180 Kehoe Blvd., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
SONIC FRY STATION TIMER EST-3 (MFG. #9900651) & EST-3LS (MFG. #9900652)
Do NOT locate the timer in areas hotter than
120ºF (49ºC).
1 EST-3 Fry Station Timer (P/N 9900651) OR
EST-3LS Fry Station Timer (P/N 9900652)
1 Instruction Sheet (P/N 1011049)
Phillips Screwdriver, Permanent Marker, Power Drill,
9/64” Drill Bit (hardened steel), Center Punch (automatic or manual), Hammer (if using manual punch).
If you experience any problems with these instructions,
contact the factory Technical Service Department at 630784-1000 or toll free in the U.S. at 877-392-7854.
Figure 1. Fry Station Timer (EST-3LS shown)
Before You Begin
The Fry Station Timer (EST-3 and EST-3LS) is designed
to track the holding time for Tots, French Fries, and
Onion Rings. This helps stores provide consistently high
quality products.
The Fry Station Timer has three independent timer channels that track the proper holding. The Timer is solar
powered and mounts easily to the top of the Fry Station
with a supplied Mounting Bracket (Figure 2).
Three AA power backup batteries are included. The
EST-3LS also features an audible signal.
Installing the Fry Station Timer
NOTE: Do NOT obstruct the solar cells at the front
and top of the Timer or the Timer may not function
NOTE. Do NOT locate the Timer in areas hotter than
120ºF (49ºC).
1. Take the Timer out of the box.
2. Attach the Timer to the screws on the canopy.
NOTE: In almost all cases, the canopy will have the
preexisting screws needed to hang the Timer. If your
canopy does not, then use the following steps to
mount the Timer.
Figure 2. Fry Station Timer (Rear View)
a. Remove the Timer from the Mounting Bracket.
b. Place the Mounting Bracket against the canopy.
Level it, and use a permanent marker to mark two
spots on the canopy for drilling.
c. Place the tip of a center punch on each mark and
carefully strike to create an indentation for the drill
bit. Be careful not to dent the fry station canopy.
d. Place a 9/64” drill bit (hardened steel) into your
drill as far as possible so only the minimum bit is
e. Drill the two holes. Be careful to only penetrate the
canopy and not damage any wiring that may be
1-877-392-7854 Fax: 630-784-1000 Page 1 of 2 P/N 1011049 Rev. A 02/10
180 Kehoe Blvd., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
SONIC FRY STATION TIMER EST-3 (MFG. #9900651) & EST-3LS (MFG. #9900652)
f. Use a Phillips screwdriver to screw two #8-18 x
1/2” lg. self-tapping screws into the stainless steel.
Do NOT overtighten the screws. Allow space for the
brackets to fit over the screws.
g. Mount the bracket onto the screws and then finish
tightening the screws with the Phillips screwdriver.
h. Re-install the Timer onto the Mounting Bracket.
i. Place a lock washer on the inside and outside of
each side of the Mounting Bracket and then secure
in place with the thumb screws.
Using the Fry Station Timer
The Fry Station Timer is pre-programmed at the factory
with the following values:
& Value
Tots 10 minutes
French Fries 10 minutes
Onion Rings 10 minutes
1. Press the ► button (Figure 3) for the desired product and the timer will begin counting down.
2. When the timed cycle is complete, the display
flashes “00:00”, the blue light will flash once every
second, and the unit will beep (EST-3LS only).
NOTE: After two minutes, the blue light will flash
once every two seconds, and the unit will stop beeping (EST-3LS only). After five minutes, the blue light
will stop flashing.
3. Press the
NOTE: If the display is faded, or if the volume is too
low (EST-3LS only), the three AA backup batteries
should be replaced.
■ button (Figure 3) to stop and reset the
Max Setting
99 minutes,
59 seconds
99 minutes,
59 seconds
99 minutes,
59 seconds
Figure 3. Fry Station Timer (EST-3LS shown)
Programming the Fry Station Timer
1. Press and hold the ► button for the desired product
for three seconds.
2. The minutes setting will flash on the display. Use
the ► and
the setting.
3. Release the buttons when the desired minutes
setting appears on the display.
4. The seconds setting will flash on the display. Use
the ► and
5. Release the buttons when the desired seconds
setting appears on the display.
6. Wait three seconds without pressing any buttons.
The new settings will be stored and the display will
go blank.
■ buttons (Figure 3) to raise and lower
■ buttons to raise and lower the setting.
Problems with the Timer?
If you experience any problem with your Timer, contact
the manufacturer immediately at 877-392-7854.
NOTE: A replacement battery cap can be obtained
through your Authorized Service Agency by ordering
P/N 7000573.
Limited Warranty
The Fry Station Timer (EST-3 and EST-3LS) has a 90-day warranty from date of purchase. This warranty does not cover
misuse/abuse, damage due to dropping, cover damage, and/or cracked solar panels. The warranty for this timer does
not cover travel time or mileage. Contact the Technical Service Department at the factory for any warranty issues.
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