Anton Bauer Dionic User Manual

Lithium-ion Battery
Part No. 7595-0460
Original Instructions:
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The information contained i n this ma nual is b elieve d to be correct at th e time of printing. Vitec V ideo com Inc . reserves the right to make the changes to the info rmatio n or spe cifications without o bligation to notify any p erson of such revisions or chang es. Change s will be incorporated in new versions of th e publicatio n. We are making ever y eor t to ensure that ou r manuals are updated o n a regul ar basi s to reflect changes to the produ ct speci fications and features. Sh ould this manu al not co ntain information on the core functionality of your product, please let us know. You may be able to access the latest revision of this manual from our website. Vitec Production Solution s Inc. reser ves the right to make c hanges to prod uct de sign an d func tiona lity without notification.
All product trademarks an d regis tered tr ademarks are the propert y of The Vitec Group Plc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of the respective companies.
Published by:
Vitec Production Solutions Inc. Email:
Copyright © 201 8
Vitec Production Solutions Inc.
All rights reser ved
Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
About this user guide .................................................................................................................... 7
Components and connections
Dionic XT Series LCD ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Powertap® and USB ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................. 12
After Sales Support ........................................................................................................................ 13
General notices ................................................................................................................................. 14
Warranty ................................................................................................................................................ 15
............................................................................................................................................... 11
Important inform ation on the safe i nstallation and opera tion of this product. Read this inform ation before operating the product. For your personal safety, read these instructions. Do not ope rate the produ ct if you do not und erstand how to use it safel y. Save these ins tructions fo r future refer ence.
Warning Symbols Used in these Instructions
Important inform ation on the safe i nstallation and opera tion of this product. Read this inform ation before operating the product. For your personal safety, read these instructions. Do not ope rate the produ ct if you do not und erstand how to use it safel y. Save these ins tructions fo r future refer ence.
WARNING! Where there is a ri sk of persona l
injur y or injury to othe rs, comments a ppear suppor ted by the wa rning tr iangle s ymbol . Where th ere is a risk o f damag e to the product, associated equipment, process or surroundings, comments appear supported by the word ‘C aution ’.
ELECTRIC SHOCK Where the re is a risk
of elec tric shoc k, comm ents ap pear suppor ted by the h azardo us voltag e warning triangle.
Intended Use
The Anto n/Ba uer Dionic XT Serie s Lithium-io n battery is specific ally de signe d and optimized to be char ged with curren t Anton/ Bauer chargers . Do not at tempt to use a charger not m anufactured by Anton/ Baue r with thi s produ ct.
Electrical Connection
WARNING! Risk of electric shock. Do not
remove cove r, no user se rvic able parts i nside the product.
WARNING! Risk of electric shock. Always
check c able s for signs of damage. Da mage d cables can cause pe rsonal injury and /or damage the equipment.
CAUTION! Do not exceed the curre nt outp ut
limit of the product when powering auxiliar y devices.
Refer servic ing to qualifie d serv ice per sonnel.
WARNING! Special precautions and handling
instructions are contained in this user guide and should be strictl y adhered to for safe and reliable operation.
WARNING! Never use flamm able o r
combustible materials and solvents around batteries or chargers.
CAUTION! The product should not be used
outsi de the op erating temperature limits. Refer to the product technical specifications for the operati ng limits for the product.
WARNING! Protect the pro duct f rom wate r,
moisture and d ust. The presence of electricity near water can be dangerous.
WARNING! When cleaning the product,
use a sof t damp cloth onl y. Do not wet th e expose d metal p arts of the bat tery. Do not use solvents, detergents or scouri ng agents.
CAUTION! All Lithium-ion b atteries have a
finite life. If the batter y exhib its noticeably shortened r un-time the battery s hould be replaced immediately. Shortened run-time is indicative of at least o ne cell , which h as reached end of l ife. Un der no C ircumstances attempt to “reco nditio n” this b atter y by repeated charging and discharging.
WARNING! This batter y contains spe cialize d
electronic circuit s, which are designed to protec t the Lith ium-ion cell s from over­charg e, over discharge and overcurrent. Redundant protection devices are designed to opera te if the battery voltag e is abnormally high or low and if th e tempe rature of the battery excee ds operating specifi catio ns.
WARNING! Do not drop, puncture or crush
this bat tery. Do not use th e battery if the case is d amaged or bro ken. Do not open or attempt to service this b atter y if dam aged .
WARNING! These electronic d evices c an be
damag ed if the batter y is subject to a buse or damag e. Do no t use a bat tery th at has been subje cted to exce ssive me chanical sh ock or water damage.
Maintenance Storage
WARNING! The fitting of non-ap proved
part s or acce ssories, or the carr ying o ut of non-a pproved alterations or servi cing can be dangerous and could aect the safety of the produ ct. It m ay also invalidate the term s and conditions of the product warranty.
Never at tempt to se rvice this bat tery. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
WARNING! Never at tempt to open this
battery. The el ectro nic circ uits in side th e battery can b e damaged ca using m alfunction and/or potential hazard to p erson and property.
WARNING! Never attempt to repla ce the
cells in this bat tery – it c annot be rebu ilt or refurbished. At the end of its usefu l life contact the Anton/Bauer Customer Support Group
WARNING! Never attempt to repla ce the
cells in this bat tery – it c annot be rebu ilt or refurbished. At the end of its usefu l life contact the Anton/Bauer Customer Support Group
Weekly, or a s need ed - Clean the device, associated components, and accessories as needed with a d amp, non-saturate d cloth or p aper towel. Do not wet the expose d metal p art of the battery charge termin als. D o not use s olvent s or scou ring agent s. Exa mple s of approved solvents are Cidex® and Windex ®. Con sult Anton/ Bauer Customer Support Group for approve d list of cleaning agents.
Perio dic cleaning of both the c harger termin als and battery terminals will ensure continued reliable o peration. Clean the terminals occasionally with a penci l erase r or ligh tly scra pe the su rfac e with a blunt instrument to help re duce the likely hood of build up causing poo r communication or charging.
Contact Anton/Bauer Customer Support Group with additiona l inqui res as to maintenance.
CAUTION! Keep batteries cool or at roo m
temperatures whenever possible. Sustained elevate d temperatur es are the prima ry reason for premature f ailure of Lithium-I on batteries .
CAUTION! Charge batterie s at room
temperature . In warm c limates keep charg ers in air conditione d rooms for best performance.
CAUTION! Although L ithium-ion h as goo d
selfdischarge characteristics, batteries shoul d be store d for long term sto rage in a fully charged condition.
CAUTION! Batterie s should always be stored
in a fully charg ed state and kept cool. If batteries must be stored for a lo ng period (over 30 days), the battery e lect ronic s will enter a “deep sle ep” mo de. The battery will “wake up ” when placed on a charg er. It is always a go od idea to submit the battery to a discharge/cha rge cycl e from time to time during storage.
Air Transportation Regulation
Dangerous Goods Regulations 49CFR Parts 100-185,
Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations apply
to all Lithium-Ion battery transpor t.
Air Transportation Declaration
Vitec Videocom, Inc. declares that the Anton/Bauer
Dioni XT lithium-ion batter y packs contain equivalent
Lithium content (ELC) in a quantity exceeding 8 grams
and therefore is considered and must be handled
and transported as a class 9 Hazardous article and
is subject to regulation under Dangerous Good
49CFR PARTS 100-185
Since the interpretation and application of regulations
may vary with the aviation company, the transport
of the Anton/Bauer Dionic XT Series battery may
be disallowed even when the conditions described
above are satisfied. Anton/Bauer therefore strongly
recommends that you consult with your transportation
company prior to transporting the battery pack.
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