi horn-loaded for
improved dispersion characteristics. Both drive units are magnetically shielded.
Frequency range 70Hz to 20kHz
Sensitivity 85dB/watt, measured at 1m
Crossover High-performance 6 element design 2.5kHz, 12dB/octave
Connections 4mm binding posts on the rear
Finish Silver or Black paint finish
Dimensions 120 x 140 x 230mm (W x D x H)
Mass Net 2.86kg per unit
Note that all specification values are typical, unless otherwise stated.
Continual improvement policy
Arcam has a policy of continual improvement for its products. This means that designs and specifications are subject to change without notice.
4 nominal
100 watt/8 under normal operating conditions for a satellite system 30 watt/8under normal operating conditions for a full-range system
Worldwide Guarantee
This entitles you to have the unit repaired free of charge, during the first two years after purchase, at any authorised Arcam distributor provided that it was originally purchased from an authorised Arcam dealer or distributor. The manufacturer can take no responsibility for defects arising from accident, misuse, abuse, wear and tear, neglect or through unauthorised adjustment and/or repair, neither can they accept responsibility for damage or loss occurring during transit to or from the person claiming under the guarantee.
The warranty covers: Parts and labour costs for two years from the purchase date. After two years you must pay for both parts and labour
costs. The warranty does not cover transportation costs at any time.
Claims under guarantee
This equipment should be packed in the original packing and returned to the dealer from whom it was purchased, or failing this, directly to the Arcam distributor in the country of residence.
It should be sent carriage prepaid by a reputable carrier – not by post. No responsibility can be accepted for the unit whilst in transit to the dealer or distributor and customers are therefore advised to insure the unit against loss or damage whilst in transit.
For further details contact Arcam at: Arcam Customer Support Depar tment,
Pembroke Avenue, Waterbeach, CAMBRIDGE, CB25 9QR, England or
If your Arcam dealer is unable to answer any query regarding this or any other Arcam product please contact Arcam Customer Support at the above address and we will do our best to help you.
On-line registration
You can register your product on-line at
consignes de sécurité
La conception et la fabrication de ce produit sont conformes à des normes de qualité et de sécurité strictes. Vous devez cependant prendre les précautions ci-après lors de son installation et de son utilisation.
1. Avertissements et consignes
Veuillez lire les consignes de sécurité et d’utilisation avant d’utiliser ce haut-parleur. Conservez ce manuel pour pouvoir vous y référer par la suite et respectez scrupuleusement les avertissements figurant dans le manuel ou sur le haut-parleur.
2. Température de fonctionnement
Le haut-parleur est conçu pour fonctionner dans des conditions thermométriques et hygrométriques modérées.
3. Emplacement du haut-parleur
Le haut-parleur est conçu pour être installé sur un support ou sur une console murale. Il doit être installé de telle façon que les cordons ne constituent pas un danger de chute.
4. Nettoyage
Le coffret se nettoie habituellement à l’aide d’un chiffon doux, humide et non pelucheux. N’utilisez ni diluant pour peinture, ni solvant chimique. L’utilisation d’aérosols pour meubles ou de produits de polissage n’est pas recommandée.
5. Entretien
Ne réalisez pas d’interventions personnelles sur le haut­parleur. L’entretien ou les réparations doit être effectués par du personnel qualifié.
Table des matières
consignes de sécurité ............................................. F-2
merci… ...................................................................... F-3
installation ................................................................. F-4
Câbles de branchement ...............................................F-4
Branchement à une source sonore.......................F-4
Tapis en caoutchouc .......................................................F-4
Cache de haut-parleur détachable ........................F-4
Entretien des haut-parleurs .......................................F-4
Supports / console murale .........................................F-4
Nettoyage .............................................................................F-4
emplacement des haut-parleurs : stéréo ........... F-5
emplacement des haut-parleurs : 5.1 .................. F-6
caractéristiques ........................................................ F-7
Garantie mondiale ...........................................................F-8
Réclamations au titre de la garantie ......................F-8
Des problèmes ? ...............................................................F-8
Inscription en ligne ..........................................................F-8
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