Q1: What is the maximum memory supported by the AX6BC motherboard?
A1: The maximum memory supported by the AX6BC motherboard is limited to 768MB via three DIMM sockets.
Q2: Is there a power protection mechanism to secure the AX6BC motherboard?
A2: Yes, there are two Identical mechanisms on the motherboard. These comprise the keyboard, USB overload reset controller, and the temp protection facility.
Q3: Is it possible to modify the CPU voltage set in the AX6BC Motherboard?
A3: Sure, it is possible to modify the set CPU voltage using AX6BC Motherboard. It ranges between 1.3V and 3.5V.
Q4: What kind of CPU socket is used in the AX6BC motherboard?
A4: Slot1 is the type of CPU socket used in Ax6bc motherboard.
Q5: Is the device ready for Wake on LAN and Wake on Modem features?
A5: Yes, Wake on LAN (WOL) and Wake on Modem (WOM) are other features available on the AX6BC motherboard.
Q6: The number of PCI slots installed in the AX6BC motherboard.
A6: The AX6BC motherboard has a total of 6 PCI slots, but supports only 5 PCI masters.
Q7: Specify which BIOS is found in the AX6BC motherboard?
A7: It features a 2Mb Flash BIOS with virus protection, multi-language support, and a wake on timer.
Q8: Is there any USB support provided on the AX6BC motherboard?
A8: Yes, the AX6BC motherboard includes support for 2 USB ports.
Q9: Comment l’IrDA visible sur la carte mère AX6BC doit elle être utilisée?
A9: Un module sans fil infrarouge peut être installé afin de permettre l’envoie et la réception de fichiers entre autres appareils à l’aide de l’outil IrDA.
10: Est il possible de régler le redémarrage automatique d’un appareil après une panne de courant?
A 10: C’est faisable avec la carte mère AX6BC car elle dispose de la fonctionnalité AC power auto recovery qui permet à la machine de restarter d’elle même lorsqu’il y’a de l’électricité.