Analog Devices EE229v01 Application Notes

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-229
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Estimating Power for ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processors
Contributed by Joe B. Rev 1 – February 20, 2004


This EE-Note discusses the methodology for estimating total average power consumption on the ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® family of processors (including the ADSP-BF531 and ADSP-BF532 derivatives). The following documentation will detail how to interpret power measurements published in the processor data sheet and how to extrapolate data for individual sets of operating conditions based on measured data at specific operating conditions. A “worst­case” scenario is also made available as an example for board designers to consider when designing their power supplies.

Average Power Consumption

Total average power consumption (P sum of the average power dissipated in each of the three power domains in a Blackfin application: internal supply ( supply ( supply (V
), and, optionally, Real-Time Clock
). There are different supply
voltages because the core does not operate at the same voltage as the I/O. The core operates within the range of 0.8-1.32V with a nominal rating of
1.2V (
). The I/O circuitry supports a range
of 2.25-3.6V with a nominal rating of 2.5V or
3.3V (
), depending on the system. The Real-
Time Clock can be powered by the I/O supply but, if the user wanted to absolutely maximize power savings, it could be the case that both
and V
are powered off. The Hibernate
power mode on the ADSP-BF533 processor
) is the
), external
allows power to be removed from the core and, optionally, removed from the I/O. To allow a Real-Time Clock event to restore power to the core after exiting Hibernate mode, the Real-Time Clock must remain powered by a separate supply, such as a battery. A third power domain (
) satisfies this need.
Since power is defined as the product of the supply voltage and the current drawn, the power domains are described by the equations:
P = V * I
P = V * I
P = V * I
For the purposes of this document, current and power values are treated as average values and voltages are assumed to be constant. The total average power dissipated by the processor is the sum of three components:
P = P + P + P
The following sections describe how to estimate each of the three components.

Average Internal Power Consumption

There are a few things to consider when estimating the average internal power dissipation of a processor. The first consideration is the fact that internal power is composed of two components, one static and one dynamic.
The static component, as the name implies, is independent of transistor switching frequency. It
Copyright 2004, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices applications and development tools engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
is a reflection of “leakage” current, which is a phenomenon that causes transistors to dissipate power even when they are not switching. Leakage is a factor in high-performance CMOS circuit design and is a function of both the supply voltage and the ambient operating temperature at
some die to conduct faster than others, which results in three process-related groupings. Figure 1 shows a process curve, which is a graphical representation of this categorization based upon transistor threshold voltage ( current (
) and saturation
which the part is expected to run. Leakage current increases as temperature and/or voltage increases.
The dynamic power component is largely independent of temperature and is a function of supply voltage and switching frequency. The faster the transistors can switch, the more voltage swings occur. The higher the supply voltage, the larger the voltage swing between the on and off transistor states. Thus, the dynamic component will increase with voltage and/or frequency.
The second major consideration in estimating average internal power is the type of application code expected to run on the processor. Specifications in the data sheet were obtained while the processor ran a 75% Dual-MAC and 25% Dual-ALU algorithm, which was fetching slowly changing data from L1 data memory. All peripherals were disabled, but the core and L1 memory were running. To help the board designer “size” the voltage regulators, power numbers under full stress conditions are provided in this document. These conditions include the core running an algorithm consisting of 100% Dual-MACs and more strenuous data-switching
Figure 1. Process Curve (I
vs VT)
The process contains three “corners”: fast, typical, and slow. A “fast corner” part results when the threshold voltage is minimized and the saturation current is highest. Conversely, a “slow corner” part has high threshold voltage and low saturation current. Although “fast corner” parts allow for higher operating frequencies, the trade­off is higher leakage current and higher dissipated power in general.
characteristics. This is discussed in more detail in the “Estimating Average Static Power” section of this document.
Finally, the actual power numbers can fluctuate within a defined range based on the processor fabrication process at the transistor geometries required for such high speeds. This is largely due to the semiconductor doping process (i.e., ion implantation), which does not result in uniform connectivity among the transistors, yielding slight variations of the die in any given wafer of silicon. Other physical phenomena related to the fabrication process also contribute to this non-

Estimating Average Static Power

The static component for average internal power is a result of the leakage current that occurs even when the transistors are not changing state. When the clocks (core and system) are off and voltage is applied to the core and L1 memory, Blackfin processors are in “Deep Sleep” mode. The data sheet shows the
measurement to indicate the static current component that contributes to the internal static power consumption (
P = V * I
uniformity. These physical differences cause
Estimating Power for ADSP-BF533 Blackfin® Processors (EE-229) Page 2 of 10
Table 1 shows the “Internal Power Dissipation” table from the ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin Embedded Processor Data Sheet [1]. This table contains average internal current draw measurements, which were taken from a representative sample of typical parts. In terms of the static current component,
, the ambient temperature that yielded these numbers was 25
°C, denoted by footnote 2. The table
shows that the drawn current increases when the voltage rises from 0.8V to 1.2V. Although no direct correlation between voltage increases and leakage can be made, the table sufficiently details the leakage that can be expected within the acceptable voltage range at 25
°C for “typical
corner” parts.
internal power dissipated when the core is running a 100% Dual-MAC algorithm, which maximizes the workload on the core but is not typical application code.
Table 2. Average I
on Faster Part (1.2V)
The average internal power
consumption data is an average measurement of the representative sample of faster, higher leakage parts. Therefore, some parts from within this sample yielded power measurements that slightly exceed the estimations presented in this document as “worst­case”.
As can be extrapolated in the comparison between Table 1 and Table 2, leakage current can increase in magnitude by a factor of four due to normal semiconductor processing variations. Note that the current draw in Table 2 is labeled
to differentiate between the current draw
from typical parts (I
) and the current draw
obtained on faster, higher leakage parts. Another important factor relative to leakage
Table 1. Internal Power Dissipation (Typical)
To help size the power supply, a set of faster, higher leakage parts were measured. Table 2 is similar to Table 1, except that it focuses on parts that have higher leakage current, which are very close to a worst-case average internal power dissipation scenario in terms of silicon type with no DMA and no peripherals enabled.
The ambient temperature is still 25 maximum 85
°C example is addressed in the
°C, as the
“Worst-Case Model” section of this note.
current is ambient temperature. Static power consumption increases exponentially with ambient temperature, as detailed by the equation:
P = P * e
where P
is the power dissipated due to
leakage current at the known temperature (
temperature (
is the unknown number at the target
T). Using Table 2, the static
component of 120mA, given at
(0.015 * (T – T0))
T0 = 25°C, can be
multiplied by the supply voltage (1.2V) to obtain the
value of 144mW. Since the goal is
Additionally, these numbers reflect average
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