Analog Devices EE131 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-131
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices' DSP components and development tools
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Booting the ADSP-2191/95/96 DSPs
Contributed by Ramdas C. - Glen O. - Benno K. April 14, 2003


The purpose of this application note is to describe how to boot an Analog Device’s ADSP­2191/95/96 DSP processors. The ADSP-2191 has a booting scheme that is different from other existing ADI DSP’s such as the ADSP-218x and the SHARC families. When the ADSP-218x or SHARC come out of to automatically boot in a
/RESET, they are configured
Loader Kernel via DMA.
218x) or set up additional DMA’s to transfer the rest of user code and data into internal and external memory (as in the SHARC).
In case of the ADSP-2191, the
Boot Kernel is
located on-chip and stored in a 24-bit wide, 1K ROM - Figure 1. The starting address of this boot ROM begins at 0xFF0000 (i.e., the first location of page 255).

Hardware Reset

There are three input pins on the ADSP-2191 whose termination state upon hard
determines the booting mode – Figure 2. The state of these three pins (
BMODE1) are sampled on the rising edge of /RESET and are captured into the corresponding
bits (0,1,and 2) of the
(SYSCR –IO:0x204)
System Configuration Register
Figure 2 SYSCR Register
Figure 1 Loader Kernel BOOT ROM at Page 255
This Loader Kernel would then either load in corresponding
Copyright 2003, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
Page Loaders (as in the ADSP-
Note that for pinout requirements, the OPMODE pin has a dual role (boot-mode-select during a hard
/RESET and also in determining whether the
third SPORT on the DSP functions as SPORT2 or SPI1). Hence it is possible that an application
might require the OPMODE to be different at runtime than it is at hard the
Boot Kernel has the ability to set it accordingly
/RESET. In such cases,
at the end of the boot process.
Figure 3 Selectable Boot Modes
The OPMODE bit can be changed in
software at anytime during run-time provided the corresponding peripherals are disabled at that time.

Software Reset

When the ADSP-2191 comes out of /RESET, program control jumps to 0xFF0000 and begins execution of the internal boot ROM code. In the case of a software
/RESET, program control will
either jump to 0xFF0000 or to 0x000000, depending on the state of bit 4 of the
Configuration Register (NXTSCR - IO:0x203)
Next System
. If this bit is a 0, program flow jumps to 0xFF0000. If it is a 1, program flow jumps to 0x000000, which is equivalent to doing
Software /RESET without a Boot.

Boot Modes

Following a /RESET, the first operation performed by the
Configuration Register (SYSCR, IO 0x00204) and
determine the means from which the DSP is set up to boot (
Boot Kernel is to read the SYSTEM
BMODE 0/1 and OPMODE).
In the event that the DSP is configured to boot, the first operation performed by the to read in the first word of the
Boot Kernel is
Boot Stream. This
“control” word will contain information on the rest of the boot. This transfer will be done in the default modes that the DSP comes up with (e.g., 8-bit external to 16-bit internal packing mode in case of the EMI, with maximum wait states and base clock divisor).
If it is determined that the DSP is not going to boot in a program, but instead run a users program from 8-bit or 16-bit external memory, the boot ROM routine will set up the
Memory Interface
and the External Access Bridge
register for the desired packing mode (8-bit external to 24-bit internal or 16-bit-external-to­24-bit internal), and then jump to the first location of external memory (0x10000), where the user program will be executed.

SPI Booting

If SPI booting is selected, the Boot Kernel will set up SPI0 as master. It is set to receive 8-bit words, MS-Bit first, SCLK = HCLK/60, with an active­low serial clock to be compatible with commonly available serial EEPROMS.
The DMA engine is not used at all, but rather all the data is read in through core reads a byte at a time and packed internally by the
Boot Kernel.
Please note, that there is a dedicated application note available. EE-145 describes SPI booting in detail [4].

UART Booting

In the case of UART boot, the Boot Kernel begins by first running an to determine the baud-rate of the external UART device. Once the baud-rate has been determined, the
Boot Kernel will proceed with the rest of boot.
auto-baud detection the ADSP-2191 expects
the character 0xAA to be transmitted by an external device. The
auto-baud routine using a timer
Boot Kernel initializes Timer
Booting the ADSP-2191/95/96 DSPs (EE-131) Page 2 of 9
0 in order to capture an active high pulse at the RX pin. Therefore Bit 1 of the evaluated in order to determine the UART bit rate.
Please be aware that just the width of
Once Bit 1 has been captured and the bit rate has been determined, the UART loader kernel replies immediately the bytes corresponding to “OK” in ASCII. Due to a chip anomaly the transmitted [3]. This depends on the bit rate and DSP clock.
Bit 1 is captured, it is not sampled like during normal UART operation. It is obvious that missing signal integrity and unsymmetrical raising/falling edges may force the auto-baud detection to fail. Especially at higher bit rates this can become a serious issue. In practice bit rates above 9600bps are not recommended for booting if the UART signal passes standard EIA-232 cables and level shifters.
0x4F (“O”) may or may not be
0xAA character is
0x4F and 0x4B
Users of VisualDSP++™ 2.0 without
There also exists a rare case that requires this first wait-state byte again in order to correct the alignment of the entire boot stream. This is the case when the bit rate used during booting gets close to the default bit rate of the DSP (HCLK/16). While listening to the auto-baud character buffer normally captures two bytes.
Service Pack 1 need to remove this first byte manually from the loader file.
0xAA, the two-depth UART receive
The resulting UART bit rate will always
The external device can now begin transmitting the boot file, byte by byte without caring about any protocol. The DSP is fast enough to process the data in time in any usual configuration. The
Boot Kernel does not transmit any further
characters by itself. Therefore, it is very common that the loaded application finalizes the boot procedure by transmitting any acknowledge as soon as it has been started. Note that the loader kernel does not alter the UART settings (neither the booting.
UART boot files have basically the same format like others. Only the first byte of the boot stream, that normally holds the wait-state information, is removed in case of UART booting.
be a fraction of the peripheral clock HCLK. With low HCLK frequencies (bypass mode) and high bit rates the likelihood of bit errors may increase.
LCR register nor the divisor latch) after
Figure 4 UART Load Property Page
In unusual applications where in either the DSP clock is very low or the UART bit rate is very high, the receive buffer may hold only one byte after auto-baud detection. Therefore new versions of the VisualDSP++ loader utility remove the wait-state byte by default in case of UART booting but provide a new command line switch the boot stream alignment in the special case described above. Within the Load property page of the switch in the Figure 4.
-forcefirstbyte. This switch corrects
Projects Options menu you can specify this
Additional options field like shown in
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