APC UCCS Temperature Control User Manual

UCCS Temperature Control Specifiers Guide
Mechanical Division 15950: Basic Control Materials and Methods
I. Part 1 - General
1.01 Special Conditions
1.02 Scope
1.03 Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.05 Definitions
1.06 Drawing and Specifications
1.07 Submittal Data and Shop Drawings
1.08 Project Record Documents
1.09 Demonstration and Training
1.10 Warranty
1.11 Quality Assurance
1.12 Ownership of Proprietary Material
II. Part 2 - Products
2.01 Manufacturers
2.02 Air Tubing and Control Wiring
2.03 Control Valves
2.04 Control Dampers
2.05 Local Control Panels
2.06 Compressed Air Supply - Pneumatic
2.07 Actuators and Positioners - Pneumatic
2.08 Auxiliary Devices - Pneumatic
2.09 Control Devices - Electric
2.10 Solid-State Sensing Devices
2.11 Transmitters - Solid State
2.12 Auxiliary Devices - Electric
2.13 Actuators and Positioners - Electric
2.14 Safety Controls
III. Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Control-Air Piping
3.02 Control Piping (Liquids)
3.03 Control Wiring
3.04 Delta Controllers
3.05 Installation and Setup Requirements
3.06 Control Device Locations
3.07 Control Panels
3.08 Identification
3.09 Protection
3.10 Cleanup
3.11 Testing
3.12 Control Execution - General
3.13 Workstation Programming
3.14 Fiber Optics - Networking
3.15 I/O Point Wiring Convention
3.16 DDC Software
IV. Part 4 – Special Instructions
[Note to Consultant: These standards incorporate the suggested wording for contract specifications. The consultant is responsible for making sure that the specifications
are edited to meet the scope and intent of the project. Items which specifically
require editing are highlighted in bold and enclosed in brackets.]
1.01 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE General Requirements Divisions 0 and 1
Mechanical Division 15
Testing, Balancing, and Adjusting Section 15990
Electrical Division 16
[Note to Consultant: Include Commissioning here if used.]
A. The General Conditions of the Contract, Supplementary Conditions, and General Require-
ments bound herewith are a part of these Specifications and shall be used in conjunction
with this Division as a part of the Contract Documents. Consult them for further
instructions pertaining to this work. Contractors shall be responsible for, and be governed
by, all requirements thereunder.
B. Electrical wiring in connection with the automatic temperature control system, where
shown on the Division 16 drawings, shall be performed by the Electrical Contractor. All other wiring required for proper operation of the autom atic temperature system shall be
performed by this Contractor.
C. The automatic temperature control valves, separable wells for immersion sensors, and taps
for flow and pressure instruments shall be provided by the Controls Contractor for
installation by the Mechanical Contractor under the Controls Contractor's supervision.
D. All automatic temperature control dampers shall be provided by the Controls Contractor for
installation by the Mechanical Contractor under the Control Contractor's supervision, unless
they are components of packaged equipment.
[Note to Consultant: Cross-reference the control-damper specification in 15950 in the
section in which products utilizing control dampers are specified. The dampers used
in packaged equipment shall conform to the damper specification in this section.]
E. Adjustments of manual balancing devices, as required to obtain design air and/or water
flows, shall be by the Balancing Contractor. The Controls Contractor shall provide assis- tance to the Balancing Contractor with control adjustments as required to obtain design
flows by:
1. Providing on-site instruction on the proper interfacing and operation of their equipment
2. Providing the necessary software for use with the balancer's personal computer for
interfacing with their control equipment. Where proprietary equipment/gateways are
required, this equipment shall be provided for the Balancing Contractor's use.
F. Airflow stations are provided and installed by the Mechanical Contractor. The Controls
Contractor shall make all necessary connections to the control system.
1. Flow meters and other control devices furnished by other contractors s hall have all necessary connections to the control system made by the Controls Contractor.
A. The University uses only Delta Controls for all DDC applications.
The University prefers to use Setpoint for all Delta products. Can we put a fixed price agree-
ment with Setpoint for Delta products. Stating we have an agreed upon multiplier for pricing?
B. Currently, Setpoint is the only Delta provider in this area, providing a proximity benefit. Setpoint is also the current provider for Delta control systems providing a knowledge benefit. Other providers may bid on the Delta contol systems. Setpoint ??? Who else can install Delta? Rocky Mountain Power and Controls, with UCCS pre-approval Westover Controls.
These companies competitively bid against each other for the entire controls portion of the
project; including design, programming, component purchasing, installation, and startup. The cost of any Delta equipment will be included in their price, along with the cost of all other items for which the Controls Contractor is responsible.
In order to perform programming, the company shall have staff who have been certified by Delta within the last 3 years.
1.03 SCOPE A. Type of System: The automatic temperature control system shall be Direct Digital Control
(DDC/EMCS) with electric and pneumatic components as required.
B. All digital and analog control loops shall be microprocessor (DDC) controlled with
electronic final control elements, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.****
C. All damper and valve actuators, including those for smoke/fire or smoke dampers, shall be
electric, unless specified otherwise. If field conditions appear to require another type of actuator, the University HVAC Shop shall be consulted, through the Engineer, for review
and approval.
D. Coordination: This Contractor shall interface with controls furnished with equipment.
Provide additional control devices, interlock relays, and signal conditioners when necessary to accomplish specified sequences.
E. The system shall include all interlocks, field devices, wiring, piping, hardware, and software
required to provide a complete, functional system in accordance with these specifications and drawings.
F. The distribution of points and the type of controllers shown on the control panels depi cted
on the Contract Documents show the actual layout to be used by the Contractor when bidding and installing the controls. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to include in his bid the cost of any additional controllers necessary for a complete job, conforming to specifications.
G. If pneumatic controls are to be used, the Controls Contractor shall coordinate with the Fire
Alarm Contractor to connect the air supply to all pneumatic controls for fire/smoke dampers and elevator-shaft ventilation dampers. The Controls Contractor shall install air- supply lines to the E/Ps controlling the pneumatic damper actuators, and make all required
pneumatic connections to the damper actuators and E/Ps. The Fire Alarm Contractor is
responsible for providing, installing and wiring the E/Ps. The Electrical Contractor, under
Division 16, shall supply power to EP Enclosure.
A. Furnishing and installing a complete, fully functional control system per this specification
and the Construction Documents (drawings, specifications, addenda, etc.).
B. Pre-assembled control panels.
C. Actuators, thermostats, sensors, transmitters, thermowells, instrument air compressors,
filter/dryers, gauges, and mounting hardware as applicable.
D. Control valves, dampers, linkages, and mounting hardware.
E. Construction supervision.
F. Startup and performance testing.
G. Demonstration and training.
H. Warranty.
I. Demolition:
When equipment wiring, piping, pneumatics, tubing, telecommunications, cables etc. are abandoned or disconnected, they must be physically removed and disposed of in a professional manner. In cases where the demo could have an adverse effect, or where the
scope of demolition is unclear, consult with Shop technician prior to bid submittal. Approval from HVAC/Controls must be given prior to bid submittal for waiver of demolition.
A. These specifications and drawings require finished work, tested, and ready for operation.
Wherever the word "provide" is used, it shall mean "furnish and install complete and ready for use."
B. "Contractor" shall mean the Controls Contractor performing work under this Division of
the Specifications.
C. Where this specification states work to be performed by the words "shall" or "secure" or
other performance functions, it shall be assumed that such work shall be performed by this Contractor unless stated otherwise.
D. The word "Mechanical" applies to all work specified herein wherever applicable.
E. The phrase "Architect/Engineer" implies that either may perform the task at hand.
F. The phrases "University Engineer" or "Owner's Representative" implies an assigned
representative from the UCCS Facilities Management Department.
G. The term “UCCS HVAC Shop” implies a representative of the HVAC
shop of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
A. The mechanical drawings are diagrammatic in character and do not necessarily indicate
every required offset, valve, fitting, etc.
B. All drawings relating to this structure, together with these specifications, shall be considered
in bidding. The drawings and specifications are complementary, and what is called for in
either of these shall be as binding as though called for by both. Should any conflict arise
between drawings and specifications, such conflict shall be brought to the attention of the
Architect/Engineer for resolution.
C. Unless otherwise indicated, all equipment and performance data listed is for job site
conditions (elevation 6,400 ft.).
D. Drawings are not to be scaled.
A. All shop drawings, I/O schedules, point lists, system schematics, sequences of operation,
and product data shall be submitted for approval per Division 1, Section 01300.
B. Contractor agrees that shop drawings and/or submittals processed by the Engineer are not
change orders, that the purpose of shop drawings and/or submittals by the Contractor is to
inform the Engineer which equipment and material he intends to furnish and install.
C. Submittal data and shop drawings shall conform to the following requirements:
1. All shop drawings shall be prepared according to AIA standards in the most current version. (Computer - Aided Drafting and Facilities Management Standards). A copy is available upon request. Some of the requirements in this document are listed
a. Shop drawings shall be developed using the most current version of Auto CAD
(Autodesk, Inc.) or a version that is 100% compatible with the current version.
b. Specific information shall be added to the title block of each sheet to aid in the
UCCS archiving/retrieval process for construction documentation. A copy of the
specific requirements is available from the Facilities Management CAD Office.
2. All final or as-built shop drawings for temperature control will become permanent record documents and shall be prepared on size (36" x 24"). Plain paper and CAD
files on a standard digital media (i.e., DVD, CD, Disk, Flashdrive).
3. All submittal data shall be bound or in a three-ring hard cover binder as appropriate. All the information shall be indexed and tabbed with reference to the specific section
of these specifications. Product data sheets shall be marked with the tag number as indicated on the drawings. All options, ranges, and voltages (which will be provided)
shall be clearly indicated on each product data sheet.
4. The format for submittal information shall be as follows:
a. Control drawings and building plans shall be CAD-prepared drawings. Drawings
that cannot represent the total information on one drawing (i.e., a building plan)
shall be noted with appropriate match lines, cross references, and key plans.
b. The control drawing package shall consist of:
1. A title sheet listing the project title, and index of all the control drawings, and a network schematic showing all DDC Panels and network connections on the project. The network diagram shall indicate all communication
devices. The following information shall be provided for each network
a. Location (room number)
b. Power source (breaker panel I.D. and breaker number)
c. Panel software name and serial number
d. Type of controller: The network diagram shall depict the actual
connection sequence of the devices, including distances between
devices, type of wire used and serial number of controller.
2. The second drawing in the control package shall consist of actual installation details, a valve schedule, and a damper schedule. The valve schedule shall
have entries for: Valve tag, system served, quantity type (3w, 2w), GPM, actual CV, actual pressure drop, size, close off rating, spring range, part number, and manufacturer. The damper schedule shall have entries for: Damper tag, system served, quantity, type (PB, OB), CFM, size, actual
pressure drop, quantity of actuators, spring range, damper model number,
and, and actuator model number.
3. Subsequent drawings shall depict complete systems (air handler, chiller,
boiler, etc.). The drawing shall show the system schematic, all wiring of the
DDC controller, all wiring of field devices, starters, and connections to equipment. Each drawing shall have a bill of materials and a sequence of
4. Floor plans shall depict equipment location, sensor, and panel locations. The duct and space static pressure monitor points shall be shown.
D. Submittal data and control drawings for all equipment and systems shall be submitted (per
Section 01300) to the Architect/Engineer for review prior to ordering or fabrication of the equipment. The following information shall b e included in these s ubmittals:
1. 30 Days or Less After Notice to Proceed:
a. Control valve and damper schedules which include size, Cv (valves), closeoff
pressure rating (valves), [at 0 psi for N.C., two-way valves; at 20 psi for N.O., two-way valves; and at 0 psi between ports A and B for three-way valves], gpm
or cfm, spring range of the actuator, quantity of actuators (dampers), and actual
pressure drop for each item.
b. Technical specification data sheets of each system component and device which
includes all data needed to show compliance with this specification.
2. 60 Days or Less After Notice to Proceed:
a. Control drawings with detailed piping and wiring diagrams; system schematics
with controlled/monitored device locations; and connections to all enclosures, panels, and controllers, including a bill of material for all systems. Ladder-type
electrical schematic diagrams shall be provided for all interlock wiring with
magnetic starters, control relays, safety devices, etc.
b. Sequence of operation for all controlled and monitored points for each system.
Sequence shall be on same drawing as corresponding system schematic.
c. A complete input/output schedule for each DDC panel a nd dedi cat ed co ntroll er
including point name (the same name to be used in software), functional
description of each point, point type, complete wiring diagram for each poin t
from controller to input or output device, field device type, and location, etc.
d. Communications cable schematic showing panel and controller locations, con-
troller power source, and all interconnecting data and communication conduc-
tors. Arrange the panels in the order in which they will actually be intercon-
nected in the field.
e. On control drawings show sensor, panel, and equipment locations by referring to
room number. VAV boxes shall be shown indicating room number that has
sensor or Smart Stat connected to controller. Also indicate, in a matrix-diagram,
each room served by that zone.
f. DDC network configuration complete with interconnection diagrams for all
peripheral devices, batteries, power supplies, etc.
g. A bill of material shall be shown on each drawing. The bill of material shall
include the device code used on the controls drawings, description of the
product, name of the manufacturer, complete model number, measurement range
(if applicable), and quantity.
h. Identify the electrical power source for each DDC panel by location (room
number), panel designation, and breaker number. Include the identification on the drawing and at the DDC panel itself. (Dedicated Powersource)
i. Submittals shall also include a complete test plan and procedures. Test plan shall
be coordinated with the (Section 15990) Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Contractor. The test plan shall delineate the methods of testing and recording the results of the point by point verification and calibration of the hardware and the
testing and tuning of the software. The test plan shall include a listing of all
hardware points with columns for calibration, test and certification. There shall
be a similar record for software.
3. 14- Days Prior to System Demonstration and Acceptance Testing:
a. Provide software programs and sequences written in the program language and in
1.08 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. Upon completion of the installation, provide a complete set of record (as-built) drawings on
digital media. The content and format of the drawings shall be as described previously.
B. Prior to Final Completion of the installation, prepare complete Operation and Maintenance
manuals. Refer to Division 1, Section 01300, and Division 15, Section 15050, for require-
ments. Also provide one set of digital media containing all CAD-prepared drawings. The
file format shall conform to the requirements in the most current version of Division 00050 of the UCCS Construction Standards (Computer - Aided Drafting and Facilities Management Standards). A copy is available upon request.
1. Temperature control diagrams including an explanation of the control sequence of each system along with the following instruction wherever applicable.
a. Emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment.
b. Normal starting, operating and shutdown.
c. Summer or winter shutdown.
3. A reduced copy of the controller drawing, listing all input and output points with functional descriptions, shall be placed inside the door to each controller enclosure in
a plastic pocket attached to the door. The sheet shall be laminated. One sheet is
required for each controller housed in the enclosure.
[Note to the Consultant: The two following items shall be included as requested
by the University. The facility has the described documentation from previous
A. This Contractor shall provide a minimum of ** hours [Note to Consultant: Enter the
required amount of training time required for the job. Consult with UCCS-FM
staff to determine the amount of time needed. Factors to consider are the complexity of the installation, any uncommon features, new programs or sequences,
unique hardware, etc. Specify a minimum of four hours.] of system and control dem-
onstration time at the job site for the Owner's personnel.
B. This Contractor shall provide at least ** hours [Note to consultant: See the note in
1.09A. Specify a minimum of four hours.] of classroom training sessions at times and location as directed by the Owner. The training shall focus on design, operation, and maintenance procedures of the products installed.
C. The instructor(s) for the above sessions shall be employee(s) of the Control Contractor
whose primary function is customer training and applications support.
D. A minimum of two copies of the most current control drawings shall be provided to the
UCCS HVAC Shop before the training begins. These shall be in addition to the drawings to
be provided under Paragraph 1.08, if the O&M Manuals have not been turned in to the Architect before the time of the training.
E. The training may be phased. The Owner may elect to conduct training and demonstration in
two- to four-hour sessions over the life of the warranty period. All instructional material
shall be available to each employee at each training session up to a maximum of ten (10)
F. All demonstration and training sessions shall be coordinated with the University HVAC
1.10 WARRANTY A. The warranty period shall begin as authorized by the Owner's representative in writing.
Authorization will not be given before the following conditions are met. Under no condi-
tions will the Controls Warranty begin before the starting date of the General Warranty for
the overall project.
1. Completion of the tests required in Paragraph 3.09 and correction of all problems discovered during the testing process.
2. Completion of all punch list items that are the direct responsibility of the Controls Contractor.
3. Conduction of a preliminary training session for personnel of the HVAC Shop of the Department of Facilities Management. The training shall consist of an orientation session at the job site to familiarize the personnel with the location and type of
controlled equipment and controls on the project, a discussion of the control
sequences, and a review of the control drawings. A copy of the as-built control
drawings shall be provided to the HVAC Shop at this time as well. Other, more
detailed, training sessions (such as for review of the control programs) may be held at
a later date during the warranty period
4. Completion and distribution of the as-built control drawings, including correction of all items noted by the Owner and Engineer after review of the documents.
B. The control system shall be guaranteed to be free from original defects in material and
workmanship and in software design and operation for a period of one year after com-
pletion of the contract. The Contractor shall provide the necessary skills, labor, and parts to
assure that all system and component failures are promptly repaired.
C. The Contractor shall receive calls during the warranty period for all problems or questions
experienced in the operation of the installed equipment and shall take steps to correct any
deficiencies that may exist. The response time to critical problems shall be four (4) hours
D. During the warranty period, the Contractor shall maintain a backup of all software installed in
the system. The backup shall be updated monthly or whenever the Contractor m akes a
change to the software. A reload of backup software into the system shall be performed by
the Contractor immediately upon notification by the Owner. The reload shall be free of
E. The Contractor shall optimize all control software and tune all control loops to assure
acceptable operating and space conditions and peak energy efficiency. This shall include changes needed to optimize operation of the systems even if not explicitly described in
Control Strategies.
F. The Contractor shall include the extended warranty for upgrades of ethernet controllers
installed in the building for the warranty year.
G. At the end of the warranty period, the Contractor shall supply updated copies of the latest
versions of all project record documentation as described in Paragraph 1.08, Project Record
Documents. This includes final updated drawings, software documentation, and electronic
media backups that include all changes that have been made to the system during the
warranty period.
H. Coordinate with the UCCS HVAC Shop in
advance before connecting new DDC control system to campus network.
I. Once the building DDC is connected to the network, the Contractor shall notify a
representative of the UCCS HVAC Shop before and after performing any work on the DDC
components, and report any changes made.
J. During the warranty period, University personnel shall make a reasonable effort to
determine if a problem is due to the control system or some other source not the respon-
sibility of the Controls Contractor, before requesting warranty service. However, if the
Controls Contractor is called out and determines that the problem is not due to the controls
system or other building components, the Contractor shall not charge the University for a
service call if it is determined that the source of the problem is not his responsibility.
1.11 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. This installation shall not be used as a test site for any new products unless explicitly
approved by the Owner's representative in writing. This requirement is not intended to restrict the Contractor to the use of outdated equipment.
B. All products used in this installation shall be new and currently under manufacture. Spare
parts shall be available for at least ten (10) years after completion of this contract.
C. All DDC components shall be compatible with the rest of the DDC network at the
beginning of the warranty period.
A. All project developed hardware and software shall become the property of the Owner.
These include but are not limited to:
1. Project graphic images,
2. Record drawings,
3. Project database,
4. Job-specific application programming code,
5. All other documentation.
A. Regardless of the manufacturer, the specific products and design chosen shall meet the
requirements of this specification.
B. Use the manufacturers listed below or in the description of the devices:
1. Control Wiring
a. TVSS surge protectors
1. Leviton 51010WM or Kelle HSP-121BT IRU or pre-approved equal.
b. Infinet Communication Wiring
1. Windy City, Belden or equal: 24 gauge stranded, single twisted pair, shielded, low capacitance (less than 12.5 pico-farads/ft), 78% velicity of propagation.
2. Control Valves
a. Hot Water and Chilled Water; Globe Style; Terminal Units, AHU Coils, Baseboard
1. ½” - ¾” size; Honeywell VP-525A or C series (2-way, NO, VP-526A (3-way, VP-527A (2-way, NO, and VP-531A or C series (2-way, NO, or preapproved equal Siemens Powermite 599 Series (electric) or Siemens Powermite 599
Honeywell VP-522A and B Series (sequencing applications).
2. For 1” and 1 ¼” sizes only; Powers VP-658 (2-way, NO or NC), VP-658WM (3-way) and VP-591 are also acceptable.
b. Hot Water and Chilled Water; Globe Style; Control of Differential Pressure
(Bypass) in Hydronic Systems.
1. 1" - 8" Size; Siemens 200 Series Electric Actuators or pre-approved equal.
c. Condenser Water; Butterfly Style; Condenser Water Temperature Control (Cooling
Tower Bypass).
1. 2" - 12" Size; Siemens 2-way Butterfly Assemblies with Siemens Electric Actuators or pre-approved equal; Keystone Fig. 222.
d. Two-Position or Modulated, Single-Butterfly Valve applications. 2”-12” Size;
Keystone Fig. 222, Johnson VF Series Powers/Siemens BV2W Series with electric actuator
a. or pre-approved equal
Control Dampers a. Motorized
1. Johnson, Ruskin, or pre-approved equal.
b. Outdoor and/or return air mixing dampers and face-and-bypass (F&BP) dampers
1. Ruskin CD 403 type or pre-approved equal.
c. Shaft bearings
1. Oilite or pre-approved equal.
5. Local Control Panels
a. Kele RET Series (color: orange)
b. Panel locks utilize standard 2050 keyed locks.
6. Compressed Air Supply - Pneumatic
a. Air Compressor
1. Powerex instrument air quality compressor or Curtis climate control instrument air quality compressor.
b. Refrigerated Air Dryers
1. Hankinson or pre-approved equal. ( ADJUSTED FOR HI ALTITUDE )
c. PRV Station
1. Norgren
2. Johnson R-131
d. Filter
1. Finite or pre approved equal.
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