Arcam FMJ P-7 Service manual

Service Manual
FMJ P7 7-Channel Ampli er
Issue 1.0
Contents List
Section Issue
Technical specifications
! Technical specification - ! Rear panel silk screen -
Amplifier board L924
! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 1.0 ! Parts list 1.1 ! Circuit diagrams 1.1
Controller board L925
! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 1.0 ! Parts list 1.2 ! Circuit diagrams 1.2
Transformer specifications
! L911TX 1.0 ! L912TX 1.0 ! L920TX 1.0 ! L921TX 1.0
! General assembly parts list - ! Assembly diagrams
Front panel ­TX tray - - Rear panel ­Chassis -
Technical Specifications
Technical specifications
Rear panel silk screen
Technical Specifications
All measurements are with 230V/50Hz mains power
Continuous output power
All channels driven, 20Hz – 20Khz, 8 ohm 150W per channel 1.05kW total All channels driven, 20Hz – 20kHz, 4 ohm 230W per channel 1.62kW total One or two channels driven at 1kHz, 8 ohm 160W per channel One or two channels driven at 1kHz, 4 ohm 250W per channel One or two channels driven at 1kHz, 3.2 ohm 300W per channel
Peak output current capability 25A per channel
Total harmonic distortion
At any level up to rated power, into 4 or 8 ohms <0.05% (20Hz – 20kHz) Typically <0.005% at 1kHz
Frequency response +-0.2dB (20Hz 20 kHz)
-1dB at 1Hz and 100kHz
Residual hum and noise
Referenced to full power -122dB, 20Hz – 20kHz, unweighted
Voltage gain x 28.3 (1V input gives 100W/8 ohm output)
Input impedance 22k ohm in parallel with 470pF
Output impedance 50m Ohm at 20Hz, 1kHz
120m ohm at 20kHz
Power requirements 115V or 230VAC, 50/60Hz, 3kW maximum via heavy duty IEC mains inlet A soft start system eliminates large inrush currents at switch on
Dimensions W430 x D450 x H180 mm
Weight 31kg (68 Ib) nett
35kg (77 Ib) packed
50 – 60 Hz
3700 VA
Amplifier Board L924
Circuit description
Component overlay
Parts list
Circuit diagrams
P7 Amplifier Module
Circuit Description Refer to L924 circuit diagrams
L924 is the power amplifier module for the P7 multichannel amplifi er . There are 7 identical modules in t he P7. The circuit design is based on the A85 / A32 output stage topology. The main features of the amplifier module are as follows:
Preset ‘THX’ gain (29d B closed loop gain). 0dBV input signal corresponds to 100 watts into 8 output power
Capable of producing 150 watts of sinusoida l output power into an 8 resisti ve loa d (with greater than 250W into 3.2 subject to thermal dissipation limits)
Relay coupled output for silent power on / off and load protection
Opto-isolated fault and control lines to the microprocessor PCB (to avoid hum loops and instability, to improve EMC performance and crosstalk)
DC coupled signal path with integrating servo to remove residual DC errors
Instantaneous load protection
Mono block design (each channel is electrically isolated
from all others and has independent power supply windings on the mains transformer)
Integrated modular heatsink for good therm al performance and ease of assembly / servicing
Low harmonic and in termodulation distort ion
Flat frequency response
Fast (and symmetrical) slew rate
High damping factor
Unconditionally stable into load s of up to ±90° phase
Sheet 1
The input to the amplifier is connected via SK103. The 2 phono sockets are connect ed in parallel to allo w ‘daisy­chaining’ of amplifier modules. R104 provides a DC leakage path to the chassis (i.e. mains power eart h) to prevent small transform er leakage currents causing the electrical 0V of the amplifier to rise significantly above mains earth potential. C104 provides an EMC coupling between the local input ground and the chassis to reduce common mode RF noise.
Star point SP101 connects the differently named electrical 0V nets at a single point. This is to ensure the correct wiring topology of the ground connections on the printed circuit board. SP101 provides a good common ground reference point when making voltage measur ements on the PCB. N ote that 0V_DIG is not connected to SP101, as this is the microprocessor groun d.
Relay RLY101 connects the output of the amplifier to the load via socket SK105.
L101 and R103 form part of a ‘Zobel’ network to decouple the load at hi gh frequencies to ensure amplifier stabili ty into capacitive loads.
Note that signals 6 through 9 are open collector outputs, active low, referred to 0V_DIG with no pull-up resistors. This is beca use they are wire OR’ d on the micropro cessor PCB (L925), where the pull-up resistors to +5V digital are located.
The line ‘NFB’ provides for a portion of the negative feedback of the amplifier to be taken on the load side of RLY101. The components that allow for this (R236 thru R239) are not presently fitted , meaning that RLY101 is not in cluded in the feedback loop.
SK104 connects to the microcontroller PCB. Note that all signals on this connector are electrically isolated f r o m the amplifi er circuit itself, via either opto isolators or the relay coil of RLY101. The 10­pin connector has the following signals:
Pin Type Name Description
1 GND 0V_DIG Microprocessor ground return 2 PSU +24V_DIG +24 volt digital power supply
3 MUTE Not used 4 I/P OUT_RLY Relay drive for the output relay
5 Not used 6 O/P THERMPR
7 O/P VIPROT Open collector short circuit fault
8 O/P DCPROT Open collector DC fault signal
9 O/P FAULT Open collector overall fault signal
10 Not used
(referred to 0V_DIG only) for relay coil RLY101
RLY101 (LOW = output relay ON)
Open collector thermal fault signal (LOW = FAULT)
signal (LOW = FAULT)
Sheet 2
Port INPUT connects the input of the amplifier, referred to 0V_SIG, which is the precis ion signal ground reference .
Zener diodes DZ202 and DZ203 limit the input signal amplitude to approximat ely 5.3Vpk. This is to prevent damage to the input of op­amp IC200, due t o a leaky source signal or el ectrostatic discharge.
R223, R228 and C210 form a passive 1 3dB corner frequency of roughly 330kHz to prevent ultrasonic signals from entering the circuit and possibly causing damage.
The main amp l ifier circuit is a ‘classic’ curr ent feedback des ign.
IC200A is configured as a non-inverting amplifier with a gain of 2. Its purpose is to provide current outputs (via its power supply pins) and a current input (via its output pin). This forms the voltage to current (transimpedance) conversion and phase splitting necessary to drive the voltage gain stage. The ‘current feedback’ occurs because when IC200 drives its 44 load to ground, the power supply pin currents are half-wave rectif ied versions of the drive current of the amplifier. This causes voltage gain, which is buffered and passed on to the outputs . The feedback from the output to pin 1 of IC200 acts to reduce the gain of the amplifier; when this current is roughly equal to the current required to drive th e input signal into 44, equilibrium is reached and the closed loop gain is defined. The ou tput stage provides the vast majority of the current required t o dr ive the 44 signals to ground. The op-amp only provides a very small error current sufficient to give the required voltage magnifica tion.
Transistors TR204 and TR203 are wired as cascodes (common base amplifiers). Their purpose is to provide IC200 with ±15V power supply rails, whilst allowing IC200’s power supply pin currents to pass through them to the NPN and PNP current mirrors.
The resistor, zener diode and capacitor circuits on the bases of TR204 and TR203 are to provide a controlled ramp up during power on, a stable power supply voltage and good local HF decoupling.
order low pass filter with a –
Transistors TR200, TR201 and TR202 form a PNP Wilson current mirror. Likewise TR205, TR207 and TR206 form an NPN Wilson current mirror. The outputs of these two current mirrors are connected together via the bias network around TR212.
The two current mi rrors combine to provide a very high-gain current to voltage (tran s resi st ance) gain stage, which provides all the voltage gain of the amplifier (roughly 80dB at low frequency).
C205, C207, R221 and R222 provide the loop compensation for the amplifier. They combine to produce an open-loop pole at roughly 10kHz and a corresponding open-loop zero around 500kHz. This allows for good time domain performance and clean square wave reproduction. The amplifier is designed to be critically damped. There should be no ringing or overshoot apparent on the output signal when a (small) step function is applied to the input.
Diodes D200 and D202 act to limit the current through TR202 and TR206 in the event of a fault condition. When the input current exceeds 14mA the diodes conduct and the transresistance stage becomes a constant current source, killing the open loop gain and preventing damage to the transistors.
Resistors R219 and R220 decouple the supplies for the amplifier gain stages from the main power rails. This is to permit the bootstrap circuit to modulate these supplies, increasing efficiency. The bootstrap will be described in more detail later.
TR212 provides a 4.7V bias voltage to allow the following pre-driver stage to operate in class ‘A’. It also acts as a V
multiplier for TR209 and TR214 to maintain an approximately constant current as the ambient temperature inside the box changes.
TR209 and TR214 form a class ‘A’ pre-driver emitter follower stage to boost the cu r r ent gain and isolat e the transresistance stage from the outpu t transistors. This is important to keep the loop gain of the amplifier high and thus minimise distortion. TR208 and TR213 act as a current limit (roughly 30mA) to prevent the destruction of TR209 and TR214 in a fault condition.
R247, R248, R249 and R250 are to loosely decouple the emitters of TR209 and TR214 from the output stage. This is very important. The output devices (Sanken power Darlingtons) have inbuilt temperature com pe ns ating diodes which control the bias voltage to their bases. Each output device has a 150 resistor so that the inbuilt diodes can accurately control quiescent V
and hence colle ctor current
as the output power and device temperature varies. Preset potentiometer RV200 adjusts the quiescent current. NB:
Ensure that the amplifier has fully warmed up before adjusting the qu iescent current. D201 protects the output
devices from destruction in the event of the preset potentiometer going open circuit. PL200 allows the test engineer to measure the bias volta ge (and thus collector current).
C217, C218, C220 and C221 provide local HF stability around the output transistors to prevent parasitic oscillation. D204 and D205 are catch diodes to reduce the effects of induced back-EMF in the loudspeaker load.
R254 and C223 form part of the ‘Zobel’ network that ensures the amplifier sees a constant load of roughly 4.7 at very high frequencies. This helps to improve stability and reduce HF output noise.
C208 and C209 provide local high frequency decoupling for the output devi ces.
IC200B forms the DC integrating servo. Its purpose is to remove residual DC errors due to slight device mismatch and component tolerances. It is configured as an inverting integrator with a time constant of 0.47 seconds. Any positive DC offset at the output of the amplifier will cause the output of the op-amp to go negative, increasing the cur r e nt in the negative supply pin and thus ‘pull ing ’ the output down to ground (and vice versa). D203 protects the inverting input of IC200B in a fault condit ion.
The bootstrap circuit consists of C213, C214, R241, R242, R219 and R220. The purpos e of the bootstrap is to a llow the output voltage swing to modulate the power supply rails of the input and voltage gain stages. This allows this circuit’s power supply voltage to exceed the main power rails connected to the output devices, allowing t he driver stag e to fully drive the output and thus give th e best thermal efficiency. The ‘bottom’ of R219 sees a peak-to-peak voltage swing of approximately 15 volts at full output power (i.e. it goes 7.5 volts above the rai l at the peak of the c ycle). The ‘top’ of R220 should see the same volta ge swing.
Sheet 3
This sheet contains the protection circuits and interfa ce to the microprocessor signals.
TR309, TR30 5 and their associ ated components for m the instantaneous load protection circuit for t he output transistors. They sense the voltage across the 0.22 emitter resistors (hence emitter current) and the c ollector-emitter voltage, cutting off the base drive to the output transistors when the collec tor current or device power dissipation exceeds a pres et limit.
The protect ion circuit is designed to allow large (unrestrict ed) currents into loa ds of 3 and above but limit the current into a short circuit or very low impedance load. C318, C319, R335 and R336 form a 2.2ms time con st ant, which will allow larger t ransients of current delivery for a few milliseconds, to ensure that the ampli f ier has a sufficiently large transient capability to drive ‘difficult’ loudspeaker loads with a music signal.
TR311 also turns on when the protection circuit activates. This switches on optocoupler IC300B causing a fault signal to be transmitted to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will then switch off the output relay to protect th e amplifier.
TR310, TR30 2 and their associ ated components for m the DC offset detection circuit. A positive DC offset at the output will turn on TR310. A negative DC offset at the output will turn on TR302, thus causing TR313 to turn on. In either case optocoupler IC300A is switched on causing a fault signal to be transmitted to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will then switch off the output relay to protec t the loudspeak er voice coils from overhea ting.
Thermistor TH30 0 is connected to the positive supply rail, adjacent to the collector leg of one of the power output devices. This allows it to sense the collector temperature of the output device. Its impedance when cool is low, typically a few hundred ohms. In the event of a thermal overload (above 110°C), TH300 will go to a high impedance state. This will turn on TR301, which then turns on TR300, causing optocoupler IC300D to switch on, sending a fault signal to the microcontroller. The microcontroller will then switch off the output relay until such time as the unit has cooled down to an acceptable level (80°C or so). TR301 is configured with a small amount of hysterisis (positive feedback) to ensure a clean signal is transmitted to the microprocessor via IC300D.
Optocoupler IC300C is connected in series with the 3 optocouplers mentioned ab ove, producing an overall fa ult signal. This is so that the microcontroller c an determine in which module the fault has occurred, permitting selective control of the output relay for each module in the amplifier.
L924 Amplifier Module Parts List Issue 1.1
Designator Part Description
BR300 3BGBU8D Diode Bridge Rectifier GBU8D Plastic Package 8A 200V BR301 3BGBU8D Diode Bridge Rectifier GBU8D Plastic Package 8A 200V C103 2C410 Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N C104 2C210 Capacitor SM 1206 NPO Ceramic 50V 5% 1N0 C200 2C410 Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N C201 2C410 Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N C202 2C410 Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N C203 2N710 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V C204 2N710 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V C205 2D110W2 Capacitor Boxed Polyprop 5mm Pitch 250V 5% 100P C207 2D110W2 Capacitor Boxed Polyprop 5mm Pitch 250V 5% 100P C208 2C410A Capacitor SM 1812 X7R Ceramic 500V 10% 100N C209 2C410A Capacitor SM 1812 X7R Ceramic 500V 10% 100N C210 2D147W Capacitor Boxed Polyprop 5mm Pitch 100V 5% 470P C212 2K447 Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 470N C213 2N710B Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 10mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 100V C214 2N710B Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 10mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 100V C215 2N610 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 10UF 50V C216 2N610 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 10UF 50V C217 2C047B Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 200V 5% 47PF C218 2C047B Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 200V 5% 47PF C220 2C047B Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 200V 5% 47PF C221 2C047B Capacitor SM 0805 NPO Ceramic 200V 5% 47PF C223 2K347 Capacitor Boxed Polyester 5mm Pitch 10% 63V 47N C225 2N610 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 10UF 50V C300 2C410 Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N C301 2N710 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V C305 2C410 Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N C306 2C410 Capacitor SM 1206 X7R Ceramic 50V 10% 100N C318 2N710 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V C319 2N710 Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 5mm Pitch 5mm 100UF 25V C320 2V710 Capacitor Non-Polar Radial Electrolytic 100UF 16V C321 2V710 Capacitor Non-Polar Radial Electrolytic 100UF 16V C322 2P910AM Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 40mm PCB Mount 10000uF 71V C323 2P910AM Capacitor Radial Electrolytic Dia 40mm PCB Mount 10000uF 71V D101 3AS16W Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package D200 3AS16W Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package D201 3AS16W Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package D202 3AS16W Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package D203 3AV99W Diode Dual Surface Mount Small Signal BAV99 SOT-23 Package D204 3B4003 Diode 1N4003 DO-41 Package D205 3B4003 Diode 1N4003 DO-41 Package D300 3AS16W Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package D301 3CW315V Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C15V SOT-23 Package D303 3AS16W Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package D307 3AS16W Diode Surface Mount Small Signal BAS16W SOT-23 Package D308 3CW322V D309 3CW322V DZ200 3CW315V Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C15V SOT-23 Package DZ201 3CW315V Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C15V SOT-23 Package DZ202 3CW34V7 Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C4V7 SOT-23 Package DZ203 3CW34V7 Zener Diode 0.25W Surface Mount BZX84C4V7 SOT-23 Package IC200 5B072D Opamp TL072CD SO-8 Package IC300 5T3Q66 Opto Isolator Quad PC3Q66Q L101 7D002C Inductor AC 2u2 SELF BONDED PL100 8K6201 CON SINGLE ROW HDR 0.1IN VERTICAL 2WAY PL200 8K6201 CON SINGLE ROW HDR 0.1IN VERTICAL 2WAY R103 1H822 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 2R2 R104 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R207 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R208 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R210 1A327 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 27K
L924 Amplifier Module Parts List Issue 1.1
Designator Part Description
R211 1A327 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 27K R212 1A327 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 27K R213 1A327 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 27K R214 1A047 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R R216 1A047 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R R217 1A047 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R R218 1A047 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 47R R219 1H122 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 220R R220 1H122 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 220R R221 1A233 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 3K3 R222 1A233 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 3K3 R223 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 R224 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 R225 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 R226 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 R227 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 R228 1A322 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K R229 1H022 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 22R R230 1H022 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 22R R231 1A247 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 4K7 R232 1H156 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 560R R233 1H156 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 560R R234 1H168 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 680R R235 1H168 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 680R R236 1H239 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 3K9 R237 1H239 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 3K9 R238 1H239 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 3K9 R239 1H239 Resistor Metal Film 0.25W 1% 3K9 R240 1A510 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1M0 R241 1C210 Resistor Carbon Film 2W 5% 1K0 R242 1C210 Resistor Carbon Film 2W 5% 1K0 R245 1A022 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22R R246 1A022 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22R R247 1A115 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 150R R248 1A115 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 150R R249 1A115 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 150R R250 1A115 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 150R R254 1D847 Resistor Carbon Film 0W5 5% 4R7 R255 1A268 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 6K8 R257 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 R300 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R301 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R302 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R303 1A322 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K R304 1A127 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 270R R305 1A310 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 10K R306 1A310 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 10K R307 1A339 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 39K R310 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R311 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R314 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R315 1A110 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100R R316 1A322 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K R320 1A322 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K R321 1A322 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K R332 1A322 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K R333 1A322 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22K R334 1A247 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 4K7 R335 1A022 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22R R336 1A022 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 22R R337 1A210 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 1K0 R338 1A133 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 330R
L924 Amplifier Module Parts List Issue 1.1
Designator Part Description
R339 1A133 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 330R R340 1A310 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 10K R341 1A310 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 10K R342 1A412 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 120K R343 1A410 Resistor 1206 Surface Mount 0.25W 1% 100K RLY101 A220 Relay 1P2T 24V RV200 6F110V Preset Vertical Mount 100R linear SK103 8D226 Phono socket 2 way vertical gold SK104 8K2810 CON HORIZ PCB SKT 10WAY SK105 8D421 Connector 4mm 2 way horizontal SK300 8K2302 CON MINIFIT HCS V 2WAY SK301 8K2302 CON MINIFIT HCS V 2WAY TH300 1T007 Thermistor PTC SM 110 degrees C TR200 4AFMMT597 Transistor FMMT597 SOT23 Package TR201 4AFMMT597 Transistor FMMT597 SOT23 Package TR202 4B1740 Transistor 2SA1740 SOT-89 Package TR203 4AFMMT597 Transistor FMMT597 SOT23 Package TR204 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR205 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR206 4B4548 Transistor 2SC4548 SOT-89 TR207 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR208 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR209 4B4548 Transistor 2SC4548 SOT-89 TR210 4CSAP15N Transistor SAP15NY TR211 4CSAP15N Transistor SAP15NY TR212 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR213 4AFMMT597 Transistor FMMT597 SOT23 Package TR214 4B1740 Transistor 2SA1740 SOT-89 Package TR215 4CSAP15P Transistor SAP15PY TR216 4CSAP15P Transistor SAP15PY TR300 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR301 4AFMMT597 Transistor FMMT597 SOT23 Package TR302 4AFMMT597 Transistor FMMT597 SOT23 Package TR305 4AFMMT597 Transistor FMMT597 SOT23 Package TR309 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR310 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR311 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR312 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package TR313 4AFMMT497 Transistor FMMT497 SOT23 Package Z100 L924PB BLANK PCB 7 CHANNEL AMP MODULE Z101 E107AY ASSEMBLY OF REAR PANEL MODULE AND SILK SCREEN Z102 E915HK Finished Heatsink for single channel amp module Z103 HF4V09B SCREW SELF-TAPPING-SEMS NO.4 X 9MM PAN TORX-SLOT STEEL ZINC-PLATE BLK Z104 HF4V09B SCREW SELF-TAPPING-SEMS NO.4 X 9MM PAN TORX-SLOT STEEL ZINC-PLATE BLK Z105 HF4V09B SCREW SELF-TAPPING-SEMS NO.4 X 9MM PAN TORX-SLOT STEEL ZINC-PLATE BLK Z106 E950MC INSULATOR P7 TRANSISTOR INSULATING PAD Z107 HB3B12A SCREW TAPTITE HEXAGON WASHER FACE M3X12MM Z108 HB3B12A SCREW TAPTITE HEXAGON WASHER FACE M3X12MM Z109 HB3B12A SCREW TAPTITE HEXAGON WASHER FACE M3X12MM Z110 HB3B12A SCREW TAPTITE HEXAGON WASHER FACE M3X12MM
+ 28 hidden pages