A.O. Smith Water Heater Parts Fulllment
125 Southeast Parkway • Franklin, TN 37068
www.hotwater.com • 1-800-433-2545
Item # Description DVE52 DVE80 DVE120
1A Anode, 2 required (Alu, Std) 9003892005 9003892005 9003892005
1B Anode, 2 required (Mag, Special) 9001829005 9001829005 9001829005
2 Display - Board 9006240005 9006240005 9006240005
3 Display - Overlay 9006851005 9006851005 9006851005
4A CCB - 3 El Temperature controller 9006852005 9006852005 9006852005
4B CCB - 6 El Temperature controller 9006853005 9006853005 9006853005
4C CCB - 9 El Temperature controller 9006854005 9006854005 9006854005
5 Communication Cable 9006541015 9006541015 9006541015
6A Transformer - 100VA Std (208, 240, 277, 480V) 9006861005 9006861005 9006861005
6B Transformer - 100VA Universal (220, 380, 415, 575V) 9006862005 9006862005 9006862005
7 Transformer - 25VA 120/24V 9006863005 9006863005 9006863005
8 Fuse - Control Circuit 9005720215 9005720215 9005720215
9 Fuse Block - Control Circuit 9005721215 9005721215 9005721215
10 Nipple - T & P valve extension 9005717215 9005717215 9005717215
11A T & P Valve - 3 elements 9005715205 9005715205 9005715205
11B T & P - 6 or 9 elements 9005923205 9005923205 9005923205
12A Fuse - Power Circuit (not 54KW at 208V or not 575V) 9005904215 9005904215 9005904215
12B Fuse - Power Circuit for 54KW at 208V model 9006864015 9006864015 9006864015
12C Fuse - Power Circuit for 575V models 9005893215 9005893215 9005893215
13A Fuse Block - Power Circuit (not 54KW at 208V or not 575V Models) 9005009205 9005009205 9005009205
13B Fuse Block - Power Circuit for 54KW at 208V model 9005079205 9005079205 9005079205
13C Fuse Block - Power Circuit for 575V models 9005007205 9005007205 9005007205
14 Contactor 9005013205 9005013205 9005013205
15 Temperature probe 9006865015 9006865015 9006865015
16 Element Gasket (BOX OF 50) 9000308005 9000308005 9000308005
17 Elements (max 54KW 9 elements) SEE CHART
18 Drain Valve 9003907015 9003907015 9003907015
19* Element Sensors (1 per bank) 9006867005 9006867005 9006867005
* Not illustrated
A.O. Smith Water Heater Parts Fulllment • 125 Southeast Parkway • Franklin, TN 37068 • 1-800-433-2545 • www.hotwater.com
PRINTED 1113 196676-004

Item # Description DRE52 DRE80 DRE120
1A Anode, 2 required (Alu, Std) 9003892005 9003892005 9003892005
1B Anode, 2 required (Mag) 9001829005 9001829005 9001829005
2 Nipple - T & P valve extension 9005717215 9005717215 9005717215
3A T & P Valve - 3 elements 9005715205 9005715205 9005715205
3B T & P - 6 or 9 elements 9005923205 9005923205 9005923205
4A Fuse - Power Circuit (not 54KW at 208V or not 575V) 9005904215 9005904215 9005904215
4B Fuse - Power Circuit for 54KW at 208V model 9006864015 9006864015 9006864015
4C Fuse - Power Circuit for 575V models 9005893215 9005893215 9005893215
5A Fuse Block - Power Circuit (not 54KW at 208V or not 575V Models) 9005009205 9005009205 9005009205
5B Fuse Block - Power Circuit for 54KW at 208V model 9005079205 9005079205 9005079205
5C Fuse Block - Power Circuit for 575V models 9005007205 9005007205 9005007205
6 Element Gasket (BOX OF 50) 9000308005 9000308005 9000308005
7 Elements (max 54KW 9 elements) SEE CHART
8 Bracket-T-Stat 9003898215 9003898215 9003898215
9 Personal Protector 9003914015 9003914015 9003914015
10 Thermostat 9002857015 9002857015 9002857015
11 Drain Valve 9003907015 9003907015 9003907015
Replacement Gold-Plated Elements for Both DRE and DVE Models (Gasket Included)
KW 208V (1Φ/3Φ) 240V (1Φ/3Φ) 277V 1Φ 480V (1Φ/3Φ)
2 9006875005 9006874005 9006884005 9006879005
3 9006869005 9006868005 9006880005
4 9006872005 9006869005 9006868005 9006881005
4.5 9006873005 9006870005 9006882005
5 9006876005 9006871005 9006883005
6 9006877005 9006873005 9006878005 9006884005
Replacement Incoloy Elements
KW 208V (1Φ/3Φ) 240V (1Φ/3Φ) 277V (1Φ) 480V (1Φ/3Φ)
2 9004284005 9004283005 9004290005 9004298005
3 9000049005 9000664005 9004296005 9004300005
4 9004294005 9004751105 9004759005 9004763105
4.5 9004287005 9000050005 9004297005 9004760105
5 9004753105 9004293005 9004756115 9004761105
6 9004289005 9004287005 9004757115 9004762105
Replacement Incoloy Elements (Gasket Included) For Heaters with “Y” Conguration
KW 380V 3Φ “Y” Cong 415V 3Φ “Y” Cong 575V 3Φ “Y” Cong
3 9006885005 900064005 9006889005
4 9006886005 9004751105 9006890005
4.5 9000050005 9006891005
5 9006887005 9004293005 9006892005
6 9006888005 9004287005 9006893005
for Both DRE and DVE Models
(Gasket Included)
A.O. Smith Water Heater Parts Fulllment
125 Southeast Parkway
Franklin, TN 37068
Copyright © 2013 A.O. Smith Corporation, All rights reserved.