Analog Devices ee-84 Application Notes

Engineer to Engineer Note EE-84
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
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SHARC DMA Modes of Operation:
What are the differences between the external port DMA modes on the SHARC family processors? What signals are used for a specific DMA configuration? How do I configure the DSP(s) with external devices such as memory or “smart” devices like an FPGA?
The MASTER, HSHAKE, and EXTERN bits of each DMACx control register are used to select the DMA mode of operation. Each external port DMA channel can be set up to operate in one of five DMA modes. The master mode initiates transfers while the other modes act as “slaves”, where an external device must initiate each transfer.
There are five different types of external port DMA modes; slave mode, handshake mode, external handshake mode, master mode, and paced master mode. Each external port DMA channel has its own control register. The registers are named DMAC6 through DMAC9, corresponding to DMA channels six through nine. Please note that for the 21061 SHARC processor, only channels six and seven of the external port are applicable.
External Port DMA Modes
Slave Int Memory <--> DMA Buffer
Master Int Memory <--> DMA Buffer <--> Ext Memory
uses strobes & address, no DMAR & DMAG
Paced Master Int Memory <--> DMA Buffer <--> Ext Memory
uses DMAR & strobes & address, no DMAG
Handshake Int Memory <--> DMA Buffer <--> Ext Latch/Buffer
uses DMAR & DMAG, no strobes or address
Ext Handshake Ext Latch/Buffer <--> Ext Memory
uses DMAR & DMAG & strobes & address
Figure 1: External Port DMA Modes
M H E DMA Mode of Operation 0 0 0 Slave Mode 0 1 0 Handshake Mode 0 1 1 External Handshake Mode 1 0 0 Master Mode 1 1 0 Paced Master Mode
Figure 2: MASTER, HSHAKE, and EXTERN bits of DMACx control register
*Please note that all other assignments of the MASTER, HSHAKE, and EXTERN bits (001,101,111) are reserved, and should not be used.
When a particular DMA channel is configured as a slave, this means that this particular DMA channel cannot independently initiate external memory transfers no matter what the programmed direction of data transfer. The TRAN bit of the DMACx control register determines the direction of the data transfer. In a slave configuration, the external host
device can write directly to the SHARC’s external port buffer.
Slave Mode Configuration
SHARC (slave)
the DMA sequence is completed. Master mode can be specified independently for each external port DMA channel. In this configuration, the SHARC asserts the appropriate external address, /RD and /WR strobes, but does not use the /DMARx and /DMAGx signals.
Master Mode Configuration
SHARC (master)
MS (memory)
Memory / SHARC (slave)
CS (memory) /RD /WR ACK
Figure 3: Example Slave Mode Configuration
For example, if an external device wishes to transfer a block of data to a SHARC’s internal memory, the host would write to the DMA channel parameter registers, II, IM, and C and to the DMACx control register to initialize the channel. Then the device would begin writing data to the EPBx buffer, monitoring the status of the REDY signal (for asynchronous, host-driven accesses) or the ACK signal (for synchronous accesses) of the SHARC in case of a DMA hold off. A hold off occurs when the EPBx FIFO becomes full. For the buffer to operate in this fashion, the BHD (Buffer Hang Disable) bit must be cleared in the SYSCON register. Figure 2 shows an example of a slave mode configuration system between a host processor and a SHARC.
The same holds true for host reads in slave mode. If internal DMA transfers cannot fill the EPBx FIFO buffer at the same rate as the external device empties it, the external device will be held off with the REDY signal (for asynchronous, host-driven accesses) or the ACK signal (for synchronous accesses). Again, for the buffer to operate in this fashion, the BHD (Buffer Hang Disable) bit must be cleared in the SYSCON register.
When a DMA channel is configured to operate in master mode, the SHARC’s DMA controller will generate internal DMA requests for this channel until
Figure 4: Example Master Mode Configuration
In a multiple SHARC environment, the most efficient method (i.e. maximum throughput) is to have a master/slave DMA mode configuration. This configuration allows for a 1 cycle/transfer data throughput rate. Another advantage is that the slave will generate an interrupt automatically upon completion of the DMA transfer. The disadvantage is that both the master and the slave must be programmed for the appropriate DMA transfer. Figure 2 shows an example master mode configuration between a SHARC and external memory or a slave SHARC.
On the ADSP-21060 and the ADSP-21062, DMA channels 7 and 8, for external port buffers EPB1 and EPB2, each have a set of external handshake controls. /DMAR1 and /DMAG1 are the request and grant signals for EPB1 and channel 7, and /DMAR2 and /DMAG2 are the request and grant signals for EPB2 and channel 8. On the ADSP-21061, DMA channels 7 and 6, for external port buffers EPB1 and EPB0, each have a set of external handshake controls. /DMAR1 and /DMAG1 are the request and grant signals for EPB1 and channel 7, and /DMAR2 and /DMAG2 are the request and grant signals for EPB0 and channel 6.
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