Innovation has a name.
Balanced flue
commercial water heater
BFM – 30/50/80/100/120
Wide range of balanced fanned fl ue room-sealed water heaters
for installation in almost any location • Improved effi ciency
• Removable control column for convenient servicing • Control,
high limit and energy cut-off thermostat triple protection ensures
safe operation • Frost-protection thermostat • Stainless-steel
burner for natural or LP gas • Two access covers for comprehensive
waterside tank maintenance • Voltage-free contact for general
fault indication • Steel pallet base for convenient transport and
installation • Optional ancillaries: Unvented kits • Destratifi cation
pump kit • Powered anode

Technical specifications
BFM 30
BFM 50
BFM 80
BFM 100
BFM 120
Gas data natural gas 2H (G20)
Input* kW 32.2 52.2 83.3 113.3 127.7
Output kW 26.4 42.3 67.5 90.8 102.4
Inlet pressure mbar 20 20 20 20 20
Burner pressure mbar 12.5 12.9 12.9 12.5 14.0
Gas consumption** m3/h 3.1 5.0 7.9 10.8 12.2
Diameter pilot orifice mm 0.56/0.41 0.56/0.41 0.56/0.41 0.56/0.41 0.56/0.41
Diameter main orifice mm 2.6 2.5 2.7 3.2 3.3
Max. flue gas temperature °C 130 150 145 180 185
Flue gas discharge kg/h 74.2 105.7 191.9 232.5 265.8
Gas data butane 3+ (G30)
Input* kW 31.4 49.9 81.3 110.5 n/a
Output kW 26.4 41.4 67.5 90.8 n/a
Inlet pressure mbar 50 50 50 50 n/a
Burner pressure mbar - - - - n/a
Gas consumption** kg/h 2.3 3.6 5.9 8.0 n/a
Diameter pilot orifice mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 n/a
Diameter main orifice mm 1.25 1.25 1.3 1.7 n/a
Max. flue gas temperature °C 130 150 145 180 n/a
Flue gas discharge kg/h - 98.6 187.8 228.7 n/a
Gas data propane 3+ (G31)
Input* kW 30.4 47.8 77.2 110.9 125.0
Output kW 25.5 39.6 63.9 90.8 102.4
Inlet pressure mbar 37 37 37 37 37
Burner pressure mbar - - - - 22
Gas consumption** kg/h 2.2 3.4 5.5 7.9 8.9
Diameter pilot orifice mm 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Diameter main orifice mm 1.45 1.4 1.5 1.95 2.3
Max. flue gas temperature °C 130 150 145 180 185
Flue gas discharge kg/h 71.4 105.1 194.3 232.0 264.7
Draw-off capacity
Storage capacity l 309 298 253 253 253
Max. temperature setting °C 73 73 73 73 73
30 min. ∆T=44°C l 569 697 870 1074 1176
60 min. ∆T=44°C l 827 1111 1529 1962 2176
90 min. ∆T=44°C l 1085 1524 2189 2849 3177
120 min. ∆T=44°C l 1343 1937 2849 3736 4177
Continuous ∆T=44°C l/h 516 827 1319 1774 2000
Heating-up time ∆T=44°C min. 36 22 12 9 8
30 min. ∆T=50°C l 501 613 765 946 1035
60 min. ∆T=50°C l 728 977 1346 1726 1915
90 min. ∆T=50°C l 955 1341 1926 2507 2796
120 min. ∆T=50°C l 1182 1705 2507 3288 3676
Continuous ∆T=50°C l/h 454 728 1161 1561 1760
Heating-up time ∆T=50°C min. 41 25 13 10 9
30 min. ∆T=55°C l 455 558 696 860 941
60 min. ∆T=55°C l 662 888 1223 1569 1741
90 min. ∆T=55°C l 868 1219 1751 2279 2541
120 min. ∆T=55°C l 1074 1550 2279 2989 3342
Continuous ∆T=55°C l/h 413 661 1055 1419 1600
Heating-up time ∆T=55°C min. 45 27 14 11 9
Electrical data
Power consumption W 100 100 100 275 300
Power supply VAC/Hz 230 (-15/+10%) / 50
Pressure differential Pa 200/170 270/240 255/225 610/580 220/190
Diameter of air restrictor mm 36 42 54 48 64
Anodes - 2 2 4 4 4
Maximum working pressure bar 8
Maximum weight kg 539 543 548 573 573
Shipping data
Weight empty kg 230 245 295 320 320
Weight incl. packaging kg 260 275 325 350 350
Width packaging mm 800 800 800 800 800
Height packaging mm 2080 2080 2080 2080 2080
Depth packaging mm 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040
* Gas data on gross value
** Gas consumption at 15°C and 1013.25 mbar