The ADSP-21065L is the newest first generation SHARC member to be released, enabling 32-bit processing in either fixed or
floating point at a cost comparable to lower data word DSPs. This application note will cover the new features of the ADSP21065L Serial Ports, the addition of the I2S mode of operation, which allows a simple glueless interface to a wide range of
industry standard audio devices. The I2S format was developed and promoted by Philips Semiconductor, and today many
professional and consumer audio manufacturers use this standard interface for interconnection of audio devices, and as a result,
it has become the dominant, de-facto standard.
This document will serve as a reference for those who wish to understand the I2S serial protocol and the programming of the
ADSP-21065L to enable this mode of operation. First, a short tutorial will be given on the I2S bus, and then 21065L I2S mode
functionality will be described in detail. Finally, two I2S loopback examples will be demonstrated. One was written and tested
on the ADSP-21065L EZ-LAB with a simple wired loopback on the EMAFE interface, while the other example is an audio
loopback on the Bittware Research Systems Spinner Audio OEM Board, which uses 24-bit, 96 kHz I2S ADCs and DACs
(AKM semiconductor converters).
Figure 1. ADSP-21065L Serial Port I2S Interconnection Pins
• 4 RX Inputs with I2S support
• Supports 8 Input Audio Channels
The ADSP-21065L includes 2 on-chip serial ports –SPORT0 and SPORT1- that contain a new I2S mode of operation. Figure 1
shows the basic serial connections that enable this interface. The ADSP-21065L’s two serial ports provide 4 receive inputs and
4 transmit outputs to allow the processing of 8 I2S input audio channels and playback through 8 I2S output audio channels.
• 4 TX Outputs with I2S support
• Supports 8 Output Audio Channels
1. Philips I2S Serial Bus Protocol Overview
In consumer and professional audio products of recent years, the analog or digital ‘front-end’ of the DSP uses a digital audio
serial protocol known as I2S. Audio interfaces between various ICs in the past was hampered because each manufacturer had
dedicated audio interfaces that made it extremely difficult to interface these devices to each other. Standardization of audio
interfaces was promoted by Philips with the development of the Inter-IC-Sound (I2S) bus, a serial interface developed for
digital audio to enable easy connectivity and ensure successful designs. In short, I2S is a popular 3 wire serial bus standard
protocol developed by Philips for transmission of 2 channel (stereo) Pulse Code Modulation digital data, where each audio
sample is sent MSB first. I2S signals, shown in Figures 1 and 2, consist of a bit-clock, Left/Right Clock (also is often referred to
as the Word Select) and alternating left and right channel data. This protocol can be compared to synchronous serial ports in
TDM mode with 2 timeslots (or channels) active. This multiplexed protocol requires only 1 data path to send/receive 2
channels of digital audio information.
Figure 1
I2S Digital Audio Serial Bus Interface Examples
Figure 2.
Example I2S Timing Diagram for 16-bit
Stereo PCM Audio Data
Serial Bus Master
Serial Bus Master
FS Clock
Serial Data
Audio data word sizes supported by various audio converter manufacturers range can be either
As a result, today many analog and digital audio 'front-end' devices support the I2S protocol. Some of these devices include:
• Audio A/D and D/A converters
• PC Multimedia Audio Controllers
• Digital Audio Transmitters and Receivers that support serial digital audio transmission standards such as
AES/EBU, SP/DIF, IEC958, CP-340 and CP-1201.
• Digital Audio Signal Processors
• Dedicated Digital Filter Chips
• Sample Rate Converters
The ADSP-21065L has 4 transmit and receive data pins (DT0A, DT0B, DT1A, DT1B), providing I2S serial port support for
interfacing to up to 8 commercially available I2S stereo devices, yielding 16 channels of audio with only 2 serial ports. The
ADSP-21065L's built-in support for the I2S protocol eliminates the need for interface logic with a FPGA and result in a simple,
glueless interface.
In addition to the master/slave timing generation of the word select and serial clock signals, it is also possible to generates the
clocks with an external controller or another audio device, which in effect makes both I2S devices slaves. An example of this is
shown in Figure 3. So for multiple devices, it is possible to synchronize all samples being transmitted or received with both
SPORTs through a common clock and word select signal.
Figure 3. I
S Digital Audio Serial Bus Master Controller
Word Select and
Serial Clock
Controller = Serial Bus
So this serial format efficiently transfers two-channel audio data for each I2S interconnection, while other control, status, and
sub-coding signals (for example, AES/EBU devices used in ADAT equipment and SP/DIF devices found in DVD players) are
transferred through a separate interface. As shown in the above figures, the buses three lines are:
• Continuous serial clock - SCK (RCLKx or TCLKx if the 21065L is the master)
• Word Select – WS (RFSx or TFSx if the 21065L is the master)
• Serial Data - SD ( DTx, DRx on the 21065L SPORTs), this is in a 2-channel time-division multiplexed format
The transmitter, receiver or and system clock controller generates the serial clock and word select signals. Thus the I2S device
that generates the serial clock and word select is the master I2S device.
The Philips I2S bus defines the following:
Serial Data Pins:
• Serial data is transmitted in two’s complement format, with the MSB transmitted first, because the transmitter and
receiver may have different word lengths.
• The receiver ignores extra bits from the transmitter if greater than it’s capable (or programmed) serial length.
• If the receiver’s word length is greater than the data sent, all missing bits are set to zero internally
• The transmitter always sends the MSB of the next word one clock period after the WS changes.
• Serial data sent by the Transmitter can be sync’ed with either the trailing or leading edge of the SCLK.
• The Receiver (or the device in Slave Mode) always latches data on the leading edge of SCLK.
Word Select Pins:
• When WS = 0 or ‘low’, the data is Channel 1, or Left Channel data in a stereo system.
• When WS = 0 or ‘low’, the data is Channel 2, or Right Channel data in a stereo system.
• WS may change on a trailing or leading edge of the SCLK, but it does not need to be symmetrical.
• WS changes state one SCLK period before the MSB is transmitted.
• In slave mode, the data is latched on the leading edge of the serial clock signal.
• The slave determines synchronous timing of the serial data that will be transmitted, based on the external clock
generated by the master. The WS signal is latched on the leading edge of the clock signal. The slave takes into
account the propagation delays between the master clock and the data and/or word select signals. Thus, the total
delay is simply the sum of
- The delay between the master clock and the slave’s internal clock
- The delay between the internal clock and the data and/or the word select signals.
Other I2S Specification Notes:
• To allow data to be clocked out on a falling edge, the delay is specified with respect to the rising edge of the clock
signal, always giving the reciever sufficient setup time.
• The data setup and hold time must not be less than the specified reciever set-up and hold time.
• In slave mode, the transmitter and receiver meed a clock signal with minimum HIGH and LOW periods so that
they can detect the signal.
• Any device can act as the serial bus master by providing the necessary clock signals.
2. Usage of I2S Peripherals in 32-bit Audio Applications
The following Figures 4 and 5 show how the ADSP-21065L can be used in certain audio applications to take advantage of it’s
I2S mode for processing multiple channels of audio. One example shows a surround sound application, where multiple DACs
are required for the playback and placement of 6 channels of audio. Notice that for each I2S link, we have two channels of
audio transmission from a stereo ADC or to a stereo DAC. The other example shows how the ADSP-21065L can be used in a
prosumer application such as a digital mixer or digital recorder. Inputs and outputs can be either analog or digital.
Figure 4.
Example Consumer Audio DSP System Using the ADSP-21065L
Home Theatre System
Left Front
Disk Player
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
8, 6, or 32-
bit Host uP
Figure 5.
Example Prosumer Audio DSP System Using the ADSP-21065L
digital 4-track home studio recording/playback system
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
Disk Player
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
I2S Link
Right Front
Left Rear
Right Rear
to DAT
8, 6, or 32-
bit Host uP
3. Digital Audio Interface I2S Devices: SPD/IF & AES/EBU Digital
Audio Transmitters and Receivers
The ADSP-21065L's I2S interface easily allows transmission and reception of audio data using industry standard digital audio
serial protocols. These devices act as a 'digital' front-end for the DSP. There are primarily 2 dominant digital protocols used
today. One is used for professional audio and the other for consumer audio applications.
AES/EBU is a standardized digital audio bit serial communications protocol for transmitting and receiving two channels of
digital audio information through a transmission line (balanced or unbalanced XRL microphone cables and audio coax cable
with RCA connectors). This format of transmission is used to transmit digital audio data over distances of 100 meters. Data
can be transmitted up to 24 bit resolution, along with control, status and sample rate information embedded in frame[37].
AES/EBU is considered to be the standard protocol for professional audio applications. It is a common interface that is used in
interfacing different professional mixing and DAT recording devices together. The AES3-1992 Standard can be obtained from
the Audio Engineering Society.
Figure 6. AES3 Frame Format
0 3
Audio Engineering Society Recommended Practice:
AES3-1992: Serial Transmission Format for TwoChannel Linearly Represented Digital Audio Data
4 27
Up to 24 bit Audio Sample Word
(16/20/24 Data)
28 29 30 31
V = Validity
U = User Data
C = Channel Status
P = Parity Bit
SPD/IF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format)
SPD/IF is based on the AES/EBU standard in operating in 'consumer' mode. The physical medium is an unbalanced RCA
cable. The consumer mode carries less control/status information. Typical applications where this interface can be found is in
home theater equipment (Dolby Digital & DTS Decoders) and CD players.
Digital Audio Receivers typically receive AES/EBU and SP/DIF information and convert the audio information into the I2S (or
parallel) format for the ADSP-21065L, as well as provide status information (through flag pins or a parallel interface) that is
received along with the audio data. Digital Audio Transmitters can take an I2S audio stream from the ADSP-21065L and
transmit the audio data along with control information in AES/EBU and SPD/IF formats. Control and status information
contains useful information such as the sampling rate of the data being transmitted or received.
4. Configuring the ADSP-21065L Serial Port Interface In I2S Mode
When interfacing an I2S device to an ADSP-21065L processor, the interconnection between both devices can be through either
SPORT0 or SPORT1. In this application note, SPORT0 is used to demonstrate the I2S loopback test since SPORT1 is
activated for communications with the AD1819a SoundPort Codec.
Figure 7. ADSP-21065L SPORTs
In order to facilitate serial communications with an I2S-compatible device, the DSP designer would simply tie the device to
either the SPORT0 and SPORT1 pins as shown in the above diagram. Table 1 below shows the function of all of the serial port
Notice that both SPORTs have 2 channel, or data pins for both the transmit side and the receive side.
• Transmit A Channels - DT0A, DT1A
• Transmit B Channels – DT0B, DT1B
• Receive A Channels – DR0A, DR1A
• Receive B Channels – DR0B, DR1B
Both the transmitter and receiver have their own serial clocks. The TFSx and RFSx pins become word select signals in I2S
mode, versus being regular small pulse signals that initiate shifting of data. Both channel A and channel B share both the serial
clock and frame syncs. For example, DR0A and DR0B use the RCLK0 and RFS0 signals to receive data, regardless if they are
internally or externally generated.
Since there are 8 data pins (4 transmit and 4 receive channels), then for I2S mode of operation where two channels of data of
transmitted or received on each data pin, the actual number of channels is doubled. Therefore, both serial ports combined gives
the capability of passing up to 8 input channels of audio to the DSP and 8 output channels of audio, giving 16 audio streams
with both SPORTs.
4.1 I2S-related bits in the SPORT Transmit and Receive Control Registers
The ADSP-21065L has two transmit (STCTL0, STCLT1) and two receive (SRCTL0, SRCTL1) control registers for
configuring the timing signals, data size and DMA parameters. Figure 8 below highlights the related bits.
Figure 8.
I2S Control bits in the SPORT Control Registers
I2S enable
Sport channel enable (SPEN_x)
Word length (SLEN)
I2S channel transfer order (L_FIRST)
Frame sync (word select) generation
Master mode enable
DMA channel enable (SDEN_x)
DMA chaining enable (SCHEN_x)
OPMODE – Operation Mode (bit 11)
Setting this bit to a 1 will enable I2S mode, versus standard mode when it is 0.
MSTR – Master/Slave Mode Enable (bit 10)
When this bit is set to a 1 in the SPORT transmit control register, then the transmitter is the master. When it is cleared, the
transmitter is the slave
When this bit is set to a 1 in the SPORT receive control register, then the receiver is the master. When it is cleared, the receiver
is the slave
For Master Mode, the frame sync/word select and serial clock is internally generated, and values must be specified in the
transmit or receive divisor registers.
For Slave Mode, the frame sync/word select and serial clock is externally generated, and any values specified in the divisor
registers are ignored.
For I2S master mode only in revs 0.2 and prior, otherwise it is applicable for master and slave parts of revision 0.3 and greater.
With this bit set, the master transmitter sends the left channel first and the master receiver shifts in the right channel first. The
L_FIRST control bit is ignored for slave mode (refer to anomaly list). With these earlier revisions, there is no way to select if
the first transmitted or received word at startup will align to the left or right I2S channel, unless the WS pin is connected to a
flag input pin for detection at the enabling of the SPORT.
SLEN – Data Word Length (bits 4-8)
This bit sets the serial word length, the value specified in the register is ‘SLEN – 1’. The serial data length can be from 3 to 32
bits in length.
FS_BOTH – Frame Sync Word Generation (bit 22, transmit control registers only)
(This applies for the transmit control register only). This bit select when during transmission to issue the word select (change in
the state of WS)
If FS_BOTH= 0, the word select state change (high –to-low, or low-to-high) is issued if data is in either the transmit A or
transmit B channel.
If FS_BOTH= 1, the word select toggles state only if data is in BOTH the transmit A and B channels.
SPL – Sport Loopback Mode (bit 22, receive control registers only)
This internally loops back the transmit side to the receive side of the same channel (TX A to RX A, TX B to RX B). This is
useful for running internal SPORT tests and debugging code.
SPL = 0, disables loopback mode.
SPL = 1, enables loopback mode.
SPEN_A – SPORT Channel A Enable (bit 0)
This enables and disables the SPORT’s A channel. Performs a software reset.
SPEN_B – SPORT Channel B Enable (bit 24)
This enables and disables the SPORT’s B channel. Performs a software reset.
SDEN_A – SPORT Channel A DMA Enable (bit 18)
Enables and disables SPORT DMA operation (versus interrupt driven transfers)
SDEN_A = 0, disables DMA transfers for channel A, interrupt generated for every word transmitted or received
SDEN_A = 1, enables DMA transfers for channel A
SDEN_B - SPORT Channel B DMA Enable (bit 20)
SDEN_B = 0, disables DMA transfers for channel B, interrupt generated for every word transmitted or received
SDEN_B = 1, enables DMA transfers for channel B
SCHEN_A – SPORT DMA Chaining Channel A Enable (bit 19)
0= Disables DMA chaining
1=Enables DMA chaining
SCHEN_B – SPORT DMA Chaining Channel B Enable (bit 21)
0= Disables DMA chaining
1=Enables DMA chaining
DITFS – Data Independent TFS (bit 15, transmit control registers only)
Selects when the processor toggles the TFS word select signal from low-to-high or high-to-low
0 = Data dependent TFS
TFS signal is generated only when nes data is in the SPORT chennel’s transmit data buffer.
1 = Data independent TFS
TFS signal generated regardless of the validity of the data present in SPORT channel’s transmit data buffer. The
processor generates the TFS signal at the frequency specified by the value you load in the TDIV register.
TXS_A, RXS_A - Transmit and Receive Status Buffers (bits 30 and 31 in the SPORT transmit and receive control
Read-only registers. Indicates the status of channel A’s transmit buffer contents
00 = empty, 10 = partially full, 11 = full, 01 = reserved.
This is useful in detecting if the interrupt generated was because of data transmitted/received in channel A or channel B (for
interrupt driven transfers.
4.2 States of SPORT Pins When Operating in Master or Slave Mode
The following tables 2 through 5 show the states of the pins on both SPORT0 and SPORT1 when the 21065L is set up for
either master mode or slave mode. The states of the pins are shown for either a transmitter or reciever. The particular pins are
matched up with the pins of the connecting I2S device (in the second column), showing generic definitions for the I2S
compatible device, which contains a serial clock, word select, and serial data signals. The states of these pins, which are either
outputs or inputs, are indicated in the third column in the tables.
4.3 Important Notes from the ADSP-21065L User’s Manual ‘Serial Ports’ Chapter
In I2S Mode, one or both of the transmit channels can transmit, and one or both receive channels can receive. Each channel
either transmits or receives Left and Right Channels.
In I2S Mode, when both A and B channels are used, they transmit or receive data simultaneously, sending or receiving bit 0 on
the same edge of the serial clock, bit 1 on the next edge of the serial clock, and so on.
The processor always drives, never puts the DT pins in a high impedance state, except when a serial port is in multichannel
mode and an inactive time slot occurs.
SPORT interrupts occur on the second system clock (CLKIN) after the serial port latches or drives out the last bit of the serial
A serial port configured for external clock and frame sync can start transmitting or receiving data two CLKIN cycles after
becoming enabled.
In I2S mode:
• Both SPORTs transmit channels (Tx_A and Tx_B) always transmit simultaneously, each transmitting left and right I2S
• Both SPORT receive channels (Rx_A and Rx_B) always receive simultaneously, each receiving left and right I2S
• Data always transmits in MSB format.
• You can select either DMA-driven or interrupt-driven transfers.
• TFS and RFS are the transmit and receive word select signals
• Multichannel operation and companding are not supported.
Both transmitters share a common interrupt vector and both receivers share a common interrupt vector.
To determine the source of an interrupt, applications must check the TXSx or RXSx data buffer status bits, respectively (this
applies only for interrupt driven transfers).
When using both transmitters (FS_BOTH=1) and MSTR=1 and DITFS=0, the processor generates a frame sync signal only
when both transmit buffers contain data because both transmitters share the same CLKDIV and TFS. So, for continuous
transmission, both transmit buffers must contain new data. To enable continuous transmission when only one transmit buffer
contains data, set FS_BOTH=0.
When using both transmitters and MSTR=1 and DITFS=1, the processor generates a frame sync signal at the frequency set by
FSDIV=x whether or not the transmit buffers contain new data. In this case, the processor ignores the FS_BOTH bit. The
DMA controller or the application is responsible for filling the transmit buffers with new data.
The SPORT generates and interrupt when the transmit buffer has a vacancy or whenever the receive buffer has data.
Each transmitter and receiver has it’s own set of DMA registers.
The same DMA channel drives both the left and right I2S channels for the transmitter or for the receiver. The software
application must demultiplex the left and right channel data received by the RX buffer (this means that when data is transferred
to a receive DMA buffer, the data is interleaved where the left and right data alternate in consecutive locations in memory).
4.4 SPORT DMA Channels and Interrupt Vectors
There are 8 dedicated DMA channels for the I2S channel A and B buffers on both SPORT0 and SPORT1. The IOP addresses
for the DMA registers are shown in the table below for each corresponding channel and SPORT data buffer.
Table 6. 8 SPORT DMA channels and data buffers
Chn Data Buffer AddressDescription
0Rx0A0x0060 0x0064Serial port 0 receive; A data
1Rx0B0x0030 0x0034Serial port 0 receive; B data
2Rx1A0x0068 0x006CSerial port 1 receive; A data
3Rx1B0x0038 0x003CSerial port 1 receive; B data
4Tx0A0x0070 0x0074Serial port 0 transmit; A data
5Tx0B0x0050 0x0054Serial port 0 transmit; B data
6Tx1A0x0078 0x005CSerial port 1 transmit; B data
7Tx1B0x0058 0x005CSerial port 1 transmit; B data
Each serial port has a transmit DMA interrupt and a receive DMA interrupt (shown in Table 7 below). With serial port DMA
disabled, interrupts occur on a word by word basis, when one word is transmitted or received. Table 7 also shows the interrupt
priority, because of their relative location to one another in the interrupt vector table. The lower the interrupt vector address, the
higher priority interrupt. Note that channels A and B for the transmit and receive side of each SPORT share the same interrupt
location. Thus, data for both DMA buffers is processed at the same time, or on a conditional basis depending on the state of the
buffer status bits in the SPORT control registers.
Table 7. ADSP-21065L Serial Port Interrupts
SPR0ISPORT0 receive DMA channels 0 and 1
SPR1ISPORT1 receive DMA channels 2 and 3
SPT0ISPORT0 transmit DMA channels 4 and 5
SPT1ISPORT1 transmit DMA channels 6 and 7
EP0IExt. port buffer 0 DMA channel 8
EP1IIExt. port buffer 1 DMA channel 9
Interrupt names are defined in the def21065.h include file supplied
with the ADSP-21000 Family Visual DSP Development Software.
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