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Trademark and Service Mark Notice
The Analog Devices logo, VisualDSP, the VisualDSP logo,
CROSS-CORE, the CROSSCORE logo, and EZ-KIT Lite are registered
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VisualDSP++ and the VisualDSP++ logo are trademarks of Analog
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Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective
Purpose of this Manual ................................................................. xvii
Intended Audience ....................................................................... xviii
Manual Contents ......................................................................... xviii
What’s New in this Manual ............................................................ xix
Technical or Customer Support ....................................................... xx
Supported Processors ....................................................................... xx
Product Information ...................................................................... xxi ......................................................................... xxi
DSP Product Information ......................................................... xxi
Related Documents ................................................................. xxii
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guidexv
for 16-bit Processors
xviVisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
Thank you for purchasing Analog Devices (ADI) development software
for digital signal processor (DSP) applications.
Purpose of this Manual
The VisualDSP++ Kernel (VDK) User's Guide contains information about
VisualDSP++™ Kernel, a Real Time Operating System kernel integrated
with the rest of the VisualDSP++ 3.5 development tools. The VDK incorporates state-of-art scheduling and resource allocation techniques tailored
specially for the memory and timing constraints of DSP programming.
The kernel facilitates development of fast performance structured applications using frameworks of template files.
The kernel is specially designed for effective operations on Analog Devices
DSP architectures: ADSP-219x, ADSP-BF53x Blackfin®, ADSP-21xxx
SHARC®, and ADSP-TSxxx TigerSHARC® processors.
The majority of the information in this manual is generic. Information
applicable to only a particular target processor, or to a particular processor
family, is provided in Appendix A, “Processor-Specific Notes”.
This manual is designed so that you can quickly learn about the kernel
internal structure and operation.
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guidexvii
for 16-bit Processors
Intended Audience
Intended Audience
The primary audience for this manual is programmers who are familiar
with Analog Devices DSPs. This manual assumes the audience has a working knowledge of the appropriate processor architecture and instruction
set. Programmers who are unfamiliar with Analog Devices DSPs can use
this manual but should supplement it with other texts, such as Hardware Reference and Instruction Set Reference manuals, that describe your target
Manual Contents
The manual consists of:
•Chapter 1, “Introduction to VDK”
Concentrates on concepts, motivation, and general architectural principles of the VDK software.
•Chapter 2, “Configuration and Debugging of VDK Projects”
Describes the Integrated Development and Debugging
Environment (IDDE) support for configuring and debugging a VDK enabled project. For specific procedures on
how to create, modify, and manage the kernel’s components, refer to the VisualDSP++ online Help.
•Chapter 3, “Using VDK”
Describes the kernel’s internal structure and components.
•Chapter 4, “VDK Data Types”
Describes built-in data types supported in the current
release of the VDK.
xviiiVisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
•Chapter 5, “VDK API Reference”
Describes library functions and macros included in the current release of the VDK.
•Appendix A, “Processor-Specific Notes”
Provides processor-specific information for Blackfin and
ADSP-219x processor architectures.
•Appendix B, “Migrating Device Drivers”
Describes how to convert the device driver components created with VisualDSP++ 2.0 for use in projects built with
VisualDSP++ 3.5.
What’s New in this Manual
This first revision of the VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide documents VDK support for the new Blackfin processor ADSP-BF561 in
addition to the existing processors in the Blackfin and ADSP-219x families that were supported in previous releases. This manual documents
VDK functionality that is new for VisualDSP++ 3.5, including the following: multiprocessor messaging, kernel panic, the option not to throw
errors on timeout, runtime access/setting of timing parameters, and
increased configurability (choice of timer interrupt and use of multiple
heaps to specify allocations for VDK components).
The Blackfin processors are embedded processors that sport a Media
Instruction Set Computing (MISC) architecture. This architecture is the
natural merging of RISC, media functions, and digital signal processing
characteristics towards delivering signal processing performance in a
microprocessor-like environment.
The manual documents VisualDSP++ Kernel version 3.5.00.
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guidexix
for 16-bit Processors
Technical or Customer Support
Technical or Customer Support
You can reach DSP Tools Support in the following ways.
•Contact your ADI local sales office or authorized distributor
•Send questions by mail to
Analog Devices, Inc.
DSP Division
One Technology Way
P.O. Box 9106
Norwood, MA 02062-9106
Supported Processors
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel currently supports the following Analog Devices
•AD6532, ADSP-BF531, ADSP-BF532, ADSP-BF533,
ADSP-BF535, and ADSP-BF561
•ADSP-2191, ADSP-2192-12, ADSP-2195, and ADSP-2196
xxVisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
Product Information
You can obtain product information from the Analog Devices website,
from the product CD-ROM, or from the printed publications (manuals).
Analog Devices is online at Our website provides information about a broad range of products—analog integrated circuits,
amplifiers, converters, and digital signal processors. is a free feature of the Analog Devices website that allows
customization of a webpage to display only the latest information on
products you are interested in. You can also choose to receive weekly email
notification containing updates to the webpages that meet your interests. provides access to books, application notes, data sheets,
code examples, and more.
Visit to sign up. Click Register to use
Registration takes about five minutes and serves as means for you to select
the information you want to receive.
If you are already a registered user, just log on. Your user name is your
email address.
DSP Product Information
For information on digital signal processors, visit our website at, which provides access to technical publications, data
sheets, application notes, product overviews, and product announcements.
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guidexxi
for 16-bit Processors
Product Information
You may also obtain additional information about Analog Devices and its
products in any of the following ways.
•Email questions or requests for information to
•Fax questions or requests for information to 1-781-461-3010
(North America) or +49 (0) 89 76903-157 (Europe)
•Access the Digital Signal Processing Division’s FTP website at or ftp or
Related Documents
For information on product related development software, see the following publications for the appropriate processor family.
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Getting Started Guide
VisualDSP++ 3.5 User’s Guide
VisualDSP++ 3.5 C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Assembler and Preprocessor Manual
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Linker and Utilities Manual
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
Quick Installation Reference Card
For hardware information, refer to your DSP Hardware Reference,
Programming Reference, and data sheet.
All documentation is available online. Most documentation is available in
printed form.
xxiiVisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
Online Documentation
Online documentation comprises Microsoft HTML Help (.CHM), Adobe
Portable Documentation Format (.PDF), and HTML (.HTM and .HTML)
files. A description of each file type is as follows.
File Description
.CHMVisualDSP++ online Help system files and VisualDSP++ manuals are provided in
Microsoft HTML Help format. Installing VisualDSP++ automatically copies these
files to the
tools manual set. Invoke Help from the VisualDSP++ Help menu or via the
Windows Start button.
.PDFManuals and data sheets in Portable Documentation Format are located in the
installation CD’s
reader, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader (4.0 or higher). Running setup.exe on the
installation CD provides easy access to these documents. You can also copy .PDF
files from the installation CD onto another disk.
VisualDSP\Help folder. Online Help is ideal for searching the entire
Docs folder. Viewing and printing a .PDF file requires a PDF
Dinkum Abridged C++ library and FlexLM network license manager software
documentation is located on the installation CD in the Docs\Reference folder.
Viewing or printing these files requires a browser, such as Internet Explorer 4.0 (or
higher). You can copy these files from the installation CD onto another disk.
Access the online documentation from the VisualDSP++ environment,
Windows Explorer, or Analog Devices website.
From VisualDSP++
VisualDSP++ provides access to online Help. It does not provide access to
.PDF files or the supplemental reference documentation (Dinkum
Abridged C++ library and FlexLM network licence). Access Help by:
•Choosing Contents, Search, or Index from the VisualDSP++ Help
•Invoking context-sensitive Help on a user interface item
(toolbar button, menu command, or window)
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guidexxiii
for 16-bit Processors
Product Information
From Windows
In addition to shortcuts you may construct, Windows provides many ways
to open VisualDSP++ online Help or the supplementary documentation.
Help system files (
.CHM) are located in the VisualDSP 3.5 16-Bit\Help
folder. Manuals and data sheets in PDF format are located in the Docs
folder of the installation CD. The installation CD also contains the Dinkum Abridged C++ library and FlexLM network license manager software
documentation in the \Reference folder.
Using Windows Explorer
•Double-click any file that is part of the VisualDSP++ documentation set.
•Double-click vdsp-help.chm, the master Help system, to access all
the other .CHM files.
From the Web
To download the tools manuals, point your browser at
Select a DSP family and book title. Download archive (.ZIP) files, one for
each manual. Use any archive management software, such as WinZip, to
decompress downloaded files.
Printed Manuals
For general questions regarding literature ordering, call the Literature
Center at 1-800-ANALOGD (1-800-262-5643) and follow the prompts.
xxivVisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
VisualDSP++ Documentation Set
Printed copies of VisualDSP++ manuals may be purchased through Analog Devices Customer Service at 1-781-329-4700; ask for a Customer
Service representative. The manuals can be purchased only as a kit. For
additional information, call 1-603-883-2430.
If you do not have an account with Analog Devices, you will be referred to
Analog Devices distributors. To get information on our distributors, log
Hardware Manuals
Printed copies of hardware reference and instruction set reference manuals
can be ordered through the Literature Center or downloaded from the
Analog Devices website. The phone number is 1-800-ANALOGD
(1-800-262-5643). The manuals can be ordered by a title or by product
number located on the back cover of each manual.
Data Sheets
All data sheets can be downloaded from the Analog Devices website. As a
general rule, printed copies of data sheets with a letter suffix (L, M, N, S)
can be obtained from the Literature Center at 1-800-ANALOGD
(1-800-262-5643) or downloaded from the website. Data sheets without
the suffix can be downloaded from the website only—no hard copies are
available. You can ask for the data sheet by part name or by product
If you want to have a data sheet faxed to you, the phone number for that
service is 1-800-446-6212. Follow the prompts and a list of data sheet
code numbers will be faxed to you. Call the Literature Center first to find
out if requested data sheets are available.
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guidexxv
for 16-bit Processors
Notation Conventions
Contacting DSP Publications
Please send your comments and recommendations on how to improve our
manuals and online Help. You can contact us by:
•Filling in and returning the attached Reader’s Comments Card
found in our manuals
Notation Conventions
The following table identifies and describes text conventions used in this
Close command
(File menu) or OK
{this | that}Alternative required items in syntax descriptions appear within curly
[this | that]Optional items in syntax descriptions appear within brackets and sepa-
[this,…]Optional item lists in syntax descriptions appear within brackets
.SECTIONCommands, directives, keywords, code examples, and feature names
filenameNon-keyword placeholders appear in text with italic style format.
appear throughout this document.
Tex t in bold style indicates the location of an item within the
VisualDSP++ environment’s menu system and user interface items.
brackets separated by vertical bars; read the example as this or that.
rated by vertical bars; read the example as an optional
delimited by commas and terminated with an ellipsis; read the example
as an optional comma-separated list of
are in text with
letter gothic font.
this or that.
Additional conventions, which apply only to specific chapters, may
xxviVisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
A note providing information of special interest or identifying a
related topic. In the online version of this book, the word Note appears
instead of this symbol.
A caution providing information about critical design or programming
issues that influence operation of a product. In the online version of
this book, the word Caution appears instead of this symbol.
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guidexxvii
for 16-bit Processors
Notation Conventions
xxviiiVisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
This chapter concentrates on concepts, motivation, and general architectural principles of the operating system kernel. It also provides
information on how to partition a VDK application into independent,
reusable functional units that are easy to maintain and debug.
The following sections provide information about the operating system
kernel concepts.
•“Motivation” on page 1-1
•“Partitioning an Application” on page 1-4
•“Scheduling” on page 1-5
•“Protected Regions” on page 1-7
•“Thread and Hardware Interaction” on page 1-8
All applications require control code as support for the algorithms that are
often thought of as the “real” program. The algorithms require data to be
moved to and/or from peripherals, and many algorithms consist of more
than one functional block. For some systems, this control code may be as
simple as a “superloop” blindly processing data that arrives at a constant
rate. However, as processors become more powerful, considerably more
sophisticated control may be needed to realize the processor’s potential, to
allow the DSP to absorb the required functionality of previously sup-
VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide1-1
for 16-bit Processors
ported chips, and to allow a single DSP to do the work of many. The
following sections provide an overview of some of the benefits of using a
kernel on a DSP.
Rapid Application Development
The tight integration between the VisualDSP++ environment and the
VDK allows rapid development of applications compared to creating all of
the control code required by hand. The use of automatic code generation
and file templates, as well as a standard programming interface to device
drivers, allows you to concentrate on the algorithms and the desired control flow rather than on the implementation details. VDK supports the use
of C, C++, and assembly language. You are encouraged to develop code
that is highly readable and maintainable, yet to retain the option of hand
optimizing if necessary.
Debugged Control Structures
Debugging a traditional DSP application can be laborious because development tools (compiler, assembler, and linker among others) are not
aware of the architecture of the target application and the flow of control
that results. Debugging complex applications is much easier when instantaneous snapshots of the system state and statistical run-time data are
clearly presented by the tools. To help offset the difficulties in debugging
software, VisualDSP++ includes three versions of the VDK libraries containing full instrumentation (including error checking), only error
checking, and neither instrumentation nor error checking.
In the instrumented mode, the kernel maintains statistical information
and logging of all significant events into a history buffer. When the execution is paused, the debugger can traverse this buffer and present a
graphical trace of the program’s execution including context switches,
pending and posting of signals, changes in a thread’s status, and more.
Statistics are presented for each thread in a tabular view and show the total
1-2VisualDSP++ 3.5 Kernel (VDK) User’s Guide
for 16-bit Processors
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