Analog Devices ee-115 Application Notes

Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
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ADSP-2189 IDMA Interface to Motorola MC68300
Family of Microprocessors
Note: This is the modified AN-415 Application Note for the ADSP-2189 and the new tools
The speed and mathematical capabilities of DSP processors, combined with their low cost and expanded integration, make them a natural choice for use as signal co-processors in embedded environments. When paired with a host microprocessor, a DSP processor allows for a very powerful and flexible system at a reasonable price. The ADSP-2189 is an ideal candidate for use in a co-processing system. The 192K Bytes on chip RAM, configured as 32K words of on-chip Program Memory RAM and 48 K words on chip Data Memory RAM and extensive DMA and peripheral interface features allow the ADSP-2189 to function with minimal external support circuitry. In order to realize the highest possible performance in a co-processor system, efficient host-DSP communication is vital. The popular Motorola M68300 Family of microcontrollers provides a powerful and flexible bus interface that is easily adaptable to a co­processing system. This application note describes an example hardware and software interface between the Internal DMA (IDMA) Port of the ADSP­2189 and the Motorola M68300 Family of microcontrollers. As each specific system design has its own requirements and challenges, this application note does not presume to provide the only possible solution. Rather it is meant to provide the system designer a flexible framework of ideas that can be tailored to meet individual system requirements.
IDMA Operation
External devices can gain access of the ADSP­2189’s internal memory through the DSP’s IDMA Port. Host processors accessing the ADSP-2189 through IDMA can treat the DSP as a memory­mapped slave peripheral, and can have access to all of the DSP’s internal Data Memory (DM) and Program Memory (PM).
The DSP memory address is loaded into the IDMA Address register (IDMAA) shown in Figure 2. This register contains the 14-bit internal memory address, along with a bit to specify the type of transfer: 24-bit Program Memory opcodes, or 16-bit Data Memory data. The IDMAA register can be initialized by either the DSP or by a host processor. The host can initialize this register by performing an address latch cycle. An address latch cycle is defined by the host asserting the ALE signal, and then transferring a 15-bit (14 address bits plus 1 destination memory type bit) value on the IAD pins. If Bit 15 is set to 0, IDMA latches the address. If Bit 15 is set to 1, IDMA latches into the OVERLAY register. This register, as shown in Figure 2, is memory mapped at address DM (0x3FE0). Note that the host cannot read the latched address (IDMAA) back
Host uses IS and IAL c ontrol lines to latch either th e D M A
sta rting a d dre ss (IDMAA) or th e P M /DM OVLAY selection
into th e D S P ’s IDM A control registers. If B it 15 = 1, the
va lue of b its 7 :0 represent the ID M A overlay: Bits 14:8 m ust
be se t to 0. If Bit 15 = 0, th e v a lue of bits 1 3 :0 rep resent the
sta rting a d dre ss o f interna l memory to be accessed and Bit 14
Host starts IDM A tra n s fer.
Host checks IAC K control line
to s e e if the D SP is busy.
reflects PM or DM for access.
Host uses IS and IRD (o r IWR )
to read (or write ) DSP inte rnal
m e m o ry (PM or DM ).
Done ?
Host ends IDMA transfer.
More ?
Host checks IAC K line to se e if
the D SP ha s c om pleted the
previous IDM A operation.
Figure1. IDMA Transfer Sequence
The ADSP-2189’s IDMA Port consists of a 16-bit multiplexed address/data bus (IAD16:0), a select line ( /IS ), address latch enable (ALE), read ( /IRD ), write ( /IWR ), and acknowledge ( /IACK ) signals. The host processor is responsible for initiating all data transfers. A typical transfer sequence is shown in Figure 1.
To streamline the transfer of large segments of opcodes or data, an Address Latch Cycle does not need to be performed for each IDMA access. Instead, once latched, the address is automatically incremented after every IDMA word transfer. As the IDMA Port has a 16-bit bus, 24-bit transfers require two host accesses. The first access transfers the
Copyright 2000, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding the technical accuracy of the content provided in all Analog Devices’ Engineer-to­Engineer Notes.
Figure 2. IDMA Control Registers
most significant 16 bits, the second access transfers the least significant 8 bits, right justified, with a zero­filled upper byte. IDMA address increments occur after the entire 24-bit word has been transferred.
The 6833x will use this bus to transmit the DSP memory address, as well as transfer data to and from the DSP processor. The /IACK signal from the DSP is routed to both the DSACK1 pin and a programmable flag pin on the MC6833x. The
For more information about the IDMA Port see the ADSP-21xx Family User’s Manual (Third Edition) and the ADSP-2189 Data Sheet.
DSACK1 pin signals the end of a memory transfer cycle for the MC6833x, while the programmable flag pin is used by the MC6833x to check /IACK status prior to initiating a transfer. The microcontroller downloader code, presented in the Code Listing
The IDMA Port of the ADSP-2189 is mapped into two locations in the microcontroller’s external memory space. One location is used by the microcontroller to set the DSP memory address it wishes to access, and the other location is used when transferring data and instruction information.
section of this EE note, checks for a low level of the flag prior to any transfer. The microcontroller’s address pin A1 is connected directly to the ALE pin of the IDMA port. To begin a transfer, the microcontroller must first initialize the DSP’s IDMAA register through an Address Latch cycle. This is accomplished by writing the DSP memory address that the microcontroller wants to access to address 0xbbb2 in the microcontroller’s memory space. The
MC6833x Overview
The Motorola MC6833x Family of microprocessors use a System Integration Module (SIM) to communicate to parallel peripherals. The SIM
setting of the base address is described in the next paragraph. Address pin A1 was used because it is the lease significant address pin used by the microcontroller during 16-bit word transfers.
incorporates separate address and data busses, along with multiple memory select lines and strobe lines. The SIM is common (with minor changes) to all MC6833x processors, and material presented in this application note should apply to all processors in the family.
Assigning the base address that the ADSP-2189 IDMA port resides at is accomplished through the use of the MC68332’s address lines A12 and A13, in conjunction with the microcontroller’s DS signal. Or in using one of the MC6833x Chip Select pins. ( see glue logic at the end of this note) These signals
Schematic Explanation
Minimal logic is required to connect the external bus of the MC6833x to the IDMA Port. All logic necessary for this interface was programmed into a single GAL20V8B programmable logic device. The 16 data lines from the MC6833x are connected via a logic level translator to the ADSP-2189’s IAD pins.
are combined such that the IDMA Port’s /IS signal is asserted (low) when DS is asserted (low), A12 is low, and A13 is high. With this combination, the IDMA Port can be accessed in the microcontroller’s memory space at addresses 0x2xxx, 0x6xxx, 0xaxxx, and so on. In this application example we use address 0x2000 for data transfers and 0x2002
Copyright 2000, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding the technical accuracy of the content provided in all Analog Devices’ Engineer-to­Engineer Notes.
for IDMA address transfers. Tighter assignment of addresses can be accomplished through the use of additional address lines in the /IS logic. The final IDMA control lines that need to be driven by the 68332 are /IRD (IDMA Read) and /IWR (IDMA Write). Since the microcontroller only has a single, multiplexed R/W (Read/Write ) line, the R/W line is inverted and then routed to /IRD to generate the IDMA read signal. The IDMA Write signal, /IWR , is the OR’ed combination of the microcontroller’s R/W line, and address line 2. This logic is necessary to insure that /IWR stays high during n IDMA Address Latch cycle.
The physical hardware interface between the microcontroller and DSP is just the enabling step in a DSP-based co-processing system. System start­up and host-DSP communication issues must be planned for ahead of time and adequate provisions for these issues should be included into both the microcontroller’s and the DSP’s firmware.
Booting The DSP
The IDMA Port on the DSP can be used to boot load the DSP on power up. This eliminates the need for a separate EPROM for the DSP. On the ADSP­2189, booting is controlled through the use of the MODE[A,B,C,D] pins. Booting through the IDMA port is enabled by holding the MODE B,D pin low, and the MODE A,C pin high. With this signal combination, on RESET, the DSP does not activate its external address bus to access an EPROM. Instead, the DSP expects a host to begin IDMA transfers to fill its internal Data and Program memories. This process consists of the host performing standard IDMA instruction and data transfers. Booting is terminated when the DSP restart vector at DSP Address PM(0x0000) is written. An efficient boot loading sequence would consist of the host filling the DSP’s internal Program Memory starting at location PM(0x0001), and using the automatic address increment feature on the IDMA port to speed the transfer of code block in ascending address order. The host can then initialize data memory. When all initialization is complete, the host should then initialize the DSP’s restart vector and DSP program execution will commence. This process is shown in Figure 3.
Generating “Boot” Code
The ADSP-21xx Family operates on 24-bit instruction opcodes. The IDMA port can only accept 16-bit values. To transfer instruction opcodes through the IDMA port, the most significant 16 bits transferred first, followed by the least significant 8 bits, right justified with leading zeros. The DSP IDMA boot files are produced by the ADSP-21xx Family PROM Splitter (elfspl21). Use the PROM Splitter Switch “-idma” to generate a text file suitable for booting an ADSP-2181 or 218x (additional “-218x”) through the IDMA port. The file will contain a series of IDMA transfer records, each starting with a count (of 16 bit.
Latch Address
Downl oad First
PM Seg ment
Download Additional
PM Seg ments*
Downl oad D M
Segme nts**
Latch Address
Dow nload
RESAR T Vecto r
*Each segment download requires its own address latch cycle. **DM segments can be downloaded first, or intermixed with PM segments.
Figure 3. IDMA Booting Process
words), an address (consisting of the 14 bit internal address (IDMAA) and the 1 bit IDMAD), to be written to the IDMA control register. For 218x, there will be an additional address word, for the overlay page, after the IDMA control word. Each word will be represented as four characters encoding a 16-bit value in hexadecimal format. The data appears one word per line.
00A8 <—— count value 0001 <—— IDMA control word 8000 <—— IDMA OVERLAY control word (218x) 0001 <—— First Opcode (16 bit MSB), (count -2) 0002 <—— First Opcode ( 8 bit LSB), (count -3) 0001 <—— Second Opcode (16 bit MSB), (count -4) 0002 <—— Second Opcode (8 bit LSB), (count -5) : : : : : : : : 5678 <—— Last Opcode (16 bit MSB), (count =1) 0090 <—— Last Opcode (8 bit LSB), (count =0) : : : : <—— additional PM or DM Segments
: :
End-of-module specifier
Host Code Generation - Downloading Issues
In order to utilize the data file produced by the PROM Splitter program, the microcontroller needs
Copyright 2000, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of
customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding the technical accuracy of the content provided in all Analog Devices’ Engineer-to­Engineer Notes.
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