Apc WBEXTWAR3YR-SP-06 Product Data Sheet

- 1 - Service Pack Extended Warranty
Extended Warranty Service
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Features & Benefits
3.0 Details of Service
4.0 Assumptions
5.0 Scope of Responsibility
6.0 Terms & Conditions
of Work
1.0 Executive Summary
The Service Pack Extended Warranty provides peace of mind and product failure protection beyond the original factory warranty period. Once the standard factory warranty for your UPS or accessory expires, should your product fail, you expose yourself to potential loss of power protection and costly out of pocket expenses for repairs.
With the purchase of the APC Service Pack Extended Warranty, you will experience a seamless extension of the standard factory warranty by one to three years, depending on Service Pack purchase. The Service Pack Extended Warranty provides repair or replacement of your product and even covers your battery.
Service Pack Extended Warranty online registrants receive many benefits, such as 24 X 7 APC Customer Service support, a dedicated Service Pack toll free number, professional priority call handling, and next business day shipment.
The Service Pack Extended Warranty can be purchased at anytime during the original factory warranty period of the product and can provide you with up to six years of maximum coverage (depending on the product factory warranty).
2.0 Features & Benefits
One or Three Years of additional product failure coverage
Dedicated 24 X 7 Customer Service Support with Toll Free Call-in Telephone Number*
Service Warranty Certificate
Warranty Duration Options
Features Benefits
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Provides peace of mind and complete factory warranty protection for up to six years.
Service Pack customers are provided with a dedicated toll free number and priority call handling. Calls are handled 24hours a day, 7 days a week by call center professionals.
* Not available in all locations, please contact your local CPCS representative
E-mail Service Entitlement Certificate provides a detailed record of the service registration, along with the service expiration date.
The One Year protection option offers the lowest cost solution, while the Three Year option offers the best value solution.
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Schneider Electric Critical Power and Cooling Services www.apc.com Rev 02/23/12
- 2 - Service Pack Extended Warranty
3.0 Details of Service
The specific activities of this service are listed below. For each item, APC will perform the work described.
Activities Description
The Extended Warranty Service Pack contains the Service Registration CD and Registration Key Number for online activation of
Provide Extended Warranty
Service Pack
Create Warranty Entitlement
Provide Dedicated Service Pack
Customer Telephone Support
Provide Extended Warranty
your service entitlement. The CD also provides registration instructions, this document,
Customer Service contact information, and factory warranty details. Once the Service Pack is registered online, APC will create the
warranty extension service entitlement and provide the customer with a Service Certificate via e-mail.
APC will provide dedicated 24 X 7 Service Pack technical telephone support.
The Service Pack Extended Warranty provides repair or replacement of your product and even covers your battery.
Should warranty redemption be necessary, APC will provide, at their discretion, a replacement unit, new battery, or new parts.
APC will ship out the replacement next business day and provide a prepaid return shipping label for the used UPS or battery.
4.0 Assumptions
The successful performance of the tasks defined is based on the following key assumptions:
The customer has purchased a Service Pack Extended Warranty for an APC
single-phase UPS.
The customer has purchased a Service Pack Extended Warranty and properly registered the warranty online.
The customer has purchased a Service Pack Extended Warranty for a UPS that is still within the factory warranty period.
The Standard Factory Warranty and the Extended Warranty period have not expired.
Extended Warranties for accessories are only available in a 1 year increment.
The maximum warranty limit is six (6) years for products with a 3-year factory
warranty (3 + 3), five (5) years for products with a 2-year factory warranty (2+3) and four (4) years for products with a 1-year factory warranty (1+3).
Some aspects of the service definition presented in this document may vary by location. In the case of a conflict between the service definitions contained on this Statement of Work and the local service definitions the local service definitions will prevail. For more information, please refer to your Certified APC sales representative.
Schneider Electric Critical Power and Cooling Services www.apc.com Rev 02/23/12
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