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Vitec Production Solutions Inc.
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Components and connections
Titon LCD ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Powertap® and USB ............................................................................................................................................... 10

The Anto n/Ba uer Titon Seri es Lithi um-ion battery
is specifically designed a nd optimized to be
charg ed with cu rrent Anton/B auer chargers. T he
Titon battery S eries are compatibl e with Anto n/
Baue r charg ers an d have bee n tested o n industry
recognized com petitive chargers as well. For
optima l performance and e nhan ced bat tery
longevity, we recommend using Anton/Bauer

Weekly, or a s need ed - Clean the device,
associated components, and accessories
as needed with a d amp, non-saturate d
cloth or p aper towel. Do not wet the
expose d metal p art of the battery charge
termin als. D o not use s olvent s or scou ring
agent s. Exa mples of approved solve nts
are Cidex® and Windex ®. Con sult Anton/
Bauer Customer Support Group for
approve d list of cleaning agents.
Perio dic cleaning of both the c harger
termin als and battery terminals will
ensure continued reliable o peration.
Clean the terminals occasionally with a
penci l erase r or ligh tly scra pe the su rface
with a blunt instrument to help re duce
the likely hood of build up causing poo r
communication or charging.
Contact Anton/Bauer Customer Support
Group with additiona l inquires as to
CAUTION! Keep batteries cool or at roo m
temperatures whenever possible. Sustained
elevate d temperatur es are the prima ry reason
for premature f ailure of Lithium-I on batteries .
CAUTION! Charge batterie s at room
temperature . In warm c limates keep
charg ers in air conditione d rooms for best
CAUTION! Although L ithium-ion h as goo d
selfdischarge characteristics, batteries
shoul d be store d for long term sto rage in a
fully charged condition.
CAUTION! Batterie s should always be stored
in a fully charg ed state and kept cool. If
batteries must be stored for a lo ng period
(over 30 days), the battery electronic s will
enter a “deep sle ep” mo de. The battery will
“wake up ” when placed on a charg er. It is
always a go od idea to submit the battery to a
discharge/cha rge cycl e from time to time
during storage.