The purpose of this User Guide is to describe the steps required to configure, initialize, and operate the
ACS3000 Antenna Control System with SmarTrack®. All parameters are fully programmable and displayed
from a PC running a Web Browser or an existing station monitor and control system.
The ACS3000 is a complete kit that provides precision three-axis control of all the Andrew earth antennas
from 2.4 to 9.45 meters in size. The ACS3000 features the Andrew SmarTrack® predictive tracking mode
that utilizes a patented Three-Point Peak Algorithm* that saves wear on the antenna motors and jacks.
Another new feature of the ACS 3000 is the VFD (Variable Frequency Drives) that allows the antenna rampup in speed as the antenna is commanded to move to a new target satellite, yet move at low speed when
tracking and peaking up on a satellite. NORAD and INTELSAT program track modes are standard features
included with this product and setup of these modes can be found after the system initialization section.
Revision History
Version Document Description Date
Draft First Draft 17-Aug-01
V 1.0 Updated 21-Nov-01
V 1.1 Updated 18-Jan-02
V 1.2 Updated 28-Feb-02
V 2.0 Updated 5-Jul-04
V 3.0 Updated 20-Feb-06
System Description
The ACS3000 consists of the following equipment:
LMKVS-CPU Outdoor Unit Azimuth and Elevation Motors
Beacon Interface Unit Azimuth and Elevation Resolvers and Limit Switches
Hand Held Controller Electrical Installation Kits
Ethernet Hub Mounting Kits
Optional Equipment
Antenna Display Unit
*U.S. Pat. No. 6657588, France Pat. No. 2852447. Patent pending in the following
countries: Canada, China, Germany, Japan, and United Kingdom.
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System Description
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
PC with
Motor Control Unit
SABus protocol
Single Board
(Linux Board)
Local control
0 – 10V
HH Protocol
Figure 1: System Diagram
The LMKVS-CPU is the overall manager for the antenna position and satellite signal tracking. The LMKVSCPU consists of a Single Board Computer (SBC), a Motor Control Unit (MC-2), Variable Frequency Drives
(VFD) and an Ethernet interface for web browser display and control.
The LMKVS-CPU can also position the antenna via a hand-held unit. Using the handheld unit direction
control buttons, the antenna may be moved in all three axes.
The ACS3000 primary task will be to position the antenna to the received signal of a selected satellite. The
initial setup of the ACS3000 include a full set of all satellites. It builds a subset of those satellites that are
visible to the particular antenna given the antenna latitude and longitude. Using this subset, the operator may
select a specific satellite to point at and may reposition to any of the satellites in the subset at will. In addition
to the primary task, the ACS3000 is able to move to any specified position the operator designates. The
Motor Control Unit will handle the antenna movement rate autonomously once given the coordinates desired
by the operator or as calculated by the SBC during tracking.
The Ethernet connection to the SBC will tie into an Ethernet hub that directly connects to the Beacon
Interface Assembly and browser devices. The Beacon Interface Assembly provides the connection via the
Ethernet hub to the Beacon Receiver data. The data is used to position the antenna on the satellite during
Step Track or SmarTrack® operation The Motor Control Unit connects directly to the VFD's to control the
motors. The Motor Control Unit also connects directly to the limit switches and the resolvers. The MC-2
controls the rate loop used to move the antenna via the hardware and does not need software feedback to
speed up or slow down the movement. The Motor Control Unit communicates with the Single Board
Computer via an internal RS-422 connection.
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System Description
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
Indicators Within the LMKVS-CPU
The MC-2 and the Low Temperature Board contain LED's that indicate certain fault and status conditions.
Within the LMKVS-CPU the MC-2 is designated A1 and the Low Temperature Board is designated A5.
MC-2 Description
The MC-2 Motor Control Logic Assembly handles feedback from antenna mounted limit switches and
resolvers and provides Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and motor control for the antenna mounted drive
motors. The MC-2 is a compact card cage based design comprising a motherboard and three vertically
attached daughter cards. Each card including the motherboard provides specific functionality and fault/status
indication. The MC-2 mounts to the LMKVS-CPU main panel by means of four standoffs.
Motherboard Limit/Status Card (LIM-2)
The Motherboard Limit/Status Card handles input power distribution, provides a passive back plane for
daughter cards, and provides for 12 independent limit/status switch inputs. Each limit/status switch input has
an associated LED indicating input logic condition. The LED's are located near the wiring input connectors.
The LIM-2 provides the following indications based on limit/status input conditions:
Indicator Function LED Condition
DS12 Future Illuminated steady RED
DS11 Future Illuminated steady RED
DS10 Maintenance Port Cable Attached Illuminated steady RED
DS9 Handheld Detected Illuminated steady RED
DS8 Low Temperature Warning Active RED LED Extinguished
DS7 Low EL Status Switch Activated Illuminated steady RED
DS6 POL CCW Limit Switch Activated Illuminated steady RED
DS5 POL CW Limit Switch Activated Illuminated steady RED
DS4 EL Down Limit Switch Activated Illuminated steady RED
DS3 EL Up Limit Switch Activated Illuminated steady RED
DS2 AZ West Limit Switch Activated Illuminated steady RED
DS1 AZ East Limit Switch Activated Illuminated steady RED
DS-1 through DS-4 will blink RED simultaneously when the LIM-2 card has lost the Data Terminal Ready
(DTR) signal with the MPU-17. Additionally, DS-5 through DS-12 will blink RED simultaneously after loss of
good data from the MPU-17 for more than 2 seconds.
Microprocessor Card (MPU-17)
The Microprocessor Card (left most card) is 80C188 based and contains a proprietary programmed EPROM
for storage of motor control logic executable code. The MPU-17 communicates with the LKMVS-CPU Single
Board Computer (SBC) by means of a dedicated RS-422 serial interface.
The MPU-17 provides the following status indicators and controls that are viewable from the face of the card:
DS-1 COM FLT Illuminates steady RED after loss of good data from the SBC for more than 2
DS-2 LIM FLT Illuminates steady RED upon communication failure with the LIM-2 card and/or
indicates an internal failure of the LIM-2 card.
DS-3 MC FLT Illuminates steady RED upon communication failure with the MD-3 card and/or
indicates an internal failure of the MD-3 card.
DS-4 RES FLT Illuminates steady RED upon communication failure with the RES-2 card and/or
indicates an internal failure of the RES-2 card.
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System Description
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
DS-5 STOP Illuminates steady YELLOW when the Emergency Stop Switch is depressed.
DS-6 MICRO RESET Illuminates steady RED when MPU-17 microprocessor is in a reset condition. Blinks
RED in a continuous reset condition or buss failure.
DS-7 POWER Illuminates steady GREEN when MC-2 is receiving +/-12 VDC
Dual VFD Motor Drive Card (MD-3)
The Dual VFD Motor Drive Card (center card) handles control, status and fault reporting of the azimuth and
elevation Variable Frequency Drive Units (VFD's). The Dual VFD Motor Drive Card has two fault indicators.
The MD-3 provides the following fault indicators that are viewable from the face of the card:
DS-1 OVERLOAD Illuminates Steady RED when AZ, EL, or both AZ and EL axis motors are drawing
excessive current. A slow RED blink (500ms) indicates loss of communication with
the MPU-17.
DS-2 FAULT Illuminates RED when either VFD is in a fault condition. A slow RED blink (500 ms)
indicates loss of communication with the MPU-17. A fast RED blink (250 ms)
indicates both forward and reverse VFD direction commands are present
Resolver To Digital Converter Card (RES-2)
The Resolver To Digital (R/D) Converter Card (right most card) is a multiplexed single converter based card
and provides resolver signal to digital bit converter. The RES-2 card accepts three resolver inputs and
outputs the 16 bit converted value of each resolver signal to the MPU-17.
The RES-2 provides the following indicators:
DS-1 EL CEN Illuminates steady YELLOW when the EL resolver is reading center of the R/D
range (±2 degrees). A slow YELLOW blink (500 ms) indicates a loss of
communication with the MPU17. A fast (250 ms) blink indicates a loss of resolver
signal and would likely be caused by the EL resolver not being properly connected
or defective.
DS-2 AZ CEN Illuminates steady YELLOW when the AZ resolver is reading center of the R/D
range (±2 degrees). A slow YELLOW blink (500 ms) indicates a loss of
communication with the MPU17. A fast (250 ms) blink indicates a loss of resolver
signal and would likely be caused by the AZ resolver not being properly connected
or defective.
DS-3 POL CEN Illuminates steady YELLOW when the POL resolver is reading center of the R/D
range (±2 degrees). A slow YELLOW blink (500 ms) indicates a loss of
communication with the MPU17. A fast (250 ms) blink indicates a loss of resolver
signal and would likely be caused by the POL resolver not being properly connected
or defective.
Low Temperature Board
The low temperature board has the following indicators:
DS1 (Yellow) High Temperature. The temperature inside the enclosure is above +50° Celsius.
DS2 (Red) Low Temperature. The temperature inside the enclosure is at 0° Celsius. A warning
is issued. If the temperature fall below -10° Celsius power is removed from the
VFDs and all antenna movement halted. The temperature must rise above -10°
Celsius before power is restored to the VFDs.
DS3 (Green) Power to the low temperature board is within normal limits.
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System Description
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
Antenna Display Unit (Optional)
The Antenna Display Unit is a rack mountable (two rack height) antenna control unit (ADU) that is designed
to provide direct interface to a local area network to provide a remote control graphical user interface (GUI)
for the ACS3000 Antenna Control System. In addition to the rear panel interface connections, the ADU
provides a front panel mounted LCD display, keyboard, momentary action reset switch, power indicator,
summary fault alarm indicator, and display contrast adjustment allowing an alternate method for the operator
to control and determine status of the ACS3000 antenna Control System. The ADU is documented
separately in the Antenna Display Unit Users Guide.
Power/Environmental Description LMKVS-CPU
Operational Temperature: -40 to +50° C
If heater is off internal temperature must be 0° C
before operation can begin
Storage Temperature: -40 to +60° C
Relative Humidity: 0 - 100% Condensing
Enclosure Protection Class: NEMA 4X / IP56
Enclosure Type: EMI Protected Fiberglass
Control Interface Method: Ethernet
Dimensions: 26 1/2" W x 32" H x 14" D
Weight: 88 lbs
Approvals: EN 60950 (CE), EN 61326 Class A UL 60950, FCC
The ACS3000 is controlled from an operator's computer through an Ethernet connection to the LMKVS-CPU.
The LMKVS-CPU may be connected to the operator's computer via a LAN (Local Area Network) or via a
direct connection using an Ethernet crossover cable. A browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape is
necessary to activate the Java applet that manages the ACS3000 LMKVS-CPU. In order to use a browser to
connect to the LMKVS-CPU, the Java Plug-in application must be installed on the operator's computer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Minimum system requirement for use of Revision E of ACS3000 software and
Java Plug-in version 1.4.2_05 is Windows 98. Earlier versions of Windows are not supported.
Java Plug In Installation
The Java Plug-in application is available from Andrew and is installed from a CD delivered with the LMKVSCPU. After the file is loaded to the operator's computer, execute the program to install the current version.
The current version of the Java Plug-in program is j2re-1_4_2_05-windows-i586-p.exe. Execute this program
and follow the setup options. Once the program is installed, the operator must replace the java.policy file
that was created by the installation with the java.policy file available on the CD delivered by Andrew. The
new java.policy file must be copied over the java.policy file in the directory C:\Program Files\ Java\
Operator’s Computer IP Address
The LMKVS-CPU and operator's computer IP addresses also need to be set up. If a LAN is used, the
operator needs to set up the Internet connection options on his browser. The operator should contact his IT
manager in order to verify that the LAN to be used is compatible with the IP address assigned to the ACS300
system. If the LAN is not compatible with the default IP assigned to the ACS3000, the operator must create
a single system network to directly connect the operator’s computer with the ACS3000. Once the localized
network is set up, the operator my change his computer IP to an IP compatible to the ACS3000 default IP.
The computer IP address may be changed by selecting the control panel and then the Network and Dial-up
Connection and then the properties on the LAN to reconfigure the operator’s computer IP. Since the
ACS3000 default IP is with a net mask of and a gateway of, the
operator’s computer IP must be set to 192.168.1.x where x is in the range 2 to 254, excluding 76.
If the operator wishes to use the LAN at his site, he may have to change the IP address of the ACS3000 to
make it compatible with his site LAN. The only way to change the ACS3000 IP address is to set up the
single system network as defined above and then telnet into the ACS3000 and execute admin as described
in the next section.
In order for the operator to connect to the LMKVS-CPU, the operator must know the IP address of the unit.
This address will be defined at the factory but can be changed by using telnet to connect to the antenna
controller and executing an administrative function. NOTE: the factory default antenna controller IP address
is Use that address if no other address has been assigned. To change the IP address, bring
up an MS-DOS window then enter telnet Login as admin with the password 'APCadmin'. The
following screen will be displayed.
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System Setup
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
Figure 2: LMKVS-CPU Admin Application
Follow the menu options to set up the antenna controller box IP address. In order for the changes to be
applied, the 'Save New Values to Config File' option must be executed and the antenna controller box must
be rebooted (option R). The reboot of the antenna controller box will cause the telnet session to be dropped.
The exit option does not have to be executed in that case. After the telnet session is dropped, verify the
change in the antenna controller box IP address by pinging the new address from the MS-DOS window.
Regional Options Setup
In order for the Java application to work correctly on the operator’s computer, the Regional Options on the
PC must be set to English (United States). This may be done through the Control Panel by selecting
Regional Options. Under the general tab, verify or correct the “Your Location” box to read English (United
States). If the “Your Location” box is not set correctly, the numbers may be interpreted badly and the
ACS3000 system will not operate as expected.
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System Setup
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
System Screens
ACS3000 Screens
Now that the operator's computer is correctly setup, and the LMKVS-CPU antenna controller has a valid IP,
the operator can control the antenna via the ACS3000 GUI interface and the Java applet screens. The
operator may bring up the Internet browser and enter the antenna controller IP address (for example, the
default IP of in the browser address line. The first screen to come up is the Home Screen.
Home Screen - System Not Initialized
The Home Screen displays the current antenna Azimuth, Elevation, Polarization, Beacon Level readings and
status. It also includes icons that describe system information, and buttons that can be selected to bring up
the other screens.
Figure 3
initialized and before a beacon receiver has been connected. Notice that the Position/Jog button, the
Satellite Table button, and the Tracking button are grayed out, meaning they cannot be selected at this time.
shows the Home Screen when the antenna controller system first comes up before it has been
Figure 3: Home Screen - System Is Not Initialized
Home Screen - System Initialized
Figure 4
point, all buttons are clearly visible and all screens are active. This example also shows the icon for the valid
beacon receiver. Additional arrow icons are displayed to the right of the Azimuth or Elevation value boxes
that show when an axis is in motion and in which direction.
shows the Home Screen when the antenna controller system has already been initialized. At this
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System Screens
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
On the left hand of the screen, above the control panel, is the status panel. The status panel contains four
lines of information, three of which are always displayed. The first line announces whether a SmarTrack®
model is available or not (No Model or Model Ready). The second line reports the tracking mode (Standby,
Step Track, SmarTrack®, NORAD Track, or INTELSAT Track). The third line displays alarm when alarms
are present. If any alarm is present, the alarm status is red and flashing, indicating an alarm condition has
occurred which the operator has not evaluated yet. (See
appear when a Hand Held Unit is attached or when the PC is in Monitor Only mode. Control is maintained by
the Hand Held Unit or another Java application, an ADU, or M&C port. If line four is displayed, it will report in
yellow the status message Hand Held or Monitor Only. (See
Figure 4
Figure 5
.) The fourth line in the status box will
Figure 4: Home Screen - System Is Initialized
Home Screen - Hand Held Connected
Figure 5
controller system. Whenever a Hand Held Controller device is directly connected to the antenna, the antenna
controller, from the operators PC, displays are strictly monitoring displays. Notice that the Position / Jog
screen and the Tracking screen buttons in the control panel are no longer available to the operator. All the
information displayed on the screen is still valid and will reflect all actions that are exercised by the Hand
Held Unit but the operator will not be able to make any modifications or position moves while the Hand Held
Unit is connected. The Hand Held Unit has priority. Movement icons will still be displayed to the right of the
Azimuth, Elevation, and Polarization value boxes to show when an axis is in motion.
shows the Home Screen when a Hand Held Controller device has been connected to the antenna
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System Screens
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
Figure 5: Home Screen - Hand Held Controller Connected
Set Time/IP
If the system comes up in the System Not Initialized state, the system must be initialized before the antenna
may be moved. In fact, the antenna control program will not allow the operator to enter any screen that can
control antenna movement. The only screens available are Logs/Alarms, Initialization, and Set Time/IP. The
Set Time/IP screen displays the current software versions loaded on the LMKVS-CPU, the current Beacon
Box IP address, and the current date. The Set Time screen should be the first screen requested in order to
synchronize the antenna controller box to UTC time. The Beacon Interface Box default address is
Note: It must match the IP address of the Beacon Interface Box being used. (See
Since the time needs to be set in the antenna controller box to UTC time, the operator will need a UTC time
source. If he has access to the Internet, he may use the internet to get the current UTC time. Two Internet
sites for UTC time are and
Update the antenna system time for the current UTC time by entering each field and then clicking on the Set
Time button. A valid and accurate UTC time is needed in order for NORAD, INTELSAT, and SmarTrack®
track modes to operate correctly.
Figure 6
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System Screens
11-APR-06 Rev E OMACS3000
Figure 6: Set Time Screen
Initialization Screens
The antenna system controller must be initialized in order for the operator to gain full control of the antenna.
Initialization calibrates the resolvers so that the angles read from the Motor Control Unit have a valid
reference to the antenna position. Initialization also sets up the site location, which is necessary in order to
determine the satellites visible to the antenna. Initialization is also used to verify the direction commands,
antenna wiring, and software limits.
Initialization Entry
The initialization button brings up
Test Only, Start Initialization or Review Parameters. The Test Only button will bring up a password protected
screen that is used for system setup at the factory. The Test Only screen should not be used in normal
operation. If the antenna has never been initialized, choosing the Review Parameters button will display the
default values of antenna parameters. Since the default site location is 0.0 degrees latitude, 0.0 degrees
longitude, and 0.0 meters altitude, the default setup would be totally invalid. Without a valid site location,
satellite look angles cannot be computed and the resolvers cannot be calibrated. The Review Parameters
button should be used when the antenna has already been initialized and calibrated and some values in the
initialization need to be fine-tuned.
Figure 7
, the Initialization Wizard entry screen. The operator may select
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System Screens
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