Analog Devices ee-116 Application Notes

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Engineer To Engineer Note EE-116
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
Last Modified: 8/1/00
The DMA Controller of the Analog Devices SHARC® family processors does not automatically dma 16 bit data from an external memory to the SHARC’s internal memory, however 16 bit data transfers can still easily be accomplished. The following Engineer to Engineer Note describes the method used to move 16 bit data into the SHARC’s internal memory and includes a sample code.
The external port and serial port DMA channels have a packing capability allowing 16 bit data to be packed to 32 bits. The 32 bit packed words can be transferred to internal memory using standard dma. Once the data is safely in internal memory it can be accessed as short word memory. Figure 1 illustrates how short words are organized in normal word space. The least significant short word address is generated by arithmetically shifting the normal word address to the left 1 bit. Arithmetically shifting the normal word address to the left 1 bit and then setting bit 0 to 1 generates the most significant short word address. For example, if the normal word address for a memory location were 0xC000 the short word address would be 0x18000 for the least significant word and 0x18001 for the most significant word.
ADSP-21065L SHARC User’s Manual. For better understanding please see the chapters on DMA and Memory in your User’s Manual.
32-bit Normal Wor ds
. . .
16-bi t Short
. . .
16-bit Short
Word s
Figure 1. Short word addresses
All of this information can be found in the ADSP-2106x SHARC User’s Manual or the
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Listing1: dma.asm
/* DMA.ASM ADSP-21065L EPORT 16/32 bit packing GGL, Analog Devices, Inc. 7/19/00
This code is a simple example of getting 16 bit floating point data from SDRAM packing it to 32 bits and using dma to get it into internal memory. Once in internal memory, the data is accessed as short word and operated on and sent back to internal memory.
*/ #define N 4 #include "def21065l.h"
.section/DM seg_dmda; .VAR dest[N]; /* This is your destination buffer in internal memory which resides in normal word space */
.section/DM seg_sdram; .VAR source[2*N]=0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444, 0xAAAA, 0xBBBB, 0xCCCC, 0xDDDD; /* This is the sample 16 bit data from an external sdram */
.section/pm seg_rth; /* This is the interrupt vector table */ Reserved_1: rti; nop; nop; nop; Chip_Reset: idle; jump start; nop; nop; Reserved_2: rti; nop; nop; nop; stack_ov: rti; nop; nop; nop; timerhi: rti; nop; nop; nop; Vector: rti; nop; nop; nop; IRQ2: rti; nop; nop; nop; IRQ1: rti; nop; nop; nop; IRQ0: rti; nop; nop; nop; Reserved_3: rti; nop; nop; nop; sport0r: rti; nop; nop; nop; sport1r: rti; nop; nop; nop; sport0t: rti; nop; nop; nop; sport1t: rti; nop; nop; nop; Reserved_4: rti; nop; nop; nop; Reserved_5: rti; nop; nop; nop; EP0: nop; nop; rti; nop;
EE-116 Page 2
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
Phone: (800) ANALOG-D, FAX: (781)461-3010, EMAIL:, FTP:, WEB:
EP1: rti; nop; nop; nop;
.section/pm seg_pmco; /*______________________start of main routine__________________________*/ start:
ustat1=937; /*refresh rate*/ dm(SDRDIV)=ustat1; ustat1=dm(IOCTL); /*mask in SDRAM settings*/ bit set ustat1 SDPSS|SDBN2|SDBS3|SDTRP3|SDTRAS5|SDCL2|SDPGS256|SDDCK1; dm(IOCTL)=ustat1; /*initialize sdram*/
/* enable interrupts here */ bit set MODE1 IRPTEN; /* enable global interrupts here */ bit set IMASK EP0I; /* enable eport interrupts here */
/* must set up II IM and C register in memory bufffer ; then enable the channel with DEN in DMAC */ /* dma channel 8 is external port buffer 0 */
r0=0; dm(DMAC0)=r0; /*clear DMA register*/ r0 = 1; dm(IMEP0) = r0; /* set DMA internal memory DMA modifier to 1*/ dm(EMEP0)=r0; /* set DMA external memory DMA
modifier to 1*/
r0 = N;dm(CEP0) = r0; /*set internal count to N */ r0=2*N; dm(ECEP0)=r0; /*set external DMA count to 2N */ r0=dest; dm(IIEP0) = r0; /* Write internal index pointer for dest */ r0=source; dm(EIEP0)=r0; /*Write External DMA buffer Index pointer for source */ r0=0x0241; dm(DMAC0)=r0; /* enable DMA channel, master mode, 16/32bit
packing */
wait1: idle;
/* when this dma completes you will have the 16 bit words that were stored in SDRAM packed to 32 bit words in external memory */
/* the ISR only has an RTI in it, so after the dma is complete the program flow will continue in the next instruction */
/* find the first address of the data buffer and convert it to short word */ r0=dest;
EE-116 Page 3
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
Phone: (800) ANALOG-D, FAX: (781)461-3010, EMAIL:, FTP:, WEB:
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